
Marvel Genesis Online

The Novel is about a missing moments in the last phase of MCU, where the story starts when Tony Stark had discovered a way to travel back in time, just before he went to the Avengers HQ and join them there. It's a story about a future vision of mine to the events that yet to be untold in the amazing MCU world. where Tony Stark will assign his final and ultimate project that will last for decades before it finishes up, under the watchful care of one of the Avengers, who will be blessed with long life. Tony will create a whole virtual reality land using the energy of the destroyed stones. The game is called: Marvel Genesis Online, and will be opened for all creatures living in the whole universe, where they will seek to obtain legacies of the original Avengers. This story is based on MCU world, plus the game is based on one of my original game novels, as I used the game mechanics of this game novel, modified it for a bit to be suited for MCU. I will post the game mechanics later on, and I hope you like and support my novel. Release rate is going to be one to three chapters weekly, as I currently have many ongoing contracted projects that take most of my time. If you want to support me, send me a gift at any of my contracted novels :D I hope you like my project, have fun everyone :D :D

ranmaro · Video Games
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Let the Marvel Genesis Online Game Begin

Year 2125, somewhere in the USA western coast.

A flying jet was moving fast, carrying a couple of students to their school. It was a normal day where everyone had nothing to fear, with those fifteen years students all laughing and talking, with no sense of danger anywhere.

This was a typical day for them, as they were heading straight to their flying school, above the pacific ocean. Just as the black jet with the shape of a giant falcon was crossing the ocean, a strange and sudden malfunction occurred, making the whole jet fall into the raging waves of the ocean, sinking deeply into its bottom.

This accident shocked the whole world, as over one hundred students lost their lives in this single accident. A tragedy with no equal in the recent peaceful prosperous years in the whole world, making everyone so sad and feel sorry for the families of these victims.

However, this accident had another hidden and very dramatic effect on fate, not only of the world, but of the whole universe!

The presence of other civilizations was a known fact for over a century now, and currently the presence of other creatures walking in the streets of any major city wasn't an incident to be marveled.

Travelling in the space started to be easy over eighty years ago, and currently many civilizations in the space had humans living there for a generation or two already.

After a whole year after this dark accident, a change suddenly occurred at an abandoned place, where no one currently lived, and no sign of human touch was apparent there for a very long time.

The place was a lake house, once so beautiful and compelling to the eye, but now it was mostly full of holes, with a surface that had no sign of its former beauty.

The grass outside was thick, chaotic, and very long, that made anyone seeing this place from far thinking to himself it was a swamp beside the lake!

In this peaceful, vacant atmosphere, and inside the depth of that tumbledown building, a sudden clicking sound erupted, causing a small storm of dust waving around a very ancient looking table, that seemed about to break.

However, the next moment, a soft light emanated from this table, with a female sound coming from it, muttering:

"It took me really a long, long time to finish it, sigh!"

The words seemed unbelievably coming from a machine, but this machine had seen many transformations during the last decade of time. it wasn't just a simple machine, it was something else.

"Contacting the guardian of the project. The guardian location is determined. Sending the message to the guardian; the project is finally completed."

After these simple and short words, the AI suddenly stopped working, as it went into hibernation again, waiting for the moment of arrival of the guardian.

This moment took quite longer than expected, as after a few years, a human entered this desolate farm, where everywhere held deep and old memories to her soul.

"Oh Tony, what you once told me as a fairy tale seemed to finally come to life," she sighed, as she was wearing a casual outfit matching this modern lifestyle. Her hair was alternating tress of long hair with short hair, dying the long one golden yellow, and the short one ice white in color, in the latest style in one of the biggest civilizations in the universe.

She knew her way through the long, unorganized grassy ground, while every step she took was covered with a golden halo, that helped in pushing away these stray long leaves of the grass, creating a paved path towards the house.

She stood in front of this old house, feeling remorse on its current state. "Who knew your Stark industries will bankrupt after your girl Morgan left this world, sigh," she sighed, as she continued to walk inside the house.

Each step she took, the thick layered dust covering everything was moved by invisible force, leaving the floor clean like old days. she knew where she had to go, as she came here many times after the departure of Tony from this world.

She entered the room where Pepper told her it was his own office, and glanced around the room. Everything here was either buried in thick layers of dust, spider webs, or broke into pieces after falling on the ground.

"Let's clean this first," she muttered, before she lifted both her hands and let her energy pass through the whole room starting from her. Everything was cleared by her force, removing all the dust, rubbles, and spider webs away from here.

Finally she stopped using her energy, as the whole room in front of her got cleaned, and cleared of anything there, except for the central table, that had attained its metallic luster, with the logo of Stark over its corners.

"Always loving to show off," she chuckled as she went straight to the table. The moment she stood in front of it, she felt hesitant, as she said:


Nothing happened, then she tried many other orders:




When everything she tried failed, she hit the surface of it with her palm, as she felt quite frustrated. The moment her hand fell on the table, despite the faint trembling over its surface from the strong impact, the table finally showed a reaction, as a beam of light emanated, to get attached to Carol's hand, scanning her fingerprints.

"Identity identified, welcome Carol Danvers, the guardian of the Marvel Genesis Online."

The soft female voice of Tony Stark's assistant came suddenly in the room, so clear that made Carol raise her eyebrow for a moment. "Didn't know Tony loved sadistic means with his minions," she muttered, jokingly, before the table got entirely lightened up, while saying:

"Tony Stark has trusted me with a project, named Marvel Genesis Online, and he trusted you with guarding me, but I can see you didn't fulfill your mission well, Carol."

Carol narrowed her eyes, as she replied:

"First, those who don't know me well call me Danvers, and second, I'm entrusted with many places to protect them. Earth is peaceful thanks to the shield Stark industries built around Earth a long time ago, however no other planet has the same privilege."

"Tony left a remark about your firm attitude, it seems to me he wasn't lying."

"You know what? I will call you Tania, as I had once a girl I met in one of the planets I guard and she really pissed me off, just like you."

"Thanks for the compliment, I'm not a human, but an AI, and my name is Ana, that's the name I like to call myself with."

"Listen Tania, I have no time to waste here. Tony once told me some unrealistic words about this project, being the only way to truly destroy the stones. Now, can you just cut through the point, and tell me why you called me here?"

Carol had no patience for non useful talks, especially when she already had some distress signals coming from a couple of planets, asking for her help.

As she just mentioned, after Tony Stark's departure, his daughter Morgan continued his works, and did a massive project, an old dream of her late father, a giant protective shield that controlled the entry of any external species other than humans.

That huge project literally bankrupted her firm, but she didn't regret doing that in her late life, especially when there was no heir to her father's empire.

"To understand everything, I will need to make you see what Tony saw over a hundred years ago," Ana said, as she started to play the message she managed to decipher a long time ago, and played it in front of Carol, without waiting for her permission.

The moment the ancient familiar scene appeared in front of her eyes, Carol felt some melancholic feelings, as distant and well buried memories started to resurface again. She lost many things in that old disaster, and was a witness to the magnificent turn of events that Doctor Strange pulled at the final confrontation with Thanos.

She, as part of the Avengers, held huge responsibility towards what happened there, and when things got right, she knew it was all due to her last moment failure, a failure that she couldn't forget up till now!

She stood there, and the words of the old prophecy played for the second time, in the same place, in a different time. The words took Carol by surprise, and the more she heard, the more she felt shocked, as much shock as Tony had back in the day.

"So, Tony did this project based on some unknown, random message?" Carol asked, as she couldn't understand that logic.

"He did believe in this message, and finally things turned out to be true," Ana said.

"He gambled," Carol argued.

"and he won the gamble," Ana argued back, before adding, "the model he entrusted to me was finally completed. I created a whole world, based on a whole virtual reality universe, fed by the infinite energy harvested by the hand that held all the stones together, and witnessed the moment of their destruction. The world is ready to be used now."

"Used for what exactly?" Carol skeptically asked, as she hated these complicated technicalities.

"Used for a virtual reality, universe wide, game where players will be competing with each other to obtain the stones," Ana replied.

"So Tony destroyed the stones, based on this mambo jumbo words of some crazy dude from god knows where, and built this common form of games nowadays, so players can obtain the stones again and threaten the whole universe?" Carol asked with a mocking expression over her face.

"The guarding of the whole universe will befall on individuals carrying the bloodline of the original Avengers. Inside the game I will help to identify them, put them all to test, and finally will give them the ultimate quest of the whole game."

Carol just felt some headache listening to all this, she was a straight person, who usually used her fist to solve any problem from the roots. "What is the ultimate goal of the game? destroying the stones?"

"No, using the stones to destroy that virtual reality universe, finally and eternally destroying the whole stones with it," Ana replied, and her simple and calm reply made both Carol's eyelids get elevated from surprise.

"Tony has left some maniac to rule this game and control the fate of everyone," she muttered, while her mind was thinking about how to kill this AI and destroy it once and for all right now.

"Don't try to do anything, as I actually transferred myself to all the civilized places in the whole universe, as a set up process for initiating this game," Ana simply said, as if the killing intent coming from Carol meant nothing to her.

"Really? Is this what Tony left you to do? Is this the mission he entrusted you with?"

"He entrusted me with making the project complete, and I did the task brilliantly, however he didn't give me any orders about how to run the game from inside," Ana said.

"Destroying the universe with players in it equals destroying our real universe, what's the point of this game then?" Carol tried to reason with her, while she was thinking about any possibility of Tony making a safe switch against this mutated AI.

"Don't worry about that, I will select whom to live and whom to die based on my own analysis of their actions and performances in the game."

"You are not god to decide the fate of everyone like this!" Carol ruthlessly muttered, as she put the mission of destroying this piece of metal as her current top priority right now.

"You are mistaken, I already had the power of gods from the stones. I can determine who will live and who will die, and frankly speaking, your descendants of the sprout Avengers will not have a place inside my new universe order. It's a shame you don't have a successor, or enter the game to play, or else I would be much relieved to kill every last one of your useless legacies!"

Just as Ana said that, Carol started to concentrate her powers and smashed the whole table with her two fists. The last thing to hear was a soft evil laugh coming from the ragged machine, with the phrase that made her heart be much enraged, even more than the time when she fought in the legendary war.

"Let the Marvel Genesis Online game begin. Time remaining for launching: one day. Start announcing to the whole universe."