
Marvel : Gene Extraction

Adrian, a regular guy, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel universe equipped with a Gene Extraction System. Watch as his journey unfolds in this extraordinary new world. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters; all rights go to their respective owners. I am simply editing a machine-translated novel. If you are the owner of this novel and wish to have it taken down, please leave a comment below, and I will contact you shortly. English is not my first language, and I edited this using ChatGPT. If you find any mistakes, please point them out. I hope you enjoy it!

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Chapter - 16: Attack by Terrorists, Part 3

The gunfire and explosions continued relentlessly. In a matter of minutes, Adrian and the others had been engaged in a fierce battle with the advancing terrorists for seven or eight minutes.

In these seven or eight minutes, many terrorists had been killed. Throughout the entire ordeal, Adrian and Tony did not suffer any serious injuries.

Taking advantage of his spider sense and reaction speed, Adrian often dodged the enemy's attacks at the first sign of danger.

In addition, despite his lack of experience, Adrian managed to kill two terrorists with his constant shooting.

"What's going on? It's been almost ten minutes, and we still haven't taken them out?" On a hill some distance from the battle, a bald middle-aged man with a ring furrowed his brows and yelled at those around him.

While yelling, he grabbed a binocular from someone nearby and looked at the battlefield. His expression darkened considerably as he observed the scene.

The attack on Tony Stark was due to a deal with Obadiah Stane. Stane had paid him a substantial sum to eliminate Stark. However, he wasn't aware that his target was specifically Tony Stark.

Because Obadiah Stane only instructed him to set up an ambush near the mountain range and wait for further orders. When the time came, Stane commanded him to eliminate the passing team without leaving any survivors. Following orders without asking questions, he carried out the attack.

Originally, he thought it was a straightforward mission. He had many men prepared for an ambush around and initiated the attack with artillery shells, followed by ground troops to sweep through the area. Under normal circumstances, anyone subjected to a sudden attack would be caught off guard, even the Afghan military. When taken by surprise, the inevitable outcome for those caught would be a massacre.

But now…

It's been almost ten minutes, and they're still fighting. From the sounds of it, they're using heavy weaponry. The enemy doesn't seem to be rushing into the fight; instead, they appear to be well-prepared.

'Is it a trap?'

Fuming with frustration, the bald man cursed and ordered those around him, "attack with artillery gun and drive them out."


Upon the man's command, one of the terrorists swiftly relayed the order, prompting the artillery positioned nearby to resume their bombardment.

Immediately following the command, several artillery gun stationed there fired indiscriminately, paying no heed to the presence of their own men in the area. the presence the bald man's authority was absolute, he is their leader and disobedience was met with severe consequences, often resulting in death.


As a barrage of shells suddenly rained down, Adrian's senses heightened, his pupils contracting as he perceived the imminent danger, even from the distant mountains.

"Watch out for the shell attack," he warned urgently.

Responding swiftly to Adrian's orders, the black-suited bodyguards and others didn't hesitate, immediately seeking cover as instructed.

The relentless barrage of artillery forced Adrian and his team to evade, unable to mount a counterattack against the heavily armed terrorists. However, if the terrorists' brazen bombing tactics continues, sooner or later it will ultimately lead to their downfall.

Despite seeking cover behind mountains and rocks, Adrian and his team found themselves increasingly vulnerable under the relentless artillery barrage. Unfortunately, some of the black-suited bodyguards lost their lives in the relentless onslaught.

Seeing the relentless bombardment by the terrorists, Adrian's expression darkened. With the cover around them diminishing rapidly, he swiftly pulled Tony aside to evade several shell attacks before reaching Rhodey

"Rhodey, take care of Tony. I'm going after the artillery camp."


Tony and Rhodey looked at each other with wide eyes, surprised by Adrian's bold declaration.

"Adrian, I'm not sure what changes you've undergone, but we've been fighting for several minutes now, and we've already alerted the Afghan military. If we hold out a bit longer, they'll come to our rescue. There's no need to take unnecessary risks," Tony Stark advised him.

"I know waiting for the military is our only option right now. But the enemy is determined to eliminate us, as you can guess by the relentless bombardment. So if we don't quickly act against the shelling, we'll all be dead before Afghan's military arrives," Adrian stressed.

"Alright, there is no time for debate." Adrian said decisively. Without further delay, he approached one of the fallen black-suited bodyguards and retrieved a black box nearby. Opening it swiftly, he revealed a stash of grenades inside.

Observing Adrian swiftly attach grenades to his person, Tony watches as the grenades are effortlessly affixed to his body. Once finished, Adrian discards the emptied box and swiftly exits the shelter.

As Adrian dashed towards the artillery camp with remarkable speed, The bald man, who was monitoring the situation with a binocular, quickly noticed his approach.

"What's this guy trying to do?"

Seeing Adrian's strange action, the bald man became stunned, then coldly ordered one of the people around him, "Get me a sniper rifle."

"Yes, leader!"

Someone quickly responded and brought a Barrett sniper rifle to the bald man.

After getting the sniper rifle, the man dropped to the ground, braced the sniper rifle on a rock, and aimed it at Adrian.

Two kilometers, one thousand eight hundred meters, one thousand six hundred meters, one thousand three hundred meters.

When Adrian reached the position of 1,000 meters, the bald man shot fiercely.


How to be a super-villain, lesson 32: "When attacking your enemy, do not scream like a girl scouts -- as that may tend to alarm him to your presence, giving him the split-second he needs to reach --" his concussion grenades!!

- Deadpool


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