
Marvel: Father of Biochemistry

The rebirth in the Marvel world was during World War II. Although possessing the ability of ’mind control’, the body is not immortal. If the plot begins, he has become an old man. You can only change your fate against the sky and reappear biochemical miracles. This is a story of a reborn person who relies on ability and biochemical viruses to develop power to pursue rights, money, desires, and immortality. This a Translated Book. MTL site- https://mtlnation.com/novel/marvel-the-father-of-biochemistry/

Red_Dex · Movies
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Super soldier serum may not have been heard by ordinary people.

But that is limited to ordinary people, not including the six people sitting here. As a participant in the initial Super Soldier project, Howard obviously knows the inside story.

After he whispered to his wife, Maria suddenly realized that she obviously remembered information about the super soldier serum.

At this time, other people also reacted differently after listening to Norman Osborn's words. Among them, Ava frowned and didn't know what he was thinking, but there was no sad expression on his face, which made the original exaggeration. Norman triumphed in his throat triumphantly.

The one who reacted the most was Pierce, who saw him look at Norman solemnly, "Mr. Norman, are you true?"

"Definitely!" Although it was a pity that Norman did not see Ava's gaffe, when Pierce asked, Norman immediately replied in a positive tone!

"Our company has made a major breakthrough in the research of the super soldier serum. The existing serum has reached 40% of the efficacy of the original serum, and the research is still continuing. I believe that it will not be long before the same as the original serum!"

As soon as Norman said this, Pierce was immediately shocked, knowing that although the original Super Soldier Serum mysteriously disappeared, it does not mean that the Super Soldier Serum has disappeared!

The second-generation serum of that year was extracted from the blood of Captain America containing the original serum, and then evolved. Although some human body changes, its efficacy is only 50% to 70% of the original version, but this It cannot change its importance.

Those second-generation serums were based on the amount of blood left by Captain America at the time, so not many finished products were produced. Some of them were used and some were lost. It can be said that there are no real serums.

However, this does not prevent people from pursuing the super soldier serum. Although the original serum and the second-generation serum are gone, the person who injected them is still there.

After many years, Captain America has been sacrificed, and the original serum cannot be found. However, some of the injections of the second-generation serum have survived. Now those people are in the hands of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau.

Just when the government and the military thought that they could pass these second-generation injections, and then master the super soldier serum, a new problem!

After two generations of injections were diluted, the effect of the serum was greatly weakened, and at the same time an elusive mutation appeared. The final result was.

With the materials separated from the blood provided by the second-generation injections, the effect of the third-generation serum is drastically reduced. Even the 5% effect of the original serum is not reached, and even has huge amounts of side effects.

This situation left the scientists of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau completely helpless. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. It is undoubtedly more difficult to build the original serum based on the raw materials with such an effect than to climb to the sky, just like this super soldier. The plan fell into a dead end.

Until Umbrella Pharmaceuticals stepped forward, they obtained the blood of those second-generation injectors who were already worthless from the hands of the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense Attacks and Logistics Guarantee at a very small price.

Then, a few years later, he literally completed the feat that the scientists of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau felt was impossible, and successfully improved the three-generation serum and created a new super soldier serum.

The new serum not only restores the 10% to 30% effect of the original serum, but also eliminates the fatal side effects contained in the serum, leaving only some side effects that are not painful to the user.

At that time, with the new serum, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals won a large number of orders from the military, and because of this, it has a relationship with the military and the government, and entered the eyes of the high-level. It is from that time that Umbrella Pharmaceuticals has risen. .

In the eyes of insiders, the rise of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals started entirely from the research of a new type of super soldier serum!

With the rise of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support has also taken up the minds of the deadly super soldier plan, and they no longer focus on the inside.

Or maybe I don't want Umbrella Pharmaceuticals to be the only one, so I published part of the serum information and the blood of the second-generation injections in the top biomedical circles.

At that time, countless well-known scientists in this fiShield were involved, and the corresponding companies were too many, but the research and development of serum was not so smooth.

Umbrella Pharmaceuticals is still standing, and now it has developed into a behemoth, and the original companies have disappeared one by one!

Either the research failed or the company went bankrupt. However, although two of the companies failed the research, not only did they not lose sight of everyone, but instead developed by relying on other opportunities.

Now it has become a well-known company, that is Osborn Industries and Klaus Technology.

After the failure of the former, he turned to the Shield of biomechanics and made some achievements, while the latter was brilliant in the Shield of biogene and biochemistry. However, after the rise of the two companies, they must continue to be super secret. The study of soldier serum.

It now appears that Osborn Industries has achieved remarkable results in the research of super soldier serum, so it can't help but jump out, wanting to break the wrist with Umbrella, which is rising with the new type of serum!