

The army moved quitely in the dark moonless night carrying a bunch of torches that where hidden behind their backs. Almost a hundred archers carrying a loaded bow ready to fire as soon as the arrows were commanded to be lit.

At the very front of the moving army was a tall man clad in armor. Leading valiently but deep inside, the man was really shaking inside with nervousness. This man is the new Hero of Olympus, Umbra.

The Hero waited for the army to get into position before raising his fist. Signaling the archers to start igniting their arrows and aimed at the merry camp that they were encircling.

"FIRE!!" The man shouted loudly.

This command unleashed a rain of fire to the unsuspecting foes. Lighting up the camps that sent numerous men into panic. Just like a bunch of ant getting poured with water, they scrambled for their lives with many forgetting to wear their armors or to carry a weapon.

Another volley of arrows was initiated by Umbra which hit numerous enemies and further engulfe the camp on flames. However the enemies recovered a little and started to go back in the blazing camp in a desperate attemp to get a weapon.

As Bardicus predicted, there was a squad of people that isn't included in the merriment amd stood guard. These squad began charging to the encirclement with those with shield raised to protect from the arrows.

As much as the enemies would try to struggle, the army led by Umbra was already briefed of this possibility and was ready to take on the opponents.

As the Captain of Army, Bardicus signalled to tighten the encirclement and begin to choke. Even though Umbra wasn't notified with the sudden change of plan, he didn't oppose the order.

No.. He was unable to oppose the order even if he wanted to because he was busy trying to control his body to prevent himself from puking.

*OH MY LORD! THAT'S A HUMAN BEING RIGHT THERE! AND HE JUST LOST HIS LIFE GETTING PIERCED BY NUMEROUS ARROWS. DOES HE HAVE A FAMILY OR WHAT? I JUST ORDERED FOR THE DEATH OF THIS MAN?! NO I ORDERED FOR THE DEATH OF A HUNDRED MEN!* The summoned hero shouted in his head as he saw a man get mutilated by arrows. He even saw a human head rolling down to the ground with the body spurting off blood

As a normal human from Earth, Umbra is a soft man raised in peace. He was unlike these men that were raised in hard times. He was unfamiliar with killing and he never saw a man getting killed before.

And now, the morals that was ingrained to him back on Earth is screaming that this situation is not normal. That what he was doing was wrong and he should never kill.

Umbra's mind was in a mess. It was in such a mess that he was left by the Army. The old Lord however realized what was happening since he know the look that Umbra is showing.

He already saw several men break after the same look that Umbra is showing. It is the expression of guilt due to taking the life of another human being. Even if Umbra didn't directly killed a man, Ulric realized that Umbra is getting crushed by the fact that he was the indirect cause of the death of a man.

The old Lord however only shook his head a little and didn't utter any word to the Hero of Olympus. Instead he tapped him in the shoulder to awaken the Hero from his thoughts.

The expectation of the Lord was met as Umbra awakened from his dazed state. The summoned Hero finally realized that he was already behind the army so he followed immediately without even looking to who tapped him showing that Umbra was truly in a confused state.

"DON'T LET ANYONE OF THEM LIVE! KILL THESE MENACE FOR WHAT THEY DID TO OUR PEOPLE!" Bardicus shouted which rallied the troops more

Upon the first collision of the army, clashing of metal resound along with the screams of pain. However due to the sudden incursion of the Army of Lord Ulric, the battlefield easily became lopsided with Black Knights dropping like flies.

Umbra didn't even need to swing his Halberd once since no men ever reached his place alive. Unknown to him, this battle would later plague his dreams along with the other battles that he may face in the future.






"WE WON!" Numerous criesd of victory ensued as the last of the Black Knight Legion was slain.

Every men indulged in revelry as they finally stood their ground against their enemies. Their morale was originally at a very low point as numerous news of attacks and pillaging plagued their land while they were in the city living peacefully.

They felt that it was unfair for their fellow citizens to live in fear while the others enjoy a happy life. They felt borderline useless since they weren't able to display what the trained most of their life.

The worst part was that when they have the chance to display their prowess, they suffer huge losses.

And now, they finally experienced a true victory. Not only did they won, but they won with minimal loses against on of the most fearsome conquerers that currently roam the lands.

While everyone is expressing their joys, one individual is at a corner brooding. The Hero of Olympus is currently absent mindedly staring at the man laughing after they killed their fellow human beings.

"It seems like your mind is not yet at peace." The old voice of Ulric resounded beside Umbra, startling the summoned hero

"Is this what it means to win? To see humans enjoy the death of theor fellow men?" The confused Umbra asked as he saw their happiness

"Yes. That is what it means to win. However we also have our own loses." Lord Ulric said with a hint of sadness as he looked at his men "We have men that died and suffered injuries. However, these men already know what they are going to do once they entered the army. They know that their foot were already halfway the grave each time I call them for battle." The old Lord finished before standing up and motioning the Hero to follow

Lord Ulric walked as if a heavy burden was pressed against his back. He inched his way towards the entrance of the village that the current dead enemies torched to the ground.

Inside the village confines could be described by the Summoned Hero as Hell. Blood littered the place as numerous severed heads were placed on stakes. Piles of body formed a small hill in the center of the village as the women had their throats slit without any garments.

As person that came from Earth, he was not unfamiliar by such practices. Umbra even saw some in Game of Thrones and other gore shows. However, seeing the real thing infront of him and smelling the smell of blood through the air, triggers a sense of revultion. He couldn't hold himself anylonger amd he started to puke his guts out.

"This....This is why we fight." The old Lord said as he looked at the dead people with a hollowed look. He was supposed to be their protectors, and he failed them horribly.

"Did....did they...did they really did this without any reason?" Umbra asked as he recored a little

"Yes. Most of the times, these men find joy in doing what you see. They take the lives of the innocent just because their views weren't similar. Just because they were weaker than them, they do whatever they want. That is what Black Knight Legion truly is." Lord Ulric said before leaving the area