
Marvel Emperoer

A man traveling through Naruto,Onepiece and Irregular Of magic highschool finally arrived at Marvel

wardragon · Movies
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35 Chs

Shocking Various Parties

van who recorded their confession motioned towards cells.

All cells dorrs open and people starting coming out.

he looks towards them"I am not going to kill them, I will not be there to fight for you always, they are the ones who put you to this misery you decided there fate, you have the right to defend yourself, to live don't let others dictate your freedom"

With these words, van disappears.

That night the same thing happens at many places in new york. For some people that night was ordinary but for some, their world turned upside down.

With the rise of sun whole, NewYork starts boiling many tv reporters receive anonymous mails with enough evidence to shake fisk empire, many corrupted officials name were in them with evidence for worst crimes possible, Videos filmed by van were viral on the net.

Whether new york police, govt. officials are lost there breadth knowing last night happenings.

When police reach crime locations they found all members of gangs whom van left alive dead in most cruel ways.

They blame it all on the van as they cant put it on thousands of people who suffered through it.

You know currently every media, public and social organization is condemning them and various officials.

who knows how many will lose their job and jailed.

If they put even slightest harm on the victims no one can tell what may happen.

The aftermath of something like that no one can Handel,

That Night Emperor is like a hero in the heart of every citizen of new york even gov.t does not dare to openly declare him as a criminal.

As for the public, no one knows how many fans he goy in a single night even there wife and daughter may go against them if they said anything bad about him.

Van appearance and temperament he acquired by reaching the top of previous world power cant be hidden .he is like a prince in heart of every woman.

while new york police were dealing with the aftermath. various organizations also start searching for him.

whether its SHIELD, X-Men, brotherhood or military they do not get to see much but vans display of power turned him as highly dangerous in there files.

In one of the fisk secret base right after his news leaked fisk went underground.

fisk thrashed his base everywhere" who is it, find me who is this night emperor, my years of work, my empire everything he destroyed in a single night, I want him dead "he roared wildly.

Van with a single action declared his presence to all parties.

Fisk was like an abandoned fish all his backers turned away and sell him.

When fisk found him with no way out suddenly a man of his informed that someone wants to meet him.

Fisk "send them in."

Shortly after an old Chinese woman came in.

Fisk"It is you madam Gao, how did you found me, if you come to laugh at me than better ready to die, I am in a not good mood"

old woman called Madam Gao" I have no such interest, instead, I have come to offer you a way out."

Fisk who heard her frowned, he knew he is now a lamb on board, her deal is nothing favorable to him but he had to admit her organization could help him.

He sat on his chair seeing his action madam Gao also take the seat opposite him.

Fisk "So what deal have you brought to me"

"Me and my partners want you to work for us and use your connection to strengthen hand joining base in Newyork in return we can save you from this mess and help in your revenge," said madam Gao

Fisk"Are not you opening lions mouth old hag, I am Kingpin my empire is no less than you, you want to swallow me" fisk berated.

"you were in past, now you are just a Maddog, if it were not for your talent you would have been dead" with that she suddenly disappear and appear in front of the fisk with her sword hanging on his neck.

Fisk who saw this clenched his fist and finally accept her proposal"Ok I accept your deal but I want to kill that bastard night emperor myself you have to help me".Madam Gao agreed to him.