
Marvel Emperoer

A man traveling through Naruto,Onepiece and Irregular Of magic highschool finally arrived at Marvel

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Birth of Fantastic Four

While Van was busy on Earth In space von doom. inc spacecraft with reed teams reached its destination.

Van clone which is hidden in Susan's shadow also travels along with them.

Inside space Craft,

Reed was busy with various machines while others were doing their respective job.

Reed message on the intercom"Everyone we are in place, there is T-7hour in the arrival of a cosmic storm."

with his Message, everyone speeds up preparation to collect data, reed went to the cockpit where Susan and victor were.

Susan"reed I have check all energy mapping devices and also security in direction of the storm "

she typed some instructions on the screen and various data were present.

Victor also look at the "Reed according to your calculation everything is prepared, now rest is your job "

then they started discussing shortly after Ben and Jonny also came.

As time for cosmic storm got near they all seem more and more excited, victor whose company future was depended on it come to space himself.

Ben was out in space .jonney on deck there was still an hour in the arrival of the storm.

Reed who was checking his calculation in real-time suddenly stood up as red siren started sounding in the whole spacecraft.

on his intercome Susan" reed what is happening why warning activated"

Reed "Susan my calculation got wrong in the arrival of the cosmic storm there is only 5 min get everyone to safety"

Jonny who heard it "Reed but ben is out in space, "he said worriedly

reed "what, get ben back, ben here me its reed" he shouted on intercome

Victor who heard it "reed close the hatch we don't have time for ben "he runs to his safety and asks reed to abandoned ben. But reed dey victor.

ben who was outside trying to come back as he can see the cosmic storm coming behind him.

As the cosmic storm struck k them they lost consciousness, as the Victor who saw it coming curse reed for his mistake.

Van who was in Susan's shadow left her when she lost consciousness use room to went in space and start absorbing cosmic energy of the cosmic storm, he also created 5 more clones for efficiency.

with his active absorption of energy large amount of cosmic energy started pouring into him,

Van who was on earth sense it and use Flying thunder god Jutsu to come to them, with diety coming it was like in space a black hole opens all cosmic energy start pouring into him.

Even with that van and his clones were able to absorb only a small amount of energy of vast ocean in a cosmic storm.

After about half an hour Van and clones open their eyes cosmic storm has passed.

Van suddenly disappear in space and came at Susan's side he Checked spacecraft equipment and deleted or temper all records which gives his presence here.

he checked Susan and rest condition and teleport to earth.

Van who Has just landed in Newyork and made a quick trip to space hurriedly went home and enter meditation.

In space, he absorbs a large amount of cosmic energy he needed to digest them through practice.

Later Van spend Whole week shutting him at home Anyone who called him even tony was turn down by Orion.