
Marvel: Dimensional Dominance

Michael, who has spent an indefinite amount of time wandering in the Omniverse as a soul without any physical movement after he died, gains the power of Dimensional Authority. He only realizes this after his reincarnation in a parallel reality of Marvel where the cinematic characters possess immense strength nearly compared to their comic book versions. Driven by his desire for freedom and supremacy, Michael decides to acquire unprecedented strength, which requires him to navigate multiple timelines and different marvel earths merged together in this alternate universe. (Timelines are going to be blended and will be AU. Do not expect everything to be the same as movies/tv shows/comics!) Chapters are at least 1.3k words. 250 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter

Lordroyal · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


9 months later.

Things have been the same, Michael had already completely recovered. His deal with Fury worked, he got the guns of the Chitauri and his researchers in the MD Corporation on the weapons division are studying them very closely. One thing that surprised Michael was Dr. Selvig offering to work with him, which Michael accepted.

Both of them found a way to store Michael's dimensional energy, still not usable, but today Michael got a text about the situation.

"So any updates yet?" Michael asked Selvig, who had goggles on.

"Yes actually, we made progress on making this dimensional energy of yours as an energy reactor, usable and efficient, however there's one problem…"

"What is it?"

"A place to hold it. The energy's properties are destructive and unbalanced. It's hard to find a container for it, I've tried everything, but those metals are only temporary measures. If we want a huge energy supply to power up a city or even as little as laser, we'll need a strong container."

"Are you suggesting using Vibranium?" Michael put his hand on his chin as he pondered. He could only make a dagger with the vibranium he has, not enough to do anything else with it, let alone make it a huge container for energy.

"Vibranium is indeed the best thing for the situation, it keeps the energy in place very tight." Dr.Selvig said.

Michael sighed, "I'll see what I can do." Having said that, he left the building and headed to his house which he recently bought in Queens.

Michael took advantage of the chaotic situation in New York and bought a lot of land in New York, especially the places where the underground takes place. The owners of these places all wanted to get the hell out of this city as fast as possible. First it was the Hulk running rampant in the middle of the day and then the aliens invade the place.

As Michael was in his car, his phone buzzed, "What is it Tessa?" he responded.

"The construction is already done. The place has all been cleaned up. We're waiting for your next orders." Tessa spoke.

Michael smiled and said as he looked through the window, "I'm actually heading over right now."

"Should I prepare dinner."

"Sure, why not.."


Michael arrived outside a massive mansion, with more than three pools around and huge gardens surrounding it.

He entered inside, where he was met with Tessa, his assistant for many years, she's a woman in her late twenties with black hair and green eyes and a very nice figure. One can tell she works out.

"Welcome back sir, would you like to see the report for the last months." Tessa asked.

"Yes, bring it to me as I eat dinner." Michael made his way to the dinner table and sat down. Tessa came in just a minute and gave him a file.

MD Corps is now valued at more than 20 Billion Dollars. Michael began to sell weapons to the military, advanced weapons. While his other products also did well, he sold limited clothes that are bulletproof like the ones Wilson Fisk has. His buyers were all from high positions of power, which gave him connections all over the world.

He also hired many gene researches and mutants related to body modification to help him on the biomedicine side. Unlike dimensional energy, his healing energy could easily be contained and used for other purposes. The researches he hired managed to make a serum which heals wounds by mixing the properties of the healing energy with liquid, making it a mass produced product. Tomorrow the serum will be released worldwide. Even though it's not as effective as when it's in its energy state, it can still stop bleeding, fever, light illness, and infection, which makes it a valuable product for the world.

A couple of weeks ago, Michael had a meeting with Shield about the product and Michael signed a deal to make Shield a priority on selling the product.

More than 60.000 people now worked for MD Corporation and Michael felt prideful for what he has achieved, but he knew that it was still too small. What he has built is still not an empire.

Michael finished his meal and then went to the huge hall.

Around the huge hall, several statues of animals stood tall.

Michael went near the fox statue and pushed the fox's nose.

"EYE IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED" The fox's mouth opened and spoke in a robotic female tone.

Michael aligned himself with the fox's eyes and its eyes opened, revealing an orange pair of irises and a slit black pupil.


"Glad to see you again Fox. Although you're still incomplete, you're learning quite fast." Michael smiled as a pathway appeared in the wall behind the fox.

"The more data you give me the more powerful I am sir."

Michael grinned and then pulled a chip out of his pocket.

"Well, this is going to make you a lot more powerful."

The pathway led Michael to an elevator. Michael pressed 0 on the elevator started to go down underground.

This is a lair that Michael has been building for 8 and a half months, today it was finally done.

The elevator took him to the lowest floor.

He exited the elevator and was met with a huge room.

It was empty obviously, since he still hasn't put anything inside other than his AI servers, which were in a separate room from where he was. He made its way in the server room and plugged the chip inside the motherboard.

"Install everything and tell me when you're done." said Michael.

"UNDERSTOOD SIR!" Fox responded.

In the meantime, Michael decided to fill the room.

He put a huge desk and a computer at the side of the room.

At a side he put leather sofas and couches.

On another side, he put some cars and weapons he has collected for the past months. Some antiques, katanas and the like.

And finally, his suit, which is put up by a black jacket with gold and violet lines. A similarly designed sweatshirt was underneath, and on top of them fluttered a white cape with fiery red-orange colored fur, while for his feet there were black leather boots.

This suit cost him more than 500 million dollars to make. It was made of the strongest silk and material. The cape was made with the help of runes, which Michael requested from Yao. The cape had similar potential to the cape in their antiques, the one Steven Strange gets ahold of. But the cape Michael had made still hadn't reached the phase of reaching sentience. However even the most advanced weapons of shield could not penetrate it. Even the one Phil Coulson used to hit Loki.

"No wonder Bruce Wayne considers being rich a superpower." Michael mused as he looked at everything.


Michael suddenly heard a voice, it came from his watch.

"You're already hacking into things without my orders? Aren't you cheeky." Michael smirked.

"I was programmed to be independent by my master. I'm already connected to the electronic devices in the entire area." Fox said.

Her voice was no longer robotic, it sounded more natural and even had a British accent.

"Okay then, hack into SHIELD and try to find out about the whereabouts of the Tesseract and even Loki." Michael immediately commanded. He wanted to know if Loki was dragged into the TVA.

"Understood." Fox replied.

The chip that Michel installed inside Fox was an advanced chip that was built after studying the motorcycles of chitauri. The way they were interconnected was truly interesting. It was like a hive, all connected into the same program and their ship was the Queen.

So after cracking their technology, Michael, which his genius brain was able to make a chio according to the chitauri's genetic workings and even made it so it runs solely in dimensional energy.

What Dr.Selvig said about needing a container, Michael already knew about it. So he used the Vibranium that he already had and made an energy source for the AI to work, using the blueprints that Shield had for the Tesseract. However, Michael still hadn't figured out a way for the energy reactor to refill itself automatically, so he had to manually fill it with dimensional energy himself. Whenever he did it, he wasted all of his dimensional energy.

"Hacking Complete! Delivering Files."

"Fox, give them to me in 3D Holograph." Michael ordered and went towards the holographic projectors.

"Understood!" Fox responded and a large array of holograms appeared infront of Michael.

Michael looked through the files and widened his eyes.

"So, Loki did indeed disappear. That also means that the Avengers got back in time. And that means that Thanos managed to wipe half of the population. But how? I wouldn't let him." Michael had both of his hands on a desk, trying to figure this out. 'Were they Avengers from another reality and I somehow exist only in one timeline

Being a singularity meant there was only one Michael in the entire multiverses and omniverse, but that didn't mean other timelines. He was sure that a Michael from the future of this reality existed, but he couldn't understand why he let such things happen.

"Agh!" Michael groaned as he scratched his head and thought, "I guess Loki will probably have already released all of Kang's variants and I'll have to deal with them.'

Kang is a dangerous being, a being far more dangerous than Thanos can ever be. Kang has done hundreds of times what Thanos has done. Not just half of the population once, but entire realities hundreds of times have died at his hands, and all of this is from just one dangerous Kang.

Let alone all of them..