
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 43

S.H.E.I.L.D Helicarrier

Fury was having a meeting relating to current super villains rising in New York with the Spider force but suddenly he get a call from Tony Stark.

Fury sighed and picked up the phone call but before Fury could say anything Tony said," Fury, I know what are you going to say but right now I don't have time to argue with you so I will come to the point. I have sent you a video footage, you have to watch it while taking this call."

Fury," Stark, I don't have time to see the videos of you playing with your new suite anymore."

Stark give him a blank look and said," I will send you those too but this time this video is not about suites but it is about Banner."

Fury frowned and gestured Hill to play the video and Hill played the video sent by Stark. Everyone in the room also watched the video with curiosity and saw a big green colour monster destroying Black bolt and killing him in the end.

Miles said while pointing his finger at the screen and his face was very ugly and shocked," he... he is Hulk right?"

Everyone was also shocked by his new Avatar and Gwen said," We have never seen him after Ultron's event and now he is like this. what happened to him."

Everyone looked at Fury with a questioning look but Fury didn't explain anything and said to Tony on phone," Have you sent this video to Reed."

Tony said with a serious voice," Yes I have, he was also very surprised and asked me to contact you and others to arrange a meeting with everyone."

Fury nodded and immediately concluded the meeting with Spider force and left for Stark tower immediately.

At Stark tower

Reed, Professor X, Doctor strange and fury were sitting with Tony who was currently analyzing the footage of the moon he got recently and Said," This time he is not in his normal condition but this he is very strong and has some type of ability which kind of nullifies the attacks he gets and he is getting stronger by each moment."

Reed frowned and said," If what you are saying is true then it will be very hard to deal with him."

Tony nodded his head and said," with my current data about Hulk which I get with Jarvis's help it is confirmed that currently none of us can defeat him and I don't think that Justice League is going to help us."

Charles said with a worried look," It was your idea to sent him into space and now we have this problem in front of us."

Miles said," it is just like the law of physics 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Everyone else looked at him blank look and Tony sighed before saying," Haaa, it would be good if I had saved Peter back then."

Miles face become ugly and Reed said," Now there is no use of crying over spilt milk, our first motive is to find a solution for this situation."

Everyone nodded and start to prepare for the arrival of Hulk while in Avalon.

Peter was standing on the balcony of the house enjoying the night breeze of the Sea then suddenly Alice followed by four girls come and said," Daddy, I have something to ask you."

Peter looked down at Alice's cute face and picked her up into his arms with a smile and asked," Oh, what is it that you wanted to ask."

Alice said with an innocent expression," I was talking about with moms and they all give their answer about 'What is a dream' but none of them sounds satisfactory so I want to ask you 'What is a dream.

Peter looked at Diana and Kara with his eyebrows raised and have a questioning look but both of them turned their heads away with a blush and Peter shook his head with a tired smile and turned his head to look at Alice who was looking eager for an answer.

Peter made a thinking expression and after some time said," I don't know about Dreams personally but I can tell you what one of my favourite people said what he thinks is a dream."

Everyone becomes curious and Alice said," Really can you please tell me what he said."

Peter smiled and said," He said ' Those times when you get up early and worked hard, Those times when you stay up late and worked hard, Those time when you're too tired you don't want to push yourself but you still did, that is dream it's not a destination but a journey."

Everyone in the room who heard his words become silent recording these words into their heads and Peter said to Alice," if you have got your answer then you should go and sleep because it's late right now."

Alice subconsciously nodded and went to her room while Felicia and Jean also went to their room and Diana and Kara also went to their room.

Diana and Kara's room

Diana said," I never thought that he could come up with something like that and if it is someone who is facing challenges in his life right now will get very motivated right now."

Kara smirked and said," Do you think it was his best then you don't know what he said to me."

Diana give her a curious look and Kara said," You always ask me how I fall for him then it was back then...


Kara was sitting in Peter's house living room and had a disappointed look on her face. Peter happened to pass by and look at her face and become curious and sit next to her.

Peter asked," Did something happen that made you disappointed in yourself."

Kara was surprised and said," How did you know that?"

Peter give her a look that says "it's obvious" and said," it is written all on your face, so can you tell me what happened because I am pretty bored too right now."

Kara again become sad and said," I was thinking about it after training for so long but I am still far away from Clark's strength."

Peter nodded and said," So you are having a pretty bad time right now right?"

Kara nodded and Peter said with a smile," Then I should congratulate you."

Kara asked," And what's good happening in it for me."

Peter smiled and said," You know after me maybe Alice will be able to take this kingdom to a higher level but her children will be the reason for its fall."

Karra was surprised and she said," Why?" and Peter said with a smile," Because bad times create strong people and strong people create good times, Good times creates weak people and weak people creates bad times."

Kara was surprised and said," So does this mean."

Peter said," Maybe you are having a bad time mentally right now but when you come out of it, you will be ready to face higher-level challenges without any difficulty."

Kara was stunned and Peter left the stunned Kara and went to his office.

Flashback end

Diana was surprised and she was impressed by Peter's words for Kara but still didn't say anything and went to sleep with a thinking look and Kara looked at her as if she was looking at a weirdo.


Thanks for reading and I don't know for you but these words of Kobe always helps me to push myself because there are many times when I thought that I should drop this novel because of negative comments and reviews but suddenly these words comes into my mind and give me strength to move forward with my ideas.😊