
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 36

Meanwhile in Avalon.

Everyone was sitting in a large room and Peter was laid on the bed unconscious.

Felicia asked Dr Connors," What happened doctor, why is he unconscious all of a sudden without any injury or symptoms."

Dr Connors," Sorry, I have seen many cases in my life but I have never seen anything like this, his body is working perfectly fine even better than any normal human but his brain is like completely blank, it's just like someone has pulled his soul out of his body."

Ryan," How did you get to this conclusion doctor."

Connors," I used the most advanced machines which Peter especially created so that no one dies because of an unknown disease. They can scan your whole body and find any kind of hidden injury and damage in the body and create a whole plan on how to treat it."

Ryan nodded in understanding but anyone can see how anxious he was at this moment. Kara and Diana who were standing on the side, Kara asked Lorna," Why do all of you trust him so much and follow his every order without hesitation."

Lorna was about to reply to her but suddenly a soldier come into the room and said," Ma'am some people outside has come to the main door of the castle and said that they want to meet, his Majesty."

Jean," Okay, tell them that the King is tired from the battle just now and will meet them tomorrow."

The soldier nodded and left the room, Lorna looked at Kara and Diana. She smirked and pulled out two rings from her pocket and give it to them.

Both Diana and Kara looked at Lorna with confusion, Lorna sighed and said," These rings can change your looks and after that, you can go and ask the people by yourself. make sure to not show your real faces otherwise, I won't lend you my shampoo to clean the expired eggs on your hair."

Both of them immediately understand what is she trying to say and Diana said," Are you not afraid that we will run away."

Lorna smirked and said," you can run away but are you ready to handle its consequences."

Both girls become silent and Lorna opened a portal for them to go in Avalon and hands over a remote with a single button to them.

Lorna," After you press this button it will directly take you to the castle so go and enjoy your fun time in Avalon because God knows what Peter has planned for you."

Diana and Kara entered the portal while giving a side glance to Lorna and Lorna just smiled innocently.

After both of them left everyone started to discuss what should be their next step to run the country in the absence of Peter while Felicia and Jean were having a headache about what should they tell Alice about this situation.

Then suddenly Felicia noticed that room is becoming darker and Jean also felt an unknown energy fluctuation in the room but a more confusing thing was that her Phoenix force was also responding to it.

Suddenly everything around Jean and Felicia stopped and a woman with pale skin, white hair, more than necessary red lips and black eyes like an abyss appeared in front of them.

Felicia immediately got ready to fight while the Phoenix take over Jean's body.

Phoenix said," What is your purpose for coming here 'Death'."

Death smiled and said, "Oh, can't I just come to meet my sister to congratulate her on finding a suitable host after so many tries."

Phoenix," I can even believe you if you would have said that you are on earth to do shopping but I can never believe this reason."

Death with a fake sad expression," it's so sad to know that my sister does not believe me but this time I do come here to congratulate you and I have one more reason to come here."

Phoenix," What type of reason can make you come on earth."

Death pointed towards Felicia and said," I want this girl to be my host like this girl is yours."

Phoenix was silent and Felicia asked," can someone tell me what is going on here."

Death smiled and said," Little girl didn't your boyfriend tell you about the true Gods in the multiverse."

Felicia nodded and Death continue to say," I am one of those true Gods and my name is 'Death'. you can call me whatever you want as your strength is not enough to make me mind your words."

Felicia was stunned but soon recovered and asked," So, what are you doing here. did you want to meet Phoenix force?"

Death smiled and said," Today I am not here to meet her but I am here for you."

Felicia," Me? what can you have to do with me?."

Death," I am here to give you an offer, which you will never be able to reject."

Felicia," What kind of offer is it? which I can never reject."

Death," As this girl here is the host of my sister, would you like to become the host of my power?"

Felicia," Your host but what can your powers do?."

Phoenix facepalms herself on the side and Death chuckled," My power is not inferior to my sister and it is something that your boyfriend will need in future."

Felicia with a frown," What do you want in return for this?."

Death," Now that's the part of the conversation I like the most, Normally I would ask for your soul after death but that's not the option we have right now, so I want you to kill powerful beings with strong souls and transfer them into my realm."

Felicia started to think about the pros and cons of this deal and after some time said," I accept your offer but I would never kill indiscriminately and your personality should never affect me and how I am going to transfer them.

Death with a frown," I understand the first part of your sentence but what about my personality. as for the transfer of soul, I will do it myself."

Phoenix," You know what is she talking about in your personality and girl are you ready for this because after the pact is complete there is no going back."

Felicia nodded and said," I am because I am the weakest among the three of us and it will also help Peter."

Phoenix sighed and Death with a smile walked to Felicia and kiss her forehead, Suddenly Felicia was able to feel the new and tremendously strong power entering her body and she was breaking through her current limits of strength.

Death smiled seductively and said," Remember our promise and be sure to have sex with him after he woke up I want to see how strong he is."

Felicia in annoyance," Shut up."

Death smiled and left the room, Everything turned back to normal and Jean also gain control of her body.

Jean looked at Felicia with a knowing look and Felicia just closed her eyes and sit on the couch in silence.


Thanks for reading.☺