
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 30

Peter looked at sinister six with a serious expression and was calculating the moves he can make right now while keeping Alice safe but then suddenly a portal open behind him and Felicia and Jean come out of it with an angry look.

Peter immediately understand what is happening and why both of them come here so suddenly.

Peter hand over Alice to Jean and said," This is my fight and I want to see what kind of surprise will they bring me."

Jean," Ok but you can't take too much time otherwise both of us will not spare them."

Peter nodded and looked towards Alice and said," don't worry Princess I will deal with them in no time then we will have ice cream okay."

Alice smiled and nodded and Jean and Felicia took her back with them. while Venom Dr Octopus said in his monstrous voice," are we f%&$$ing jockers which you just can simply ignore."

Peter turned toward him and said," no you are not jockers but a joke itself and I didn't find this joke funny."

Scorpion," we will see if you can say the same thing after some time."

Peter," And I was wondering about if you will call yourself Scorpion without your tail."

Scorpion created a blade at the end of his tail which was shining and attacked him with his tail but Peter hold the blade between his fingers.

Peter," you've done a mistake which you shouldn't have done."

He pulled Scorpion towards him and covered his other hand in Haki and punched him in the face sending him out of the building.

Kraven seeing the Scorpion getting punched in the face created blades at both of his hands and dashed towards Peter in a zig-zag pattern and immediately try to slice his neck but Peter dodge by the single back step and hold his hand and throw him out of the building.

Dr Octopus was on the side trying to think about what Peter is trying to do then suddenly he realised what is happening, he said in his monstrous voice," Everyone doesn't let him throw you out of this building otherwise he will get a chance to you his powers."

Others realising this nodded and Vulture and Dr octopus stick on the walls like a spider and Rhino take a position with a long blade on his head instead of a horn and dashed towards Peter with a shout.

Rhino," Yahhh, let me see how will you stop this."

Peter didn't do anything just looked at him with a smile and sidestep, Rhino could not stop due to high speed and crashed into the wall but till then both Kraven and the scorpion already climbed back to the interview room.

Dr Octopus," You were able to deal with us in one on one but what will you do when we six attack you together."

Peter," I will be able to finish this fight early."

Dr Octopus," Hahaha, you are still so naive. then let me show you why we call ourselves "Sinister Six"

After his words fall blades attached to his body immediately attacked and the vulture attacked him with feather blades while Kraven and Rhino rushed at him to attack and scorpion send his tail to stab him while electro rushed at him with his electric body.

Peter smirked and pulled out his Katana from the space crack and covered it in Haki. then everything was like stopped at the same place next second invisible slashes appeared and Sinister Six fall to the ground.

Dr Octopus in a pained voice," h..how...is this possible, how can you hurt us and why can't our wound regenerate. this should not go this way. we were invincible, what type of means did you USE!!."

Peter smiled and said," invincible huh! and what type of means I use you asked." Peter spread his Observation Haki in the building and didn't find anyone there. he smirked and Then suddenly Peter's upper clothes converted into Ashes and revealed his upper body.

Everyone in the room was shocked to see the marks on his body and made a horrified expression. They didn't realise but a camera survive their clash and was projecting the whole fight.

Civilians were also shocked and were holding their breath seeing such an interesting fight.


Peter's hand lit up in blue and golden flames, he smiled and said," I have worked hard to get what I have today and these scars are the proof of that hard work."

He comes in front of Dr Octopus and asked," but this is not what matters here, tell me how can all of you able control the power of symbiote."

Dr Octopus laughed in a maniac way and said," Hahaha, even you kill me I won't tell you."

Peter smiled and suddenly the temperature inside the room started to rise at high speed and everything started to melt around them the camera in the room also got destroyed.

Everyone in America started to feel extremely hot suddenly and don't know what to do the water in Ocean started to become hot suddenly.

Dr Octopus was feeling like he was in a furnace and his symbiote started to screech, Peter again asked with a smile," this is not even 1℅ of how much temperature these flames can reach, so tell me while I am asking politely and maybe you all will leave alive from here. who helped you in creating the symbiote."

Dr Octopus. ponder for a while and said," will you leave us alive if I tell you."

Peter," I promise you this."

Dr Octopus smiled but he didn't notice Peter's other hands fingers-crossing each other.

Dr Octopus," the one who helped in creating Symbiote, His name is..."Lex Luthor".

Peter's eyes got wide hearing that name and he immediately remembered another superhero series from his previous world "DC".

Peter hold his collar and asked," Don't jock with me."

Dr Octopus horrified," I am not jocking, I met him while I was searching for a way to kill spiderman and he said he can give us a way to kill Spiderman."

Peter was again shocked and he was thinking about what is happening in the world all of sudden and decided to search for more clues to confirm his doubt about if both Marvel and DC worlds have merged because of his interference.

He was about to kill Dr Octopus Then suddenly a female voice come from behind.

???," can you please switch off that fire because I am feeling kind of hot today."

Peter turned towards the voice and he was stunned by seeing the girl in front of him.


Thanks for reading and telling me if I am doing right by merging both universes.😅☺