
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 2

Jack:" So My first wish is to, have a body with unlimited potential in everything I do with it and can practice Haki. I also want to be able to give this ability to others and they should be fully loyal to me.

For my second wish, I want to have a modified version of the "Arc Of Embodiment" which can create and destroy anything.

For my third wish, I want the power of "Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto" from bleach but I want to use it without any "Zanpakuto" and my flames colour should be blue like Marco from Onepiece.

For my fourth wish, I want to have Time Chamber in which I don't need to sleep and eat also the time ratio should be 1000 years inside the chamber and 1 hour outside and I want to be able to take my subordinates in it infinite times. I want it to be like the Tower of Power so it can help us become strong and get fighting experience.

And for my fifth wish, I don't want to mix any of the world's whose Power I wished for with my world."

After Jack said his wishes God was silent for some time before he started laughing loudly.

God laugh and said:" Hahahaha, Child in my so long experience I reincarnated many people but you are the greediest one of them."

Jack scratches the back of his head because he was very embarrassed, as he knows what he has asked is very strong abilities and can make him nearly invincible.

God:" Your first wish is very easy and can be done without any effort. you will just have to give your blood to them. but their growth will Only reach them till their talent allow them.

( An:/ yeah, I know this is like a vampire system but this is the only practical way I got to transfer this body.)

Your second wish is also fulfilled with a restriction that you cannot create a new life form and can't destroy a planet with your power and this also includes infinity stones you will also not be able to create or destroy them.

And your third wish, which is the most interesting wish I heard in a while and if you wish his power so you should also know that the temperature of Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto's flames can go up to 150 million degrees. which is enough to kill the god in the Marvel universe."

Jack:" But you said I can ask for anything except Godhood."

God just Sighed and said: "haha yes, I said that you can ask for anything except for becoming a god. so be it I allow this wish but if you want to use his power at his level and have control like his on this power you have to meditate and make your soul strong. ( An:/ for some who don't know Sun's surface temperature is 5,778 k.)

As for your fourth wish, you can take your subordinates in it but they can only enter 3 times in their lifetime while you can go infinite times and can stay there as much time as you want. but remember when you gain fighting experience it will be real fighting and you will die if you die in there while if you got cuts you will also get their Marks on your body.

For your Fifth wish, you make a smart decision because of this you won't have to face members of soul society and World government while fighting a Saiyan.

your all wishes are complete, go show me what you can do with it. But I warn you, in family Matters, your destiny is very cruel on you as you won't get the love of your parents."

Hearing this Jack was very sad as he can't be able to get the love for his parents in this life and can't start a family.

God seeing his sad face said seriously:" the only thing I can do to help you is let you meet people who truly love you and care for you, but you will have to go against destiny and protect them with all the strength you got from me."

Jack lifted his face and see in God's eyes with a determined expression and said " I will, I will protect everyone dear to in this life and even I have to go against destiny I will go and change it with my own hands."

God seeing him smiled kindly and said:" Now be on your way child and show me what you can do with this power of yours."

Jack:" yes, thank you for everything." and saying this Jack disappeared.

After Jack disappeared an Angel come to God and asked " Why did you give him so much power and even change the course of destiny."

God smiled kindly and said:" in all his previous life no matter what situation comes he always tried to help others and never asked anything in return.

If we calculate. all those Karma he can become one of the highest Angeles in the heaven."

Angel was shocked hearing this then he asked:" then why didn't you make him an Angel."

God:" I want to see what will he do with all those wishes he got from me."

Angel than just nodded and disappeared in light particles while God also disappeared from his place living only silence behind.


While this conversation was going on in the Marvel earth in slums of NY a boy in his teenage years was lying on the hard bed of slums breathing heavily.

The boy who was one of the greatest heroes in other versions of Marvel is "Peter Parker" The spider man.

After the new york invasion he helped everyone as an Avenger but one day he was diagnosed as infected with a brain tumour and because of a serious injury he cannot become SpiderMan again.

After knowing this his Aunt May who got married to his lover after Ben's death throw him out of Home while saying he is useless now.

The Fantastic Four who he considered family also betrayed him saying he is not needed anymore.

The Avengers also give him cold shoulder and his girlfriend MJ also broke up with him giving some kind of excuse.

The X- Men who he helped anytime they wanted also doesn't care about him anymore.

He thought:' Maybe this is what my destiny has decided, but for at least one time I want to show them that it was their biggest loss for leaving me.'

'But it seems like this is the end of my life as I can't take It anymore.' and his breathing started to become rough and he puked blood from his mouth. he fall on the bed and closed his eyes and slowly his breathing stopped.'

And that's how Peter Parker of this world Died.


Thanks for reading.😁