
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 29

When Johnson opened the box he first got surprised but soon his face show a complicated expression as if he was not able to understand the gift he got from Peter.

Johnson," Mr Parker, I am very sorry but I am not understanding the meaning of this gift of yours."

Peter," I can understand your thoughts Mr Johnson but can you please take it out of the box and show this to the audience so they will also know what we are going to talk about next."

Johnson nodded and take out something which looked like a piece of red cloth but when he properly arranged it, Everyone was very confused.

They don't know why would Peter Parker give a "Spiderman" mask to Johnson and how is this related to his past.

Peter said," I know everyone will be thinking why would I give a Spiderman mask to Mr Johnson as a gift and how is this related to my past. So a simple meaning behind this is because I always hear Mr Johnson asking about "Who is Spiderman" or "Where is he".

I thought that it will be the best gift for him to know about the Identity of Spiderman and it was a piece of cake for me to find who he is, so this is my present to you, Mr Johnson."

Johnson asked excitedly," Are telling the truth, Mr Parker? are you really going to reveal the identity of Spiderman?."

Peter," Yes Mr Johnson, but are sure you are ready to hear about it."

Johnson," Yes, Mr Parker I am truly ready for this."

Peter," So the real name of Spiderman is...."Peter Parker".

Everyone who was watching that interview was shocked no one understand the meaning of Peter's word or they just don't want to.

Everyone including Peter's old teammates who were watching the show was also shocked that he would reveal his identity in public and also afraid that what is going to happen next will not be good for them.

Johnson whose jaw was almost dropping on the floor come out of his shock and asked," Are you saying the truth, Mr Parker."

Peter smirked and said," Of course I am, I don't have a reason to lie and as for publicity, do you really think I need that."

Johnson nodded understanding his answer and asked," if that's the case then why do we never see you after the New York war."

Peter grinned and said," That's a long story to tell, are you sure you have time for it."

Johnson nodded, "Even they don't I will pay any price for this so that everyone out there can hear about it because that's what a reporter should do and tell everyone about the real truth."

Peter smiled and started to tell him about how he got bitten by a spider in Oscorp and then how he become Spiderman.

Of course, he didn't tell about the death of Ben. Peter told him about how he met S.H.I.E.L.D director Nick Fury and Then Avengers and Fantastic 4. he told him about how he participated in the New York war and save people. he referred to these days as the Golden time of Spiderman.

Then he started to tell him about the injury he got during War, which made his both lungs 50% unfunctional and after that, he got diagnosed with a brain tumour so he have to stop being a hero.

he told him about how everyone who he called Family did to him even if they have a way help to him and after that how in a desperate situation his X-Gene awakened. How he created SPADES to help people and how he come across a tortured mutant that motivate him to do something about it. (AN:/ This is all made up by Peter on Spot.🤣)

Peter," And after this everyone knows what happened."

Johnson's face was dark and for some time he doesn't know what to say but after some time he rearrange his thoughts and said in a serious voice," Are you telling the truth, Mr Parker, you know this will also harm the peace which is currently established between Mutants and humans because it will directly indicate that if people with power are not even loyal to their own people, how can they be loyal to humans."

Peter grinned hearing his question because he just wanted that and he said," what is there to lie about this, I am just telling the truth about my past.

And the peace you are talking about, then let me tell you one thing loud and clear Johnson. There is no such thing as true peace, there is only fear which people felt from the strong and which won't let them act on their desire and greed but when that fear disappears they will do what they always do, go on wars and plunder others life long hard work and they won't think about the people who will get negatively impacted by it.

If they don't fear that Avalon will defeat them then they will directly attack us, not call us for these so-called Negotiations. this is fear that is holding everyone back from doing anything to mutants and Note my point Johnson, I will make every single being in this universe Fear me because then we will be able to live with Peace, So "Everyone shall know how to FEAR".

Johnson and Everyone were stunned by Peter's words and don't know what to think of this then suddenly a sound BOOM sounded and the whole building of Daily Bugle shook.

A hole was created on the wall behind Johnson by a blast and a mechanical tentacle come out of the smoke.

With it, a voice comes out which said," Hello, Little Peter."

Peter smiled and immediately disappear from his place and Johnson was stunned by how quickly he disappeared leaving an innocent behind and doubting that is he really Spiderman.

Peter come into the room where he left Alice with the caretaker and found that the caretaker already run away leaving Alice behind and Alice is curled up in the corner of the room and keep repeating"Daddy, please save me".

This scene makes Peter lose the little bit of trust he had in people. he immediately moved forward and hugged Alice. she clung to him not intending to leave. Peter comforted her and then teleported into the studio and saw Dr Octopus was holding Johnson from neck and was about to kill him but Peter immediately used Tempest Kick and cut of the mechanical arm of Dr Octopus.

Johnson fall on the floor and Dr Octopus looked in Peter's direction where he found Peter holding a little girl in his arm. he smiled wildly and said," Oh there you are Little Peter, I was going to kill that guy for not telling me where you are but looks like I won't have to."

Peter smirked and asked," what can you even do if you knew where I was, it's not like you can beat me."

Dr Octopus," I know I can't beat you alone but.."

???," we can beat you together."

A heavy voice comes cutting Dr Octopus in middle and Rhino with all the members of the sinister six appeared beside Dr Octopus.

Peter smiled and asked," Do you think, you six can beat me together."

Dr Octopus shook his head but suddenly a black liquid covered five members of sinister six and electro's armour fell on the ground and his body become completely electricity.

Dr Octopus said in a devilish voice," But we can when we are "Venom".

Peter's face suddenly becomes serious and he knows that it will not be easy to fight them with Alice with him.


Thanks for reading.😊