
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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Chapter 26

Peter entered the meeting room where he saw the foreign ministers of many countries were sitting at a long table and he saw at the end of the where two people were sitting and eyeing Peter and Alice who was holding Peter's hand. the environment of the room was tense. These two were Vice President of the US and Bolivar Trask.

Everyone stand up except The Vice President and Trask when they noticed Peter standing at the door and Peter also give a nod of thanks and smiled.

Peter sat on the chair which was on the other end of the table. When Peter sat on the chair he noticed that there was no chair for Alice to sit on and he immediately realised what is going on.

He looked towards the vice president and Trask who were smiling as they have won him over. Peter smirked inwardly at how naive they are, he gesture Alice to sit on his lap which she happily did and sit on her dad's lap with a happy smile.

The foreign ministers of other countries were shocked to see that Peter bring a little girl to such a high-level meeting but shrugged it as they know they can't do anything about it.

Peter started by saying:" Hello and thank you to all the people from the different countries for coming to this meeting on such short notice as I know that it is not easy to leave behind all the work and come here."

Just as Peter had done saying his part Trask said:" I am also very fortunate to be in the presence of such promising young man who has achieved so much in such a short time but don't you think it is childish of you and disrespectful towards all these busy people who have come at your invitation, Mr Parker."

Everyone hearing Trask's words looked at Peter and Peter understand the purpose of Trask's words, it was to make him look like a young lad in front of other ministers and show him as an arrogant youngster who didn't care about their position or anything. so he can get the upper hand in the Negotiation.

Peter smirked and said:" Mr Trask first of all, my daughter is very well behaved and I don't need anyone to tell me I am childish or not and if we are talking about giving respect, I clearly remembered telling your Secretary about I am bringing one more person with me and not a child. so why didn't you place one more chair here, is the US trying to humiliate us?."

Trask was speechless by his words because he didn't know what should he say about this, so he come up with the best excuse he can give.

Trask: "I never knew about it Mr Parker, it is a very shameful incident for me as it was my responsibility to arrange this meeting. I will immediately look into this matter."

Peter:" I can understand this Mr Trask. small mistakes happen when you arranged a meeting of this level" he shows an understanding expression but was smiling evilly inwardly.

Peter said:" Gentlemen it was not my intention to disrespect you but because of some personal matters I have to bring my daughter here and I think we should start meeting as we all have our own things to do."

Everyone nodded understanding his situation but one thing all of them noticed was that he didn't apologise, which means he will not let them get over him very easily.

Vice President:" As we have our conditions ready we will be starting by reading it.

our first condition is, we want the King of Avalon to hand over all of his wealth and technology to The US government.

Our second condition is, we want the king of Avalon to surrender himself and his people to The US government for an experiment.

Our third condition is, we want to king of Avalon to hand over Avalon to Mr Bolivar Trask.

That's all and I promise that your punishment will be less painful. Gentlemen whoever agree with me please lift your hands."

Vice President said in his arrogant voice as he believes that Peter will immediately sign the document and hand over himself. outside of the meeting room, people like Tony Stark, Fury, Reed Richard, etc were watching this whole process and listening to their condition they all facepalm themselves.

Thinking that 'who make this idiot Vice President' but the conditions were already announced and they can't do anything about it now, so they all just kept watching thinking what will Peter say.

in Meeting Room

After the Vice President announcement, no one lifted his hand and looked at him like he is some kind of idiot who has power but doesn't know where to use it without brains.

Vice President seeing no one raising their hand stopped smiling and on the other end of the table burst into laughter.

Peter:" Hahaha... Hahaha, ok ok how much did you drink before coming here because someone has to be very drunk before talking like that."

Vice President:" Mr Parker don't you think it is disrespectful to laugh at someone like me who is so senior from you."

Peter:" First thing, I respect those who deserve it and second, you have lost the little bit of respect I was going to give because of you being Vice President of US."

Vice President:" Aren't you afraid that The US will attack Avalon or you're at our home right now."

Peter:" That's why you are naive to think about it like that, you should think what could happen if Avalon attack the US or what could happen right now if I attacked you."

Trask: "don't think if you have powers you are invincible, we have a way to stop your powers."

Peter give a glare to Trask and just make him feel a slight bit of his Haki and Trask dropped on the floor with his body paralysed, Peter said:" Don't you ever dare to interject me when I am talking to someone. I am not like those government officials who don't have a backbone."

saying this he looked towards the other representative of other countries. Peter smiled and said in an emotionless tone:" Gentlemen I am sorry for this disturbance and I don't think this meeting could go on any longer so we will continue Negotiations through a video conference another day. which you will be notified by my Secretary."

Everyone nodded and Peter got up from his chair and leave the meeting room with Alice in his hand. he was going through the corridor when he saw Tony Stark with Fury and Spider Force was standing there. Seeing him Tony come forward for a handshake but Peter ignored him and leave Tony standing there with his hand out for a handshake.

Peter moved towards a certain girl in Spider Force carrying Alice in his hands and stopped in front of Silk. he smiled warmly and asked:" You have grown significantly in these past years."

Silk smiled she was not wearing her mask in front of him and said:" No matter how much I would grow in future I will be never able to surpass you, teacher."

Peter said in a joking manner:" Oh come on, stop with this teacher and all, we are friends and I was never that great of a teacher. I believe you will do something very great one day."

Silk smiled at his personality and looked towards the cute girl in his hand and she asked Peter:" And who might this little angel be."

Peter:" Oh I forgot to introduce both of you, here meet Alice, my daughter and Alice meet Cindy moon my best friend."

Silk with wide eyes:" Your daughter?"

Peter:" don't you believe me?."

Silk:" no it's just I never thought that you will be able to take responsibility for raising a child."

Peter:" Why have I ever done something to look irresponsible."

Silk:" oh so should I tell her about how you dropped me in middle.."

Peter:" ok ok, no need to go into detail about that in front of my daughter. *he again smiled warmly* it's was happy to meet you again Cindy."

Silk:" Me too."

Everyone on the side has a different type of feeling seeing their interactions. girls were feeling jealous seeing Peter having a happy family without caring about the supervillain every day and having such a cute daughter while MJ was a little disappointed to see Peter's happy life while her relationship with Harry was not going great recently. Miles was feeling angry about how he is ignored by Peter.

Peter and Alice said the last bye to Silk and walked out of there while the remaining people stare at his leaving figure and Tony have emotion in his eyes, it was regret.


Thanks for reading.☺