
Marvel:Devil Fruit

Qin Xiao passed through and obtained a system that could exchange devil fruits. Let others eat the devil fruit, and he can gain the fruit ability and the strength of the other party. Thor: “Father Odin, I have mastered the power of Thunder!” Odin: “Nizi! How dare you eat that fruit of thunder!” Thor: “Yes, you see, now I can release the power of thunder without Miaoerer!” Odin: “Are you Thor or Hammer, or Fruit God?” . .this is not my original work.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Qin Xiao passed through and obtained a system that could exchange devil fruits.

Let others eat the devil fruit, and he can gain the fruit ability and the strength of the other party.

Thor: "Father Odin, I have mastered the power of Thunder!"

Odin: "Nizi! How dare you eat that fruit of thunder!"

Thor: "Yes, you see, now I can release the power of thunder without Miaoer*er!"

Odin: "Are you Thor or Hammer, or Fruit God?"

Qin Xiao: "It's cool! The power of Thunder God + the power of Thunder Fruit, it's twice as cool!"

"An ancient great mage, Casillas is disobedient, so let's take a look at the fruit?"

"Hulk, what about Zhen Zhen Guo?"

"Eagle Eye, what about the target fruit?"


Chapter 1

"I decided to close the Weapons Department of Stark Enterprise, effective immediately!"

An amazing news came on live TV.

Tony Stark decided to close the weapons research and development department of his group!

In front of the TV, one frowned.

"Qin, is this the opportunity you mentioned?"

A brawny man who looked like a Roshan was holding a cigar at this time.

Golden Union!

Wilson Fisk!

40% of the crime sources in country M can involve him.

"Yes, this is a mobile phone meeting.

I told you last time that Tony Stark will disappear in Afu Han.

At that time, the stock price of Stecke Industries had fallen slightly.

But compared to now, it was hardly worth mentioning then.

As of today, what I told you has been achieved.

Stark Group's stock price will fall by at least 40 points tomorrow.

As long as Tony Stark has not found a product that can replace the profits of weapons sales.

The stock price of Stark Group will continue to fall.

Now is the best time to take the shares of Stark Group.

I need the share ratio, you need to complete it for me. "

Qin Xiao answered Jin Bin's question.

Jin nodded.

"Before agreeing to your terms, I have one more question."

"What question?"

"I got some information.

The person who went to save Stark this time was the punisher.

And the punisher seems to be being hired by you!

You know that something will happen to Stark, and you hire someone to save him.

Isn't it you who is behind Tony Stark's capture? "

Jin did not ask the question he cared most.

Qin Xiao glanced at Jin and chuckled lightly.

"It seems that your news network is stronger than I thought.

But this matter has nothing to do with me.

I just got some news in advance.

The black hand behind the kidnapping of Tony Stark will soon be able to investigate clearly.

You just need to wait to get the final result. "

"Isn't it you? Then I can rest assured.

I promise your terms.

Your trader will buy Stark Group shares for you.

So, in exchange, will the things you promised me also be honored? "

Jin Bin's face was calm, but his eyes were full of expectation.

"Of course, this is a deal in itself.

The devil fruit paired with you has succeeded. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, there was a ripple in his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, his hand reached directly into the ripples in his abdomen.

Jin Ping watched Qin Xiao's movements, his eyes were full of jealousy.


There was a soft sound in the ripples.

A strange thing appeared in Qin Xiao's hand.

Strange colors.

Special shape.

"Devil Fruit?"

Jin Bin blurted out subconsciously.

"Yes, this is the Devil Fruit!"

Qin Xiao's tone was calm.

Jin Binhe heard the words, his expression straightened.

"There has been a legend in Hell's Kitchen recently.

'The devil of the East has come to see Satan's territory'.

It seems that you are really the human messenger of the Eastern Devil.

And now, you are gradually encroaching on Satan's territory with the fruits made by this demon. "

As the king of the underground world, Jin He has always believed in the existence of demons.

Because he knows things that others don't.

For example, there was a burning skeleton (ghost knight) that once crisscrossed the world.

That person is the messenger of a demon.

And Qin Xiao represents the demon of the East.

The demons of the East want to invade the western world.

Devil fruits are the means by which Eastern demons bestow power on ordinary people.

Qin Xiao didn't change his face when he heard Jin Bin's words.

In fact, this is exactly the rumor that he deliberately spread.

All this is just to "trade" the devil fruit.

"My identity has nothing to do with you, there is only one thing you need to think about.

Whether to eat this devil fruit. "

Qin Xiao placed the devil fruit in front of Jin Bin.

Then looked at each other calmly.

"What kind of power can this devil fruit provide me?"

Jin looked at the devil fruit, which was obviously abnormal in color and shape.

Asked the question he cared most.

He knows the devil, and he knows the danger behind it.

However, he is not afraid!

The flaming skull was also placed alongside Western demons.

There was even no way to keep that demon.

Since that guy can do it.

Of course he can do it too.

Strength, I want it!

Want to enslave me?

no way!

Qin Xiao didn't know Jin Bin's thoughts.

He didn't care about the other person's thoughts anyway.

"This fruit is called Bomb Fruit."

chapter 2

"Bomb Fruit?"

Jin He's eyes changed.

Could it be that this fruit will explode?

"Yes, Bomb Fruit.

As the name suggests, eating this fruit will give you bomb-like abilities.

Every part of your body can explode.

Your normal punch can also hit bomb-like damage.

This is a huge improvement for your physique master. "

Qin Xiao briefly described the power of this fruit.

"Every part of the body can be turned into a bomb? How powerful is it?"

"As long as it is the material in your body, you can give it the power of a bomb.

Its power depends on your application of this fruit.

The more you can develop the Devil Fruit, the greater the power you can exert. "


