
Marvel: Concept of God, Starting from God rewards those who work hard

Aaron traveled to the Marvel world and became an ordinary member of the Aesir protoss. In a magic practice, the Awakening ability is rewarded by nature, and the ability can be infinitely improved by continuous exercise. Even the most common magic can eventually be promoted to a concept. "You can get a lot of rewards if you practice meditation seriously... upgrade to Energy Absorption..."

adam_caracut · Movies
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30 Chs

Chapter 30 Tangled Odin

Loki is in deep doubt.

It is also illusion magic, why is the gap so big.

Even Irene and Frigg could not achieve this level.

And this time, Loki was horrified to find that even if he put all his energy into it, he still couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

As if every duplication is Aaron.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or false, it doesn't matter whether it's true or false.

Because each of them can take a person's life in the next second!

"It turns out that phantom magic is so powerful when it is practiced to its peak..."

"It seems that I have to hurry up and study."

Loki thought to himself, if he had this level of duplication, no one would be able to see through him.

The most important thing is that the life-saving ability has been greatly increased.

In case of any danger in the future, you can escape by creating another self and feigning death.

It is simply a life-saving skill!

As a god of intrigue and intrigue, he takes his own life very seriously.

Before each action, a way to retreat after failure is prepared.

That's why Loki is safe every time, unless something happens that he doesn't expect or doesn't want to retreat.

"That's it, I will learn the illusion after I go back. Since Aaron can do this so quickly, I shouldn't be too bad, right?"

Loki summoned two daggers, and he hadn't forgotten the bet.

Needless to say the winner of this battle, but the loser has not yet appeared, and he does not want to spend money to pay for the celebration banquet.

What's more, the biggest winner this time is Aaron, the biggest competitor in his heart, and spending money to celebrate an opponent is not a wonderful thing.

Just as Loki was possing, dozens of identical daggers whizzed past him, flying towards the enemy in that direction.

watt? Who stole my limelight!

As soon as Loki looked back, Aaron nodded at him and smiled.


Noticing the same movement of the other party and himself, he felt a deep malice.

There was also a wave of panic.

Psychokinesis learned?

Could it be that Amora handed it over?

It seems that he is more skilled than me.

People are split!

Loki retracted the dagger silently, he didn't want to make a fool of himself.

Before, he thought it was cool to control a dagger, but now, he already wants to stop using Psychokinesis in the future, at least not where Aaron is present.

Then, the whole person disappeared in place.

Stealth magic!

Aaron's eyes lit up.

He has long coveted invisibility magic.

"Now that your strength is also on the rise, do you want to find a chance to chat with Loki, and get some needed magic first..."

"Maybe you can use Loki to get Infinite Gems or Casket of Ancient Winters in the future."

Although Loki's level of magic is not high, it is better in all aspects.

There are many good things in his hand.

There is so much magic that Aaron desperately needs.

Considering that there is a gap in strength between the two sides, it is easy to be calculated by the other side.

Well, now that he has power far above Loki, his biggest fear is gone, and he can plan further.

"Go to Amora first when you go back, and then go to Loki if you can't. As long as you plan properly, it's not a big problem."

Loki is a smart guy, and dealing with smart people is easy.

And thanks to his understanding before time travel, he knew how weak Loki was under that glamorous surface.

He also has too much of what Loki wants.

Besides, Aaron wouldn't mind making a deal with Loki, such as making him king of Asgard.

For that position, Loki is definitely looking forward to it. He believes that if he sits on the throne, he will definitely be able to do better than Thor.

But Odin never considered him, everything was arranged for Thor.

Loki has no helpers and no supporters. If there is a talented and powerful magician who supports him at this time, it will definitely be a super help.

Magic is nothing in comparison.

The title of the number one magician in the Nine Realms is not as loud as the Lord of the Nine Realms.

Looking at this aspect alone, the two can be said to be excellent allies.

The goals of the two parties do not conflict at all.

Aaron only cares about collecting magic and improving strength. Power is an accessory to strength. When the strength reaches a certain level in the future, what is the mere Nine Realms? It's just a toubob who lives in a corner.

And Loki doesn't care about magic and strength, he only cares about the throne, or just wants to prove to others that he is better than Thor.

But, thinking so, Aaron didn't want to find Loki so soon.

Now is not the time to stand in line, he is sure that as long as he shows that he is too close to Loki, he will not want to learn more esoteric magic in the future, and he may even be suppressed.

Odin would not allow anyone to threaten Thor's position at this moment.

A single Loki does not have that Ability, and if Aaron is added, it will be hard to say.

Monsters can never be judged by common sense.

Thinking of this, Aaron also felt a headache.

He has mixed feelings about Odin.

Although the opponent indirectly blocked his plan to improve his strength crazily, it did provide a relatively peaceful environment for the growth of newbies.

During this period, Asgard still has the power to shock many civilizations in the galaxy, and it is the most enviable peaceful holy land in the hearts of all those who have suffered.

Although Asgard seems to be on the verge of recession, it is not far from being destroyed, and it will be ravaged by multiple forces in turn.

But before the official opening of the Avengers alliance, Asgard had a great reputation throughout the galaxy.

When other civilizations in the galaxy were devastated by the Kree Empire and Thanos, only the Nine Realms managed by Asgard remained peaceful.

It's all about Odin sitting in charge.

Aaron is still grateful to Odin, but that's about it.

Odin would not be indifferent to his actions just because of his gratitude.

At the moment,

Bifrost hub.

Odin, who has been observing the battle situation, laments that the magic is worthy of its name, but also has a headache for the subsequent publicity.

Aaron's surprise was too big.

There is no doubt that the biggest winner of this battle is Aaron, who is the biggest hero.

Thor's performance is far worse than the other side.

Although the battle was won, new problems arose.

This Thor solo show turned into a special show for Aaron.

There are thousands of people watching at the same time.

The name of Aaron's genius is destined to be recognized by everyone.

And Thor, was trampled underfoot.

So, do you want to advertise?

If you can't pave the way for Thor, what's the need for publicity?

"Aaron, you've given me a problem..."

Odin was lost in thought.