
Marvel comic's: I wish to be the One Below All.

The One Below All is the direct and opposite counterpart of the One Above All. This has radically altered Marvel's cosmology since this makes the One Below All Marvel's first true Anti-God and as such, it is the unequaled embodiment of destruction, wrath, and ruin. The One Below All is also the true power behind the mutagenic factor of gamma radiation in Marvel, creating the gamma mutates (of which Hulk is obviously the most famous and powerful). It was this very revelation that drove Brian Banner insane as he believed his son carried a monster gene, having caught a glimpse of the One Below All during his own experiments into gamma radiation. The One Below All is the alter ego and other face of the supreme creator and God the One Above All. Just as there must be creation there must also be destruction and the One Below All's purpose is to be the destruction in the cycle of death and rebirth in the multiverse. While the One Below All is a separate identity from the One Above All, they are both halves of the same supreme being and each acts as a counter/foil to the other. Every time a multiverse is created by the One Above All, entropy begins and the One Below All influences all the destructive beings in the multiverse to push everything to destruction.

Gwen_Stevens · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

(The power of rage.)

Chapter one:

Hell yeah! I loudly rejoiced when the One Below All punched the daylights out of Thor, slammed the Avengers, destroyed the hulk buster armor like a piece of wet paper and brought everyone down to their knees. Turning vividly graphic pages of the comic book. Scanning each and everyone of the colorful illustration's with pin point enthusiastic scrutiny. My toes curled in wild excitement, my heart drummed in my ears, my undivided focus on the book securely held in my cold palms. I was using my vacation well indeed.

The One Below was my favorite villain. I know people who preferred Green Goblin, Dr. Doom or even Mephisto. But not me. No for me it was the main man, the One Below All. He was my favorite villain. I had video games of his, multiple comic books and cartoons all centered on him lining my walls. I might have a slight obsession-it was a healthy one I swear.

Why do I prefer the One Below All? It wasn't because my dad used to kick my ass six ways to Sunday like Bruce's did. It wasn't because I might have gotten messed up in the head enough to nearly fall apart. No it was because to me the One Below All was real. Let me expand on that, the One Below All was real. He had his flaws, he had his faults, he made his mistakes he could never fix. For a celestial like being he was quite human. There was something I identified with in the One Below All that I find inexplicable myself. No, it's not some weird infatuation or delusion. I just relate with him, when I read him it's like reading me. He was unstoppable when he wanted to be, he was a natural disaster he was the closest thing to the literal embodiment of anger and rage. He's like young Kratos amplified and green.

And he was the strongest there was, is and will be, in every sense of the word.

The One Below All, punched apart asteroid's larger than earth. He got so angry that every step of his caused literal earthquakes that shook the world. He tore down the Inhumans and wrecked king Black Bolt like he was a little bug. There was a scan where the One Below All's thunderclap tore apart the fabric of reality! The One Below All kicked the Immortal Hulk's ass, that guy was the opposite of the One Above All. That guy was the literal devil of devil's, the hell lord. He wasn't the comic One Below All that got beaten by Adam Warlock, comic book and cartoon One Below All is the real deal. He would beat the living shit out of Thanos, literally tear him apart, that's how sick he is.

Hulk smash!" I jumped from the seat in excitement of watching the One Below All bring down the sentry, aka Marvel's Lex Luthor. What I didn't notice was water below my feet that should have never been there in the first place- I slipped. I was falling backwards, and my head would slam into the hard floor and I would die a very painful death. Fuck that' I swerved, kicking the bookshelf. Pushing myself to land on the wooden edged glass table so it would break my fall.

Crash. The glass broke, tearing through my elbows and forearms as I fell backwards, leaving deep gashes on them, I would survive albeit with scar's.

Creeeeeake. I saw death before me. In the form of the falling mahogany bookshelf, the cover of the One Below All book being the last thing I saw as the large shelf forcefully drove my skull backyard's through sharpened glass, the leverage of the edges snapping my neck backwards...

That should have been the end. But maybe I was to angry to die. I floated above my dead body and lamented my demise. I had a family. I had a mother I cared about and a little sister I looked after. How would she take my demise? How would my little sister feel? I was the man of the house, I protected them... What now? They would have enough money from my insurance and savings. My mom has gone through much, would she be able to take this? I couldn't cry for I had no ducts.

Where the hell was the water I slipped on? It wasn't here anymore? And why would it? I don't bring liquids into the study, to avoid the potential destruction of my books. So how did it get here?

Beauty beyond words. A face looked like the smile of stars and hair that flowed like a river of fragrant golden ink. A woman-nah that doesn't sound right, it was ill fitting-an angel without wings in Nordic armor burst into my room.

I would've been lost in her radiant smile and resplendent eyes had I not been too worried about my family's well being. And maybe a bit angry than I should be about my death.

" Soul of a brave warrior that died after a magnificent battle." her voice sounded like a harmony of melodies. But her words had me perplexed. What battle? And who's this warrior? It certainly ain't me, the only magnificent battle I've been in was a legal one, putting the bastard in jail. No, wait this is off topic. I'm going to heaven? Holy shit, me? Heaven.

Come warrior, Valhalla awaits. Even as a ghost, I reactivity snagged her glowing arm that felt too soft to be normal flesh. It was like the touch of a heavenly baby's feet on my hard- I'm a ghost, that makes no sense. Wait, Valhalla?

I was drawn into the white light with the angel still holding onto my arm.

The world flashed and folded in an expansive stream of color's and light's.