
Marvel comic's: I wish to be the One Below All.

The One Below All is the direct and opposite counterpart of the One Above All. This has radically altered Marvel's cosmology since this makes the One Below All Marvel's first true Anti-God and as such, it is the unequaled embodiment of destruction, wrath, and ruin. The One Below All is also the true power behind the mutagenic factor of gamma radiation in Marvel, creating the gamma mutates (of which Hulk is obviously the most famous and powerful). It was this very revelation that drove Brian Banner insane as he believed his son carried a monster gene, having caught a glimpse of the One Below All during his own experiments into gamma radiation. The One Below All is the alter ego and other face of the supreme creator and God the One Above All. Just as there must be creation there must also be destruction and the One Below All's purpose is to be the destruction in the cycle of death and rebirth in the multiverse. While the One Below All is a separate identity from the One Above All, they are both halves of the same supreme being and each acts as a counter/foil to the other. Every time a multiverse is created by the One Above All, entropy begins and the One Below All influences all the destructive beings in the multiverse to push everything to destruction.

Gwen_Stevens · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

(Lowest rank runes:158)

Chapter eleven:

A lot of monsters died by my hands yesterday. It was certainly more than 100, it was close to a thousand. But runes accumulate, you don't get one rune per kill, they combine, it's more like a pouring cup of water into a bucket to fill it up.

The best way to truly strengthen your attributes were through your own training, saga and mastery not the absorption of rune's. That's just a way created by the Asgardians to help their warriors grow easily. And I had fleeting suspicions that it might also be used in blinding them. Paranoid? Not enough.

I deposited fifty of the runes into mana, letting the magical power coursing through me before something unexpected occurred. It was devoured, the runes were being consumed by the greater energy inside if my. The green unique gamma radiation. The thing I connected to. I dumped the runes into other attributes and it still resulted in the same effect. They were devoured. I felt the increase of the green in me. I felt it use the runes as nutrients for my very own power.

Clang! Clang! Clang! The thunderously loud rings of bell tolls interrupted me from my thoughts. The bell tower that stood at the edge of the island continued to ring.

Feeling it being consumed by something else inside of me. Something green.

A bell tower that was at the center of a small island rang it's bell. It was a fast and noisy sound.

Warriors. It is time for battle. Call forth your armor's, equip yourselves."


I pronounced the rune written on my armor as practiced. I watched it form around me. The shining silver plating formed over my left hand, the spiked pauldron taking the rest of my shoulders. The sandals and arm straps wrapping around my limbs. The metal belt, leather briefs and strips covering my waist and below. The T face spartan helmet with raised sides appearing in the graph's of my right hand. It slid fittingly over my head.

The others were already ahead with swords and shields in their hands or strapped to their sides. I didn't have any.

A purple cloudy portal opened right at the base of the bell tower.

When you pass through the portals, you will be taken to the waiting stations where you will all gather a warrior with experience and then go out to the battlefield. Don't die warriors, be brave."

Yes! Oh pretty Valkyrie!"

I want to see you again! I will come back!"

Me too! For Valhalla!"

War! For Asgard!"

Bless me Odin!"

For Odin!"

They shouted as they went through the portal.

I was actually quite eager for the battle. I saw the Valkyrie approach me. With a large, wide and long, silver sword that looked like Guts' dragon slayer in her hugged in her arms.

Warrior Below All, this is a gift and reward for your mertitous acts yesterday. Raise your ranks so you can join us in the higher battlefields. I pray for your victory." She offered it to me.

I gripped the handle with a single arm, and admired the simplicity of the sword, it was about two meters long and a foot wide, slotting nicely into the straps on my back. Seems like they planned to give it before.

You have my thanks, most beautiful Valkyrie Angerta. I will use it well." I took a moment to complement her beauty, if it weren't obvious yet, I am definitely going to get some of that rate Asgardian honey. I'm not looking for love or any of that sappy stuff just pleasure. Sue me, at least I'm honest about it.

She smiled with a tinge of red on her cheeks.

We shall meet again warrior Below All." she said with a sweet smile.

I nodded and walked through the portal.