
Marvel comic's: I wish to be the One Below All.

The One Below All is the direct and opposite counterpart of the One Above All. This has radically altered Marvel's cosmology since this makes the One Below All Marvel's first true Anti-God and as such, it is the unequaled embodiment of destruction, wrath, and ruin. The One Below All is also the true power behind the mutagenic factor of gamma radiation in Marvel, creating the gamma mutates (of which Hulk is obviously the most famous and powerful). It was this very revelation that drove Brian Banner insane as he believed his son carried a monster gene, having caught a glimpse of the One Below All during his own experiments into gamma radiation. The One Below All is the alter ego and other face of the supreme creator and God the One Above All. Just as there must be creation there must also be destruction and the One Below All's purpose is to be the destruction in the cycle of death and rebirth in the multiverse. While the One Below All is a separate identity from the One Above All, they are both halves of the same supreme being and each acts as a counter/foil to the other. Every time a multiverse is created by the One Above All, entropy begins and the One Below All influences all the destructive beings in the multiverse to push everything to destruction.

Gwen_Stevens · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

(Lowest rank runes: 158)

Chapter seven:

You can use the runes to strengthen your abilities, physical and magical. There are some conditions but you be able to also learn magic and a new saga". he paused and excitedly stared ahead at the Valkyries. It's starting, you will get sorted into a legion soon."


The camp of a god you follow. It's where the Valkyries and warriors reside and also receive blessings."

Hmm" I don't serve any of these god's do I follow them. I'm here to gain power and achieve my aims. I'm not noble enough to be a hero, or stupid enough to be a pawn.

A different armored Valkyrie entered the halls and stood on the high platform. She was Lady Sif with the flowing blonde hair.

Warriors! I have seen today's performance well Valhalla welcome's you, exalted warriors!" she said loudly with a radiant smile.


They raised their cups in cheer's.

Starting from now, you will learn of your affiliation! Everyone, look at your cups! Now, remember the name of the god you will believe and follow!"

Lady Sif swung her sword. Strands of white light split up and shone down on everyone seated.

I serve no god. I do know a God, the one true God if he exists after witnessing all this, I wonder. I wonder if he's looking at this like it's a game. Well since he's not here, I believe in myself. So the One Below All.

I looked at the cup. A glowing eleven letter word was written on it.

A hand slapped my hand. Hahaha! Brother One Below All, you are so lucky."

Warriors have you seen your legions?" Lady Sif asked and was answered with spirited screams.

Yes! Thor!

Ohh! Ullr!

Whoo! Tyr!

Then, today's banquet ends here! Follow the Valkyries that will be leading you to your legions! A warm and comfy bed will be waiting for you! You have now truly entered Valhalla!" why does everyone have to shout?

The warriors got even more excited at the mention of the Valkyries and yelled louder praises. You could see the drools going down the sides of their mouths. The Valkyries lined up straight at the entrance of the hall, yelling the names of their god's.





The warriors formed neat queues in front of the Valkyries as they got sorted to their legions. Ullr and Thor had the youngest queues. Heimdall's legion was also longer than Odin's. Well, I guess since they're the most sought after legion they're quite strict in the warriors they chose.

I steadily made my way to the twenty people long queue. The Valkyrie smiling radiantly at me as she continued to shout the name of sigh... Odin. The foolish king, the sly and cruel god of war. The one who was behind the experiment of calling forth human souls to Valhalla trying to get them to create saga's which all ended up in failure because of Odin. The hoe (hah) guy was the only one to activate a saga, well with me being an anomaly of course. And now I was headed to his own house.

Twooommmmm the horn trumpets blared.

Warriors of Odin follow me." We exited the halls with the dark haired Valkyrie in lead and arrived at a point with multiple viking ship's. The warriors squealing like excited girls as we boarded the one with the symbol of Odin.

Hey look, the beautiful Valkyrie glanced at me!"

What? Haha your sight must be going bad. She was clearly looking at me!"

Hoho, I didn't know you were guys were so blind as to not see her truly looking at me. She even smiled."

Pfft hahaha, no one will look at your ugly mug! Talk less of a holy Valkyrie."

Hey! Don't be mean to the son."

What old man?! Who're you calling son?"

This strangely feels like high school all over again.

The ships took different routes on the calm ripping waters. The night sky filled so many blinking stars and large milky moon's, it was serene and beautiful, also romantic. Like the calm before a storm.