
Marvel : Collateral Damage

A civil war has been waged, public opinion is more divided than ever, and the damages are not just material. This has not only hurt the citizens, but the actions of the heroes have broken them themselves and the weight of their decisions is something they now have to deal with. Life will not be the same, the world is not the same, it is time to take responsibility for the collateral damage.

Taoist_Y · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter no.1


In light of everything that has transpired, including my altercation with Tony and the release of my friends from jail, the situation for the team is in a terrible state. The morale of the team is suffering, and there is nothing I can do to boost it back up again. Bucky made the decision to freeze himself a few days ago; however, in Wakanda, they have made significant advancements, so we were able to take him out of that state and treat a few things; however, he reports that he is still feeling it in his head. He is not giving up and is instead fighting against it, getting to know himself and the team, and building trust.

- "We're in a world of hurt," says Scott.

Sam asks, "Do you understand what I'm saying now?"

The expression on Wanda's face conveys a lot of information, so I signal to them to calm down. She is the one who has been most affected by everything.

I tell the group, "Guys, you need to calm down," and they listen.

- "Whoa, calm down! We are locked up here, Captain, and we have no idea how things are going or how our families are doing "says Clint.

Sam says, "At least we're not in jail," which is a relief to everyone.

I tell them, "That's true, thanks to T'Challa we've found a safe place," and they nod in agreement.

Wanda tells Steve, "There is no safe place as long as I'm here," and she means it.

Clint says, "I thought we'd gotten past this; you're part of the team now, girl; you're part of the family now; you have to accept that."

- "You all have to acknowledge that what I did was wrong, as I have come to realise at this point. It's possible that Steve, you should have just given up on me and sent me to jail instead of trying to help me."

"I wish you the best of luck with that," says Bucky.

I finally spoke up and said, "Enough is enough, we'll find a way to fix this, at least to know how things are."

Sam says, "We need someone to report back," and the position is currently open.

"And to locate Natasha," says Clint at one point.

"I don't think it's going to be that easy to find her," I say to myself.

Clint explains his reasoning by saying, "That's why it has to be someone special."

Sam continues by saying, "Yeah, well, all our allies are running, and by allies I mean Sharon," and I can't help but be concerned for her safety as a result.

-"It's not Sharon; it's a contact I still have; it's someone Fury made a mistake with and ultimately forced out of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Sam exclaims, "Great, bringing more bad guys to the team, we have enough with an ex-convict," in response to the news that new recruits are being brought in.

"What the hell happened, man? I thought we were friends before."

-"We are, but it's a fact," was the response.

"You need to let go of what happened at the base; that resentment isn't doing you any good," she told him. "It's not doing you any good."

What exactly took place at the outpost? - asked - Nothing. - replied Sam immediately, and Scott gives him a strange look and says, I don't have time for this now. - asked - Nothing. - replied Sam immediately - Nothing.

-Who will you bring Sam? - says Wanda

It is not a bad guy, but rather a bad girl.

Sam, with a grin on his face, says, "Should have said it earlier..."

Sam, try not to get too excited; this is not a date.

You guys completely remove any sense of excitement from the situation.

-Cap I'm going to need access to a phone....

The experience of watching Civil War has left me feeling so motivated that, despite the fact that I don't have enough time to do anything else, I'm going to make time to write a fanfiction that describes what occurred after watching this movie...