
Marvel: Blacklight Reaper

Embark on a thrilling journey with Shiro Smith, a seemingly ordinary student who conceals an extraordinary intellect. Little do people know that Shiro has successfully developed an advanced A.I. chip that seamlessly integrates with his own brain. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when a catastrophic accident transmigrate him, along with his revolutionary A.I. chip, into the vast and dangerous Marvel Universe. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Marvel or Prototype. All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owners, except for the MC and other OC (original characters) created for this fanfiction.

PepengAgimat · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Knowing the Truth (Rewritten)

{Shiro's POV}

"Hey, A.I. chip, perform a full body scan. I need to know the composition of the vitamins Dr. Alex forced me to drink," Shiro commanded.





[The substance is not a vitamin but a medication]

Curiosity piqued, Shiro inquired further, "What are the effects of this medication?"

[It functions as an anesthetic, intended to reduce pain but not eliminate it entirely.]

"So, whatever Dr. Alex has planned for me, it's bound to be painful. I can already imagine the agony," Shiro sighed, his gaze shifting to the bright ceiling above.

As Shiro glanced around the room, he noticed a microphone and camera discreetly placed in the corner of the ceiling.

"Well, at least I don't have to speak out loud like a deranged lunatic. I'm grateful that I programmed and modified my A.I. chip to respond to my thoughts. It saves me from appearing completely unhinged," Shiro thought, offering a small sigh of relief.

As Shiro's ears caught the creaking sound of the door, he turned his gaze toward it, only to be met with Dr. Alex's unsettlingly wide smile.

"Hmm... Are you ready?" Alex inquired, his laughter echoing through the room.

'Absolutely not! Well, actually, there's a part of me that's oddly intrigued to witness what will unfold,' Shiro thought, his inner conflict evident.

While Shiro despised being treated as a mere guinea pig, there lingered a faint glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, this wasn't the familiar world he had known. There was a possibility that he had acquired extraordinary powers or transformed into a mutant.

"I may be an unrecognized genius hidden beneath my gaming and manga-loving facade, but the evidence I've encountered thus far gives off an inexplicable vibe, suggesting that this isn't the Earth I once knew," Shiro pondered.

[There is a 45% likelihood that this is not the world you were previously familiar with], the A.I. chip interjected, presenting Shiro with a statistical analysis.

As Shiro's eyes fixated on the 3D hologram before him, an exhilarating sensation enveloped him, causing a wide smile to spread across his face, nearly reaching his ears.

{Dr. Alex's POV}

Dr. Alex observed the conflicting emotions on Shiro's face, finding the young man's reaction perplexing.

"You're quite an odd one. I can sense your nerves, yet you're smiling as if you're filled with anticipation," Dr. Alex remarked, his confusion evident.

"I'm well aware that I'm a peculiar individual, so there's no need to point it out. And truth be told, you're even weirder than I am!" Shiro retorted.

"Wahahaha, I suppose that's true," Dr. Alex chuckled, finding amusement in Shiro's response.

"Did the three previous experimental subjects you experimented on die?" Shiro asked Dr. Alex with curiosity.

With a smile, Dr. Alex replied, "No, those individuals were criminals who had escaped from prison. They deserved to be eliminated."

As he observed the seriousness in Shiro's eyes, a thought crossed Dr. Alex's mind, considering the young man's unique constitution.

"Why do you ask?" Dr. Alex inquired.

Shiro simply replied, his gaze directed upward, "No reason."

Dr. Alex couldn't help but laugh at the notion of being perceived as a psychopath who indiscriminately kills for amusement. "Wahahaha, you truly think of me as a deranged maniac, don't you?"

"Yes, first, your constant laughter for no apparent reason. Second, why the hell am I here when I'm not a criminal? Why did you choose me as your guinea pig this time?" Shiro retorted, his gaze firmly locked with Dr. Alex's eyes.

A mischievous grin formed on Dr. Alex's face as he chuckled and replied, "Oh, you truly wish to know why you're here and why you were selected as my guinea pig this time? Wahahaha, the answers might surprise you."

Shiro's frustration at Dr. Alex's laughter was palpable, but it only seemed to amuse him further.

"Wahahaha, fine, I suppose I can tell you," Dr. Alex relented, still smiling mischievously.

"For your first question, you're here because you mysteriously appeared. You see, I had just returned from the black market, acquiring all the materials I needed for my experiment. As I was driving slowly towards my house, you simply materialized in the front passenger seat of my car. Can you imagine the shock? It nearly sent me to heaven! Oh, wait, I forgot—I'm an atheist. My bad, there's no heaven or god, wahahaha!" Dr. Alex explained, unable to contain his laughter.

Shiro was taken aback by what he heard. He looked at Dr. Alex, his eyes filled with disbelief, and asked, "Are you lying to me?"

Dr. Alex giggled, anticipating Shiro's skepticism. "No, my dear boy, I assure you, I am not lying," he replied..

"I see, though I have no idea how I got teleported here. But what about my second question?" Shiro sighed, seeking answers.

"As for your second question about why you were chosen as my experimental subject—or 'guinea pig,' as you prefer to call it—for my marvelous creation, it's because of your unique body constitution. Your body is different from that of a normal person. It possesses an extraordinary resilience against viruses and diseases," Dr. Alex explained, his smile widening as he presented the result papers detailing his examination of Shiro's body.

{Shiro's POV}

As Dr. Alex continued to explain, Shiro's mind raced with thoughts. He contemplated the nature of his teleportation, unsure if he had simply been transported to another part of Earth or if he had entered an entirely different world altogether.

The mention of his unique body constitution piqued Shiro's curiosity. "I should have noticed something about my body constitution, considering my interest in anatomy. How did I overlook this?" he wondered to himself. Determined to find answers, he turned to his trusty companion, the A.I Chip.

"A.I Chip, can you confirm if what Dr. Alex said about my body constitution is true? Is it really different from that of normal people?" Shiro inquired.

The A.I Chip responded, "[I cannot provide a definitive confirmation, as I lack the ability to scan the internal bodies of other individuals for comparison. However, based on my analysis, your body demonstrates accelerated healing, allowing your white blood cells to eliminate viruses quickly. Moreover, since my integration into your body and mind, you have not experienced any diseases.]"

Shiro listened attentively to the A.I Chip's response, acknowledging the validity of its observations. This revelation only deepened his curiosity about his own capabilities and the possibilities that lay ahead.

Shiro's mind raced with mixed emotions as he absorbed the information Dr. Alex shared. The idea of the serum containing a potent virus that could potentially challenge his body's defenses intrigued him. He contemplated the possibility of gaining incredible strength and abilities akin to mutants, amplified by the Super Soldier Serum. However, he couldn't shake the underlying fear of the unknown consequences and what Dr. Alex might have done to him while he was unconscious.

Shiro refocused his attention as Dr. Alex continued speaking. The mention of his integrated device caught him off guard, and he nervously smiled, realizing that Dr. Alex was aware of the A.I Chip in his brain.

"So, you know about the device?" Shiro questioned, his gaze fixed on Dr. Alex.

Dr. Alex nodded, acknowledging Shiro's inquiry. "Yes, I have some knowledge of what's inside your brain. How you managed to integrate it is still a mystery to me, but it's not entirely uncommon in this world. We have cyborgs and mutants who possess extraordinary abilities far beyond human capabilities, much like the Super Soldier serum you'll be receiving."

Shiro's intense glare softened slightly, relieved to hear that Dr. Alex wasn't interested in extracting data or inflicting further harm on him.

"Good to know," Shiro replied cautiously, his guard still up.

Dr. Alex shifted his focus to the task at hand, mentioning the transfer to a different room. Shiro prepared himself for what lay ahead, uncertain of the impending experiment's outcome.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Sorry for the late update.

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