
Chapter 9

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: As I said in the last chapter, it was shorter than normal so I can get the ball rolling with these chapters. As you already know from the previous chapter that I have already deleted, this is my main story for the moment. These are going to be exciting for me to write because we are getting closer and closer to the good parts of the MCU. Some of you have asked if the TV shows will be part of the story, we'll see. Oh and I have opened up the marvel roster quite a bit, prepare to see more and more comic characters, characters that aren't in the MCU, and of course the classic marvel story/comic arc.

The sun hadn't managed to make an appearance yet, but the sky was growing brighter and brighter by the moment. A long figure dressed in sweats was running on the long side of the washington monument's lake.

"On your left" came a slightly winded voice and the figure blinked as a very in shape man raced right past him.

Shaking his head, the figure shook his head and continued his normal pace. Until he was passing in front of Lincoln statue.

"On your left" came the same voice, not sounded winded anymore. The much slower paced man grunted as the figure of the voice blew past him again.

As the figure was on his last legs, rounding the jogging trail end, he felt than man that had blown past him twice already close behind him.

Speeding up, he tried to out run the speeding white man, muttering "no no no no", he was blown by again with the same "On your left" thrown at him as the man blew by him again.

Sighing deeply, the figure slowed down as he finished his 4.5 mile run. Stopping in front of a tree, he leaned against it as his lungs refilled with the sweet air that they desired.

"Hey man, you ok? Need a medic?" came the voice of the person who had lapped him 3 times on his morning run.

"No, I need a new set of lungs" said the wheezing runner.

With a roll of his eyes, the man extended his hand and pulled the slower of the two to his feet.

"Steve Rogers" said the man lifting

"Sam Wilson" replied the man being lifted "and I kind of figured you were Captain America. You ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes"

"I got a late start, had to catch up" replied Steve as let Sam's hand go. Glancing of Sam's arm, Steve continued on to ask "You served?"

"Yeah, 2 tours" replied Sam before he looked at Steve's eyes and said "Ah, I see it now. You're not used to this, the peace and lack of chaos. You've been up and about for what 2 years? First thing you did was go fight that war in New York City. Probably opened up more memories from before that ice sleep than you thought."

"Yeah" nodded Steve

"Listen, I know i'm not on your level, but I understand that we all have limits. I help others like us deal with them. You should come by the VA, we can talk or if you want to just make me look like a hero" joked Sam

Steve smirked and said "maybe'

Sam pulled out his wallet and handed Steve a business card.

Steve took it and placed it in his pocket before his phone buzzed and said " I got to go, but I will reach out to you"

Just then a black on black Ferrari pulled up and the heavily tinted window lowered to reveal the gorgeous face of Natasha Romanoff.

"Hello boys, can either of you point me to the Natural History Museum? I need to pick up a fossil" teased Natasha.

Steve turned back to and shook his hand "This is my ride, I'll be in touching"

Sam looked at Natasha and back to Steve and then back to Natasha " Yeah, feel free to bring your friend, I'm sure her company is delightful"

"She killed you in a million different ways" whispered Steve before he got in the car and Natasha waved goodbye.

Location: Unknown

A figure dressed head to feet in black clothing slipped into the warehouse via ceiling window. Closing the window behind him, the figure used the support beams that crisscrossed the high ceiling to move around. Swinging from beam to beam, the figure showed no sign of struggling with the strain of moving this way. Stopping above a large crate of shipments, the figure waited until the lone warehouse worker made his way back into the corner office before dropping down and landing on the arrangement of shipments with a soft Thud!, ignoring the sound, the figure dropped even lower from the crate to the stone ground of the warehouse.

Tugging on one of his sleeves, the figure pulled up a wrist mounted hacking computer with a 3-D projected screen. Typing as quickly as he could with his right hand, the figure nodded as he walked through the maze of the crates until he reached a single shipment crate that was different than all the others in color. Opposite of the normal red,blue, and rust colored crates, this crate was black. Whether painted or not, it didn't matter to the individual who broke into the warehouse. Pulling up his computer one more time, he typed for a brief moment before his computer ran a scan and he smirked underneath his mask.

Looking around for a second, the figure took a deep breathe and punched the crate. The crate door swung inwards and the figure walked in, closing the door after himself. His computer projected screen allowing all the light in the dark container. But it was all the figure needed as he pulled off his mask and his silver hair fell back into it's normal comb over position.

His mix matched eyes scanned the area quickly and he moved to the back of the crate and shook his head.

"A false back? Who do they think they are fooling with this?" questioned the man in scruff voice before he walked through the shimmering wall and into the hidden section of the container. There was light here, something that annoyed his red eye more than him normal brown eye. Covering his brown eye, his red eye revealed to him what he was looking for, allowing him to march to his left and open a case, revealing that it was not a weapon inside but a belt.

Slipping on the belt device, the figure sync'd his computer to the belt and said "Time to get out of here"

Chuckling at his pun, the man vanished in a burst of blue light.

With Captain America and Natasha Romanoff:

They were prepared for this mission as they were for every mission. Cap wore his standard new SHIELD issued suit, it was slightly different than the one that he wore back when they faced Loki. Gone were the red and white stripes, instead the suit was a dark navy blue on the torso with a lone white star in the middle of his chest. The SHIELD logo was on his right shoulder, the US Army logo on the left shoulder. On the back was a twin set of 3 orange whisker like markings on top of his shoulder blades. His shield was strapped to his back and his pants were SHIELD standard combat pants also in same dark navy blue as most of his shirt.

Natasha had her hair straightened, her standard SHIELD black skin tight. The only new accessory was the sword scabbard that sat sideways across her back, the sword hilt extended a single Natasha hand past her side, allowing her to pull it out at a moment's notice.

"So tell me Nat, what is wrong with Richard from accounting?" asked Steve as they approached the drop spot.

"I don't know, he is so …. so …. so serious. Someone that serious about pencil holders and calculators doesn't interest me" replied Natasha after struggling to put the words together

Steve rolled his eyes and retorted " Or is it because Richard isn't a blond cheeky individual?"

Natasha glared immediately at Steve and hissed "DON'T … just don't. Everyone wants to bring him up, to tell me to move on. None of you know what's its like"

Steve snorted and said "I put the world on my back in 1945, I gave up everything and everyone that I knew and loved so that the world could continue on. I made that mistake Natasha, don't be me. Naruto would want you to move on. Hell, in his damn will, Naruto made me promise to date the next girl that I liked."

Natasha's anger deflated and her shoulders slumped as she knew Steve was right. Naruto had been a fun free spirit who slid into a serious mode for missions. He would have wanted her to be happy, but the last 2 years hadn't been filled with happiness.

Steve looked around and said "We're at the drop point" before leaping out of the plane.

The other SHIELD agents looked around and one of them said "Steve didn't take his parachute … again"

Upstate New York: Stark's Private Lab

Tony hand twitched towards the bottle on his desk, but at the last moment he stopped himself. He knew that it would do him no good, it had only caused him pain.

Tony allowed his suit to be pulled off of his body, his Stark tower building was destroyed on many floors, the glass windows needing to be replaced. He walked inside and saw the case file that Naruto had given him.

Gritting his teeth, he turned away, not interested in being reminded of his fallen friend. He was unfortunately faced with a mirror where he turned. His chest arc reactor shined through his shirt, the electric blue was like staring into the vivid eyes of Naruto himself.

His grief spiked again and he walked over to his bar, grabbed the biggest bottle of bourbon and started drinking. The harsh liquor burning on it's way down, but it made his chest untighten slightly and that's all that matters.

Tony wasn't sure how long he drank for, but it must have been a while though. Because the bright morning sky had turned dark and the sun was already rising again. Tony was only pulled out of his pain by the soft feeling of a hand on his shoulder that caused him to open his bloodshot teary eyes.

"Pepper?" his gravely voice called out followed by a alcohol and sobbing induced hiccup.

"Tony, you're back. What happened?" asked the fiery haired beauty

"I I I *hiccup* lost the kid, he's gone. *hiccup* There wasn't *hiccup* even enough to *hiccup* put in a *hiccup* shoebox." cried Tony

Pepper eyes watered up and she dropped lower to the ground, holding Tony tightly as he dropped the bottle he was holding and cried. Letting go and allowing the sadness that consumed his mind and heart to run its course.

Pepper just rocked Tony back and forth, understanding that despite the kind of short period of time, around 3 and a half years, Naruto and Tony had been quite good friends. It is hard not to like someone who saved your life.

For Tony, it felt wrong that for every heartbeat that his heart got, it would be one that Naruto helped him have. It was unfair, for someone so young, someone with so much promise and life left to simply not have any of that life or promise left.

Another hand twitch towards the bottle, but Tony again refused to drink from it. Pepper had taken a break from him last week, she understood his sorrow. But Tony was still far from dumb, he knew that her patience was growing thinner and thinner every day.

Another hand twitch, but this time Tony snarled before grabbing and throwing the bottle at the wall. He turned back to his computer and typed.

His system continued the scan and Tony's eye widen when he saw a location that he never expected to see as a result. Washington D.C

Tony blinked as the location was narrowed down even further and he got a picture of the SHIELD headquarters building.

"Jarvis, how accurate is this result?"

"Well sir, the location is with a meter cubed in terms of accurate pinpoint location"

"So it would defitinely be in this building?"

"Yes Sir"

"Prepare my newest suit that's combat ready, I need to go have a conversation with Fury" said Tony as he stood up, his mind clearer than it had been in the last 2 years.

SHIELD Headquarters, Washington D.C:

Steve marched into the office like he owned the place, his anger visible on his face. The actual owner of the office didn't seem too concerned with the angry super solider in his office.

"Captain Rogers, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" asked Fury, his lone eye trained on the form of Steve

"Cut the cheese Fury, you know why I'm here, you put the mission and hostages at risk by assigning a rogue agent with a different agenda to my squad." snarled Steve

"That is simply true, Natasha had the same mission as you, get on that boat and recover what belongs to SHIELD, she just had a different focus" countered Fury, his tone as cold as the ice that Steve spent years in.

"Can you even hear yourself? You put the mission and people at risk, for what? SHIELD secrets? Well guess Fury? You know all the secrets and it doesn't do a damn thing for you. You don't have to tell me everything, but how about you something, where is the trust?" spat Steve

"Last person that I trusted, took my eye. Besides I sent the best solider in the world to make sure that nothing bad happened. There is just thing that you aren't comfortable with that Agent Romanoff is" retorted Fury before he turned to find a floating man outside of his window.

Tony didn't knock as he used a finger laser to cut a hole in the window and stepping into the room before restoring the window with a different laser, leaving it as good as new.

"Stark? What are you doing here?" asked Fury, clearly shocked.

"You looked surprised Fury, but you should know why I'm here" said Tony with an edge to his voice before Tony turned to Steve and said, "Cap, good to see you."

Steve dipped his head and replied with, "Tony, good to see you looking more like yourself"

Tony chuckled loudly before it clearly became fake "Ha ha ha, you must think that I'm a joke Fury. That I wouldn't crack the puzzle. Well guess what, I figured it out."

Fury blinked and looked at Tony and then Steve, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Tony's helmet retracted back into his armor and both Steve and Fury could see the lack of all togetherness in Tony's eyes.

"You see Fury, the kid went toe to toe with the Hulk and survived. Hell, the kid did damage to the green jolly rancher. Something as simple as fall from a helicarrier isn't going to kill him." rambled Tony

Steve arched an eyebrow and said "This is about Naruto? Tony, I am with you. I wish the kid, but there isn't anything that can be done. You went down there yourself, you confirmed that he unfortunately became a stain."

"Yes, but I was missing some info, some key pieces of evidence. You see, Naruto and I created the element that powered my personal chest arc reactor." Tony stammered as he tapped his chest piece.

"i thought you got that removed last may" questioned Fury

Tony pointed at Fury and said "Bingo, I did, I did, I did. And that was the final piece of the puzzle."

Tony was a bit unhinged at the moment, something clear with everyone in the room who wasn't Tony at the moment.

"The energy source that powered it, was based on the Naruto. I needed it inside of me to make sure that I could continue living. But when you get the surgery and don't need it inside of you, you can play with it. I wanted to know what made it tick, what exactly was it? So I scanned it, and guess what? I found a trace of it on the other side of the world in Iran, a village slaughtered to the ground. Every man, woman, and child, killed like animals." ranted Tony

Tony then put his hand palm up and a projection of the scene that he mentioned was shown to Fury and Steve.

Steve looked at the image and said, "Is that a SHIELD sword sticking out of the little girl" before turning to Fury.

"It looks like it, but the only people who use a sword was Naruto and is Natasha. And I haven't sent her to Iran and she certainly doesn't have the ability of whatever energy that Naruto had." answered Fury to the questioning looks.

Tony shook his head and said, "Of course not, that energy signature is specific to Naruto and my former chest reactor, so imagine my surprise over the past year when it's spiked on and off around the world. Ever spike in the result of the death of an entire village, city, town. I've been tracking it, its has never remained in the same place for long."

Tony tapped his chest and his suit scanned the building, confirming that the source of the energy was still below him.

"Imagine my surprise when the energy source only found in Naruto and a glorified light bulb always makes stops here in DC. Our nation's capital and the home to SHIELD's headquarters. So it became time to put aside being the best inventor and try and become the world's best detective, which led me here" explained Tony before fired up his pulse blaster in his right hand and pointed it at Fury.

"Tony, see reason, if Fury had Naruto alive here, I think I would have seen him around. I work here too." said Steve as he placed his hands forward but up, trying to reason with Tony.

"Ok, if there isn't anything to hide, let's take a look at Sublevel 9" said Tony

Fury snorted and said "we don't have a sublevel 9, we have 8. Nobody in their right mind would make an odd number of sublevels other than the number 1."

"Then let's get in the elevator and I can show you." commanded Tony and they exited the office and moved in a unit towards the elevator.

Upon entering it, Tony had Jarvis hack the camera and sound to show and hear nothing. No reason to give the people who you are investigating the tip off that you are on your way.

"Take us to Sublevel 9, Director Fury command" said Fury

"I'm sorry, Director Nichalos Fury doesn't have security clearance for sublevel 9, please choose sublevel 1 through 8" replied the A.I that powered the security system of the elevator.

Fury turned to Tony, "Well I'll be damned, I guess I do have a sublevel 9." before turning to Steve, "See Captain, I don't have all the secrets."

Tony smirked and said, "Noone does Fury, that's what makes the world interesting" before he used Jarvis to hack into the elevator and forced them down to the 9th sublevel.

The elevator opened to pitch black, causing Tony and Steve to activate the night vision on their lens from their helmets.

Fury apparently didn't need any help seeing in the dark and said what was on everyone's mind.

"Is that an old Hydra logo?" asked the SHIELD director in a voice barely above a whisper

"I wish I could say no, but that is an image forever placed into my brain from my time fighting them in Germany sir" whispered back Steve

"What is an old Nazi Science department system doing in your building, Fury?" questioned Tony

"I don't know, but I sure as hell plan on finding out" replied Fury as they moved past the elevator doors and into the hallway.

All the signals show that the energy source is directly down this hallway. Naruto must be at the end of this hallway" reported Tony

So, the trio of good guys walked carefully down the hall, peeking into each room that they passed. Some were empty and bare of any evidence of use. Two of them had hospital beds covered in dust. One of them had blood covering a wall that said "Strike hard, Strike Fast, Sweep the Leg".

Reaching the end of the hallway, they came to a set of double doors that Tony could practically feel the energy pulsing from the other side. But none of his systems could get any type of reading other than the energy radiating from the room.

Holding up his fist, Tony stopped the group and said "I have zero info on what is on the other side of this door. We have to be ready for everything, be ready for a fire fight immediately."

Steve and Fury nodded, Fury pulling out a gun from inside his trench coat and Steve put his shield in front of stomach.

Tony pushed the doors and they surprisingly moved in easily, almost making Tony fall inwards. But the billionaire managed to avoid falling on his face with the help of his suit. Tony nor Steve needed night vision here, the soft flames of candles lined the walls, provided floating sources of light.

"Shh, you'll wake them up" said a voice from the room on their immediate left. They looked and they saw a figure who immediately made them flinch.

He had silvery hair in a comb over style on his head, his skin slightly tanned. What made them flinch was the red eye that mirrored the normal healthy brown eye in his other socket. He used his chin to point at another room and inside they saw a sickly man resting. The man had a thick blond beard that covered most of his face but that was all of his hair as he was bald on top of his head.

Tony spotted on the mystery man's neck, there was cybernetics. Hell, upon a little closer look, one of the man's arms was metal.

Fury pointed his gun at the unknown man, and asked "Give me one reason that I shouldn't plant a bullet through your forehead?"

"Because you need me for this, May 10th 2014. The death of Steve Rogers, the fall of SHIELD, and the rise of Hydra. On this day in history, you 3 come down here and two of you meet your end. Tony calls in his new and improved iron legion, but it's too late. Captain Rogers and Director Fury perish. Then the clones, eager and hungry for battle make their way up the elevator shaft and they basically engulf the SHIELD agents and all that is left is their Hydra masters." said the man.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Steve

"My name is Cable, I come from the future" said the man as he turned his back to the three of them and entered the room of the door he was leaning against.

A/N: And that is where I am going to leave it here for now. I am already working on the next chapter. So look out for that.

*Generic Twitter Plug and goodbye*

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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