
Chapter 8 part2

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



Quick Author's Note before we get started. To the guest who said that the one liners are ruining the story, the MCU is built on one liners and being funny while also having serious moments. Tony Stark is funny, Ant-Man is funny, Spider-Man is funny, and in my stories, Naruto will be some level of funny. That is all, let's get to the story.

Tony landed on top of his Stark Industries building with a smirk on his face. Jarvis was confirming what he already knew would happen. He managed to take his building off the grid, the building would produce and sustain it's own energy.

As he was stripped of his Iron Man suit, Tony looked at his girlfriend, red head beauty Pepper Potts, through the glass door. Entering the building, Tony drew the attention of Pepper.

"So did you do it?" asked the Stark Industries CEO

Tony nodded and Pepper let out a squeal of joy, this was a big moment for the two of them. They had just managed to established themselves AKA Stark Industries as the soon to be "IT" name in energy development.

"Sir, it seems that there is an unknown figure headed this way, right up to this floor" said Jarvis into the ear of Tony. With a flick of his wrist, Tony activated his security system and turned back to Pepper.

"We did it, I say this calls for a celebration." stated Tony as he walked over to a wall and summoned a full bar from the wall.

Pepper frowned at how easily Tony was able access alcohol.

"Um yeah, we can celebrate Tony, as long as we stay under control. We don't need another trip down the rabbit hole do we" challenged Pepper

Tony ignored the comment and poured himself a double of 35 year old whiskey and downed it in one gulp. Clenching his jaw, Tony poured himself one more double of the strong whiskey and downed that as well.

Placing the stronger liquor down, Tony pulled out a medium sized bottle of 1000 dollar champagne and twin flute glasses.

Pepper was watching Tony carefully as he moved from the heavier stuff to something more fitting to the situation. Smiling, Pepper grabbed the glasses as Tony popped the bottle and filled both of the glasses.

Placing the bottle to the side, Tony grasped one glass leaving Pepper with the other. Tony looked her in the eyes and raised his glass.

"To a great moment between Tony Stark, jackass extraordinaire, and Pepper Potts, the beautiful lady who puts up with his bullshit." said Tony as the two of them clicked glasses lightly before draining said glasses.

Tony looked Pepper in the eyes and leaned in and kissed her gently. Pepper paused for a moment, taking a moment to gague if Tony had too much alcohol on his breathe, but to her joy there was only a hint of it.

Seeing no issue with the kiss, now that she knew Tony was sober for the most part, Pepper dropped her glass at the same time that Tony pulled her in closer and deepened the kiss. Feeling his tongue gliding back and forth on her bottom lip, Pepper slowly opened her mouth and allowed Tony's tongue to slide into her mouth.

The two tongues didn't wrestle like the forceful battle of middle school children. No, they danced around each other, swirling in union. Feeling the direction that things were going, Pepper's hands drifted from Tony's chest to his back and then down to his waist to unbutton his pants.

Tony on the other hand was already unclipping her bra from under her shirt and then suddenly there was the voice of Jarvis whispering in his ear again. Tony wasn't listening though and failed to get the message about someone being outside the room.

"Yo, let me stop you guys right there before I get to see the two of you smash right here and now" said a voice other than Tony and Pepper.

This caused the two to jump apart and Naruto was forced to watch the awkward moment. Pepper's hand flew up above waist level and Tony's hands flew out of her shirt, pulling her bra along with his hands. Tony's pants slide down to his mid thigh level and was partly held up by Tony Jr raising to the occasion.

Tony looked at the intruder, then down at his pants hanging, then at the bra in his hand. Tony didn't freak out, he had been caught doing worse than attempting to have sex with his girlfriend. Handing Pepper back her bra, before raising his pants back up to normal and buttoning them again.

"Kid, what are you doing here? You don't call, you don't write, you don't knock at the front door. But you do drop by unexpectedly. What the fuck?" said Tony to the new person in the room

Naruto rolled his eyes and said "I did all of that Jarvis should have told you that I was on my way up here. I had to kill like 20-30 bots back there on the way up here. I hope those weren't expensive or anything because they probably aren't repairable."

Tony groaned at the lost of 7 million dollars but then asked Naruto "So, what is the reason that you are here kid? You ruined a moment"

Pepper cut in and said "Eh, it was about 12 percent of a moment. Tony, can you just listen to Naruto. This could be about the Avengers program that you were declared unfit for"

Naruto's eyes narrowed and Pepper gulped and rushed to say "Not that I know anything about that super secret SHIELD program or anything"

Naruto shrugged and said "I couldn't do anything to you if I wanted to. You are on a very special list Ms. Potts. Due to the fact that Tony Stark is technically the tech supplier to SHIELD. I have the direct order that should any harm come to you, I am to eliminate that threat off the face of this planet"

Pepper made an impressed face and Naruto pulled out a USB and tossed it to Tony, who caught it and walked over to his computer to take a look.

Pepper got closer to Naruto and asked him, "So, you were there and helped saved Tony when he was on that rooftop? And then again when he created a new element to cure him of his element induced poisoning right?"

"Yeah, that was me. I was a bit shorter before and not nearly as filled out as I am now tho." replied Naruto

Pepper glanced and made sure that Tony was busy cracking the encrypted USB before she turned to Naruto and whispered "Listen, I need you to do me a small favor. It involves Tony's health"

"Me and Tony have a pretty great relationship, if I can help him, I will" answered Naruto

"Well despite how normal Tony has been over the last 6-8 months, after his time in that cave, he developed a bit of an alcohol abuse problem. I've helped him settle down and back to normal, but I am not always going to be here. If you are around, can you keep an eye on him for me please?"

Naruto looked at Pepper and then at Tony before confidently nodding. This was something that he could do, don't let Tony kill his liver while he was around.

Naruto frowned as Tony took another sip from his flask. Naruto was smart enough to realize that it was probably something strong based on the wince that Tony tried to hide. Cap was pacing back and forth in the small common area of the SHIELD jet. Thor sat brooding lightly as he stared at the knocked out version form of Loki.

"And you're sure that this is him" asked Thor again

"Yeah, I snuck up behind him and knocked him out" replied Naruto as the plane landed. Gesturing to the left as they climbed down the exit from the jet, Tony went that way to take off his suit of armor. Carrying Loki, Naruto deposited him in the trap they had prepped for something more serious than the trickster and went to the main hall.

Natasha walked up behind him and bumped him with her shoulder, bringing a slight smile to the blond SHIELD agent's face.

"So whiskers, penny for your thoughts" asked the red head

"I can't help but feel like we're missing something, but there isn't anything we can do until Loki wakes up" replied Naruto

Natasha nodded and looked at Naruto's tired eyes.

"You just went around the world twice without sleep. Get some rest, in an hour or two, we can catch you up to sleep" she said as she rubbed Naruto's cheek.

Naruto nodded and walked off to go sleep.

"So, you and whiskers?" asked Tony as he walked up from behind, out of his suit.

"Maybe, maybe not"

"Well I like the kid, so try not to eat him up and spit him out, Agent Black Widow" said Tony with an edge

"Yeah, I got to say that the kid is one hell of a person. He's helped me adjust to this world in ways I didn't think I needed. Plus, he is the best work out partner I've ever had" added Steve

"If you are done playing HR for my agents, we have more pressing issues" said Fury as he joined them.

With Naruto

Naruto barely managed to close his eyes before he found himself dreaming of something he had never seen before.

Wherever he was, it was unlike any place that he ever seem before, the towering trees and seemingly lack of any civilization was rare on earth.

A tall blond man with spiky hair and bangs that ran down the side of his face. He looked identical to Naruto, except that he was missing the whisker marks on the sides of his face along with eye and face shape being slightly different.

He wore an all navy blue uniform with a green collared armored vest of some kind. The scenery and clothing was not like anything Naruto had ever seen before.

Behind him were a silvered haired young boy, a black haired young boy with goggled, and a browned hair girl young girl with purple marks on her cheeks. None of them could have been older than 10 or 11 years old.

"OK squad, today we are going to learn something new" said the Naruto look alike.

The silver haired kid nodded while the goggled kid smiled widely. The female looked pleased but was trying to mimic the silver haired boy's lack of emotion.

"Minato-Sensei, what are you going to be teaching us" asked the silvered haired kid in a mono-toned voice, like he was bored.

"Kakashi, I am going to be teaching you a very special jutsu. Since you are all Chunnin now, I feel comfortable giving you this. It is called the Shadow Clone Jutsu." explained the now named Minato

Kakashi simply nodded again and the boy with the goggles gasped "Minato-Sensei, isn't that a Jonin level Justu?"

"It is Obito, but if you feel that you can't handle it. I can show it to Kakashi and Rin only and teach you something else. I don't have to fear you copying this with the Sharingan that you haven't developed yet" answered Minato

Obito was quick to shake his head no and stammer out an explanation that he wanted the technique.

Naruto was interested as well, paying close attention to Minato's instructions.

Back with the Others:

Banner looked around the room and sighed as Tony took another drink from his flask.

"So, tell me. What brings one of the smartest men in the world to a SHIELD helicarrier?" asked Bruce

"I am a SHIELD adviser of sorts, I provide them with new tech to make sure that they can handle threats across the world. What about you?" countered Stark

"Well, the teseract emits gamma radiation and I happen to be the most experienced person in the world on this particular topic." replied Bruce before he was offered a blueberry by Tony.

"Yeah I can see why they would bring you on for this search party, you are the best in that field. Your research in that area is generationally life changing."

"Thanks Tony, I appreciate that"

"Well that and I am a huge fan of you of the way that you lose control and destroy everything in your path." joked Tony

The Tony's monitor beeped and Bruce looked up from his own and asked "Did you get a hit on the cube?"

"No" said Tony "I've managed to get past all the layers of SHIELD's firewalls. They are always hiding stuff for everyone and I am curious about what they could have to hide."

Steven blinked and looked at Tony, "See this is why you didn't get an invitation to this project"

"Oh and you did? Tell me Cap, what use to do you have here other than being a glorified club bouncer" questioned Tony with a glare

"My purpose here is the same as always, be a hero and make sure the world is a safer place" spat Steve as he stepped closer to the genius inventor

"Please, you don't belong in this world, you're an old man frozen in time." retorted Tony as he took a step close.

Steve smelt the alcohol on his breathe and wiggled his nose "You know when they said Howard Stark's son was alive. I was happy to hear that Howard settled down and had a family. Because your father was a good man, unfortunately you must be what's left"

Tony hissed in anger and suddenly the computer screen of Tony's hack lit up with the message "Phase 2" written on it.

Tony whirled around and started typing on the screen.

"Phase 2, what the hell is phase 2" muttered Tony as he continued his assault on SHIELD's hidden and dirty laundry.

With Loki

Loki took a deep breathe as he sat on the floor of this … cage. The current setting was not one that was fitting of someone of his status. A king deserved a throne, not a prison. And if a king was sentenced to prison, the prison should be made for him, not a angry green bean.

They were foolish to have brought him here along with his specter. It was bounded to him and thus was made to reveal itself to him, no matter what. The power of the specter was more than enough to get rid of any cameo they may have been using.

He was the God of Mischief, he would be raising hell soon enough.

Back with Tony and Bruce

Tony was busy finishing up the final touches on his hack when a thud pulled him out of his mind, he turned to see Cap placing a gun down on the metal table.

"Sorry, computer was running too slow for me. Phase 2 is they make weapons with the power of the cube." said Steve

"That's why they didn't send me an invite then Captain, because I am no longer in the weapons business" said Tony as he looked at the new weapon in the room.

Natasha walked in and saw the prototype weapon on the table and looked around the room, from Bruce to Tony to Steve. She was followed by Thor who seemed uninterested in anything that was happening.

"Where did you boys get that?" asked Romanoff

"Where do you think? The belly of the beast Romanoff. What is SHIELD doing with it?" challenged Tony

"The answer is simple gentlemen, that weapon is for people like him" said Fury from the doorway, pointing at Thor

"Me? I haven't hurt anyone. Me and my people mean you no harm" replied Thor

"What about your brother Loki, he isn't in a prison cell for good behavior" retorted Fury

"As if one of your human jails could hold an Asgardian. It doesn't matter, Loki is of Asgard and my brother. He will be free by the end of the day" said Thor

"Your brother killed 412 people in 3 days" countered Natasha

"Did I mention that he's adopted" muttered Thor

"Can we get back to the weapon, I thought SHIELD had changed Fury" said Cap

"You sad human and your quest for power" commented Thor

"This is stupid" muttered Bruce before he raised his voice "What are we even doing here? We aren't a team. No, we are a bunch of raw elements that aren't stable when mixed together. We are nothing more than a ticking time bomb"

"Dr. Banner, I believe it may be time for you to retire for the day. Take the rest of the day off and de-stress, you know remove yourself from the environment here" said Fury carefully

Tony scoffed and asked no one in particular "Please why can't Banner here blow off some steam?"

Steve pushed Tony in the chest and answered his rhetorical question with a real answer "You know damn well why he can't do that. If he slips, we take a 40,000 foot fall. You need to back off"

Tony snarled and said "Why don't you make me. Steve"

Steve huffed and said "Yeah big talk from a man who fights in a suit of armor. You think you have what it takes, but I KNOW you don't. Take off that armor and what are you?"

"Genius, Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" snapped Tony, his anger showing

"No, that's what you say that you are. You take off that armor and you're nothing more than an overgrown child with daddy issues. I've seen the footage, the only thing that you fight for is yourself. You're not the guy willing to risk it all for the safety of others, you're not the guy to lie down on the kill trigger wire and let others crawl over you."

"I think I would just cut the wire." responded Tony with a smirk

"Always a way out with you. You might not be a villain or a threat the the public. But you better stop acting like you're one of the good guys, you're not a hero. You're just a sad alcoholic man child playing dress up" spat Steve, his face inches away from Tony's.

"A good guy? A hero? Like who? You? Please, you're nothing more than a lab rat. You're a science experiment Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle." said Tony in a low voice, which didn't stop his words from carrying across the room.

Steve nodded before he backhanded Tony, sending him to his backside.

"Why don't you pick yourself up and go put on the suit, see if you can go a round or two with me" taunted Steve

"You humans are so touchy and emotional" commented Thor.

Fury gestured to Natasha and said, "Agent Romanoff, can you please escort Dr. Banner out of here"

"And to where Fury? You already gave my room out to that Loki guy" said Bruce as his eyes took on more rage "It's funny that you had that cage just in case you needed to kill me. You CAN'T. I have tried Fury, I got low and tried to take the easy way out. The other guy chewed on the bullet and spat it out like it was a sunflower seed."

"What the fuck is going on here" said Naruto as he rubbed his eyes "Bruce, why are you holding Loki's specter?"

Bruce looked down and realized that he was, the computer beeped and he dropped it to the ground and said "The Cube is in NYC, Manhattan. Another minute or two and we will have the location down to the city block."

Fury sighed as the situation defused itself and Naruto helped Tony to his feet, stealing his flask in the process.

Just then there was an explosion that rocked the carrier.

"Put on the suit" said Steve as he pried open the emergency locked doors and let Tony slip through.

"Damnit, we don't know how many people are attacking, we might not have enough men" stated Fury as he started to run diagnostics.

Naruto smirked and said "I think I can help with that" before placing putting his hands in thumb, index, and middle fingers point up and his ring and pinky fingers balled up, both hands like that, and used his hands in that form to make a "T".

Shadow Clone Jutsu

In a burst of spoke, there were 11 Narutos in the room and Fury just smiled.

"Don't wait for my order, go get them" said Fury

A/N: Okay part 2 of the Avengers story has come to an end. This chapter was easier to write than most of the recent ones that I have written.

I have included the alcoholism that Tony suffers from in the comics, it is only hinted at in the movies, but it is an actual issue in this story.

Naruto has learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu, more on that will be explained later.

So that is just about it, any questions or concerns, feel free to message me. This is only going have two set in stone pairings. That is Tony/Pepper and Naruto/Natasha. That isn't changing and that isn't open for discussion.

Also, Naruto is an assassin, he is trained for field work and to kill. That is it. He isn't an investigator, body language expert. He's a force of nature, a weapon to be pointed in the direction of enemies and let go off.

He isn't seducing anyone, he has no training in that.

Until next time, HIghKey_Mars out.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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