
Chapter 8 part 3

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: This is a short but sweet chapter. Enjoy this one because a lot more is to come in the future. I made this one shorter to make my next 3 much larger.

10 clones of Naruto rushed out in different directions, each with the goal of making sure that they could limit the damage to the carrier. They needed to make sure that they remained in the air as it was a long way down.

The original Naruto turned and looked at Banner and Fury, before quickly making a decision. Pulling Banner through the halls, Naruto led him lower and lower into the belly of the carrier.

"Where are we going?" asked Banner as he was led further and further away from the sounds of fighting.

"We are going to make sure that you don't have to do anything that may cause even a sliver of anger for you Doc. I fought the Hulk before, it got my ass handed to me. I would rather avoid going a couple of rounds with him again." explained Naruto as he pulled up to a hanger door and typed something on the security pad.

"So, my plan is to get you out of here Banner." continued Naruto as the door opened and Naruto and Banner were greeted to the sight of the wall on the far side of the room exploding and gun fire pouring in through the newly made hole. Whoever was attacking had clearly come prepared as they were using a SHIELD level attack jet to spray and pray.

Pushing Banner to the side, Naruto pulled his sword out and channeled chakra into his feet. Racing towards the hole and the Jet, Naruto was a blur of yellow and black. Slicing a bullet in half for the slo-mo cool effect, Naruto threw his sword through the glass of the jet and into the head of the pilot's head.

Jumping onto the cracked glass, Naruto ripped his sword out before stabbing through the glass again to make the jet fly straight down. Leaping back through the hole, Naruto raced back over to Banner, leading him to the hole.

"Banner, I want you to know that I respect and commend you on your help with us today. I also want to apologize for this before hand." Naruto said before he slapped Banner across the face as hard as he could, causing Banner's eyes to turn green as the doctor let out a roar as he slowly turned green.

Naruto smirked as he got the reaction that he was hoping for and threw the transforming Banner out of the hole.

"I like that guy, hope the Hulk can survive a 40,000 foot drop." muttered Naruto before the entire ship lurched and he stumbled out of the hole in the wall and tried to hold to the edge of the opening.

"Um, guys? I hate to complain but I am currently about to fall from the carrier" said Naruto through his communication ear piece.

"Give me a second kid, I got to fix this engine or the entire carrier is going to fall out of the sky." Replied Tony

"Naruto, were are you? I can pull you up" asked Natasha

"I'm on the bottom left side of the lo- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" Naruto started but another rocking of the ship and suddenly Naruto was flying through the air.

As he flipped through the air, Naruto felt the wind rip his earpiece from his body and with his ears unclogged, he was greeted to the deafening force of wind.

"Naruto? Naruto" called Cap on his earpiece, the small communication device floating through the wind, never to be answered again.

Back on the carrier:

Nick Fury was well furious, his carrier was being attacked. His own SHIELD agents and soldiers were being used against him. His star pupil was just sent flying through the air, falling about 37,000 feet.

"Okay, I got the engine up and flying again, where is the kid?" asked Tony "I turned off my communicator because I needed to focus. Cap? Romanoff? Either of you pick him up yet?"

"Stark, whiskers fell from the carrier about 3 minutes ago" answered Fury as noone else bothered to answer.

"What did you just say? I got to go get him" Said Tony

With Natasha:

She had easily been fighting through the SHIELD agents turned Loki slaves with ease. She was the top field agent for a reason.

Finally, she came face to face with the agent that she was looking for. Agent Barton aka Hawkeye aka the guy about to get his ass whupped for helping with the most likely death of Naruto.

Neither said anything as they clashed. Natasha threw a punch that Barton blocked with his right forearm. Spinning with that, Barton attempted to use his left elbow to hit her in the head. She ducked under that blow and dropped to the ground trying to sweep the leg. Barton grabbed the railing and used it to launch a duel ax kick at the red haired SHIELD agent.

Natasha allowed the kick to pass by her stomach as she wrapped her legs around Barton's and twisted sending the mind controlled SHIELD agent to the ground. She climbed on top of him and slammed her fist into his head.

That blow left Barton's head swimming, the next blow was powerful enough to erase the mind control from his mind.

"Err … Nat? What's going on?" whispered Barton as he struggled to put together what had happened since he was made into the mindless slave by Loki.

Natasha didn't answer as she slammed her first into his face once more knocking out and giving her the slightly pleasing crunch of his nose breaking.

Sure that she had beaten her friend Clint, she got off of him and began to drag him to a containment room.

In the main hall:

The battle was quick, fast and damaging. Stark had returned with a black sword scabbard, covered in blood. The SHIELD team that had followed Naruto's tracker found the same thing Tony had, a single puddle of blood and flesh with Naruto's gear.

Simulations ran showed that Naruto hit terminal velocity, he most likely didn't survive the fall. Besides two of the navigation personal, Naruto was the only causality. They didn't know where Thor was, but they were sure that he was live, probably licking his wounds, but alive.

Nobody was really about that either, in fact most of the important people in the room were beyond pissed.

Tony glared at Fury, Steve glared at Fury, Natasha glared at Fury, Coulson was glaring at Fury. Fury was staring at his reflection, anger in his lone visible eye.

"We failed, they came in here, took what they wanted. Loki left, he took his staff, he has the cube. We lost the battle and one of our own" said Fury.

"We are well aware of what happened Fury" spat Tony

"Well, if there was ever a time for all of us to buy into the Avengers program, you want to make sure that we win against Loki. We need to do it together" said Fury as he placed Naruto's scabbard on the table, the blood still dripping, still fresh.

"I'm in" said Natasha without hesitation

Steve looked at the blood that was pooling on the table, and tried to imagine the smiling blond SHIELD agent that wore it proudly.

There was a thud above them and they all tensed until they realized that it was Thor. Thor entered the room and looked at around.

"Where is the blond one? His sword is here, still dripping with the blood of his enemies. Is he resting? Washing up?" asked the blond demi-god

"He fell from the carrier" said Steve

Thor shook his head, blinking.

"That is not the humorous joke that Naruto would tell, where is he?" asked Thor again

Thor looked around the room and felt the sombre air and frowned.

Natasha looked at him, her eyes red and puffy. And Thor knew.

The air grew heavy and smelled of Ozone.

Thor's eyes flashed and suddenly he was in full battle armor.

"Loki has made a grave mistake on this day." said Thor

Tony dropped his head into his hands and he shook.

"Listen Tony, we we aren't best friends, that is no secret. But one of our friends paid the ultimate sacrifice for the mission, for the goal. We can't let that be in vain. I can't promise that we are going to go out there and win. I can promise that no matter what we are going to go out there and win, lose, or draw, we are going to do it together." said Steve

"Cap that was a cute speech and all, but I've been in. The kid and I were friends, I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for him. He saved my life on that roof top 18 months ago, he helped me create a new element to save my life. I was shaking my head because they're going to use my new self energizing building to open a portal with the cube." said Tony

Fury smiled sadly and said "Suit up, go kick their ass and show them that we aren't to be messed with."


A figure injected a syringe into the arm of a man who looked like a mummy. The man was absolutely covered in bandages from head to toe.

"How is he?" asked a man to the figure who injected the syringe.

"He's alive somehow" replied the figure

"He's special" said another figure

"Have we been able to break into his mind yet?"

"No, but we are going to keep him under until we do so"

"Hmm, good. And turn that TV off, "The Avengers save New York City from Aliens" it's pathetic. Fury has disobeyed us for the last time"

"Absolutely, soon the whole world will know the might that Hydra wields"

"Yes soon, but until that time, we need to bide our time. Never forget, for every head of ours that they cut off. Two more will take it's place."

"Hail Hydra"

"Hail Hydra"

"Hail Hydra

"Hail Hydra"

"Hail Hydra"

A/N: That's all I got for you guys today. Short chapter but this brings the Avengers movie story line to an end. Obviously Naruto replaced Coulson as the dead.

Next chapter will be longer, more will be explained, expect a timeskip.

Oh and I watched Spider-Man: Far from Home, that movie was amazing. There is nothing wrong with that movie, everything is perfectly done.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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