
Chapter 8 part 1

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N This is part one of two, couple of notes at the bottom. Nothing more to say, enjoy


"There isn't enough time, I got to put her in the water"


"Steve, you don't have to do this. There is another way"


"What the hell? This man is still alive"

The sound of fists slamming into a heavy punching bag echo'd throughout the empty gym. Well almost empty gym, the lone occupants were a duo overly in shape men. The first was a younger man was a blond man with spiky hair, his somewhat tanned skin was disrupted by three whisker like marks on each of his cheeks. He had his shirt off, showing the developed muscles on his slim frame. His counter part was a slightly older man, someone in his twenties. He had brown hair that was slightly spiked up in the front. His pale skin showed that he hadn't any sun lately, but his body showed that he clearly was working out. He was more developed than his younger counterpart.

The blond stopped holding the punching bag and sniffed the air. He turned towards the entrance of the gym and in walked a bald black male with an eye patch, dressed in all black.

"As attentive as always Naruto, good stuff." said the bald male before he turned to older of the two men "Having trouble sleeping?"

Naruto nodded to his commander while his workout buddy frowned.

"I slept for 70 years sir, I have had more than enough." replied the brown haired man as he failed to turn his attention to the new man in the gym.

"Then Steve, you should be out and about, not holed up in a smelly gym with my agent over here" replied the bald man

Steve scoffed and said "Out and about? Where would I go? I went under and we won the war, but I lost everything."

Naruto rolled his eyes before looking at his boss and asking "Are you here with a mission, Fury?"

"I am" replied Fury, his eye trained on Steve

"This better not be some ploy to get me out and about as you put it" stated Steve as he punched the punching bag off the hook before turning to Fury

"I am trying to save the world, Captain Rogers. Something was taken from us, something that you are familiar with" said Fury as he pulled out a photo and showed it to Steve.

"This is the same thing that Hydra had back in the day." commented Steve before he looked up at Fury "Who took it from you?"

"His name is Loki and there is a packet waiting for you back at your apartment, Steve. I am going to take Naruto with me. His services are going to be needed in punishing the people who let a stranger walk into my house, take my property and them leave." said Fury as he gestured to Naruto to follow him.

Naruto gave Steve a fist bump before following his boss, he liked Steve. Steve was a cool guy who could actually take a punch.

Steve looked around the empty gym before sighing and wrapping up for day.

With Natasha

Natasha was growing bored of the waiting game. She was handcuffed to a chair, dressed in lingerie. And this black market arms dealer was only not getting into the good stuff. She watched as he hurled insults at her, but nevertheless, he was slowly revealing more and more to her.

Suddenly there was a phone ringing in the arm dealer's pocket and Natasha cocked her head to the side. The man answered the phone and Natasha couldn't hear what was said but the man gulped and put the phone to her ear.

"We need you to come in" said the smooth voice of Agent Coulson.

Natasha frowned and said "Are you kidding me? I am in the middle of work. This man is telling me everything"

Said man looked around confused by Natasha ignored him as she listened to what Agent Coulson said next.

"Agent Barton has been comprised by some type of mind control, and Whiskers is literally dropping in now." said Phil

The roof above them caved in as a blue outlined Naruto crashed through the roof. He immediately knocked out one of the goons by landing on his head. Spinning, Naruto tripped another man by breaking his leg with a chakra enhanced kick, before flipping back onto his feet.

Pulling out his sword off his back, in one fluid motion, Naruto cut the gun that the arm dealer had pulled out and pointed at him, in half before slamming his hilt into the man's forehead.

Turning to Natasha who smiled up at him, Naruto just shook his head before walking over and smashing the chair, letting her go free.

"Good to see you whiskers, miss me?" teased Natasha as Naruto blushed at seeing the red haired beauty lack of clothing.

"Yeah yeah, Coulson has already given his orders. You got the big guy" said Naruto as he pulled out a shield uniform from his backpack.

"Stark? Coulson knows that Stark doesn't really like me" replied Natasha as Naruto turned around to allow her to change

"What? Stark? No. I got Stark, you got the big guy" said Naruto

Natasha's eyes widen in realization before she groaned and said "You lucky son of a bitch, fine. I got Banner and you get the asshole with the goatee"

Naruto rolled his eyes and the two of them quickly exited the building as they both had a recruiting pitch to give.

With Steve:

It was surreal, that no matter how much things changed. Things also stood the same. The uniform that he was wearing, it was exactly like the one that he had back during his service days in World War 2. Even the destination was the same, Germany to fight a man who wanted to take over the world.

"You don't have to do this Steve, there is always another way"

Steve shook his head as the memory clouded his mind. He looked down as his plane passed over his jump point and he jumped out of the plane and into the sky. He looked down at the hundreds of people kneeling and the one old man standing.

The Loki guy from the picture was standing and pointing some kind staff at the elderly man. Noticing a gleam to the staff, Captain America decided that he couldn't take the slow way down and detached from his parachute. Dropping the 90 something odd feet, Cap used his shield to cut through the air and he landed on his knees with his shield in front of him to block a blast of energy.

Standing up, Steve looked at Lokl in his battle suit, the large horns looking as weird as anything Steve had ever seen in battle.

"You know the last time that I was in Germany, I was also here to stop a man who wanted to stand over everyone else while they remained on their knees. I don't really like that, if I was being honest." said Captain America

"Ah, the solider lost in time. A man displaced by 70 years" snarled Loki as he looked at Steve who looked confused.

"You know me?" asked Steve

"Yes, while you humans may be pathetic insects, there are a couple of you worth learning about. You,.the Stark guy, that dimension hopper Naruto." replied Loki before he jumped forward with a slash of his staff.

Steve block it with his shield and the once kneeling people all ran off. Pushing upwards, Steve forced Loki off balance before slamming his elbow into the soft stomach of the Norse legend. Loki hissed as he stumbled backwards and Cap threw his shield at him.

Loki batted it to the side with is staff and spun said staff to slap it into Steve's side. Steve rolled with the blow as he slide into Loki's guard and gave him the beats by Dre. A vicious 4 hit combo, left Loki staggering as he groaned before he blasted Steve with his staff.

It felt like his chest was caving in from the force of that blast and Cap groaned from his position on the ground.

A shield fighter jet flew over but Natasha didn't want to pull the trigger, not when Cap was so close to the actual target. Loki pointed the staff at Cap after he knocked him down again and suddenly AC/DC came blasting out of the PA system of the Shield jet.

"Miss us Agent Romanoff" came the voice of Tony Stark before he said "Ready kid? Alley oop" before swinging Naruto towards the ground.

Naruto dropped down in front of Steve, in his full SHIELD Agent uniform and his sword drawn. The blast from the staff was no match for the chakra coated sword of Naruto who sliced right through the energy blast.

There was a small explosion and Naruto looked back at Steve and said "Age finally catching up with you old man."

Tony in his Ironman suit came down and blasted Loki into the ground before pointing everything he had at him.

"Stand down or go down forever" warned Tony to Lokl, who simply reverted back to his base form and raised his hands.

In transit to SHIELD Helicarrier:

Naruto stood behind Natasha and asked "Does this seem a little too easy?"

"Eh, I mean when have we ever had this much firepower for any single person that we've ever faced before. Usually, it is just me, you, Barton." replied Natasha while the pilot nodded.

"Yeah well, maybe we should. I don't know if you know this, but I am tried of carrying this franchise by myself." threw back Naruto.

"Please, you couldn't carry my purse on my worst day" snapped back Natasha

The two characters with names that started with N glared at each other, clearly trying to out do one another with this staring contest.

"Dear God, please let them make it home before they start fucking" muttered Tony for the dark night sky was suddenly lit up.

Looking at the suddenly lightning covered sky, Natasha couldn't help but wonder where this could have come from. It was very usual for a clear night to suddenly turn into lightning storm.

The bright flash also drew the attention of both Tony and Steve who were also a little confused by it. They noticed the paling of Loki's face and Steve couldn't help myself.

"What? Don't tell me that you're afraid of a little lightning?" questioned the World War 2 Super Solider

"No, lightning is fine, I just am not the biggest fan of what usually follows lightning from where I am from" replied Loki as right on time, there was massive ear ringing round of thunder.

"Damn, it's like that guy Thor is here" said Naruto as he rubbed his ears

Loki snarled and asked the blond shield agent "How do you know that name?"

Naruto made a face and said "I know just about everything that I am required to know. I also know that you're an asshole"

Loki nodded in agreement and said "I can't argue with that, I do tend to have my moments. Like when I plan on ripping out your organs and feeding them to your friends"

Naruto made a disgusted face before asking "What the fuck is wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to be a prince of some kind?"

Loki shrugged and Naruto didn't say anything else to him.

Mostly because there was little time to as there was a heavy THUD! On top of the jet that caused Naruto to groan.

"I knew this was too easy' said Naruto as he went and opened the door only to be met with Thor's hammer crashing into his face, sending him skidding backwards.

Tony gasped and tried to fire his hand blasters at Thor, only for Thor to call his hammer back to him, hitting Tony in the back of the head. Thor walked over to Loki, slapped him across the face. Happy with the grown of his brother and proof that Loki was actually there, Thor grabbed him by his shirt and threw him off the back of the jet.

"Sorry Naruto, but this is a family matter, you need not worry about" said the Asgardian prince before he jumped out the plane following after his brother he threw out of said plane.

Naruto groaned as he held his throbbing head before he climbed to his feet. Turning and pulling Tony to his feet. Naruto raced to the opening of the jet and jumped out. Tony followed after Naruto after saying "I got to follow the kid and make sure that he doesn't pick a fight with the wrong demi-God" before blasting off into the night sky.

"Demi-God?" questioned Steve

"Yeah, those two, Loki and Thor are the very figures of Norse myths. They're basically living Gods Steve." replied Natasha as she turned around to see Captain America tighten a parachute.

"Well, I hope they forgive me. But there is only one single God, and I pray that he doesn't dress like that" said Cap before he too jumped out the plan.

With Thor and Loki

Landing with Loki on the ground, Thor threw Loki down and placed his hammer on the chest of Loki, pinning Loki to the ground.

Wheezing Loki struggled to get out "Good to see you too brother"

Thor roared in anger "I wish I could say the same to you, Loki. But instead I come down to Midgard and find my brother sending countless souls to the afterlife."

Thor put his foot on his hammer handle, pushing on it creating more pressure on Loki's chest

"Tell me, who plays games with the mind of the would be king?" snarled Thor

Loki seemingly got an extra wind from somewhere and managed to roll over to his side, removing the hammer and the pressure that it brought from his being.

Standing up, Loki looked at Thor angrily "I am a King, if not Asgard then I will be a king here"

"No, you will not. Brother, this planet is under my protection. If you think that you can do anything to harm the people of this world, I will -" Thor's rant was cut off by Iron man slamming into him and sending him off into the forest.

"I'm waiting for that threat? What will you do?" Loki said sarcastically

With Thor and Iron Man:

The two men tumbled their way through the forest until they eventually hit a tree that caused them to stop.

Thor was the first to recover, rolling to his feet, he extended his hand and summoned his hammer to him. Tony was slightly slower to recover and thus didn't see the hammer that slammed into his body until it slammed into his suit.

Groaning, Tony ignored Jarvis warning him of the slight damage taken by the hammer. Rising to his feet he looked at Thor.

"What are you doing? You don't know the forces that you are messing with tin can." spat Thor at Tony.

Tony chuckled and replied with a slick "Yeah, I know exactly what I am messing with. You're nothing but a Shakespeare in the park reject"

This comment caused Thor to get visually angrier than he was before, not that it matter to Tony. The rich tech man was not one with the greatest self preservation skills.

Mockingly Tony continued on to say "Well, does mother know that you've taken her finest drapes for your cape?"

Thor roared in anger as he threw his hammer into the chest of Tony. Tony bounced backwards and Thor resummoned his hammer to summon more lightning. The sky split with the arc of lightning and Thor blasted Tony's Iron Man suit with it.

Any damage that Tony or Thor expected was nowhere to be seen. In fact, according to Jarvis, the suit was running at 400 percent energy compared to before.

"Huh? Was that supposed to do something? I thank you for the power boost, let me show you what it looks like" scoffed Tony before he unleashed a single blast that got rid of the 300 percent more energy than he needed for his suit.

The beam of energy from his chest exploded upon contact with Thor, sending the Norse legend flying backwards. It didn't seem to do more than push Thor back as he immediately came flying right back at Iron Man.

"Jarvis, find his fight pattern, I need to get inside and do some damage" ordered Tony as avoided the thrown hammer and Thor swung a fist at him.

Ducking under one fist, simply put Tony in the path of the next fist. Despite the suit of armor that Tony wore, it didn't stop the blow from making him see stars.

Tony hit Thor with a head butt and found that his head was not stronger than Thor's. Something Thor followed up with immediately by head butting Tony right after.

Dazed. Tony struggled to think of what to do next before a shield hit Thor than himself before returning to it's owner. Both of them looked up to see Captain America staring down at them, hand still extended from having caught his shield.

Thor summoned his hammer back to his hand and glared at Steve, who just stared right back for what it was worth.

"Now guys, we are all on the same team here. There is no reason for us to fight one another. We can settle this without violence. I will start, I can put down my shield first, if you want" said the lone level headed adult Captain America as he looked at the Norse God trying to fight the Tech Savvy Billionaire.

Tony sighed and pointed at Thor before saying "I don't know about that Cap, this dude is pretty attached to that hammer"

Thor snorted and slapped Tony back with said hammer that Tony mentioned. The Norse legend turned his attention back to the World War 2 Super Solider legend.

"You want me to drop the hammer" snarled Thor " I will drop it down on your skull"

Then Thor jumped in the hair, the air smelling like Ozone as lightning split the sky causing Captain America to see everything that was coming clearly.

Taking a deep breathe, Steve slipped his shield onto his arm and raised it to block the hammer of this "Demi-God".

Bracing himself for an unbelievable force, Cap was not disappointed as the force made his bones feel like gummy worms. And for the first time in a long time, Steven Rogers didn't feel like the Super Solider serum created being that he was. No, he felt like that scrawny weak kid from Brooklyn, who was about to get his ass kicked.

The shockwave sent Steve rolling one way and Thor the other way. Their heads ringing and Tony stood up to see both of them knocked down as a result of the Hammer vs Shield clash.

"Ok guys, I think we should have a time out now. My everything hurts and I don't want to fight anymore" said Tony as he pulled both of them to feet, one after the other.

"Year, i'm with stark on this one, I don't want to fight anymore either" added in Steve as he felt his insides slowly started to reform into something solid.

"I am with you, both of you are worthy opponents. I would gladly fight by either of your sides on any day. And then we could celebrate in the Hall of Victory like true warriors" said Thor as he scouped up his hammer lazily.

"Damnit, I just realized that Loki probably got away while we were fighting, now we are gonna have to track him down all over again" huffed Cap in frustration.

"Track how?" said Naruto as he approached the trio of MCU legends.

"You have Loki?" asked Thor as noticed that Naruto was dragging his brother

"Yeah, it was weird, he didn't even try and run. So I knocked him out and dragged him over here. It was really easy" said Naruto

"Naruto, my man. I love you" said Tony as he relaxed.

A/N: This is Avengers Movie part 1, what did you guys think?

I am sure that some of you will point out that my events did not follow the events of the movie exactly. That is because we are in a different flow and timeline than the MCU.

So Part 2 will be out some time later, check ya later.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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