
Chapter 6

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

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"Sir, I believe that we found something" said a genetic SHIELD office agent. This caused Director Fury to look up from his report and at the agent. Said agent didn't continue on with the results of what they found, drawing the ire of Fury.

"Well, are you waiting for an invitation to continue Agent Sanchez?" snapped Fury

"I'm sorry sir, but per your request we had revisited the area that we had found the tesseract only to discover that several thousand feet to the North, there was body. Sir, we have found the body of Steve Rogers, we found Captain America sir." stated Agent Sanchez

"So you found the remains of one of the biggest heroes in American history, congratulations, we can now put him to rest where he belongs." replied Nick Fury as he moved his attention back to the reports on his desk.

"That's just it, he isn't dead. He has been in stasis this entire time, the ice preserving him for nearly 70 years." exclaimed Sanchez

Fury looked down at the file in his hand and tossed it down before standing up.

"Get the jet ready, we are moving to his location right now" commanded Fury.

With Naruto:

The supercharged blond teen rubbed his wrists as he was not free of the shackles that had bound him to the wall. Looking down at the head of the man who he had just killed by ripping his head off.

"Where the hell do I go now?" muttered the blond spy

"You need to go further down, this place is teaming with guards just like this one. Their negative emotions are intoxicating, such rage reminds me of my youth." whispered Kurama from inside Naruto's mind.

Naruto nodded and with Kurama's chakra powering his body, he heard more guards approaching the room that he was in. Most likely to be looking for their buddy who was in 2 places at once due to Naruto.

"Three of them are right outside the door" provided the fox sealed inside our hero.

Naruto walked silently up to the door and listened, he could hear the heartbeats of the people on the other side of the door. There was three of them, Naruto reached out and touched the door. It was one of those industrial steel doors, heavy too. Naruto took two steps back and raced forward kicking the door clear off the hinges.

The three Russian henchmen were surprised when they hear a banging on the door. That was all that they had time for as the door was blasted towards them and turned them into a red stain on the wall opposite the room they were going to investigate.

Naruto walked out of the room, his mind racing as he strained his senses looking for more people, looking for the direction that he needed to go.

Making a left, Naruto raced down the hallway, skidding to a stop as a punch was thrown at him. Naruto spun to avoid the punch while grabbing it, sliding under the limb and breaking the arm over his shoulder. A hammer-like force of an elbow to the ribs and his attacker gasped in pain. The man dropped to the floor where Naruto stepped on his throat and used it to push off.

"The stairs are weird here. They don't go straight down to the lowest level, you have to go down and travel across the building to find the stair that lead to the lower level. You humans have a very tiring way of providing security." Said Kurama as he yawned but never the less informed Naruto of how he had to travel downwards.

"We could do that, or if you provide me a little more juice, I can make our own entrance. We can travel straight down." stated Naruto as his mind started to come up with a plan to get to the lowest level of this base as soon as possible.

"Kid, you are speaking my language now, hold on this is gonna sting" said Kurama as he grew excited. With a little effort from the fox, another wave of power blasted through the seal and into Naruto's body.

Naruto hissed as a burning heat slowly filled his body. He dropped to his knees as the burning traveled through his body like slow molasses. His eyes darkened from his normal crystal like blue to an angry orange. His hair grow slightly more wild, his canines grew sharper and longer. He let loose a massive loud snarl as he hunched over onto all fours. His skin seemed to glow red before it bubbled and the redness consumed him. The energy morphed around him, giving him fox like qualities. With his entire body encased in this energy, you could see his head surrounded by fox ears and snout. His arms and hands were wrapped in the red energy that looked like the claws of a fox. His legs were wrapped in the hind legs of a fox. Finally, right where his tailbone was, was the swishing red energy tail of a fox.

Naruto smiled as he felt the burning fade away and a massive ocean of power was left behind. He tried to stand up straight and found it slightly odd, like he truly belonged on all fours like a fox. Taking a deep breathe, Naruto ran forward at the wall in front of him, gaining enough speed that he managed to run up it. Running until the wall turned into the ceiling, Naruto raced across the ceiling before stopping and launching himself straight down. Arm extended forward, Naruto braced himself as he was about to crash into the stone floor. Like a hot knife through butter, Naruto and the red energy cut straight through the floor and Naruto landed on the floor of the level lower the floor he had just ripped through.

Of course this floor just so happened to be the main training room for the entire compound. So Naruto was greeted to the sights of about 300 soldiers, who were all heavily armed.

"I don't suppose that you'll just take me to you boss so that I don't have to kill you all?" Asked the Kyuubi powered Naruto. His answer was the mass shaking of heads "NO".

Naruto shrugged, it didn't matter to him if they lived or died. He gave them a choice and they chose wrong. The union benefits must be amazing for these henchman.

Flushing, Queens:

A large crowd were in a large arena watching a group of female cheerleaders dancing on stage. They wore red and gold suits that said Stark Industries in gold letters. The crowd cheered as the girls finished their routine. A voice was heard throughout the arena "Now, give it up for Tony Starrrrkkkkkkkk"

The crowd let out a roar of approval as Tony in an Iron Man suit came down from the sky and landed on the stage in front of the cheerleaders.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready to get the party started?" asked Tony as the crowd screamed "Yes"

"Well then, let's get this stark expo started then" said Stark as he opened his mask, showing his face to the roaring crowd.

Tony stood with his arms forward and slowly lowered them, getting the crowd to slowly quiet down.

He didn't speak until the crowd was silent.

"As i am sure that you all know there has been some recent changes from us here at Stark Industries. After my nasty little forced vacation this past year, i have moved away from making weapons for us to use against the world." Started Stark as he looked around, his mind swimming with memories from his time being captured.

He mentally shook away the bad memories before he continued on speaking, "So what does a weapon company that doesn't make weapons do? I believed that by making weapons, that I could help protect our country from other countries. I was wrong, building better weapons doesn't do anything but make the other people in the world develop their own weapons."

Stark paused before he snapped his fingers and the curtain behind him lifted to reveal several Iron Man like robots. There was a key difference between the robots and his suit, the robots were all poorly made.

Gesturing to the failed iron man robots, Tony spoke once again.

"People around the world are wondering how i was able to make the Iron Man suit. What they failed to realize is that i didn't make the Iron Man suit as a weapon or a suit of armor. I am this suit to survive, they lack the ability to think about protecting what they care about. They focus on trying to strike down those who stand before them instead of shielding those who stand with them."

Stark snapped his fingers again and the robots crumbled to the ground and the floor opened up to reveal a new platform.

"Stark industries has always been proud to partner with the United State Military and Armed Forces, we've developed weapons of mass destruction for years. However, we have turned a new leaf. Stark Industries is now going to be provided medical and technical support for the people who protect our homes. We plan on creating new combat uniforms that will prevent the loss of limbs, prevent the deaths of our soldiers, and most importantly it will prevent the heartbreaks of the families at home. We will protect those who seek to protect us"

The light shone on the platform that had been shrouded in darkness, and people where shown several groups of 4. Each group of 4 was from a different branch of the military. All of them were decked out in new uniforms that had small little arc reactors on the sleeves and pants, seemingly connected to the normal one on the front of the chest of the uniform.

Tony smiled as he looked out at the crowd and thought, 'I put a suit of armor around the shield of America, now i just have to figure out how to do it for the entire world'

Back with Naruto:

Shaking his head at the foolishness of the henchmen before him, Naruto didn't take any mercy on them. As the Russian men raised their weapons to shoot at him, Naruto disappeared in a red blur. It happened in the blink of an eye, half of them were suddenly shredded, like torn apart by a wild animal. Blood was sent spraying everywhere as body parts were littered everywhere around the room.

Naruto's eyes screamed that he was crazy and full of bloodlust, his mouth stretching into insane smile. Kurama's power flowing through him, enhancing the darkest parts of his assassin lifestyle based darkness. The men could only watch in horror as the single tail that was swishing behind him, bubbled for a brief moment before splitting into twin tails.

The air became thicker, making it nearly impossible to breathe for anyone not named Naruto. The ground cracked just from the sheer power that was on display. Everyone was frozen at the sight before them, this wasn't some teenaged superspy like all the reports said about him. No, this was a freak of nature that was sent by God to punish them for their sins on Earth.

Naruto didn't blur away this time. No, he made sure that they could see him this time. He wanted them to be afraid of them, he wanted them to see how helpless it was to oppose him. He wanted them to know that they signed their own death sentences by attacking Natasha and himself. They needed to know that they were going to die and there was nothing that they could do to stop him.

The first soldier hit was torn into 3 pieces by the chakra hands that his current form granted him. The man's head went left, his legs went right and his torso dropped to the ground lifeless and unmoving. Naruto was onto the next man before said torso even hit the ground. This time the chakra hand punched straight through the man's head, leaving nothing above the shoulders.

Another man saw this and tried to turn and run, but suddenly both red energy hands pierced through his stomach like an arrow with both hands clasped together. That was until Naruto pulled them apart, splitting the man right down the middle, vertically.

With a roar, Naruto launched himself at the next poor victim, his blood lust and desire to kill growing with every kill.

Deeper in the Base:

The General and Natasha both had angry looks on their faces.

"You stupid bitch, do you have any idea of what you are doing?" hissed the General, fury growing in his eyes.

"Tsk" spat Natasha, the red haired beauty not backing down at all, "You must be as dumb as the people of this country to think that I don't have a back up plan in place, ready to be used."

They both turned back to the file on the table, with the profile for the new Black Widow.

"Natasha, while it great to see a fellow SHIELD agent. There were better, more intelligent ways to ask for this information. You can't just fly over a Russian military base and expect for the order not to shoot down one of the Russia's biggest assets turned traitor not to come in. A general I might be, but even I have someone to answer to." replied the General

"Look, all that I need is some information on her, I know you can give me that" said Natasha, her eyes looking over the basic info that she already knew.

"i can give you the information, but then I am going to need you to kill me" said the General as he turned his back to her.

"What? Why?" questioned Black Widow, as she stared at the man's back, it seemed as strong and firm as he was as a person. This request didn't line up with the person who he was until this point.

"Because I have grown tired of this, Nat. I am have been at this game for 40 years. I lived through the Cold War, I was part of the secret wars on both sides, I rose to power during the spy wars in the 80's. And through all of this time, what has playing this game gotten me? I have no family, no real friends. I live in a foreign country, far from the cosy streets of Long Island that I used to call home. My parents passed away and I had to mourn from here. I desire to no longer be Fury's pawn. So I am asking you to do me a favor, end my life and I will give you everything that you need to know about the person who seeks to end yours." explained the General with a voice that cracked and revealed just how tired he truly was.

Natasha was at a lost for words, it was hard to see a man who was a pillar of what they were supposed to be.

She didn't get much time to think about it before the entire base shook like a leaf in the wind. She looked at the General who looked just as confused as he was at that.

"This isn't you?" asked Natasha

"I was just about to ask you the same thing" stated the General


Said door was blasted off the hinges, revealing Naruto in his kyuubi chakra cloak, not that they knew what that was. Past that they saw a man with his inwards slowly leaking and becoming his outwards.

Naruto snarled at the General and all 3 of the tails behind him lashed out forward at the General. Said man tried to roll out the way but one tail wrapped around his ankle and pulled him towards Naruto. As the other two tails wrapped themselves around the fake Russian man, Naruto smiled evilly at the man.

"I told you before, you don't talk shit about your plan to me while I am still alive" came the negatively charged voice of Naruto who tightened the tails around the SHIELD agent. The tails of chakra were starting to burn the man now, as they ate through the layers of his clothes and started poisoning his body.

The General hissed in pain but nevertheless looked Naruto right in the eye.

"Do your worst kid, because once this is over, I will kill you and everyone you love" spat the General with fake anger, knowing that this would most likely result in his death, the one thing he truly desired at this point.

Naruto let loose a dark chuckled before smiling wildly, one willed with crazy. Allowing the chakra tails to continue to hold up the man, Naruto held out his right hand and allowed the dark chakra to gather there. The chakra cloak warped as it pulled towards itself and condensed into a tiny ball of angry red energy. Naruto looked the General in the eye as he pushed the orb into the man's body. The results were instantly apparent, the man exploded into a puddle of blood and bone, slipped right through the chakra tails of Naruto's chakra cloak.

Natasha gasped at the sight of her friend being nothing but a stain on the ground. Naruto turned to the source of the sound. The swishing tails returned to behind him, Naruto tilted his head as he looked at her.

They made eye contact and Natasha immediately knew that he did not know who she was, mostly because he was lost in the power of whatever was covering his body with that energy.

Naruto let out a massive roar that shook the room before he launched himself at her. Natasha was thrown off balance by the roar and could watch as the energy claws raced towards with the intent to tear right through her. She closed her eyes as the claw made contact with her right cheek.

Drip! Drip! Drip! Drip! Drip!

Naruto stood and looked up at the massive cage that housed the source of the power currently flowing through him.

"You gave in to your anger child." said Kurama as he looked down at the blond teen before him.

"Did I?" asked Naruto, his body numb while his brain was running like it was trying to wade through a lake of jello.

"Don't worry, you are not the first to give in to the darkness inside kid. Nor will you be the last, you humans rarely are pure hearted enough to withstand the power of a Biju. My youngest brother is known to drive the person who he is sealed inside insane." replied Kurama as he stretched lazily.

"So what do I do now?" asked Naruto as he fell backwards and landed on his back looking straight up at the sewer like ceiling of his mindscape.

" 'What do I do now?' is quite the question kid." stated Kurama as he looked at the young spy sitting before him before he continued.

" I guess I will do you this one favor this time. Do not expect me to be so kind in the future. " muttered the Nine Tailed Fox before it closed it's eyes and focused on the the endless ocean that was it's chakra pool.

Feeling for the slow draining feeling, like a tiny spec of dust inside of a 20,000 foot mansion, Kurama managed to find the power that Naruto was using from him. And with a slight tug, all of that power was stripped from Naruto's body and returned to his own being.

"It is done child, you are free of my power once again" said Kurama as he laid back on his stomach and yawned

"Why did you help me? You didn't have to. You said so yourself, we humans fail to handle your power so often. I would just be another causality in the long list." questioned Naruto as he continued to lay there.

Kurama looked at the still form of Naruto and blinked.

"It is a story for another time but there is a simple reason. I have sealed inside of you since the day that you were born. But we have been together longer than that." Kurama said before he forced Naruto out of his own mindscape.

Naruto tried to sit up, to ask more questions to the fox that lived inside of him. But he couldn't move nor could he talk. Instead it was like he melted through the watery ground and was falling.

Kurama yawned and prepared himself for a nice nap, interacting with people drained his social battery more than he could ever admit.

Outside in the real world:

Natasha felt the heat touch her right cheek and closed her eyes. She waited for the pain, the embrace of death to claim her life. But it never came, instead she heard a thud! as Naruto dropped to the ground in front of her. She opened her eyes and saw Naruto asleep in front of her, his hand outstretched still, but it dropped from her cheek to her stomach.

Upon further inspection, Natasha realized that Naruto's skin was red all over, as if the blond had just gotten one of the worst sunburns in the world. Hell, the blond teen's skin was still steaming. Reaching inside of her coat pocket, she pulled out her thermal gloves before throwing the blond agent over her shoulder. She let out a deep breathe as she marched her way out of the base.

Floor by floor, she passed, each one getting less and less bloody. Body parts and blood stains decorated the halls, the carnage inhumane. But she was trained by SHIELD, she knew that things like this happened. She had done it before, not as messy, but she had cleared out entire buildings before.

Finally she made it outside and the gloomy sky was gray everywhere that she could see. She set Naruto down against the wall of the building they had just exited, he was still deeply unconscious. She gave him a once over, but she found most of his equipment damaged. Reaching around towards her gun, she was quick to slide over and allow the bullet that would have hit her in the shoulder hit the wall.

"Yelena Belova, just the girl that I was looking for." stated Natasha, her eyes firmly on the blond haired knock off version of herself.

"Ah, Natasha Romanoff, the has been." replied Yelena, her blonde hair blowing in the wind.

Natasha didn't react to the dig and Yelena smirked.

"They really did a number on you for you to be this calm, even when faced with death. Can't say that I blamed you, hell they did a number on me." said Yelena as she held her twin guns pointed at Naruto and Natasha.

"What are you doing here? Why did you put out a hit on me?" asked Natasha, her eyes trained unblinkingly on Yelena

"At first it was all part of the job, clients want to know that version 2.0 is better than the original. Then it became a game, cat and mouse all around the globe. But I grew bored of it for a while, until I saw that boy you're covering Natasha. He is quite the specimen, if I do say so myself." rambled Yelena

"You will not lay a single finger on his golden hair covered head or you'll find that you don't have one anymore." hissed Natasha as she stepped completely in front of Naruto

"Awfully protective of the mission there, are we Nat? Does he know that you don't care for him, that he is nothing more than a mission? Or does that help you get your rocks off? Is it a big inside joke? The child that SHIELD raised as a weapon set to breed with SHIELD's top agent … oh but you can't have kids now can you?" Yelena finished rhetorically

Natasha took a deep breathe and smirked as she let off a shot and hit Yelena in the left knee, forcing the blonde assassin to the ground, kneeling.

"I have no mission for Naruto, the world council can't force me to do something like that. I kill people for a living, I am nobody's whore. You got bad intel girly and bad intel is a spy's worst enemy." said Natasha

Yelena chuckled as she pointed the twin guns at Natasha and said "You fell for it. I am going to pull this trigger and either you die and I get to collect a 20 million dollar bounty or you move out the way and I put 2 bullets in junior's head behind you."

Natasha grit her teeth and replied with "What if I pull the trigger first"

"Then my friend about 250 meters back is going to pull the trigger on his gun and you and the boy wonder will make a mess irregardless." stated Yelena

Natasha smirked and pointed with the hand that wasn't holding the gun up towards the sky where a Shield jet flew overhead and Yelena pulled the trigger.

Natasha got hit in the right thigh and the left calf, causing her to hiss in pain. But nothing hurt when a large shot was heard.


"HHHWWAHH" gasped Naruto as Natasha looked at him, there was a gun shot wound. It was perfectly aimed, middle of the left side of his body, where his heart should be. The previously knocked out blond agent had wide open eyes now. He looked at Natasha, his eyes watering and he smiled. He let loose a wet cough that hurt Natasha's chest as he continued to smile at her, blood began to leak from the corners of his stretched out lips.

The Shield Jet landed and people rushed out, they didn't need to be told anything as Natasha was staring at a dying Naruto. They quickly got him an oxygen mask and onto a stretcher.

"Natasha are you hurt?"

"You were shot in the thigh and leg"

"Shit. She isn't responding"

"She's going into shot"

"Medic, get back out here"

"We can't, if we need all hands on deck to keep Naruto alive"

By this point, Natasha had been carried onto the ship and they had already blasted off towards a SHIELD base.

Natasha's mind unfogged itself and she looked at the wheelchair that she was in and rolled herself towards the nearest agent.

"Agent Ful, where are we headed to?"

"Natasha, we are headed to Colorado, it is the only base that we have the would have enough equipment, enough doctors, and enough scientist on hand in case anything goes wrong. But don't worry, Naruto is one of the biggest priorities that we have, Fury's orders." replied Agent Ful before he walked off

'Fury's orders huh?' thought Natasha as she wheeled herself to the cockpit.

Inside Naruto's Mind

"Back again so soon child" asked Kurama as he had yet to open his eyes from his nap

Naruto didn't answer with anything but a wheezing noise.

Kurama opened his eyes and saw Naruto on his knees, blood leaking from his chest and his mouth.

"What happened to you kid? Can't I take a nap without you killing us both." said Kurama as he watched Naruto fall forward, face first into the water.

"Kid? This isn't a joke is it? You really are dying. Well fuck" Snarled Kurama.

Suddenly the lighting around the cage in the middle of the sewer grew dimmer. The fading light showing Kurama that Naruto really was dying. If Naruto were to die on this strange planet, that would mean the end for Kurama as well, there would be no reuniting with his other half.

"I told you that you had used up all of your good will earlier kid, but this isn't for you. This is me being selfish and making sure that we both stay alive." said Kurama as he rose up to his full size in a very long time.

Taking a deep breathe, Kurama closed his eyes and felt for the fading heartbeat of Naruto.


"Shit, we're losing him. How far are we from Colorado?" asked a Medic

"We are about 40 minutes out, we can't fly any faster with him in critical condition" yelled out a crew member.


It took Kurama a minute to find it, it was slow, like the fluttering wings of a butterfly. The light turned off completely and Kurama could feel the same feeling that he had when he was sealed into Naruto, the cold grasp of Death coming in to take whatever soul belong to it.

With a massive roar, Kurama unleashed as much of his power has he could. It didn't stop the crushing pressure that was growing around Kurama. Kurama was forced to his knees by said force, but never gave up on pushing as much of his power through Naruto's body and into his heart.


"W w we lost him" said one medic as they heard Naruto's monitor flatline

"Bring in the machine, we have to try and restart his heart"

"What is the ETA on Colorado?"

"17 Minutes"


Kurama was huffing, years of being lazy and sleeping had robbed him of his stamina, but wave after wave of his power blasted through Naruto's body. Kurama was trying to be careful, he didn't want to overload Naruto's body with his power and kill him.

Suddenly a wind filled the cage, blowing towards the endless void behind Kurama and away from the cage gates. Kurama paid no attention to it as he forced himself to continue trying to heal Naruto.

The wind grew in strength and Kurama realized that this wasn't a normal wind, it was pulling/pushing him backwards, into the endless void and most likely towards an pure nothingness.


"1 2 3 clear, fuck again. 1 2 3 clear. Again!":

"Sir we are about 3 minutes out of the Colorado base"

"Hold on Naruto, you're almost there"


Kurama felt the cold end coming, he had been pulled away from the cage gates minutes ago. The end was near, something he wasn't quite ready to accept. He felt one of his tail come into contact with what felt like a sheet of ice and suddenly, he didn't have any restrictions. He unleashed every ounce of his power.


Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep


Whatever icy thing that had touched his tails was gone and Kurama felt the wind disappear. Scrambling forward, Kurama raced towards what he believed was the front of the cage. There was a flickering of light and Kurama was greeted with the sight of the shitty sewer again.

Knowing that what he was doing was working, Kurama continued to pour as much as he could force into Naruto's body.


"Yeah, it seems that there is a bit of a problem, Bruce Banner is currently with General Ross at our base in Colorado." said Agent Ful

"Wait, who is in charge? Bruce or that thing?" asked Natasha

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" came the roar from outside

"Sounds like the Hulk" replied Ful


"So Naruto exploded with red energy and melted through the first door out the jet, we had to release the second emergency to create the air lock again." called out one of the Medics through the intercom.

"Shit" whispered Natasha as she knew that energy was harmful to Naruto while also leaving him exhausted.

Suddenly, someone who wasn't on the jet sent them a message.

"Agent Romanoff, please tell me that Naruto isn't about to get into a fight with Banner's transformed state" came the voice of Fury.

"Umm, I can't confirm or deny sir, I have not taken a look at the situation yet sir" replied Natasha

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize that was the case. Well, how about you pull your head out of your ass because Agent Whiskers is going to fight the incredible Hulk and become a stain on a Colorado mountain." demanded Fury over the intercom

"On it sir" replied Natasha as she ran to the cockpit and looked at the scene before her.

Standing at close to 10 feet tall, with no shirt but all the muscles in the world and completely green, was the Incredible Hulk. An unstoppable force of nature that couldn't be reasoned with, could not be defeated. The thing fed on anger, and the more it fought, the angrier it got. The angrier that it got, the stronger it got.

Opposite of the green freak of nature, stood Naruto. 3 tails made of that red energy swishing behind him. Naruto fell forward onto all fours as the red energy condensed around his body. It tightened around until the point that you couldn't see through the energy anymore and see Naruto. The now completely covered in dark red energy male let loose a roar that was on the same level as the one that the Hulk had let rip minutes ago.

As he lowered his head, you could see that the outline of fox ears on his head were no longer outlines, he had solid ears on his head. The energy bubbles and you could see patches of fur growing all over Naruto. The 3 tails twisted angrily and they were shocked to see a fourth tail bubble into existence.

The wind around Naruto grew stronger as if he was demanded that the never forces of Nature bend to his will in this form. And without warning, Naruto launched himself at the Hulk. Natasha watched, expecting for the Hulk to simply shrug off the blow. Nobody was expecting for the Hulk to get punched in the face and be lifted off the ground flying through the air.

Letting loose another roar, Naruto gave chase to the stunned green man.

A/N: Wassup guys. I know that it has been a while, but these last couple months have been hard. I am currently single because things didn't work out, we lost a child and then she cheated in the aftermath of that. I broke me, mentally. I was not in the condition to write this story or really any story. I had like 3400 words of this written for months, but I couldn't write. I put a piece of myself into each one of these stories, but I didn't have anything to leave.

If there is any confusion about the chapter, message me, leave a comment and I will reach out to you. If you think it is good, lmk. If you hate it, lmk. If you secretly wish to bare my child to completion, please leave me alone forever.

Obviously, Natasha/Naruto is the pairing at this point. They got 326 votes and are at like 58 percent of the votes, so it is going to happen guys.

I want to thank you guys for being patient with me about this story, you guys seem to really like it and that is all that I could ever ask for. I am off for the month of May so there will probably be about 1 or 2 more updates per story

Until Next Time, HighKeyMars

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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