
Chapter 5

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: I've been ignoring this story, it wasn't until I received a PM about it that I remembered it. So, I decided that I needed to finish this chapter even if it was only about 3000 words. Oh, and the poll about the Pairing for Naruto will be up until we get to the Avengers movie

When you are a world class super spy who lives life on the intersection of danger and death, you probably would develop a sixth sense about danger. Or at least that is what Naruto thought would happen because he didn't feel like anything was wrong until the missile slammed into the right side of the SHIELD jet and blasted it out of the sky. Naruto would however give credit to Natasha for managing to turn what should have been certain death into a crash landing that only resulted in a severe pair of concussions for both Naruto and his red haired coworker.

It was still a total shit show of a landing. The jet crashed at an angle that flipped the flying craft. Naruto flipped out of the seat and was flung backwards through the plane. Naruto crashed back first into the side of the plane as the crash-proof jet. The jet finally came to a stop and Naruto could hear cars pulling up to the crashed jet. His head was swimming and his vision blurred behind being able to see, but he was still able to hear people board the crashed jet.

As he sat there dazed, Naruto was unable to do anything other than glance up at the Russian soldier who entered the wreckage and slammed the butt of his gun into the head of the still barely conscious blond interdimensional traveler. The blow sent the SHIELD agent's head whipping back and into the land of dreams.

"Grab 'hem, he vill vant to see 'his" spoke one of the commanding officers to his Russian underling before he searched the rest of the jet. He entered the cockpit and saw Natasha and smiled "Natasha Roman aka The Black Widow, you are a sight for sour eyes, you traitorous bitch"

With Clint and his squad

Brazil was interesting in the sense that you didn't know what to expect. There was a massive city … in the middle of the forest filled region. The city was about as modern as it could get with skyscrapers, cars, Starbucks, hotels, and businesses. The edge of the city? There was a massive stacking of shed-like buildings stacked on top of each other. A massive clutter that didn't make sense because of the normal city that it was so close.

"Agent Hawkeye, what have you seen today?" said Fury over the radio

"Well Fury, I haven't seen anything that would raise concern about Banner down here. He mostly just treats people of common things like flu and chest colds before turning in for the day." Reported Barton

"Hmm, well if anything changes, I want to know yesterday" stated Fury

"Absolutely sir." Said Clint before his sharp eyes picked up a face known to him. Pressing the radio again to speak to Fury, Clint spoke "Sir, did you know that General Ross is down here?"

Fury was no pleased by that as he screamed "MOTHERFUCKER" over the radio before he gave Clint his orders.

"I don't care if you have to put a bullet in his head, you keep Ross away from Banner. I refuse to let Banner go green because Ross is an idiot who doesn't know when to leave something alone" order Fury

"Your words are my actions sir" said Clint as he pulled out his sniper and aimed it at the United States of America General.

With Tony Stark in New York:

There were many things that could change your perspective on life. Almost dying was one of them. Finding out that your dad was a founder of the greatest spy agency of all time while realizing that you didn't really know him was another. A combination of them both was what was wreaking havoc on Tony's mind.

Opening the file that contained information on Howard Stark and his role in SHIELD, Tony looked at the same information that he had already read more than 4 times.

It was reading the file where Colonel James Rhodes found Tony.

"Knock knock" said Rhodes

"You said 'Knock knock' when you could have actually just knocked on the door" said Tony without looking up.

"Are you busy?" asked Rhodes upon seeing the lack of attention that he was getting from Tony.

Tony closed the file and slid it into a safe-like draw of his desk before looking up at his friend.

"No, I was just reading something interesting" said Tony

"Oh, what is it about?" asked the Colonel

"That depends, what do you know about SHIELD?" Tony said answering a question with a question

Colonel James Rhodes' face turned extremely serious and he looked at Tony in the eyes and asked him "Where did you hear about that organization Tony?"

"You remember my battle on the top of the Stark Powerplant with that huge Arc Reactor? Well one of the reasons that I survived is that there was this kid, no older than 16 fought side by side with me. He said that he was a SHIELD Agent."

"You got to be careful around them Tony. SHIELD is a bit unique"

"Really? They seem to be doing the same job as just about every other organization" commented Tony

"Sure, they do the same job, trying to make sure that this world doesn't tear itself apart. However, they go about it completely differently. They use tactics and methods that are less than morally okay. They are cold and ruthless with their actions, all on the orders of a man who doesn't have the best track record" said Rhodes with an air of disgust

"I wouldn't get on a high horse, I know all about the operations in the middle east" said Tony

"Tony, the United States Army is-" started Rhodes

"Doing the same amount of shady shit that everyone else is doing. The difference is they don't justify it by saying that America knows best" stated Tony

Rhodes didn't say anything in response and Tony turned back to his desk looking away from his friend.

"You came here for a reason Rhody, either say why you are here or leave."

"Nevermind Tony, we can discuss this on a later date." Said Colonel Rhodes before he left.

Tony sighed and then in a fit of rage swept everything off of his desk.

"Jarvis, contact Ms. Potts. Tell her to have someone come to my office and clean up the mess that I made"

"At once Sir" replied the A.I Assistant

"I need a drink" mumbled Tony as he left

Back in Russia:

Naruto woke up and greeted to a lowly lit room.

"Does your head hurt as much as mine?" asked the familiar voice of Natasha to his right.

Naruto's brain jumpstarted and he started to look around as he realized that he was chained to the wall.

"Where are we?" asked Naruto

"We seem to be somewhere inside the country of Russia from what I can understand. The people here are speaking Russian and this prison holding cell looks a lot like the ones that I saw when I worked with the Soviets. I would guess that we are right outside of Kazan based on the accents and the black used in this room" answered Natasha

"Hmm, it is said that former Soviet spy codename Black Widow is the world's greatest spy. It is interesting to hear how you manage to pin point your location from the way that my men speak and the stone used to craft the building. Clearly the praises of your mental prowess and capabilities have been underrated." Said a figure who came morphing out of the shadows of the room.

'Hmm, unless they were just waiting in the corner of the room for both of us to wake up, the door is directly behind him.' Thought Naruto

"Do you know why you are here?" asked the voice of the man still cloaked in the shadows of the dark room.

"Because you shot us down when we flying over Russian Air and then decided to bring us here" answered Naruto

"While that is true, care to take a better guess?"

"You didn't kill us, which must mean that you want something from us, whether it be information or some kind of service." Said Natasha


"That just leads me to ask, what do you want from us?"

"I want you, the infamous Black Widow." Asked the figure

"Me?" questioned Natasha

"Yes, you."

"What do you want from her?" asked Naruto

"It does not concern the likes of you, child. This is adult business." Said the man in the shadows in a harsh tone.

"You wish to use me?" asked Natasha

"In any way that I want" answered the voice

"But why would you wait for me to awake to make a move on me?"

"Because what gets better than the deadliest woman in the world submitting to you like the bitch that she is"

"And what of my friend here?"

"You either submit and you both live or you resist and I kill him and take my hand at forcing you to submit to me"

"I'll do it" said Natasha

"excellent choice" said the figure before a clicking sound was heard and Natasha was electrocuted into unconsciousness.

The figure came out of the shadows and Naruto saw the man for the first time.

He was tall, easily around 6 foot 3 inches tall. He had pale skin, as to be expected of someone who lived in the sun lacking country of Russia. He had a flat top hair style and a thick mustache that were both a dark brown. His blue eyes were as cold as the weather in Russia. He was wearing a Russian Military uniform that showed that he was a General.

He walked right up to Naruto and looked him in the eye. Blue meeting blue, both as cold as they could be. The General broke the staring contest when he leaned into Naruto's ear and spoke.

"I want you to know, after I ruin the body of Natasha Romanoff for my own pleasure, I am going to come get you and kill you in front of her before killing her." Whispered the Russian General

"You know, you should never tell people your plan before you kill them, they could stop it."

"You are in chains boy, I do not fear you. Now I must go, I have fucking and killing to do now." Said the General before he turned and left the room. Seconds later a group of solider came in and released Natasha from the chains before rebinding her and leaving with her body.

They didn't both to shock Naruto, wanting him to know what was about to happen. Naruto felt helpless. His training had failed him, he was captured and defeated by a pair of metal chains.

"You could not get any more parhelic if you tried huh?" Whispered the same dark voice that he had heard in Fury's office

"Who are you? Where are you? Why can I heard you?" asked Naruto looking around the empty room for the source of the voice, but finding nobody but himself in the large room.

"I thought that you were some kind of super spy?" questioned the Voice

Naruto didn't answer as he tried to think of the things in common between the last time that he heard this voice and this time that he was hearing the voice. But the only thing that he could find that was in common was himself.

"You … you are in … inside of me" said Naruto as he tried to put the pieces together.

"Ah so the boy genius manages to put it together at last" came the heavy sarcasm by the voice inside of Naruto

"So why are you talking to me now?" asked Naruto

"Oh, did you have a plan that I missed you making before I stumbled into your pity party?" asked the voice

"Eh, no no I did not have a plan per say, but I was thinking of one." Said Naruto trying to protect his ego a bit

"Kid, you can't lie to me. I can detect negative emotions, and every time that you lie I can feel it. I know that you were ready to throw in the towel as that guy had his way with the girl before killing you both. But I am here to help you" said the voice

"Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?" asked Naruto

The voice didn't respond leaving Naruto to simply hang there. Apparently, he wouldn't be getting any help from the strange voice in his head. Naruto blinked and when he opened his vision was shrinking, it was being overrun by pure blackness. When the last of his vision was nothing but darkness, Naruto blinked again and suddenly he was not inside of the room that he was before, he was now inside of a water filled sewer.

"Where the hell am I? How did I get here?" asked Naruto as he looked around the sewer.

"I brought you to me, we are inside of your mind." Called out the same voice as before.

Naruto heard where the voice was coming from, it was down the hall. He started to make his way towards what he believed was the source of the voice.

"You are getting closer" hissed the voice as Naruto entered a large room. It was mostly the same as every hallway that Naruto had passed through. It was mostly empty with ankle high water flooding the room. The walls were lined with a series of pipes. However, there was something different about this room.

In the bad of the room, there was a large gate. It stretched higher than Naruto could see and wider than larger than Naruto could see. On the Gate was a single piece of paper, that had some symbols on it that made up something Naruto couldn't make out from his current distance. Moving closer, Naruto was able to read that the paper said 'Seal' on it. Behind the gate, Naruto was able to make out a giant figure in the background of the vast room.

The figure looked at Naruto and Naruto saw a pair of cold blood red eyes meet his cold blue eyes. The figure rushed forward and crashed into the gate. Naruto didn't flinch at the large figure crashing nor did he flinch when a massive set of claws came out of the gaps in the gate.

The claws stopped right in front of Naruto who didn't move. He simply looked up the length of the claw. The claw retracted back into the gate and the figure huffed.

"You didn't move or flinch at all. Oh you're no fun" said the massive figure behind the gate before it plopped down on the ground.

Naruto took a moment to take in the entire figure for the first time and saw that it was a giant fox. Not just any normal giant fox, this one also had 9 waving tails behind it.

"You're a fox" stated Naruto

"Was I supposed to be something different?" asked the giant fox

"I don't know" answered Naruto honestly before he asked the fox "You said this is my head, so why are you inside of my head?"

"I have been here since the night that you were born. I was sealed into your body by the Fourth Hokage" said the giant fox

"Oh okay. So, what is a Hokage?" asked Naruto

"You know nothing about your world? That is more annoying than if you were were a loud mouth idiot" snarled the oversized fox

"You said 4th Hokage, which means that there were others. That means this could have been some kind of elected official or leader of some kind." Said Naruto trying to put the pieces together

"Eh close enough. He was the 4th leader of your home village. The Hokage was the leader of the Village hidden in the leaves or the Hidden Leaf Village for short" said the fox

"Not that I don't mind the exposition, but why are you telling me this? What purpose does this serve me at the moment?" questioned Naruto

"What a cheeky brat, you are but an insect in front of a God, yet you question me. I am telling you about your home village because it is the key to you escaping." Said the fox

"Really how? What is a history lesson going to do for me?"

The large fox rolled its eyes and said "Where do you think those books about Chakra came from? Where do you think that ability of yours to use Chakra came from? Everything special about you came from the village that you come from."

"Sure, the ability to use chakra to enhance my physical attributes is interesting but that doesn't help me in this situation. I need a way to break free of these chains and save my friend." Retorted Naruto

"I would watch my tone if I was speaking to the only thing that can save me and my friends life. I am trying to help you, whether you want to believe it or not. There are so many other uses for Chakra besides just physical enhancements. You can use it to manipulate the elements, to shape the world around you, to pull the moon of the sky if you desired. Hell, with the amount of chakra that you have, you could pull the chain and the wall apart." Hissed the large fox.

"Well, unless I get a master crash course on how to do any of those things, I don't have the time needed to learn any of those things. I need to be able to free myself now and then save my friend" complained Naruto

"You voice continues to test my nerves. You wish to have power? Well then you have come to the correct place for that. I am the Kyuubi no Yoko, the most powerful being in the universe."

Somewhere out in Space

"Gamora, you need to eat or you'll be too weak to train tomorrow" complained the Mad Titan before he sneezed loudly

Back in Naruto's mind

"If it is power that you want, it is power that you will get. Come closer kid, so that I can make any and all issues that you have right now disappear." Whispered the Fox

Naruto seeing no choice walked forward towards the gate. Water rises underneath Naruto raising him closer to the seal on the gate.

"Do you want me to rip that paper off?" asked Naruto

"No child, that is not needed today. Maybe in the future, we can explore that. However, for the moment all that we need to do is for me to touch you" explained the Fox

Naruto nodded and the same giant claw from before managed to slip through the gate again. This time it did not come rushing out at Naruto, but instead slowly came towards him. It stopped right in front of his forehead before a pulsing red energy covered the massive claw. The fox touched Naruto on the forehead and the energy jumped into the avatar of Naruto.

Naruto opened his mouth in a silent scream before he felt a burning sensation all throughout his body. He felt to his hands and knees before he let out an inhumane roar.

"Good luck brat, don't kill anyone you don't mean to" said the Fox before the vision of sewer disappeared.

Naruto opened his eyes and he was back in the same stone room as before. He didn't know it but his hair had grown longer and wilder, his eyes were a blood red with a slitted pupil. His canines were longer and poking out of his mouth. His nails had curled and turned into claws. He let out a roar and ripped his arms free of the wall, the chains still wrapped around his wrist. He took two steps forward before the chains around his ankles were ripped free of the wall as well.

Naruto snarled as a guard entered the room before he jumped towards the man.

Flushing, Queens:

A large crowd were in a large arena watching a group of female cheerleaders dancing on stage. They wore red and gold suits that said Stark Industries in gold letters. The crowd cheered as the girls finished their routine. A voice was heard throughout the arena "Now, give it up for Tony Starrrrkkkkkkkk"

The crowd let out a roar of approval as Tony in an Iron Man suit came down from the sky and landed on the stage in front of the cheerleaders.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready to get the party started?" asked Tony as the crowd screamed "Yes"

"Well then, let's get this stark expo started then"

A/N: A kind of short chapter, about 3400 hundred words before this Author's Note. The story is still in progress, as we are still in the Black Widow arc as well as the intro to Iron Man 2, which is literally where the chapter finished. I have also set up the Incredible Hulk movie with Barton down in Brazil.

So to recap, Naruto and Natasha have been captured by a Russian General who I will give a shout out to if you can tell me who it is. Then Clint spots Ross in Brazil which is a large concern for SHIELD because Ross is basically a dick. Then Natasha makes a deal that is basically worthless, Naruto meets Kurama and given the ultimate steroid and Tony starts the expo from the beginning of Iron Man 2.

The timeline is still in place, but I still I want to provide some of my own story that will bridge the gap between Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2 which take place about 18 months apart. The timeline goes Iron Man 1 to Iron Man 2/ Thor to Incredible Hulk to The awakening of Captain America to the First Avengers Movie to Iron Man 3 / Thor 2 then Cap 2 to Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 and then Avengers 2 to Ant Man. Then it is Civil War to Doctor Strange to Spider-Man Homecoming to Black Panther to Avengers Infinity War.

The pairing still hasn't been decided yet and will not be until the story arrives at the Avengers part of the story. Until then, I will have Naruto just interacting with a bunch of Marvel females. Just to see what you guys like.

Speaking of interactions, I have an interactive twitter page, the interactive Twitter is up, my handle is HKM_FF, so that is HKM_FF, please follow me there. Now you know the usual, I will tell you that I will update by this date or that date, but we all know that my pants are on fire, because I am a liar. At least when it comes to my update dates and actually updating.

Anyone who has ever messaged me can attest to the fact that I do reply, and I do read you message. I respond to PM's, Reviews, bat signals and everything in between.

That's all for now, until next time. Also, if you have any suggestions or complaints, feel free to leave a review or PM me. Unless you're going to be a dick about it, then you can literally kick rocks.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



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