
Chapter 3

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: I wanted to release this chapter on Monday, but i don't know if i will be able to finish it, but this is my best effort to get it out on Monday. The story picks up almost immediately after the last chapter ends. Oh, and I don't know of this is of any value to you, the readers. But I was listening to Believer by Imagine Dragons, See Me Fall by Kensei Abbot (Y2K Remix), Don't let me down by the Chainsmokers and Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmare Edition) by Kid Cudi. I just wanted to let you know what put me in the mindset for this chapter, and hopefully listening to those songs while reading this chapter will allow you a different perspective.

Naruto wasn't exactly a super smart guy, but he was capable of putting somethings together. So, over the last 3 weeks, he had been given some personal time to study this Chakra stuff from the books and scrolls. He had tried almost all of the beginner exercises on channeling chakra, and every now and then, he would feel a surge or a twitch of energy inside of his body, but nothing to serious. The progress was slow, but also had it's pro's to go along along with the massive con that was time comsumption.

It was clear to Naruto, that this was something that he would need to train over a long period of time. However, his body had reacted to this chakra flowing through his body, he had grown 3 inches in 3 weeks and packed on another 20 pounds of muscle. That meant that he stood at 5'9 and weighed 190. A somewhat big upgrade over his previous 5'5 height and 145 weight. And if Naruto was being honest, he did't have much to complain about with the increase in height.

On the other hand, there was one thing that Naruto was willing to complain about. Naruto never knew clothes cost so much when you are paying out of your own pockets. But he was physically stronger, and he felt faster, despite the extra weight, he still wasn't some muscle-bound guys, he retained his slimmer build, as the weight and height balanced out. Sooner rather than later, all of his personal time was up, and he was due back at SHIELD. And it turns out that he wasn't the only thing to change.

"Naruto, I want you to meet Agent Wagger, she was a call up agent from our reserves pull why you were away on your private time. She has performed well enough that she will continue to be one of our active Agents until we can find you a more permanent partner." Fury told Naruto as he introduced him to a very beautiful girl.

She had perfect creamy skin, green eyes that grabbed your attention, and mid back length red hair.

"Nice to meet you Naruto, my name is Samantha Wagger, you can call me Sam or Agent Wagger if you want. I am excited to partnered with the youngest SHIELD agent in history, you're quite the well-known agent."

Naruto blushed, not used to any type of praise from strangers, and said, "Thanks, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, you can call me Naruto or err *mmmm*. It is a pleasure to work with you as well."

Fury shook his head and Agent Wagger asked "I didn't hear part of that, can you repeat it?"

Naruto didn't say anything, and things became a little awkward until Fury sighed and said, "The guy, who wouldn't speak all of a sudden, name is Naruto Uzumaki and his code name is Agent Whiskers. Now I have shit to attend to, so don't make a mess of anything while I am away Naruto."

Fury left, ignoring the glares from Naruto as he walked away. Naruto's eyes would light a fire on the sun, that's how much anger was in them.

"Agent Whiskers is something that was assigned to me, when I was 4 years old. It kind of stuck because of the whisker marks on my face and Fury refuses to go through with my request forms asking for a new codename."

"Hmm, I think it's cute. You could have a basic codename like the rest of us"

Again, Naruto turned a certain shade of red and Agent Wagger giggled at the sight of a red Naruto.

Suddenly there was a knock on the open door to the training room that they were in.

"Knock knock, it is one Agent Romanoff." Said Natasha as she entered the room. Agent Wagger didn't like the way that Naruto and his attention were immediately drawn to the other red haired beauty.

"Hey Nat, what are you doing here?" asked Naruto

"Well, I heard that you had gotten back from your little trip and wanted to see how you were" said Natasha

"Well, I think that I am in as good health as I've ever been." Replied Naruto

"Tell me about it, you're about what 3 or 4 inches taller? And you look more solid than before as if you put on some weight over these past 3 weeks." Commented the original Russian red-haired agents

"Um yeah, I guess I am a little taller and put on some weight over the past 3 weeks. It's been a little weird because it kind of came out of nowhere, I just kind of grew."

"You look good" commented Natasha as she gave the slightly younger agent a once over.

"Thanks, but I've been a little rude, this is my new partner, Agent Wagger."

Natasha turned to look at the other red head female agent for the first time before she dismissed the other female and turned back to Naruto.

"Hey, Bird brain and I are headed out to lunch, want to come with us Naruto? I'm buying" said Natasha

Naruto chewed it over in his mind and said "Sure" before turning to his new partner and telling her that he would see her later. Both of the real agents of SHIELD left, never noticing the scowl that appeared on Agent Wagger's face.

"Jesus Naruto, you take 3 weeks off and you come back taller, heavier, and hungrier. I would hate to be paying this bill." Said Barton as he looked at the several plates stacked in front of Naruto

"What can we say, Barton. Our baby has grown up before our very eyes." Commented a taunting Natasha

Naruto finished his current burger (3rd total) and scoffed.

"Please Nat, you're like 4 years older than me and Clint over here is the only old person."

"Fuck you, whiskers. I'm 29. How many times do I have to repeat that to you?"

"I don't know, how many times until you can actually speak it into existence. Besides, even your name is kind of old, Clint. That sounds like an old grandpa's, who plays bingo and makes his own soap, name."

"Nat, please tell me that you think that Fury would forgive me for killing this whisker covered little shit." Pleaded Barton

"Hmm, maybe. Fury spent 11 years turning this kid into a nearly perfect agent. I don't think that he would be pleased if you killed him. Naruto isn't as expendable as you are Barton, sorry but old timers such as yourself don't have the value like you used to."

Barton slammed his head into table and groaned as his partner made an old joke as well.

"So, anything interesting happen while I was gone? 3 weeks of radio silence and zero mission reports or analysis has left me without a clue as to what has been going on with SHIELD or anything."

"Hmm, I don't know. I don't think that I remember anything, my old age must be catching up to me" replied a snarky Barton

"Your words not mine Barton, I guess age brings a level of self- awareness that youth just lacks." Said Natasha as Barton threw her the 1 millionth dirty look in their partnership. She of course ignored it like always before addressing Naruto.

"The biggest event that has taken place in your absence is that Tony Stark had decided that Stark Industries is no longer just a weapon manufacturing company"

"So, what he decided to branch out? That isn't so bad nor is it noteworthy, plenty of companies do that. It happens sooner or later with most companies that only make one type of product." Commented the blond

Barton shook his head "Now that would be a normal thing, Stark Industries deciding that they wanted to make more than just weapons. But what Nat here, has forgotten to mention is that right now, they are not producing anything."

"Huh? Run that by me once more. You have a company that is worth billions of dollars and they aren't producing any products at all?" asked Naruto

"Yup, after his little forced vacation, Stark decided that he didn't want to be in the weapon making game anymore and quit. You now have a weapons company that doesn't make weapons. Nobody knows what his plan is, but from what we can tell, he is not turning back to weapons any time soon."

"Barton is right, from all of the reports that we've gotten on the state of Stark Industries, there seems to be a massive overhaul in the entire company. Nobody happens to know the direct of the company besides Stark." Naruto had a hard time wrapping his head around what Barton started explaining and Natasha finished.

"We don't have an agent planted in Stark Industries? They are a global force if the company ever had the wrong man in charge. I feel like we would have a man on the inside for something like this very issue." Said a somewhat confused Naruto.

"We are working on it, but the qualifications that Stark requires for anyone who want to even apply for his company are almost unbelievably high. Hell, his assistant Pepper Potts could run almost any other Fortune 500 company with her education and skills, but instead she chooses to babysit Stark for 25 million dollars a year." Naruto couldn't help by whistle as Natasha finished telling him how much the CEO's assistant made

"Jesus H Christ, if the assistant makes that much, how much does the big guy in the real chair make?" asked Naruto

Barton looked at Natasha, who nodded, before grabbing a napkin and wrote down a fairly long number. He finished and pocketed his pen before he slid the napkin over to the young blond SHIELD agent.

"You've got to be shitting me, there is no way that guy makes this much" exclaimed Naruto

Natasha and Barton both nodded and Naruto collapsed back in his chair.

"Tony Stark makes 22 Billion dollars a year! You guys ever think that we choose the wrong career path?" asked a somewhat sulking Naruto.

"If it makes you feel better, Stark has to pay almost 37 percent in Taxes and from the rest of the left-over money, he has to pay all of his employees." Said Barton

"It kind of does, but at the same time makes me question the entire economic set up of our country" whine Naruto

"As cute as it is to listen to the three of you bitch and moan about how much money you don't make. I need the three of you to get off of your lazy asses and get back to work. Naruto, you will be joining Agent Romanoff and Barton on this assignment, your new partner has to pass some new SHIELD protocols before she is allowed to do more than fill out your paperwork. Now, get to work, and bring me some of that Pecan Pie, Naruto had 3 slices of." Called out Fury through the wrist communicator that they all wore.

"Well, break time is over boys, I will bring the wheels around" said Natasha as she got up and left to get the car.

A waitress came over and dropped off the check, handing it to Barton. Naruto looked just about everywhere but at the older male agent.

Barton kicked Naruto under the table and said, "Didn't Nat, say that she was going to pay?"

"Hey, wait a minute, you're right. She did say that she was going to pay for lunch, hell that is the entire reason that I came" exclaimed Naruto

Barton opened the bill and saw the 3-digit number that was very close to being a 4-digit number and would certainly reach it with a normal tip of 15 percent. (A/NL: That is what I tip btw, 15 percent unless the service is amazing).

"I can't afford this" said Barton as he felt his wallet deflate at the sight of the bill

"I can pay for this either, I don't even get paid" said Naruto

"What? Yes, you do, I've seen the direct deposit slips with your name on it" replied Barton

"What the hell is direct deposit?" asked Naruto with a very confused look on his face.

"Are you kidding me? SHIELD made you into some type of super spy, but nobody told you what Direct Deposit is? Get out of my face, I can't deal with your sheer stupidity right now" said a somewhat annoyed Barton

Naruto frowned and got up and turned towards the exit. With his back to Barton, Barton didn't get to see the confident smirk that stretched across Naruto's face. He exited the expensive dinner and hopped into the backseat of the car.

"Hey cutie, there is a seat up front with the big kids, you know, that right?" asked Natasha in a teasing tone

"I think I will let Barton take the front seat today, he just spent a small fortune paying for the food"

Natasha shook her head and said, "I don't know which is worse, that I left my card on file and the food is already paid for or that he really fell for that 'I don't get paid' scheme. You fooled me once with that, I would sooner fall in love with a KGB agent who is trying to kill me than fall for your tricks."

"What me? No never?" Natasha wasn't buying the false innocence of Naruto

Just then Barton hopped into the card with a massive smile on his face "You guys are never going to guess what just happened with the bill in the dinnner?"

Naruto and Natasha both exploded into a mess of laughter, leaving Barton confused.

As it turned out, the mission that the 3 of them were given was a total snooze fest. The three of them worked in a rotation, 1 of them would watch Tony Stark who seemed to be on his way to perfecting the metal exo-skeleton suit that he used to escape the Ten Rings terrorist organization. They watched the extremely rich man run through several prototype suits and literally get some revenge on the group in the middle east. Nothing to interesting really, rich boy was making suits that could kill people, sounds like something a weapons company would make.

Another 1 of the 3 of them would now get to spy on some guy named Bruce Banner. Who 5 years ago suffered something in a radiation explosion and gained the ability to turn into a massive green unstoppable force of nature. That would be interesting to see, but none of the 3 got to see that. No, Banner decided that he was all about peace and love. Meaning, that the man who could turn green and break a city was determined to never get mad again. So, instead of getting into thrilling fights, saving lives, or assassinating threats, they got to watch a guy attempt to work at Starbucks and attend yoga twice a weak.

And the Final 1 of the 3, the one who wasn't assigned to Stark or Banner, got to watch Jane Foster. No, allow me to correct myself, fine ass Jane Foster. For some reason, a woman who could have been a model decided that science was the way to go, and Naruto was glad that she made a weird life choice. The assignment for this one, was watch Jane Foster watch the sky at night. This was basically a paid vacation for the 3 highly skilled agents, and they were more than willing to go along with it.

The 3 of them were constantly rotating week to week, Stark to Banner to Foster and then the cycle would restart by itself. This went on for 9 months, and after a while it got a little boring. Naruto's progress with Chakra had slowed to a near halt, but his body had continued to change. The now 17 year old interdimensional SHIELD agent was standing a shade over 6 feet tall. His hair was still spiky, but was a bit longer to that his hair hung and covered part of his forehand like bangs. He had put on more muscle, filling out his new taller and lankier frame well.

The only thing that was even remotely interesting was that Agent Wagger had gotten closer and closer to Naruto. Turns out that she wasn't cut out for the field agent lifestyle, but as an administration agent, she received a lot more time off. What did she use all of her free time to do? Why visit Naruto of course. Because when you are a drop dead gorgeous 24 year old female, you apparently have nothing better to do other than visit a guy who didn't have but a couple of minutes a day for you.

"So, this is your job? You're just sitting here looking through that telescope at that girl." Commented Agent Wagger

"You know, nobody asked you to come with me to work today. Hell, nobody is making you stay here." Replied Naruto as he focused his telescope a little lower.

"You don't have to be so rude, you know. I was just trying to keep you some company on your boring mission"

Naruto made a "Shut the fuck up" face but refused to look at the red haired beauty behind him.

"I mean, what are you even looking at Naruto?" Questioned the annoying side kick that was Agent Wagger

Naruto didn't get a chance to answer or really do anything as he was pushed away from his telescope and his once upon a time partner looked through it.

"you don't want to be looking through that, you don't have the clearance" hissed Naruto

"You're just watching Jane Foster's butt in yoga pants as she does yoga." Commented Wagger

"Why are you even here again? Are you even allowed to be here?" questioned Naruto as he looked at the female SHIELD agent.

"I am your ride back to New York this week. I have to take you to watch Stark"

Naruto narrowed his eyes and said, "You really need to stop bring up the names of the people of interest. I mean that is not in line with the mission protocol. This might be why you didn't get to become a permanent field agent." The harsh words leaving Naruto's mouth before he could stop them.

Wagger looked at him, before she slapped him and walked off. Naruto groaned as he felt a bruise forming on his cheek but ignored it as Foster got to the main stretching of her yoga session.

"Agent Whiskers, your pick up will be arriving in 2 hours" called out Fury's voice from his wrist

"I've already seen Agent Wagger today sir, I am ready to leave whenever you give the go ahead, sir"

"What are you talking about? Agent Hill will be transporting you from New Mexico to New York today. You were told this last Thursday."

"I literally just saw Agent Wagger and she said that she was supposed to bring me back to New York today."

"Hmm, I don't think so, seeing as Agent Wagger is sitting several feet to my right, I find that hard to believe."

Naruto gulped "Sir, I am going to have to call you back"

The blond SHIELD agent didn't wait for a response before he ended contact with Fury. Naruto jumped over the edge of the building, leaving his equipment as he landed on the sidewalk below. The nearly 25 foot drop didn't hurt the 6 foot tall blond agent. It did however, put him right in front of the person who claimed to be Agent Wagger.

"Naruto, what are you doing? That was insane, the was a drop of at least 20 feet. Are you insane?"

"Hn, I don't have to listen to you. Who are you?" snarled Naruto

"It's me, Agent Wagger, Naruto."

"Really, I just talked to Fury, Agent Wagger is still at our home base. So, who the hell are you?" demanded Naruto

"Wir sind Hydra! Du denkst, du hast unseren Kopf abgeschnitten, unser Wachstum eingeschränkt, aber du hast etwas Wichtiges vergessen. Für jeden Kopf, den du abgeschnitten hast, werden zwei weitere wachsen und ihren Platz einnehmen. (We are Hydra! You think that you have cut off our head, limited our growth, but you seemed to have forgotten something important. For every head that you cut off, two more will grow and take its place.)"

"The fuck is that? Is that German?" asked Naruto before he was punched in the face.

"Ha! How do you like that?" taunted the false agent, never noticing that Naruto was not hurt or bothered by the punch, his head had simply snapped back.

"That was delicious, may I have some more" The words leaving Naruto's mouth scared the false agent to her core.

The fist that slammed into her stomach did more than scare her core, it damn near broke it. She leapt back and slid into a fighting stance, ready to fight Naruto. Naruto scoffed at the thought that the girl could do anything to him.

"Wenn du denkst, dass ich dich fürchte, hast du ein anderes Ding, Kumpel (If you think that I fear you, you've got another thing coming buddy)"

"I don't understand, you were literally speaking English 2 minutes ago, what is with all of the German."

He never got that answer as the fake agent started throwing punches at Naruto. Naruto slid his head to the right, dodging the punch and grabbed the wrist of his attacker. Bringing his other elbow down on the middle of the forearm of the arm that he gripped, Naruto broke the fake agent's arm.

The false SHIELD agent screamed silently as the pain rocked her like a hurricane. Releasing the now dangling arm, Naruto hit her in the neck with an open palm forcing her to start gasping for air. Using the wide opening of her mouth, Naruto managed to slide his hand into her mouth and ripped out the tooth that didn't feel like all of the others. He allowed the girl to collapse to the ground, holding her broken arm with her good hand and her mouth leaking a little bit of blood.

"Yeah, you can't take the easy way out this time. Now, why don't you start to speak some English before I do a little bit worse." Said Naruto in a dark manner.

About 2 hours later when Agent Hill showed up to pick up Naruto and drop off Agent Barton, the false SHIELD agent was all but begging to deal with anyone but Naruto.

"P … ppl … plea….please … aa…. Any…ooo…one ..b …b … but h… him" said the HYDRA spy as she was taken onto the SHIELD jet.

Barton looked that the crying mess of the Agent Wagger lookalike and then back at Naruto

"What did you do?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Barton" replied Naruto, uncaring about what he did to that poor spy

"Yeah yeah, you need to get to New York and I need to use my talented eyes to make sure that Ms. Foster here remains in good health."

"Who did you leave in charge of the fort while I get transported there?" asked Naruto as he finished strapping in the scared shitless prisoner.

"Umm, I believe Fury left Agent Coulson in charge, but I could be wrong." Replied Agent Barton

"I pray for my sake, Agent Coulson is the most square person that I've ever met. "Well according to SHIELD rule# I kiss ass, You pants are a 1/16 of an inch too long" The man is a walking text book of rules and regulations."

Barton shook his head and had a half smirk on his face as he listened to Naruto complain about his fellow agent.

"Yeah as nice as it is to hear you bitch and moan, Whiskers. Fury wants you in New York in 45 minutes. You can talk to your boyfriend Barton another time." Called out Agent Maria Hill from the pilot seat of the vehicle.

"Agent Hill, I would not joke around with me like that, I've seen the curve of your booty. I am more than prepared to destroy that ass to prove that Barton isn't my boyfriend." Retorted Naruto, as he threw Barton a wink before pushing him out the SHIELD jet and sealing the hatch.

"That kid has some of the biggest balls that I've ever seen" said Barton to himself, as he watched his fellow agents leave.

The trip to New York was rather boring for the most part as they were blasting across the country at speeds that would make most normal jets seem like they were moving in slow motion.

They were about 3 minutes from their target drop point when a radio emergency was called in.

"Hello, this is Agent Coulson SHIELD agent-174, we have a Level 7 DTA (Domestic Terrorist Attack) happening at Stark Industries."

Naruto ripped the jet's communicator off of the holder and immediately slipped into his AGENT mode.

"I here you Agent-174, this is Agent-613 replying to your call out. What is the estimated Level of DPI (Damage Possible Immediately)?"

"Agent-613, the DPI is estimated to be a 6.7 out of 10."

Naruto winced and looked at Agent Hill who had a sick look on her face, and he mouthed to her 'What is our ETA'

She held up 2 fingers as their speeds came very close to hitting 4 digits.

"Agent-174, our ETA is 2, can you hang on until then?"

"Agent-613, I have no other choice but to try to"

And just like that, the line went dead, and Naruto felt his concern grow before he shook his head and travelled into the back of the jet. Punching in his code, Naruto opened his weapon locker on the Jets and slipped on all of his combat gear.

"Naruto, we are right above it, I am opening the hatch now. Good luck"

"Agent Hill, I don't need luck, but the enemy better pray that I have mercy today."

"That fucker didn't take a parachute" huffed Agent Hill

And just like that, Naruto jumped out of the back of the jet, free falling through the air as he looked for whatever was the source of the attack. Looking down as he got closer, it became a little hard to miss, the giant robot suit swatting at the other robot suit. With trained skill, Naruto pulled his sword off of his back and held it with both hands pointing downward as he got closer and closer to the ground.


Naruto's sword didn't slice into the bigger of the two robot suits as he had planned. The sword barely managed to slice in an inch before it snagged and pulled Naruto to a halt as it became trapped in the suit. The man in the suit reached around and pulled the sword out of his back and brought it around to the front of his body, bring Naruto along with it.

"What In the hell are you doing here boy? Where did you come from?" asked the old bald man in the giant suit.

Naruto never got to answer as a smaller red and yellow version of the suit came and blasted energy at the bigger suit. The giant silver suited man tossed Naruto to the side as he countered the yellow blast of the red and gold robot.

"Agent Whiskers, do not attack the red and gold robot, Tony Stark is in that suit, you mission is to protect him from any threat, pritority-18862" said Agent Coulson in his ear piece.

Naruto grit his teeth and jumped to avoid an energy blast shot his way. Naruto looked as Stark spun in the air and was muttering something in his suit.

"Hey kid, can you hear me?" asked an unknown voice in his ear

"Um, who is this? How did you get access to this radio wave?" asked Naruto as he rushed the silver giant, running in an out of pulse blasts sent his way.

"First, the encryption on your communicators is something that I could have hijacked in first grade. Second, this is the man in the red and gold suit -woah" said Stark as he was forced to dunk a wave of bullets.

"Tony Stark? Why are you talking to me?"

"Well, I don't know if you noticed the two of us are stuck fighting this ass who stole my personal chest arc reactor and then stole an ancient version of my suit. We need to find a way to talk him down."

Naruto looked at Tony flying above him and suddenly had an idea

"Can you conduct electricity through your suit into another object? Say this sword in my hand?"

"Kid, is the sky blue" was the response from the billionaire

"Well catch" said Naruto as he tossed his long sword into the air, as Stark flew above him and caught the sword. The asshole in the silver suit first more blasts but Stark used the sword to slice through most of them that were on target.

"You know this whole sword thing is pretty neat, I might need to look into getting one of these for myself"

"Hey buddy, maybe you can think about what you want to purchase after we defeat the iron giant over here"

Stark finally managed to get closer to the giant version of the suit and hit him with an extra powerful shoulder bump that sent the other suited person flying into the traffic not too far away.

Naruto jumped over the barrier and down onto the same street as the silver enemy. Stark landed a second later and tossed Naruto back his sword. Naruto slid the sword back into its holder across his lower back and watched the giant suit picked up a car and threw it at Stark. Stark caught the car, straining his body and the suit.

"Sir, you must put down the car at once, the arc reactor is now at only 19 percent strength sir. If you continue at this pace, you will not win this fight."

Naruto wasn't sure where the voice had come from, but it sounded like it was inside the suit as well as Stark.

"I didn't realize that the suit was built for two, Stark"

"Oh, that's right, you don't know Javaris. Javaris this is some brat, some brat this is Javaris"

The giant suit ended the conversation then by kicking Stark out from under the car and throwing the car at blistering speeds at Naruto, it was upon him before he could do anything other than brace himself for a painful death. Suddenly, it was like an explosion of energy inside of Naruto. He felt it pulse from his stomach and spread all throughout his body, filling him with renewed energy and strength. The arrived at his body and with instinct allow, he threw his hands out and grabbed the car, bring the momentum of the car to a halt. He placed the car on the ground and watched as it sped off.

"Kid, is there any reason that you're glowing blue?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but get him back to that roof top, so we can end this"

"Oh, you have a plan? Hmm, I usually don't let other people plan things for me, because you can only trust people smarter than you, and there isn't anyone smarter than me."

Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere Brazil

Bruce Banner had finished patching up the last of his patients for the evening and was closing up his popup office when he sneezed extremely violently. Causing his eyes to flash green and Natasha from the mile away in her surveillance car to narrow her eyes.

"Huh? I wonder what that was about? I guess someone was talking about me, hope only good things" muttered Banner to himself

Back at the plot

"I don't care what you think, get him to the roof and then you can question how smart I am later"

"You don't have to be so mean kid. I am start to bring him around back towards the Stark Building now, be ready"

And ready Naruto was, as he climbed back onto the rooftop. He was looking out for Stark, hoping to team up with the asshole rich man who was fighting the same guy as him. Eventually he did spot Stark, only the silver suited man was above to pile drive him from the sky into the rooftop.

Naruto was unable to do anything as Stark was forcibly slammed into the roof, but wince and prepare himself for an all out assault. Stark groaned and Naruto was pleased to hear that the man was still alive, but was not pleased to hear that his chest arc reactor was down to 3 percent.

"Break the mask of this guy and his suit will be nearly useless without the guiding systems in the mask"

"Will do, but Stark, sit this one out unless things are going very poorly for me" Stark didn't reply to Naruto, but he did roll away slowly, so Naruto took that as an agreement. Reaching into his side pocket of his vest, Naruto pulled out a single use tiny EMP and attached it to the end of his sword. Feeling the strong energy still pulsing through his body, Naruto rushed towards the silver man.

Naruto ducked under a swipe of the hand, before jumping onto of the arm and using it as a springboard. Jumping over the suited man, Naruto twisted and slashed his sword across the mask of the silver man. The mask short circuited and was forcibly objected and Naruto finally realized who they were fighting.

As he landed a medium distance away from the form of the giant silver suit, Naruto came face to face with Obadiah Stane.


"I thought Stark made that suit after you had him kidnapped by the Ten Rings?" said Naruto in an unimpressed tone of voice

"ERR YOU BRAT, I'LL KILL YOU!" once again the screaming done by Stane.

Naruto didn't response as he slid one foot forward and moved into his killing stance. Rushing forward again, Naruto was nearly a blur to the old man, and he was upon Stane before he could do anything. Naruto was aiming for the head of Stane, but Stane managed to throw up a robotic arm in time to make Naruto's sword slash tear into the metal arm inside of Stane's flesh head.

Naruto was stuck and received a punch to the stomach for his efforts to kill the traitorous bald man.

"Kid, you might want to leave the roof"

Naruto never got to answer Stark as the sword that had been stuck inside of Stane's stolen suit was thrust straight through his stomach. Coughing up a small lake of blood, Naruto's vision began to sway and fuzz over.


Naruto as dazed as he was at the life-threatening wound, was unable to pass out. His SHIELD trained mind wouldn't allow it. His mind was swimming as more and more blood leaked out of his the massive stab wound on his torso and the constant stream that was being spat up. He saw Stane grab Tony and begin to crush him, even while he was in his suit.

Naruto at the age of 8 was having a stare down with Fury, both having neutral faces.

"Why do you even want to be a SHIELD agent? You know that not everyone is let in, as we only take the best of the best."

Naruto glared at the man and huffed.

"I want to be a SHIELD agent because everyone that I care about is a SHIELD agent."

Fury seemed interested in this line of thinking and said, "Oh, and who would that be?"

"Barton, he's like that loser uncle who has nothing better to do but hang out with his nephew, but I like him a lot. Agent Dan is always nice to me, he takes me for ice cream in my friend time and tells me stories about how he helps save the world. My teachers are also really cool and I like them a lot."

"That is a group of 6 people, I don't think that is a reason to join the rest of them in a group that is extremely dangerous to be a part of."

"7, the number is 7 Fury"

"But you only listed 6 people, Agents Barton and Dan along with your 4 instructors"

"I didn't know that you didn't count yourself as a person that I care about Fury"

Fury's eye widens but Naruto continued on talking

"I know that SHIELD doesn't do only the nice stuff, but some dark things as well. You have to take risks if it can help the many if the risk is the few. But, I want to help the world, I want to be able to say that I gave it my all."

"Hmm, I will think about it Naruto." and with that Fury left Naruto, exiting the room

Naruto blinked as he reentered the land of the living, having suffered a lapse in thoughts. As his mind sorted through the pain of the stabbing and regathered itself, he began to put together a plan. Taking as deep a breath as he could, Naruto reached into the inside lining of his SHIELD vest and pulled out a small electric blade. Using what little strength he had left, Naruto used his left hand to pull his long sword out of the roof beneath him and out of his body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" screamed Naruto as the pain increased tenfold. Feeling his body starting to go numb, Naruto activated the electric blade and waited a couple of seconds as it heated up. Taking a small breath, Naruto placed the blade over his stab wound and hissed as his wound was burnt closed.

Immediately, the blood flow throughout his body started to level out and Naruto rolled over and did the same for the back side of the wound. His vision blacked out for a second, but Naruto got to his hands and knees and saw that Stane was taunting a downed Stark.

"Kid, is has been an absolute shitty time knowing you, but I would jump off the roof if you can now. The arc reactor is about to be blow and it's going to fry everything up here, machine and human alike."

Naruto scoffed and with his limited amount of energy, pulled out his last resort. From his hip, Naruto removed his standard SHIELD gun with the silencer attachment and aimed at the exposed face of Stane. The second that he had a shot, Naruto fired off 3 bullets in rapid succession. One at the current location of Stane, followed by one that was slightly to left and one that was slightly to the right.

Without his mask to warn him of the danger, Stane never saw nor heard the bullets until they were leaving the back of his head. Stane and the suit collapsed backwards and Naruto crawled over to Stark.

"Kid, I could kiss you"

"I would prefer that you don't" said Naruto as he summoned the emergency SHIELD medical staff from his wrist watch.

"Actually, we still need to leave roof because –" Stark never got to finish his sentence as the rooftop exploded an in massive of electricity.

A couple days later:

"I am Iron Man" said Tony Stark to a press conference with his arm in a sling.


With a sigh, Fury turned off the TV and turned back to the other person in the room. Fury was looking at an almost perfectly healthy Naruto, who only had a black eye. But that was recently as Natasha didn't appreciate the multiple near death experiences by the blond SHIELD agent.

"Well Naruto, you've managed to complete you mission. You've successfully stopped Stane and Stark didn't die either. Don't know how you managed to pull that off, but you did. Get some rest, I have a couple of more assignments lined up for you, before when you were in the probation period of being a SHIELD agent, you weren't going to be getting so many missions.

However with the recent high profile mission that you've completed, the people upstairs are curious as to what you can do. Now, I know that you've trained for this, but there is a reason that I didn't allow you to become a SHIELD agent until you were 16. You are still young, don't allow SHIELD to become your total life."

"I understand sir"

"Good, I'll be sure to let the others know that you can take visitors."

As Fury walked out, not seconds later Natasha walked in followed by Barton and Hill, all of which looked happy to see him.

With Fury:

Fury walked into a private room, and saw that Stark was waiting for him.

"How are you doing Mr. Stark, or should I say Iron Man?"

Tony winced and said, "You know, I don't know what I am doing here? I've never even heard of SHIELD nor have I met anyone from it."

"That's not true now, Stark. That kid that fought along-side of you on the rooftop, was a SHIELD agent. And we've sent Agent Coulson to visit you, multiple times, you just kept blowing him off."

"Hmm, the name Coulson sounds familiar, but I would have to ask my assistant. And really, that kid was yours? Impressive work. Hey, can I buy him off of you?"

"He's not for sale, he's a normal person who works for us like everyone else."

"Okay, so why am I here?"

Fury dropped a folder on the table and Stark looked at the file that had a large A on it.

"What is this?" questioned Stark

"Why don't you read it and find out?"

Deep inside of SHIELD's Base:

A red haired agent answered her communicator and once again found herself face to face with the Board of Directors for SHIELD.

"Agent, why have you not established a relationship with the subject?" asked Male Director 1

"Well sir, Fury seemed to have sniffed out the play and forced us to never meet. He was assigned some other partner, and then never spent any time with her either."

"Hmm, that does seem rather unfortunate…. Unfortunate for you agent. We want results, and soon." Said Male Director 2

"I am trying, but I can't not do my job or I will never make it close to the subject."

"That is understood, but we don't care. Either find a connection with the subject or we will be forced to take more drastic measures agent." Said Male Director 3

"Understood" said the red haired agent

"Good, do not disappoint us again agent" said the lone female director

A/N: What is good my people, hope everyone had a nice weekend. I know that Mondays suck, but hopefully the power of the Whiskers will brighten up your day a little.

So, we've officially started the MCU, as the events of Iron Man (2008) have concluded. A lot of things happened in this chapter, some good and some bad. Naruto is starting to progress in his SHIELD career and has unlocked more use of his chakra in the fight against Shane. Speaking of the fight, let me know how that was, it is more difficult writing a scene that everyone has already seen, but I tried my best.

So, we've also seen some of the more background comic book stuff, the people of interest arc is really interesting because it has Bruce Banner meeting SHIELD in the comics. Now in the comics, Wolverine was the guy who fought him, but I think that we don't need all of that violence in story, as they basically leveled a small village of 4000 in their fight.

We also had another secret meeting as the directors want Naruto under their thumb. Mostly because of the fact that they can see that he is growing more and more powerful. Fury being Fury isn't following for their shit, but he is only one person.

I do not have a set pairing so far, but will have Naruto interacting with a bunch of different females.

Speaking of interactions, I have an interactive twitter page, the interactive Twitter is up, my handle is HKM_FF, so that is HKM_FF, please follow me there. I am only a little salty that I have 11 followers as the posting of this chapter. Honestly, I might go on strike, probably not, but I could. I will never actually go on strike unless it's about my job banning gyros from the workplace.

Now you know the usual, I will tell you that I will update by this date or that date, but we all know that my pants are on fire, because I am a liar. At least when it comes to my update dates and actually updating.

Oh, and the story Criss Cross Paths has been cancelled due to lack of interest on my part and has been replaced by two stories. This story that you are reading now, and one that is an AU story and will be a little different than my normal stories, but if you are interested, it is called Stuck on Red and will be a Naruto/Kurenai story.

Oh and since I have updated my newer stories, look out for a Path to Greatness or a Some Roses are Worth Thorns update.

Anyone who has ever messaged me can attest to the fact that I do reply, and I do read you message. I respond to PM's, Reviews, bat signals and everything in between.

That's all for now, until next time. Also, if you have any suggestions or complaints, feel free to leave a review or PM me.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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