
Chapter 21

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: I guess I can't stay away from this story for too long with the way WandaVision is just blowing my mind with comic book after comic book easter egg and gem. If you watch every episode again, the word MOM is written in the background of every episode in reference to the Scarlet Witch Multiverse of Madness comic line in which she famously says "No more Mutants". But enough of me gushing like a 13 year old girl over some k pop guys, on to the story.

Naruto looked at the giant gate before him, Kurama towering form on the other side of the cage.

"So, this is it" commented Naruto as he looked at the single piece of paper that held the gates shut.

"Yes" said Kurama, his eyes trained onto Naruto's form on the other side of the gate. It was interesting to him, because he wasn't sure that he held as much hatred for the blond young man who stood opposite of him.

Naruto nodded and the ankle deep water under his feet started pushing against the bottoms of his feet as it pooled under him as it propelled him up into the air.

His hand was on the paper and he took a deep breath before he tugged on it and was blasted backwards by a massive gust of wind.

Kurama roared as his power was uncoiled, released from the yoke hold of the seal and he locked his eyes on Naruto who had already rolled back onto his feet.

Naruto's eyes had already taken on the orange tint of sage mode and Kurama had to hold back the smile that threatened to split his face.

Naruto's hand raised and a large spinning ball of chakra appeared in it, Kurama snorted at the low level rip off of his own attack.

"May the best being win" said Kurama before Naruto and him rushed at each other.

Outside his body: Avenger's Headquarters

Wanda looked at Naruto's still form, his body set in a meditation pose with his hands arc'd into a circle resting above his stomach.

"Is he going to be okay?" she asked to nobody in particular.

"It is tough to say, the passing thoughts of his that I can pull from the surface is that he has a great deal of respect for whoever he is facing inside of his head." said Vision as the mind stone in his head glowed.

"But the kid is going to be okay right?" asked Tony

"I don't have that answer sir" replied Vision

"Great, our heaviest hitter is locked up in a mental battle while Senator Kelly tries to take a massive shit on us and our people" said Pietro

"Hopefully not for long" said Tony


Charles rolled into the lecture hall, his eyes washing over the students packed into the classroom.

Logan was already in the class, which was a good start for someone on their first day.

"Good morning students, this here is Logan" said Charles as he gestured to Logan "He is going to be a teacher here for a while, his job will be to give all of you, more real world experience."

Logan scoffed "It's more than real world experience, I'm not Charles here. I refuse to sugar coat anything for you guys. The world out there is scared of you guys right now. They think we are weird, freaks, and people who want to harm them."

Logan paused for a second "They want to get rid of us before we even have the chance to do anything, because they are afraid of what we can do. They know that if we all banded together, they wouldn't be able to stop us all. But guess what? That's not what we are going to do. If we ever did anything like that, we would be hunted down for the rest of history."

"Logan's words may seem harsh or crash, but they only echo with truth." said Charles "Instead of us trying to attack them or harm in the world, we have decided to flip the script per say. You don't have to sign up but Logan and I will be training a team that will go a long way in helping fix our standing and view in the world."

Scott Summers raised his hands "What would the team be actually doing?"

"The team will be dealing with threats to humanity, we would be saving people who in theory probably hate us" replied Charlies

"Then count me in" said Scott with confidence "If we are going to show the world how cool mutants can be, the best should be front and center"

Charlies smiled as Storm, Jean, and Bobby also agreed to join in, several of the younger students also agreed to join but he knew that anyone under the age of 15 wouldn't be put in the field.


Wade was covered in blood, the blood of his enemies that was. As he used his twin swords to shred anyone who dared attack him.

'These have got to be the dumbest muddyfeathers in the world' thought Madcap as he got censored.

"I don't get it, why leave me with my swords" said Wade as he pushed his blade through the head of a HYDRA goon, the blade causing a squirt of blood that sprayed Wade's mask.

Ripping his sword out of the dead man's skull, Wade slipped the twin hilts of his swords together and spun his swords, deflecting all the bullets that were being shot at him.

As the henchmen ran out of bullets and their guns clicked emptily, Wade could only tsk.

"Someone's not counting" said Wade darkly before he threw his sword through the man's chest.

A bullet ripped through Wade's neck and he turned his head and glared at the shooter.

"Hey assface, these suits are expensive and my skin literally boils without them, watch it" said Wade as he scooped up a gun from a dead henchmen on the ground and shot the perp in the face.

'Are things usually this violent around here?' asked the bold voice inside of Wade's head

'Nah, usually Wade follows Naruto around and Naruto tends to do most of the killing. Wade is kept around for the comedy that he brings' answered Madcap

"Fuck both of you, I can kill as many people as Naruto if I wanted to and I like to think that I bring a certain amount of mental prowess to the group as well" said Wade as he recovered his sword, pulling it out of the corpse of the HYDRA goon

'I don't think the author keeps you around for that' commented Madcaps 'You're more of a weapon to throw in the direction of enemies'

Wade looked at the mass of butchered bodies around him and said "Shit, you might be right" before without looking at the last living HYDRA soldier, firing a shot that ripped the man's eye.

"Let's get the fuck out of here" said Wade as he sheathed his swords onto his back.

Avenger's Headquarters:

Naruto's once still form started to twitch, his face twisted into one of great distress as his body glowed read before the red cloak of energy surrounded his body.

A single tail swished behind him before in the middle of a swing, it split into three tails.

Naruto growled and the Avengers could only watch with fear as Naruto's power caused the building to shake.

"Should we do something?" asked Sam

"What exactly would we do?" asked Tony

"Something" said Sam

"Great answer, why don't you come up with an even better second thought like helping him" sassed Tony

Sam sighed before he walked away, shaking his head as he did so

"He was just trying to understand the situation" commented Banner

Tony didn't say anything as he walked off as well, leaving Banner in the room with Pietro, Wanda, and Vision.

"Do ya think he is the winning?" asked Pietro

Banner smirked "Naruto is too stubborn to lose"

Pietro took that face value and Wanda tried to peak into his mind with her magic but was blocked from entering his head.

"Vis, can you get anything off of him?" Wanda asked Vision in a whisper

"No, he's completely shut off from the outside world" replied Vision in a hushed tone.

Inside of Naruto:

"May the best being win" said Kurama before Naruto and him rushed at each other.

Naruto's oversized Rasengan was dispelled with a roar from Kurama as the two of them met.

Kurama swiped at Naruto who caught it with his enhanced sage mode strength, the 8 other tails didn't give him the same opportunity as they batted him around.

Naruto charged up a smaller Rasengan in each of his hands that he used to block the mass of tails.

Jumping backwards, Naruto met Kurama's eyes with his own and smirked "I never thought that I would ever have to fight my best friend like this"

Kurama huffed but didn't reply, but the rage in his eyes lessen as he opened his mouth and a series of colorful chakra orbs pooled in his mouth

But Naruto blurred away in a show of speed that Kurama didn't know that Naruto had, Naruto appeared above him with an extra juicy Rasengan that he slammed into the snout of the fox.

Kurama's mouth was slammed shut and the orbs of chakra exploded inside of his mouth.

Naruto used to force of his Rasengan to float behind Kurama and grab his tails, pulling on them before spinning as he used them to launch Kurama into the air.

Twin poofs of smoke went off on both sides of him as a pair of clones appeared and Naruto helped his shadow clones create the large Rasengan before he used his strength to sling shot the clones at the falling Kurama.

Naruto took a deep breath and a ghost of his innerself appeared coming out of his back and when Kurama landed in front of him, smoking from the twin rasengans, the ghost Naruto reached into Kurama's form and pulled on Kurama's chakra.

Naruto stiffened as he felt the sheer rage and hatred inside of Kurama start to transfer over to him.

The raw negative emotions triggered his Kyubi cloak to activate as the emotions poured over him in waves, his skin getting that red tint that he was all to familiar with at this point.

"You see, you cannot handle my power" said Kurama as his collapsed position "This is a mere fraction of my rage, a drop in the ocean of my true power"

Naruto felt the right side of his body twitch as the Kyubi cloak covered the right half of his body, his right eye turning pitch black before he blinked and his pupil was a blood red.

But then Naruto unstiffened and Kurama was shocked to see that Naruto's eyes were filled with tears, cloak had covered his body and a trio of tails sat behind him.

"To live like this, with so much anger and rage inside" started Naruto as the tears that had welled up in his eyes began to fall freely "Nobody should live like this, you should not have had to live like this"

Kurama was without words as Naruto continued to cry, the chakra cloak fading from Naruto's body.

"I had no idea that this is how you felt" said Naruto "I would have done something to help you sooner"

Kurama was at a loss for words, this human had felt all of his anger, hatred, and rage. But yet still wanted to help him, even felt bad for him.

There was a metal on metal scrapping sound and suddenly Kurama was wrapped up in chains that pinned him to the ground of the mindscape and Naruto yelled out "No, let him go"

Everything went white for Naruto, who covered his eyes with his hands until the blinding light was gone.

When it was gone, Naruto came face to face with a woman that he knew was his mother from the spirit of his father that lived inside of his left arm.

She was exactly as Minato had remembered her, pretty long red hair, white shirt under a long ankle length green dress, grey shinobi sandals.

"Mom" whispered Naruto

Kushina smiled brightly and said "Look at you, my baby boy all grown up"

There were tears in her eyes and she rush forward and wrapped Naruto up in a crushing hug, one that he returned eagerly.

The hug lasted only a minute but it felt like the pair of mother and son were getting in a lifetime of missed hugs in.

They separated and Naruto looked at his teary eyed mother "I know why you're here mom, but I don't need your help"

"I know, my baby boy is all grown up and the strongest in the world" said Kushina as she reached out and put her hand on Naruto's face "I wish I had been around for your entire life"

Naruto smiled "I wish I had grown up with you and father teaching me how to be a shinobi, taking care of me and showering me in love. But then I wouldn't be the man I am today."

Kushina nodded sadly

"As much as I want to stay here and talk with you forever, I have other things to do" said Naruto

Kushina smiled brightly "I know, it's just that I have been waiting for this moment for your entire life. You've done so much more than I ever imagined, you're not just a splendid shinobi, you're the hero of an entire different world."

Naruto let a soft grin grace his face before he pulled his mother back into another tight hug, one that she returned in kind. He didn't let go for over a minute this time. He was trying to convey all of his unspoken words into this hug, letting his mom know that he loved her even though he had just met her and that this hug would most likely be his last one that he would have with her until he was done saving the world. But for what it was worth, Kushina seemed to understand everything Naruto was unable to say verbally.

As they broke apart, Kushina said "The pain you felt from losing her would have broken almost anyone else, don't let anyone else feel that way"

Naruto nodded and the white void around them as well as his mom faded away and Naruto was back in the sewer-like mindscape with Kurama on his side, the chains around him gone.

"Sorry about that" said Naruto "Moms always want to go to war for their sons, but I told her that I got this"

Kurama's eyes widen and he was taken back to what his father had told him when he knew that he was going to die.

"I will not be living much longer ..." said the Sage of Six Paths to the Bijuu, listing off each of them "But even if you are far apart, you will always be together"

The elderly sage coughed and said "There will come a time that you will be united again, but all of you have a unique name and form than last time. Unlike when you were all inside of me"

The elderly man walked to each of his children and whispered something softly to them, Kurama's strong ears couldn't pick up the soft chatter between father and child.

The sage made it to Kurama last, the strongest and oldest of the Bijuu that he had made.

"My son, Kurama" said the sage

"Father" greeted Kurama, tears in his eyes "You can't leave me, I need you"

The sage smiled as if to say that knew something Kurama didn't "No you don't, my son. You are the strongest of all of my children, they all need you. But you do not need me, the one you will eventually need will be born someday, but not now"

"How do you know that" asked the tiny multiple tailed fox

"I just do" said the sage "And when the day comes, he will rid you of what you like the least about yourself"

Kurama grinded his teeth together as a Rasengan slammed into him and a large portion of his chakra was ripped from his large form.

Naruto held the large orb of Kurama's chakra, but he wasn't looking at it. His eyes locked with Kurama's.

"I get that we have to fight, but do we actually have to. I don't want you to hate me" said Naruto

Kurama closed his eyes and tried to find any hint of negative emotion coming from Naruto, but much to his joy, there was none.

"We really don't have to fight, because you've already won me over." said Kurama causing Naruto to smile.

Kurama didn't contest Naruto's absorption of his energy and he could only watch as his power seeped into Naruto.

They both watched for something to happen and when it did, neither of them were sure of what to expect.

Naruto felt the power bubble from inside before it exploded from within, his skin glowing a bright yellow, his hair spiking up in the front in a pair of horns.

His entire body was yellow with black markings all over his body, causing Naruto to looked over his body

"I can't feel my chakra" said Naruto

"You can't but I can" said Kurama

"I don't have to worry about you doing anything with my chakra?" asked Naruto

"No" responded Kurama

Naruto looked at gate that once housed Kurama before he focused and they disappeared entirely.

"We are in this together, no cage is needed" said Naruto to Kurama and the pair of them smiled.

"Good, now get out of here. All this fighting as made me really want a nap." said Kurama to Naruto in a joking tone that was capped off with a yawn.

Naruto nodded and he disappeared from his mind and in the real world, he opened his eyes and saw that everyone was staring at him.

"Oh hey guys, no need to worry. I was just moving around some furniture with the man who lives in my head" said Naruto cheekily.

A/N: Another chapter out, next time we check in with Thor, continue the Wade plotline, and have some mutant fun.

As always, I welcome any and all questions, concerns, reviews on here or on my Twitter page. That handle is HKM_FF

I have a Patr-eon, my username is HighKey_Mars on there, it is a dollar to read any no mature adult story, 2 dollars for access to all stories. If you want to support ya boy, that'd be dope. If not, that's also cool.

That's it, HighKey_Mars.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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