
Chapter 20

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



Thor and Naruto stood before the building, 177A Bleecker Street, the same address that had been on the business card.

Naruto stepped forward to knock and suddenly both of the Avengers were inside of the building.

"Thor Odinson, an expected visitor, but Naruto Uzumaki, you are not" said a male voice from the top of the stairs they were facing.

It was a white male who had a perfectly groomed haircut and beard, he wore a plain blue robe with yellow gloves along with a red cape and a golden necklace that had a hint of glowing green inside of it.

"You can put down the ... uh umbrella now" said the man as he floated forward towards the duo.

Thor put down Mjolnir that was taking the shape of an umbrella and suddenly the three of them were teleported to a different room, this one full of statues.

"I was unaware that Earth had wizards" said Thor to Nartuo

Naruto shrugged "This is news to me as well, I didn't know we had wizards"

"The preferred term is Master of the Mystic arts" stated the man

"Yeah whatever you say Wiz" dismissed Naruto

Thor nodded "You may be a wizard but why should we care?"

"My name is Dr. Stephen Strange, as for why you should care, I have your brother. Now I have some questions for both of you" said Dr. Strange before he said "Take a seat"

Suddenly, the three of them were falling and plopped down onto a single seater couch.

Thor looked around and Naruto said "That's annoying"

"You get used to it" claimed Dr. Strange before he asked "Tea? Wine? Beer? Soda?"

A tray carrying each of those things appeared in front of both Naruto and Thor, Thor grabbing the quart sized mug and gulping down half of it in an instant.

Naruto groaned but grabbed a mug as well, sipping on the alcoholic beverage lightly before placing it to the side.

"Let's get down to business. I keep a watchlist of individuals, beings, and groups from all realms that maybe a threat to this world" started Dr. Strange "Your brother Loki, was the first one the list. He's actually first, second, and third on the list"

Thor chuckled and Naruto picked up his beer and gulped down a large amount, he wasn't ready to deal with the Loki stuff just yet.

"Loki is a worry inclusion on the list, but with myself and my friend here. We have it under control." said Thor "I'll take him off your hands and be on my way"

"Maybe I can hand him over, but you got to answer my questions" mused Dr. Strange "Why bring him here?"

Thor licked his lips before he answered "We're looking for my father"

"So, if I tell you where Odin is, you take your brother, grab your father and go home?" asked Dr. Strange.

"I might stop for a bite to eat or some ice cream, but yeah" said Thor

"Great, then I will help you" said Dr. Strange.

"If you knew where my father was and knew who my brother and I were, why didn't you call me?" asked Thor

"Your father had said that he wanted to remain in exile, he did not wish to be disturbed. He said that you would come looking for him." said Dr. Strange "Also, you don't have a phone"

"No, I don't have a phone but you could have sent an electronic letter" retorted Thor

"Do you have a computer?" asked Dr. Strange

"No, what would I need that for?" asked Thor

"That's not how any of that works Thor" whispered Naruto

Dr. Strange popped around the room, mixing up ingredients and opening books. He pulled out a strand of Thor's hair before tossing it into the pot and casting a spell.

He opened the portal and Thor looked at the portal and said "What of my brother?"

"Ah" replied Dr. Strange before he waved his hand and Loki dropped onto the ground.

"I have been falling for nearly 40 minutes now" Loki hissed angrily

"You can handle him from here" said Dr. Strange before he pushed the two Asgardians through the portal and looked at Naruto, the lone other person in the room.

"So, you're not like one off those guys who call themselves doctor but is really just a weirdo who cuts off people's skin and wears it, right?" asked Naruto

"I don't even want to dignify that with a response, the title of Doctor that I hold is from when I was a literal doctor at a hospital" replied Dr. Strange

"That's neat" said Naruto "So, why am I here and Thor and Loki got to go hang out with Odin"

"Because Thor is supposed to be doing that task by himself. He will never become the person he is destined to become with you holding his hand during this mission." replied Dr. Strange

Naruto blinked "You loss me doc"

Dr. Strange sighed "Think of time like a straight line, it flows in a straight line. But then a decision is made and it creates a fork in the road. There is now two possible timelines."

"Ok, so in one timeline, I go with Thor and in this one I don't" said Naruto as he managed to get what Dr. Strange was saying.

"Yes, except you shouldn't exist in any of our timelines" said Dr. Strange

"Excuse me" said Naruto "In case you haven't notice, I'm a real person"

"I never said that you weren't but you don't belong here in our world" said Dr. Strange "The time stone allows me to see all time lines, our time line is the only one in which you exist."

"Then you understand how lucky you are have me then" said Naruto defensively

"We are pretty lucky, but you have thrown the entire fate of the universe out of wack" said Dr. Strange

"What do you want me to do?" asked Naruto, unsure about what the conversation was about

"I want you to go away for a little bit, take a load off" said Dr. Strange

"Like Stark Tower?" asked Naruto

"I was thinking a simulation of the universe if you hadn't altered our timeline. You might even get a taste of what our future holds" said Dr. Strange

Naruto "I guess, if this will make things correct"

Dr. Strange said "It will be like you never left, trust me"

The last thing Naruto saw was a flash of green light before he disappeared off the face of the world.

Russian Hydra Base:

The dark basement was filled to the brim with pods, each pod contained a single person who was cryogenically frozen.

Normally this was it for it, you were going to freeze to death as the technology didn't work as advertised, but with the amount of super powered individuals that were running around the world, times had changed.

With the evolution of mutants, genetically altered individuals like Captain America, and just absolute monsters like Naruto, the once pseudoscience technology actually worked on a select type of people.

Enter Wade 'muddy feather' Wilson, failed clone of Naruto's who was frozen in one of those pods.

The remains of Hydra were happy to once again have the clone of their biggest enemy.

"*Yawn* Where am I? This isn't Naruto?" said a voice in Wade's mind

'Hey, you belong here' cried out Wade

'Yeah this head is crowded enough as is' added Madcap

"That fucking wizard" snarled the voice and Wade hissed a burning sensation filled his body

Wade's eyes flipped open and he looked around the inside of the pod that he was trapped inside of.

"What the fuck is this bullshit" swore Wade as he looked around, evaluating the situation that he found himself in.

'I don't know, this is quite unique to me as well' added Madcap

"How did I end up with you bumbling idiots?" questioned the deep voice

"I dunno know, I think you said something about a wizard" commented Wade as he struggled to move in the tight confides of the pod.

"I'm surrounded by idiots, first the blond brat and now his mentally challenged clone" whimpered the voice

"You can cry later, right now we need to get out of his pod" said Wade

He felt the owner of the bold text facepalm inside of his head and then that warm sensation filled his body again.

"You're kidding, I am the answer" said the voice as Wade watched an angry bubbly red tint cover his body and the pod cracked before the energy withdrew back into his body.

"That was cool I guess" commented Wade as he used his head to smash through the cracked glass, the cuts to his head already healed by the time that he pulled his head back.

Throwing his entire upper body through the fractured glass, Wade used the space to move his arms and pull the rest of his body up through the shattered glass.

He rolled forward as he finished exiting the pod, the glass was pushed out of his body and he laid on his back before climbing to his feet.

"Free, free at last" sang Wade as he started looking around for a way to escape.

Alternate Universe:

Naruto looked around the large unfamiliar ruins, a large purple man standing across Dr. Strange.

"Oh, yeah. You're much more of a Thanos" said Strange

Thanos stared at Strange "I take it Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll"

Thanos started to walk forward "Still, he managed to accomplish his mission, even at the cost of his own life"

Strange's face grew serious, matching his tone as he warned Thanos "You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic Arts"

"You humor me with your threats. Where do you think that he brought you?" questioned Thanos

"Your home" answered Strange

"It was, but they like you didn't listen. We had too many mouth and not enough. Nobody listened to me, they called me a madman even though I told them what would happen" said Thanos

"You want to kill trillions" retorted Strange

Thanos shrugged "Once I have all six stones, I can snap my fingers and the universe will be taken care of and I can rest"

"Rest? You'll be hunted for what you did" said Strange

"Hunted for what? Fixing the issues of the universe? I am doing what everyone else is two weak willed to do" countered Thanos

"I think, you'll find our will to be equal to yours" said Strange as he stood up and his hands glowed with magic.

"Our?" repeated Thanos before a large ship slammed down onto his still form.

Naruto looked at Ironman who had pushed the ship down, back away as Thanos roared and the ship crumbled around him as Naruto realized that Thanos had a gauntlet on that had 4 of the Infinity Stones.

He made to rush forward and do something about it when a ghostly appeared by his side and shook his head.

"Watch and learn" was his only words.

Naruto grit his teeth and watched as people he never seen before assisted Strange, Tony, and Peter in their battle.

But Naruto could tell that it was losing battle as Thanos used the stones to counter everything thrown at him.

Back in our Canon Universe:

Senator Robert Kelly was being a serious thorn in Tony's side, the elected official had his mind made up and it was the dumbest decision that Tony had ever heard of.

Forcing children and teenagers in to the Armed Forces was beyond dumb, but you can't use the R word like that anymore.

"For the last time, you can't treat people this way" hissed Tony

"And as I continue to tell you Mr. Stark, they aren't people" retorted Senator Kelly

"I dare you to say that to their face" snarled Tony

"I would absolutely say that to their faces" said Senator Kelly

"So, if Naruto Uzumaki was here, you would disrespect him like that to his face?" said Tony

"Of course" said Kelly confidently

"Did you hear that Naruto?" said Tony into his watch

"Yeah I did Tony" said Naruto's voice out of the watch "Tell Senator Kelly, what's to stop me from slapping the shit out of him?"

Senator Kelly paled and he stammered "He he he can can t take a hjoke"

"What's a matter Senator?" said Tony sarcastically "You just said Naruto wasn't really a person, so when this not real person comes and delivers what should be a not real beating to you, it should not really hurt you. I mean after all, he's not a real person and you are"

Senator Kelly glared at Tony and said "What would you have us do? Allow these freaks to simply roam the world free as can be?"

The door to the meeting opened and a single black female walked in, the female was wearing a power suit.

Her shortly trimmed hair sat close to her head and she held a brief case in her left hand.

She approached the podium, standing next to Tony where she waited for Kelly to speak.

"Who are you?" asked Kelly

"My name is Maria Rambeau" said the woman as she pulled up her briefcase placing it on the podium before opening it "I am the director of SWORD"

"Sword?" repeated Kelly as Maria handed the security guard a series of documents to give to Kelly, showing how legit and government supported her organization was.

"I'm glad that your ears work Senator" Maria said mockingly "SWORD is the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division. You are worried about people like Naruto Uzumaki, Wanda Maximoff, and the mutants of the world. Well, you're late to the party"

Senator Kelly looked a bit confused "I fail to understand what you are trying to say Ms. Rambeau. This sword organization does what exactly?"

Maria and Tony shared a look at said "This man stupid"

Maria turned her attention back to the Senator and said "SWORD does everything that you want done already. We already have all known mutants, enhanced, and aliens on the planet tracked. We already have counter measures in place to deal with them if they get out of control"

Kelly sat back in his chair "Why haven't I ever heard of you before?"

Maria cracked a smile "Because we are a clean up crew, if you can spot the mess after we come through, we didn't do a good job."

Kelly didn't look pleased with the joke but Maria continued on to say "You haven't seen or heard of beings like Naruto before recent events, because we have always taken care of their messes or them before things get out of control."

Kelly looked at Maria and then Stark "Ok, so SWORD will continue their work making sure that beings such as Naruto and the mutants aren't a threat to decent folk like us"

"Absolutely" said Maria with a fake smile on her face

"OK, then I am fine letting this meeting end here as long as everything checks out with SWORD." said Kelly as he stood up.

Maria shut her briefcase as she and Tony turned their backs to the senator and walked out.

"I appreciate you coming out to support us, Maria" said Tony

"I owe Fury a couple thousand favors, glad to cross a couple off of my list" said Maria with a tired look on her face "And before we go our seperate ways, please tell me that Naruto isn't actually going to go and slap the senator."

Tony smirked "No, that was a computer generated answer, I don't know where Naruto currently is. He's off world training with Thor at the moment"

Maria let out a sigh of relief "Good, Naruto is kind of the glue that allows my organization to get a foot in the door in most places. The fact that we can point to him as a success story really does wonders for us"

"Understandable, thanks again" said Tony as the two of them parted ways, Tony making his way back up north to the Avengers headquarters and Maria back to D.C

Back with Dr. Strange

Naruto dropped back through the portal, his back clashing with the ground as he landed on his back.

"So, how was it?" asked Strange

"As if you don't know" replied Naruto

"What did you learn from watching how things go without you?" asked Strange, trying to ask a question that would get an answer out of Naruto

"That world was similar to ours in a way, our group is split up as well. We can't defeat him if we don't all work together." said Naruto after a moment of thinking.

"I'm glad that you could learn from your mistakes because you have 11 months to become strong enough to stand toe to toe with Thanos." said

Naruto frowned "I don't suppose you have a magical solution for that do you?"

"Look within" said Dr. Strange before he waved his hand and Naruto was standing outside of the Avenger's Headquarters.

"Look within, what kind of bullshit ass answer is that" swore Naruto

"*Yawn* What did I miss kid?" said the voice of Kurama in Naruto's head

Naruto felt like slapping himself 'Kurama, it's time for us to take the next step'

Kurama huffed "I will not go easy on you"

Naruto nodded 'I need to be strong enough to defeat Thanos'

Kurama didn't answer and Naruto didn't care, instead he walked up to the building and pushed the door open.

Inside he saw Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Banner, and Vision.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked

They all turned and looked at him and started saying various things, but their voices overlapped and he couldn't really make out what any of them were saying.

"Robert Kelly, you mean that music guy who peed on that teenage girl?" asked Naruto from what he could gather from their words "They made him a senator? Huh, I guess the US really does worship celebrities too much"

Naruto wasn't sure what made all 5 of the Avengers in the room smack their own faces as hard as they did, but man was it funny to watch.

A/N: So, Thor and Naruto split up as Thor has his destiny to fulfill and Naruto as his own battles to face on earth. Wade gets a mysterious new inner voice, Tony gets bailed out by SWORD director Maira who was sent by Fury to make sure things go okay.

The fight that Naruto watches is basically the canon one from infinity war with slightly different dialogue.

Also I didn't plan on updating this story until like March but then I watched 4 episodes of Wanda Vision and was like SWORD is the answer to my mutant issue

As always, I welcome any and all questions, concerns, reviews on here or on my Twitter page. That handle is HKM_FF

I have a Patr-eon, my username is HighKey_Mars on there, it is a dollar to read any no mature adult story, 2 dollars for access to all stories. If you want to support ya boy, that'd be dope. If not, that's also cool.

That's it, HighKey_Mars.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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