
Chapter 19

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: The story has hit over 300k total views and we just hit the 500th Review, which was: jiubantai-taichoCalmejaneJose chapter 4 . 6h ago

Ok that hid it wasn't Natasha about pairing please make it a harem or at least add Sif she never gets used and would be really cool to see her get over her crush on Thor and maybe Wanda too. Anyway hope to see more. Honestly, I do not do Harems, the most any guy in my story will ever get is 2 girls, I would kindly ask that you guys stop asking for harems.

So in honor of that, you guys get chapter 28:

It had been two long weeks for Naruto, his patience growing thinner by the second as he was forced to put up with the ever growing list of tasks by Loki. The false king had realized that Thor wasn't coming back after a couple of days and decided that he would abuse the power granted to him by the form that he had taken on.

Naruto had played servant boy long enough for Loki, it was on the third viewing of the play "The tragedy of Loki of Asgard" that Naruto was starting to lose his shit.

Loki was saved the beating by the Thor dropping down from the sky, holding a rather large helmet with a pair of horn like structures coming out of the base of the helmet.

"Ah, father and my dear friend Naruto, I have returned from quest that you sent me on" said Thor holding the helmet.

"Oh shit" muttered Loki softly enough that only Naruto at his side could hear it before he cleared his throat and said loudly for everyone to hear "My son, Thor has returned, greetings my boy"

His kind words and tone made Naruto roll his eyes and Thor made eye contact with the blond Avenger.

"This is an interesting play, what's it called?" asked Thor gesturing to the stage that was being cleaned up.

"The tragedy of Loki of Asgard" answered Naruto happily

"Ah, I see, you honor Loki with the play and statue that I saw on the way in. It was done with the finest care, he looks much handsomer and way less weaselly than he did in life" joked Thor before he held up the helmet of Surtur "Do you know what this is?"

"Uh, the skull of Surtur, the most formidable of weapons." said 'Odin'.

Thor turned to one of the Asgardian warriors and said "Put the helmet in the vault, as far away from the flame. If they get near each other, Surtur will grow from his helmet and destroy the world"

The guard took the helmet and Thor turned his attention back towards his father.

"I've been having this terrible dream as of late, of Asgard in ruins and burning in the hottest of flames" said Thor to Odin

"Signs of an overactive imagination" replied Odin

"I thought so, but then you sent me on this mission to collect this helmet from Surtur. While I was searching for it, I crossed many of the 9 realms and do you know what I found? Them mostly filled with chaos and war, which is strange because you said that you had been there. You, the swore protector of the 9 realms, left them in shambles. Enemies plotting our downfall and Allies of Asgard being slaughtered, the innocent people forced into fighting to the death with no sign of stoppage in sight, all while you sit here sipping on wine" stated Thor, his tone casual and cool through the entire thing.

"Oh well ya know, you have to respect people's free will, our neighbor's deserve that much respect" stammered Odin as Naruto smirked as he realized that Thor knew.

"Yes, of course, everyone deserves the right to be massacred, to have their homes and families ripped from them by blood thirsty savages" said Thor in a mocking tone as he started tossing his hammer up and down.

Odin's eyes followed the hammer and Thor threw it past Odin's head before side stepping directly in front of Odin.

"You don't have to pretend anymore" hissed Thor

"Pretend what?" asked Odin

"Fine, you know nothing will stop Mjoir from coming back to my hand" said Thor as he raised his hand in front of Odin's head and everyone heard the swishing of the air as the hammer sped back to Thor.

"Ok, I yield" yelped Odin as he jumped to the side and his form shimmered as he dropped back into Loki.

The crowd of people gasped as everyone looked at the very much alive Loki with disgust.

"Where is Father?" asked Thor

"What? No 'how are you brother?' or 'it's good to see you'. Where is the love?" said Loki in a taunting form.

Naruto sighed and Thor pushed Loki back onto the couch that he sat on as Odin and put the hammer on his chest.

"Take to father now" snarled Thor

"Ok, why didn't you ask earlier" wheezed Loki.

New York City

The trio of Naruto, Loki, and Thor all stood on the sidewalk. The three of them looking at the ruins of brick and sheet rock as the construction crew left for lunch.

"I swear I left him right here" said Loki

"Oh, on the sidewalk or under the mountain of fallen building?" asked Thor rhetorically

"How was I supposed to know that they were going to tear down the building? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch." said Loki

"Then why did you dress like one" said Thor

"There has to be a way to find him" butted in Naruto before the two Asgardian men could start bickering in public.

Thor said hi to some giggling girls and Loki took the picture of the two girls with Thor and Naruto before a glowing ring of magic appeared at his feet.

"What is this?" asked Thor "How are you doing this?"

"It's not me" said Loki honestly

"This isn't Loki's, Thor" confirmed Naruto as he had spent enough time around the God of Mischief to know what his magic felt like.

Loki yelped as he was sucked down into the ground and all that was left was a tiny business card that Thor picked up.

"I guess we go to this location" said Thor to Naruto as he held the tiny piece of cardboard.

Avenger's Headquarters: Upstate New York:

The last two weeks had been extremely awkward and frustrating for the remaining members of the Avengers.

Sam had locked the pair of Government Agents in the building with them, but it was like the agents had said, the Avengers were in stuck with them, not the other way around.

They had somehow managed to cut the power to the shutters and, locking everyone inside of the large compound. Nothing the Avengers did could raise the large sheets of metal that wrapped around the building. The blocking of cell signal prevented the call for help and Vision couldn't phase through the metal shutters as the electricity that flowed through the sheets of metal prevented him from doing so.

The white agent followed Wanda around everywhere she went, while the Hispanic agent followed Vision around.

Pietro, Banner, and Sam weren't part of the agenda apparently. It was only when they interacted with Wanda or Vision that the agents paid them any attention.

"Ok, enough is enough" said Sam before he walked over to Bruce Banner and punched him in the face.

"Ow" cried out Banner before Sam punched him in the face again, his face turning green.

Pietro said "Oh I gets it now" before he started slapping Banner in the face with both hands at the same time, the rapid fire of blows making Bruce turn more and more green by the second.

It was only when Bruce let out a rattling roar that the agents realized something was going on.

"Hey! What are you guys going?" asked the Hispanic Agent

"Getting out of here" said Sam coyly before he threw Banner at the sliding glass door, the glass shattered as the Hulk managed to through his hand up to stop himself from flying through the glass into the metal.

The Hulk snarled and punched the metal sheet, causing it to groan in protest as he managed to bend the metal, his next punch created a small head sized hole.

"You have to stop him" cried out the Hispanic agent as the Hulk laid waste to the shutter keeping them out of the backyard.

"No, I don't think I will" said Sam as the lazy late afternoon rays of sunshine started to flood the living room.

As the Hulk ran outside, Sam saw what the agent hadn't wanted them to see, the large dome that had been placed over their headquarters.

"What is that?" asked Pietro as the Hulk raced towards the large dome, the green man moving faster than any human could.

"That's the first part of the Mutant Registration Act. You trapped us in here with you, they place the dome over the entire property." said the tanned Agent.

"And if we killed you?" asked Sam

"The people on the outside suck all the air from inside the dome until you all suffocate to death" smirked the agent.

Sam watched as the Hulk started pounding on the dome, electricity arcing around his body, his body started smoking before a final two handed bash sent the green being flying backwards, his skin turning white as he morphed back into Bruce Banner.

"How did you guys do that? The only people that I know that can do that aren't even on world at the moment" questioned Sam

"The dome absorbs kinetic energy and reverses it back at the source. The more that jolly green beast tried to break out, the harder the dome blasted him with more of his own energy. He simply defeated himself by being a mindless beast." stated the Hispanic agent.

The sky darkened and Sam looked up at the sudden cloudy sky despite it being only 5 in the middle of summer.

"What are you guys doing?" asked the Hispanic agent

"Oh this isn't me" said Sam and the agent felt the building shake.

The white agent was blasted out of the building from outside and they heard Wanda scream "ENOUGH!"

The foreign Avenger marched down the stairs and out of the Avenger's Headquarters building out into the backyard.

Her body was glowing a pulsing angry red color and nobody had the ever seen the young female so angry before.

She put her hands up into the air and everyone could only watch as a beam of red energy shot out of her hands and slammed into the large dome that covered her home.

The dome shook, but remained whole as it seemingly sucked up all of her energy, Wanda started breathing heavily as she strained herself trying to keep up the massive onslaught usage of her powers to break the dome.

The first cracks started to appear and then Wanda let out a final roar as her entire body shined red before she unleashed a massive wave of energy out from her body and the dome shattered into tiny grains of sand.

She stood there huffing and puffing as she remained exhausted from the experience.

"Get out ... of my ... home" she said between pants and Vision flew towards her, scooping her up in his arms.

The gem in his forehead glowed threatening as he looked at the pair of agents and said "The lady has spoken, leave now"

The white agent scrambled to his feet and the Hispanic agent joined him outside as the two of them walked around the building back towards the front where their car was parked.

"We're in deep shit" said Sam

"I know" said a very tired Wanda

Upstate New York: X-Mansion

"I'm telling you that that these people are threats to our way of life. If we simply allow these Mutants to have their way, the will kill us all." said Senator Robert Kelly

"You don't think that's a dramatic take? As far as we know, one of the most famous of these so called "Mutants" is Naruto Uzumaki, a man who dedicated his entire life to literally saving the world." asked a reporter

"If Naruto Uzumaki is such a good guy, why didn't anyone really know about him until his girlfriend released his file on the internet for all of us to see?" asked Senator Kelly

"If people know who you are, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a spy?" asked a different reporter who sounded a little confused.

The doors to the meeting were pushed open and in walked Tony Stark in a all black suit.

He walked right up to the podium and said "Why?"

"Why what Mr. Stark?" asked Senator Kelly

"Well I want to really ask why you're such a dumbass. Senator Kelly. But instead I'm going to ask you why are you doing this. This literally just happened, Thunderbolt Ross just tried this with the Avengers. Why try to drag all of these people through the exact same thing, but with people who are also going to be kids and the elderly." said Tony

Senator Kelly scoffed "That would be terrible, if they were people. But they are not people, they are beasts that the Good Lord made the mistake of releasing. They aren't like you and I, Stark, they can't control themselves. They're little more than savage animals that need to be put down. If you're too blind to see it, then let's show the people what happens when my people tried to talk to them today."

Tony looked at the screen off to the side and was shown the Avenger's headquarters.

A white man in a standard black and white suit laid on the ground at Wanda's feet.

"Please ma'am, don't hurt us. We just wanted to talk" begging the man

Wanda stood there over him as she glowed red once more, her powers begging to be unleashed on the man

"Get out ... of my ... home before I kill you" she snarled angrily as Vision flew towards her, scooping her up in his arms.

The gem in his forehead glowed threatening as he looked at the pair of agents and said "The lady has spoken, leave now"

"Tell me Mr. Stark, does seem like people who have our best interests at work. These are the Avengers and even they have no concern for human life." said Senator Kelly

Tony opened his mouth to respond

The TV shut off and Charles Xavier couldn't tell you if he wanted to bury his face in his hands or scream loudly and destroy his office.

He was angry, beyond it actually. How could this happen at a time like this? Naruto had been the glue that had allowed the government to say "These guys aren't that bad" but without him, they clearly didn't matter in the face of the government.

He settled for putting his face in his hands as he mentally cursed the situation that he knew was going to come.

"Everything okay Professor" said the accented voice of Storm, Charles pulled his head out of his hands and turned his chair to look away from the TV in his office and towards his weather controlling pupil.

"Just a bit of disappointment at the slow news day, they're airing a terrible rerun" said Charles

"You don't have to hide it Professor, everyone saw the news." said Storm causing Charles to lick his lips nervously.

"Go bring everyone to the main staircase, I will address everyone at once" said Charles as he wheeled out of his office and down the hall.

The trip was only about a minute long and by the time Charles got there, the stairs was filled with his students. The nearly 20 students all sitting on the steps, looking down at him, the 7 teenagers who spoke with Naruto didn't look as worried as the 11 younger and newer students.

"Storm already told me that you all watched the news, you know about Senator Kelly and his hateful words. But don't worry about them, don't worry about him. This is the same conversation they tried to have in the 80's and 90's, this is the talk of people who can't understand that we are exactly the same as the everyone else" said Charles to his mass of students.

"But Professor, they hate us and you just said this has been going on for nearly 40 years" said an older student from the back.

"Scott, the world is an ever changing place, there are more people who think of us in a good light today then there was yesterday." said Charles

There was a knock on the door and Charles sent a mental message to Jean who nodded in response and the door opened.

Peter looked at the group of students and Charles "Um, is this a bad time? I can always wait outside"

"Nonsense my child, I was just letting the students know that there is nothing to be worried about" said Charles as he waved Spider-Man in.

"There might be" whispered Peter but his words were heard by all "There is a couple of government guys at the main gate, I had to sneak past them to get inside"

Charles frowned and he turned to his students "None of you are to do anything but sit here and be quiet. Scott and Jean are in charge, Storm will come with me"

The students could tell by his tone that he wasn't saying this to be nice, the stern wheelchair bound professor meant it.

Storm and Charles moved down the ramp connected to the porch and wheeled out to the main gate.

"Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?" said Charles, trying to be as nice as possible to these men.

"You can start by opening these gates" said the agent on the left, his tone making it clear that he didn't want to be there.

"I'm afraid that I can't do that without knowing your intentions" said Charles firmly

"Our intentions are to put a bracelet on each of your students and track them to make sure that they don't get up to any trouble" said the agent on the right.

"Hey Bubs, back away from the gate" called out a man from the shadows, the figure was short and stocky.

"Just who the hell are you?" said the agent on the left

"My name isn't important, leave before I make you" warned the stout man

"Waste him" said the right agent and both of them pulled out their guns and fired twice on the man.

Storm let out a scared yelp and Charles couldn't believe the ease at which they tried to end another person's life.

"Are you assholes finished?" called out the shadowy figure as he walked into the light and the pair of agents could only watch in horror their bullets dropped out of the man's skin, his wounds healing before their eyes.

He grunted in pain as a trio of metal blades erupted from between his knuckles and he pointed his metal claws at the agents "Give me a reason bub"

The pair of Agents scoffed but turned away from the school and walked back over to their car.

Their last words were "Boss man isn't going to like this" before they drove off and the short buff man let his claws retract into his hands.

"Hey, my name is Logan, Wade sent me" said Logan as he introduced himself "Wade said this was a place for mutants to be safe and live in peace"

Charles smiled widely and said "Of course Logan, welcome home"

A/N: I'm not gonna lie, yall had some decent guess. The most common ones were William Stryker and Trask.

All of those were good guesses, but nope the man who is trying to mess things up for the world is the useless guy who sits behind a desk and swears that he serves people. Senator Kelly is from the X-Men movie in 2000, someone mentioned the film but I guess overlooked the character.

I have two main plot lines going at the moment, one for Naruto, one for the Mutants. Thor is in there too as we move forward with Ragnarok's plot.

As always, I welcome any and all questions, concerns, reviews on here or on my Twitter page. That handle is HKM_FF

I have a Patr-eon, my username is HighKey_Mars on there, it is a dollar to read any no mature adult story, 2 dollars for access to all stories. If you want to support ya boy, that'd be dope. If not, that's also cool.

That's it, HighKey_Mars.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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