
Chapter 18

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

Naruto was breathing heavily, his naked upper half covered in sweat as he struggled to suck in air.

"That was a good attempt but you aren't going to be able beat him with only that level of strength" commented Minato from inside of Naruto's mind.

'I know' huffed Naruto as he dropped to the ground exhausted, his body feeling heavier than ever.

It had been a month since Naruto had come to Asgard and he could honestly say that things were great.

Thor had opened up his home to him and the people were much like the people of Earth, if not a bit stronger and lived seemingly forever.

The two of them, mostly trained and traveled from planet to planet protecting those who sought Asgard's help.

The only thing that was weird was that Odin was strangely absent, the one eyed king was constantly traveling or resting.

Neither Thor or Naruto had seen much of the King, only a breath conversation on the first day in the kingdom, basically saying that it was okay for Naruto to stay. But shortly after that, the king decided to travel from realm to realm, apparently trying to build better relationships with the different leaders.

"You almost beat me, you're raw strength is quite impressive" commented Thor, his own body slick with proof of their effort filled bout.

There was a soft clack of a boot hitting the ground and both of the men looked to the entrance to their sparring room.

The door opened and Naruto said "Lady Sif" in greeting.

The beautiful female warrior smiled at the male duo and said "The king has sent a message for Thor. He says you must bring him the helmet of Surtur, a task that you must do alone"

Thor scratched his exposed chest and said "I will at one, tell father I will set off within the hour"

Sif nodded and lightning struck Thor as he raised his hammer and flew out of the large window overseeing the garden.

"Is it smart to send Thor off on his own like that" questioned Naruto, curious about the sudden solo mission that Thor was given randomly.

Sif shrugged as she nodded her head "Thor is ... very much suited to carry the burden of doing whatever Asgard needs him to do. He is the next in line for the throne, he knows that must be done"

The answer was good enough for Naruto, Thor was basically a God. If his people had faith in him, then so did he.

Lady Sif turned to leave the room, but looked back at the blond and said "Why don't you walk with me"

Naruto didn't have a reason to decline, his sparring partner had left for the forseeable future, so why not.

Naruto grabbed his shirt and towel, covering his head with the fluffy fabric and walking beside Lady Sif.

"You are quite the impressive warrior, the universe had rarely been this peaceful. You and Thor make quite the pairing on the battlefield/" said Lady Sif after a moment of silence between the two as they walked, she was referencing the half dozen fights that Naruto and Thor had been in since they had both arrived about a month ago.

Naruto shrugged, the towel on his head threatening to fall off "Thanks, I try, but I don't know about impressive ...I ..."

Naruto's words failed to come out, his mind slamming down on his ego with the force of a million suns.

"I try my best" finished Naruto lamely

"So modest for a strong young man. I wish Thor had met you sooner" laughed Lady Sif, missing the pained look on Naruto's face.

Naruto didn't say anything as they continued to walk down the halls, making their way into a part of the castle that Naruto had never been in.

"You're different than the man Thor made you out to be. When he first came back from Midgard ... I mean Earth, he told the story of a blond man with a sword who in a blue tinted blur managed to destroy an Asgardian Destroyer with ease. We were taken back of the thought of someone on Earth holding that kind of power." Stated Lady Sif "But then Thor traveled back to Earth, he told us a tale of your death, of your revival. Of your battle of Ultron, how you summoned his hammer and unleashed power that was fitting of only someone who held the title: God of Thunder."

Naruto remained silent, unsure and uneasy with the direction of the conservation.

"Why are you here?" asked Lady Sif finally

Naruto's mouth was suddenly very dry and he wasn't sure of how to answer that questions. There was many reasons that he was here, Thor inviting him was the main one.

"Am I not allowed here?" asked Naruto, not wanting to give the answer he knew to be the truest in his heart.

"You are, but a warrior of your caliber doesn't abandon his world with reason" said Lady Sif as her tone took a darker underlining.

Naruto stiffened as the area felt colder and his hand shot out and grabbed Lady Sif by the throat.

"You fucking little snake" hissed Naruto as he lifted the female warrior off the ground with his hand around her throat.

Lady Sif smirked and she morphed into the cold still form of Natasha, expecting the blond Avenger to drop her.

Instead the hand around her throat tightened and Naruto shook his head in disbelief.

"You have such an amazing way with words, Loki" said Naruto as the girl in his hands dissolved into nothing and Loki shimmered into existence in front of Naruto.

Upstate New York: Avengers Headquarters

Pietro was lazing about on the couch, Wanda was practicing her control of her powers with Vision, Sam was working out in the backyard, Clint wasn't in the building, which was the new norm. He hadn't step foot inside of the headquarters since Naruto left after the funeral.

Neither had Tony, both of the original Avengers had been scarcely seen since the death of Natasha.

And nobody could or would blame them, Tony and Clint had lost one of their oldest friends in Natasha and someone they viewed as a little brother in Naruto when he jetted off with Thor.

The lone OG avenger who still came around was Bruce Banner, but even his time, attention, and energy wasn't fully on the team.

The glue that was needed to bring the team together is Naruto, but he was currently off world with Thor.

There was a knock at the door and Pietro raced over to the door and opened it, finding a pair of men dressed in black suits, white suits, black ties.

"Uh, can I help ya?" asked Pietro

"Are you Pietro Maximoff?" asked one of the men in the suit.

"Yes, who wants to know?" said Pietro

The men pushed pasted Pietro into the large building, they eyes looking around the room.

Sam entered through the door that lead to the backyard, his eyes looking up and down at the men.

"Who are you?" he asked

"Our names are not important and to be honest neither are you." said the man on the left.

Despite the generic FBI/Federal Agent suits, the man on the right was a white man, with a military fade, light green eyes with an average looking face. His partner was tanner, Hispanic, with brown eyes and the same haircut.

The new voices drew the attention of Wanda and Vision, who joined Pietro and Sam in the living room.

"What is going on?" asked Wanda.

"By order of the Government of the United States of America, we have be issued warrants for Wanda and Pietro Maximoff and the Artificial Being known as Vision." drawled the first man, the white man.

"I don't understand" said Vision

The tanned agent scoffed "What's not to get freak? You three are coming with us, because you're unnatural monsters"

Sam's face twisted into a frown before morphing into an angry glare at the man's words "I don't like your tone or your choice of words"

The Hispanic agent shrugged "I don't care what you like, but these circus freaks are coming with us"

There was a knock on the open door and Bruce Banner peeked his head into through the doorway "What's going on here?"

The white agent smiled "Perfect, we got the whole set. The red one, the blue one, the green one, the rainbow colored one"

Bruce made a face "If you don't tell me what going one, I will have to ask you to leave"

The white agent rolled in his eyes "Doctor, I would like you to prescribe yourself one dose of shut the fuck up, none of you are in charge of this situation"

Sam tapped something on his wrist and the building went into lockdown, with metal shutters coming down all around the building.

The pair of agents glanced at each other and a smile graced both of their faces, seemingly pleased with the course of action.

"Do you have any idea of what you just did" asked the Hispanic agent

"Yeah trapped you guys in here with us" said Sam

The white agent chuckled and shook his head "No, you just trapped yourselves in here with us"

Queens, New York:

Peter was running late, he had already missed the bus that would take him to Port Authority.

So, he was swinging through the busy streets of when he was blasted out of the air, his body spinning around as he managed to catch himself by gripping the edge of a building.

"Woah, what was that?" Peter asked himself

His answer came when a silver blur shot at him and tried to knock him off of the building. It was only Peter's quick reactions that allowed him to roll out of the way and watch as the silver blur passed right through the building without damaging it.

"Hey Kid, what the hell are you doing?" asked the annoyed voice of Tony Stark out of his phone in his pocket

"Mr. Stark, I have no idea what's going on" said Peter as his eyes bounced around from place to place, trying to find where the latest attack would come from.

His body tingled and he leapt into the air and swung to another building as the silver blur exploded out of the place where he had been standing on the building.

But this time, Peter managed to get a glimpse of the thing that was targeting him, it was a metal man shaped being on top of some kind of silver metal surfboard.

The man on the board reversed course and started flying towards Peter again, but he was intercepted by a red and gold blur as Ironman arrived.

"I got this kid" said Tony from inside of the suit as he stood between the strange new man and Peter.

"Aye buddy, I don't know where you think you are, but you're not welcome here." said Tony to the metal man who stopped to stare at him.

"You aren't the people that I am looking for. Where is the being known as Naruto Uzumaki" croaked the metal man

"If you have an issue with Naruto, you have an issue with me" said Tony

The metal man tilted his head as he looked at Tony before he zoomed forward and his arm ripped into the chest piece of the Ironman suit, ripping out the power source.

"The message for Naruto Uzumaki is simple, 7 years." said the Silver Surfer guy

"What happens in 7 years?" asked Tony

"Ashta, The Destroyer of Worlds, The Lifebringer, the LifeEnder, The Seeker of Worlds, Galactus. Whatever you want to call him, the man who will come here and consume your planet will arrive in 7 years.

There is a prophecy of a golden man, one who is not of this universe but calls it home, who is said to stop Galactus. I have searched the universe looking for someone to end his reign of terror and Naruto Uzumaki is the lone person capable of stopping him"

The man threw Tony at Peter and then zipped away without another word, leaving the pair of NYC based superheroes behind.

"Uh , what do we do?" asked Peter as he pulled Tony up onto the flat roof of the building.

"We deliver the message" said Tony

Back on Asgard:

Naruto glared at Loki who glared right back, both of their eyes trained on the other, neither of them willing to give in first.

Loki blinked first and Naruto smirked

"So, give me a reason why I don't just murder you right now and move on with my day" said Naruto

"Because then you will never get the location of where my father is" replied Loki

"So, the old man is still alive?" asked Naruto

"Of course, I already lost a mom, I didn't have it in me to kill the old man" said Loki, a hint of emotion in his voice.

Naruto shrugged "I never know with you, you're quite the unique person"

"I would say the same, but all of you Earthlings are the same to me" retorted Loki

Naruto let out a huff of air "I'm not even an Earthling, I'm from another universe, dimension, or realm, whatever you want to call it"

"Ah, that's probably why you have that furry beast in your stomach and the soul of someone in that lightning tattoo on your arm" said Loki, more interested in Naruto now.

Naruto nodded "You can sense them?"

Loki sneered "Sense is such a limited version of what I can do, I can taste their powers, see it radiating off of you in waves. You know nothing of the extent of my abilities"

Naruto rolled his eyes and his body became in the red chakra shroud from Kurama's chakra, the angry red energy sporting 3 tails behind Naruto.

Loki gulped as simply being in Naruto's presence was enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Naruto dropped the chakra and tsk'd "Yeah, you're a real tough guy. I would watch the way you talk to me, shut your mouth before I rip it off"

Loki made a face "Such a temper on you, that's no way to talk to the man who let you into his home."

"This isn't your home, this is Odin's home. You kicked him out and used your magic to turn into him, because you knew that you weren't welcome here" pointed out Naruto

"Why let facts get in the way of a well crafted story" replied Loki as his imagine shimmered and he was once again Odin.

"What do you think you're doing?" said Naruto

"Going on to put on a show for the people" said Loki

"Yeah no" stated Naruto as he stood up, standing in Loki's way.

"The people have to see their king. Or would you like to tell them that the last year of their lives has been a lie and that their king is missing" said Loki with a tone that made it clear that this wasn't up for discussion.

Naruto decided that Loki did have a point, it would be strange for Asgard to suddenly just not have a king when they spent the last year with one being around consistently.

And thus the two of them made their way out of the King's private chamber and into the courtyard for what Loki said was their weekly retelling of the battle against the dark elfs.

Naruto screamed in his head as he was forced to sit there, watching this terrible ass play, with this terrible ass dialogue, as Loki's directer vision was put from his mind onto the courtyard play.

The dramatic speech that the Play version of Loki gave, about sacrificing his own life for the greater good of Asgard made Naruto want to vomit, the real Loki was so deeply into the play, that Naruto wanted to smack him.

Naruto was sure that this play was the worst thing he had ever seen in his life, but Naruto was like 90 percent certain that Thor had completed his task and was already on his way back and thankfully this would be the last time that Naruto would ever this play.

Naruto glanced up at the bright noon, absolutely certain that Thor would sense his torture and rush home to free his blond comrade from this torture. This was why they were called the Avengers after all, Thor would help Naruto beat the shit out of Loki to avenge his time.

A/N: Ok, that is all that I have for you guys on this chapter. Lot's of different things going on here, but the story lines seem pretty cut and dry.

The Government is turning on Mutants, yeah I refuse to call Wanda and Pietro "enhanced", they are Mutants in this story. Next chapter will have a more detailed explanation on their mutant status, the X-Men's situation and status with the Government.

I will give a massive shoutout to anyone who can tell me the name of the Man who is going to be the villain for the next few chapters. He was already in a movie that was released between 2000 and 2016.

As always, I welcome any and all questions, concerns, reviews on here or on my Twitter page. That handle is HKM_FF

I have a Patr-eon, my username is HighKey_Mars on there, it is a dollar to read any no mature adult story, 2 dollars for access to all stories. If you want to support ya boy, that'd be dope. If not, that's also cool.

That's it, HighKey_Mars.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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