
Chapter 17: Civil War ends

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



The world was shaking, Steve was certain of it, there couldn't be no other explanation. The chest that he was in was rattling and he shivered as he could feel waves of anger and pain flood over the entire world or maybe it was just his area. All that he knew was that it meant nothing good.

Peter was swinging through the streets of Austria, his arms had long since gotten tired of the pull of the swings, but his mind demanded his body continue on. But then the world started to shake and he was forced to the ground, the massive earthquake sending the people into a panic.

Dr. Banner was having a lazy day, his work as an Avenger on hold for the moment as Naruto had basically told him to stay put and not do anything to mess up their image while Naruto addressed the U.N. The actual text that he had received from the blond had a lot more vulgar language, but that was besides the point. So, when the world started to shake, he was thrown out of a loop.

Wanda could feel something was off, reality around her was screaming that something bad was going to happen. Vision next to her seemed to have picked up on the same thing.

"Naruto is is deep pain" stated Vision

Wanda was going to ask how he knew that, but then the world shook with a fury that she had never felt before. But that was nothing to the ocean of sadness that crashed over the world, the ulter feeling of despair was soul crushing.

Xavier wasn't sure what was wrong, but the minds of millions of people were suddenly overcome with such strong emotion, his mental ability couldn't help but pick up on the signals. He sat in his chair looking out the window, equally curious and confused about what was going on.

"Professor, do you feel that?" asked Jean from the doorway, the massive screaming of the brains had masked her presence from him.

"Yes, I'm sure you do as well" said Xavier as he turned his chair to look at his red haired student "I can't pick out the source, it's too far. But I believe that you can Jean"

Jean looked a bit unsure, but when Xavier wheeled up to her and took her hands into his, the skin contact allowing him to mentally let her know that he was with her.

She closed her eyes and the two of them used their powers at the same time, it was like a movie's laser beam as they ripped their way through the thoughts of everyone until they reached the source, Naruto.

Jean let go of Xavier's hands like they were made of fire and started rubbing her temples "I can't touch his mind, Professor. It's like touching angry ice, it's so cold yet burning at same time."

"He's grieving Jean" explained Charles as he recognized the feeling.

Bijuu was getting nervous, the world hadn't stopped shaking for over 10 minutes now and the result was that he knew that he fucked up.

Yelena was shivering as she felt the raw emotion as much of the world was feeling, while Bucky was paralyzed in fear.

Bijuu frowned, his body burned as he realized that the world was shaking not from an earthquake, this was the power of Naruto. There was no Kurama chakra in this, it was all Naruto.

Naruto's eyes faded from red to blue, his flaring chakra dropped as he collapsed backwards into the bed.

Thor and Tony looked at the blond with clear concern on their faces, neither one of them sure as what they could say or do for their friend.

"I'm tired" croaked Naruto, his voice clearly showing that he was in pain and not from his now healed wounds.

"You can rest all you want" said Tony instantly

"Perhaps a chance of scenery" suggested Thor

Naruto's body shuttered and he took a sharp intake of air before he sat up once again.

"Where would I go?" asked Naruto

"You would be an honored guest on Asgard" said Thor

"I don't know about taking the kid off world like that Thor" said Tony "We need him here, he's the face of the Avengers"

"Tony enough, the Avengers are over. Nat's dead" said Naruto, tears falling from his eyes and his voice trembling.

Tony looked like he had gotten sucker punched in the face, his mouth opened but closed again as he couldn't find the words.

Thor felt goosebumps over his body and he put his hand over his heart "I'm sorry Naruto, she didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve this."

Naruto nodded "I want to be angry, but I can't find it in me to be angry. Everything feels wrong, like there is something we ... I overlooked."

"If you could have done anything, you would have" Tony said

Naruto shrugged "I'm not on my A game, Tony. I want to tell you that I can be the person that this world can lean on, but I can't with an honest heart tell you that if someone attacked right now, I would lift a single finger to fight them unless I was in danger."

Tony was clearly disappointed but he also understood the pain that Naruto was going through.

Thor looked at Tony before he walked over to Naruto, placing his hand on the blond's shoulder before they were whisked away in a blur of rainbow colored light.

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do" sang Steve as he continued to simply lay there in the chest.

The world had stopped shaking but that didn't really change much for him, he was still trapped in this chest that he couldn't move enough in to generate the strength to break out of.

As he let out a sigh, there was a rattling of the chains outside of his prison and he listened as the rattling continued.

He was surprised when the sounds of the chains rattling stopped and he realized that the chest had been lifted up into the air by the chains.

He wasn't sure how long he was carried for but he could tell when he was dropped.

There was a splash as his chest hit some water and he winced at the coldness that suddenly filled the tight area.

He blinked as he realized what had happened, they dumped him somewhere cold, putting him back on ice.

His final moments of consciousness were trying to wiggle to break free until the lack of air got to him.

Peter and Tony had returned back to New York without Naruto, the two of them feeling empty without their blond friend.

"So did he say when he was coming back?" asked Peter as they deboarded the plane.

"No, but don't worry about it kid. Naruto is the toughest person this world has ever seen. This is just a bit of a set back for him" said Tony trying to assure Peter

"If you say so Mr. Stark" said Peter before they climbed into the town car waiting for them.

Xavier had finally made his way downstair to the basement and connected to Cerebro, the machine humming to life as his mind powered it up.

The world had returned to normal, it was no longer shaking and the pain that Naruto felt had vanished.

Looking around the world, Charles couldn't see Naruto. He was not in the mutant or non-mutant crowds of people.

Sliding the helmet off of his head, Charles was a bit puzzled as to where his blond friend could have gone, but so was Captain America and the weird man Wade. People like that didn't just simply disappear off of the face of the earth.

Tony's suit was different than any other that he had ever made, all of the ones in the past were designed to help him. To get him to safety was the reason the idea for the suits even existed in the first place.

But this one was different, it was bulkier, it had weapons on it that would shred tanks.

Tony had felt that there had been something off about the Bucky and Steve team up that led to the explosion.

As cute as the cyber faces were, they couldn't fool his technology, not when he was looking for you.

Dropping down through the roof of the building, Tony landed before Bijuu, Yelena, and Bucky.

They raised their hands in surrender at seeing the large cannon coming out of his back pointed at them, the energy building clearly being fatal.

"We surrender" said Yelena, her blond hair waving in the wind from the new hole in the roof.

"It doesn't work like that" said Tony as the cannon prepared to fire.

"Wait, we can give you Natasha's body" said Bijuu as he lowered his hands and pointed at the room behind Tony, the open doorway allowing him to peek in to see the cold naked form of Natasha laying on the table, numerous cuts and needle marks covering her body.

"You ... you experimented on her" stammered Tony as his rage boiled up and the cannon unleashed a beam that vaporized Yelena instantly.

Bucky threw a punch at Tony's helmet covered head, Tony let the blow hit and grabbed the arm and tugged. The metal arm tearing off with ease and Tony tossed it to the side.

Bucky tried to back up, the loss of his metal arm shaking him of his confidence to actually fight

"This is just a misunderstanding ... " Bijuu started to say before a red laser came out of Tony's palm and he knew no more

Bucky stumbled as he tried to backpetal and crashed onto the ground on his ass, Tony turned his attention back to him.

"You were Steve's friend ... a man that he vouched" said Tony, his voice devoid of any emotion which was much scarier "He trusted you, you betrayed that trust"

Bucky didn't say anything, how could he. Tony's words rang true in his mind, how could he defend himself from the truth.

"A good person just gave up on the world, we lost the one person who would be able to save our world no matter what. You don't even know what you did" spat Tony as he raised his hand and ended Bucky's life.

Without even glancing at the two bodies that were staining the floor red, Tony walked into the room without a door and scooped Natasha up in his arms with a gentleness that didn't match the way that he had just treated the people who did this.

He flew up and out of the hole that he made to enter the building, careful not to harm Natasha's cold empty dead body as he flew back to America.

The funeral was a rather sad and lightly crowded affair. It was attended by everyone Natasha considered a friend or family, which wasn't many people. Clint, his wife and children. Tony and Pepper, Fury, Wanda and Vision attended as well while Pietro remained away, Banner, Maria Hill, Bob the Hydra-SHIELD double agent.

Sam and Rhodes had been unable to make it, whether due to the strong emotions that seeing her body would cause or their vague reasons being truthful. Nobody had been able to find Lucifer or Wade, Lucifer was usually at her side and had been expected to make an appearance.

That was it, 13 total people for a woman who had betrayed her country for the good of the war. A woman who had put her life on the line for people who didn't even know her name.

Clint gave the first speech "I met Natasha when she was a 16 year old girl, sent to assassinate me. She didn't want to do ... she alerted me to the operation by the Russians and knelt before me ready to die ... Instead of killing her, I offered her a job. ... Instead of me meeting the woman who would kill me ... I met my bestfriend in the entire world. ... I wish I could tell you that she's looking down on us, hoping that we all live long happy lives. ... But the truth is that Nat never got to live the life that she wanted. She wanted a family, she never really got that. She wanted to fall in love, but her time with Naruto was short lived and filled with saving the world. I can only hope that in her next life, she gets everything she ever wanted and more."

Fury went next "Natasha Romanoff, words cannot describe the pain and loss I feel for knowing that she is no longer here with us. It was sad to watch everyone sit there and judge her, waiting and hoping for her to slip up. SHIELD agents ready for the other foot to drop and her 'true' loyalties to come to light. Not only was Natasha the most loyal person I had ever had the pleasure of working with, she understood me and my visions better than anyone. She knew what had to be done and how it had to be done, always putting the good of others before her own.

I remember when she realized that she loved Naruto, she came into my office and tried to retire from SHIELD. I laughed and ripped up her resignation and she asked me 'What about the rule against dating other agents?'

I looked her in the eye and said 'Rules like that, don't apply to people as important as you'.

As sad as you might think it is that I can only talk about how valuable and loyal she was to our work, besides her relationship with Naruto that came later, that's all she had. I wish I could have gotten to see her live life more. She was only 32 years old, it just getting started."

Tony was going to be the last person to speak but in a beam of rainbow light that came from the sky, Naruto walked up in a messily put on suit. His tie was off center, his pants were wrinkled, his coat was a bit too tight, his shoes were brown instead of black like his suit.

The only thing that he had gotten right was the white shirt. But nobody cared about that at the moment, most of them thought that they would never see him again or at least for a long time.

Tony walked down to meet him and whispered "You don't have to do this"

Naruto grimly shook his head "I do"

Tony could and would not fight him on this and let him walk past him as he made his way up to the podium.

"Um ... this is harder than I thought" said Naruto, his voice echo'ing the pain that he felt in his heart "Last time I spoke at a podium, people shot bombs at us. Hopefully that doesn't happen this time"

The joke was terrible and dry, but the people at the funeral managed to crack smiles at the lackluster attempt at humor.

"I ... I don't know what I am going to do or say" continued Naruto "I didn't plan a speech, so I will just from the heart."

He paused as he licked his lips.

"Nat and I had something I never thought that I would get in life. She was smarter than me, funnier than me, obviously better looking than me. She was my better half, sometimes I would catch looking at her and think 'Is this real? What did I ever do to deserve someone this amazing?'

I still don't have an answer to that question to this day. I wish that we had more time together, I wish that I could wake her up with kisses every morning for the next 60 years of our lives. I wish that she was here with me, that she hear how much I loved her.

I could be a crying mess who is broken down, a weak shell of who I am. But she wouldn't want that, she would slap me if she ever saw me like that. I have to be strong because she would have been strong.

I knew that I loved Natasha when I had just been rescued from a Hydra experiment pod by Tony and Fury, and was taken back to Stark's tower. Pepper and Tony were trying nurse me back to health and Pepper said something to me.

"Ms. Potts … er I mean Pepper" he greeted switching to the more familiar name as she gave him a pointed look, his teeth still a bright white that gleamed in the late morning sun light that filled the room.

The redhead CEO smiled lightly in return, but Naruto could tell that she was measuring him up and finding him slightly lacking from his usual standards.

"Its good to see you Naruto. We were so heart broken when we first heard the news, but Tony …. Tony never gave up on you, on finding you. He hired private investigators, foreign military personal, bounty hunters. All while looking himself, with the goal of even if you weren't alive, to bring your body back home." Pepper's words were spoken above a normal volume, the same level as any other word would have been spoken in any other conversation. But they were deafening loud to Naruto and his head split with a massive headache.

Blinking, Naruto realized that he wasn't in some office space or anything like that really, he was in a bed room.

Gulping to try and get some air down his suddenly dry throat, Naruto stopped his eyes from scanning the room and looked Pepper in the eye. Her eyes were slightly red, tears on the verge of escaping.

"I'm happy that Tony didn't give up on me, I would never give up on him." said Naruto to Pepper, and the tears in her eyes spilled out freely now.

"Naruto, you have no idea how happy I was to see him fly in, you being carried in his suit's arms. He's been broken these last couple of years, when everyone thought that you died, it was like a piece of them died with you. Cap became a bit more forceful in his missions but more carefree in his normal life. Tony put parachutes built into the lining of every SHIELD agent's uniform, so what happened to you could never happen again.

Bruce had a long period after that day where he couldn't turn back into Bruce. He was the Hulk for a while, but eventually he went back to being Bruce. Thor took it hard as well, a large chunk of Alaska took the brunt of his anger before he left back to Asgard. Clint is still Clint, but Natasha. She took it harder than anyone but maybe Tony. I think … no I know that she loved you Naruto."

Naruto looked down at his lap, his eyes welling up with tears, his long untamed bangs casting a shadow over his face.

"Does she even know that I'm alive now?"asked Naruto

"I believe that Steve was going to tell her" answered Pepper before she sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around Naruto, pulling the young man into a tight hug. She rubbed Naruto's head as she let him unload, his body shaking as he cried from sadness or frustration, she knew not. What she did know was that, Naruto was lost. He was displaced, his mind and body weren't in sync.

"It's ok" Pepper muttered as she rocked Naruto back and forth, his tears making her shoulder wet, but she didn't care. It didn't matter, clothes didn't matter. Not when such a good person like Naruto was this conflicted, it was the least that she could do for the blond SHIELD agent. He had given her back Tony when she thought that she had lost him. Naruto wasn't just a family friend or Tony's friend, Naruto was family.

It's one thing to think someone loves you in your head, but to hear someone else tell you, that the person you love loves you back, it's feeling that can't be described. Nat carried my sword when she thought I was dead as a sign of my will and spirit.

I will do what is right for the world to carry on her will, she died saving the world and I would be dishonoring her memory to let any harm come to this world." said Naruto as tears flowed freely from his eyes.

He turned his back to the group of people and walked up to the coffin, the still form of Natasha sitting there, almost like she was asleep. But the lack of the rise and fall of her chest showed that she wasn't sleeping and that she wasn't coming back.

Naruto leaned down and planted a soft gentle kiss on her forehead and he whispered lightly "When the darkness comes, I'll find your light"

And with that, Naruto was gone in another burst of rainbow colored light.

Naruto looked up at the massive towering Castle in the distance and said to Thor "Wow, you Gods really live life beyond great"

"Something like that" said Thor, his face having a soft smile for his friend.

"So, what do you want to do first?" asked Naruto

"I say we rest today, mourn the loss of your woman tomorrow, and by the day after, we set out for travel of the nine realms." said Thor

Naruto nodded and forced a small smile on his face, causing Thor to slap him on the back and the two of them walked forward, towards the bright city of Asgard.

"There is something else that must be done" said the voice of Kurama from inside of Naruto's mind.

'Oh? What else is there to do?' asked Naruto

His lightning tattoo on his arm pulsed and his dad said 'The entire reason that I sealed Kurama inside of you'

Naruto mentally voiced his confusion and Kurama huffed inside of his head, while his father said nothing else.

"Your father give a vague answer, but for you to be ready for Thanos, you have master my power. My power is full of hatred and anger, you must rid yourself of both to even have a chance of using any of my power. Luckily for you, the creation of Bijuu already did that for you" said Kurama "All that is left is for you to defeat me in combat, one on one"

Naruto stopped walking and thought 'This some ol' bullshit'

Kurama just laughed in his head and Minato followed suit, neither of their laughs reassuring Naruto.

Edge of the Universe:

A large purple skinned man sat in a large throne, a snarl on his face.

"Father, when do we make our move?" asked a blue female who knelt before him

"In a single year, we will advance on Earth and take the stones by force" said the purple man "They shall know what it means to be a child of Thanos because even in death, they are my children"

A/N: So, this wasn't a civil war rehash with Naruto turning tables for the Team Ironman or Team Cap. No, this was to break up the team, no Naruto, no Thor, no Natasha, no Lucifer, no Wade, and no Steve.

All Earth has at the moment is Tony, Wanda, Vision, Peter, Pietro, Sam, and Rhodes. These are the Avengers who live in the Avenger's base

While Banner, Naruto, and Thor can called into action, they're not factors due to distance for Banner and how do you call Thor, he doesn't have a cell phone.

And so this is it, Civil War is over. Thor Ragnarok will probably be a 5-8k chapter and then we get Infinity War.

So buckle up and let's get this, next update might be in about 2 weeks as I have to watch some Marvel movies.

Also before I go, I have a patr-eon that I have to shout out or "I'm not trying" - GirlFriend.

It's dollar to subscribe and the user name is HighKey_Mars. If you feel like giving me a dollar, great. If not, I honestly don't care.

Anyway HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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