
Chapter 17: Civil War 4

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: So, I got my 480th review for this story, by a guest who went by 'Hi' and the review was "plz don't forget about the story update plz". They used the word please twice and I, upon reading such a nice review, went on twitter and said I would not sleep until I finished a new chapter, which I had not started. It took 4 hours, 3 cups of coffee, 1 round of me scratching my hair, but I got it done. And it's crazy because you guys are going to fucking hate me for what I do in this chapter: Let's Get To It!

Bijuu had wandered the world, his new found freedom had given him everything that he had ever wanted. And he found that what he wanted, was not what he needed. Naruto Uzumaki, the walking death machine had gone from a broken down shell of a man to the peak fighting machine within a couple of days.

The blond asshole had managed to send even the legendary winter soldier running with his tailed tucked between his legs.

It didn't make any sense to him, Bijuu was a clone of Naruto. And yet, Naruto was a monster that he could never dream of matching up against.

He was just a cheap knock off of Naruto, a single pebble before the mountain that couldn't be conquered.

Fury walked over and said "I had no idea Naruto, I had ideas that there was something hidden withing SHIELD, something that didn't add up. I didn't know Hydra was back and living inside us, I didn't know they had set up shop right under my nose. I had no idea that you were down here."

Naruto shrugged and gave a face that said that he understood the situation. Steve and Tony placed their arms around Naruto and as they stood up, a single gun shot was heard.


The 3 SHIELD members could only watch as Fury's back exploded outwards and blood covered the desk behind him. Turning towards the doorway that lead here, stood the sickly bald version of Naruto that they had seen on their way in.

"Such a tender moment, it almost made throw up. Glad I made Fury dead instead." said the man, his voice much softer than anyone would expect.

"Sir, if we hurry we can still save Fury, but you would have to give up the pursuit of this individual" Jarvis informed Tony before Tony received instructions on how to use use his suit to keep Fury alive

"Just who the hell are you?" questioned Steve

The Bald clone frowned and said "I am what Wade was supposed to be, a fully formed clone of Naruto. Sadly I lack the signature Bijuu energy that comes from the Kyuubi inside of Naruto. In fact, I have almost all of Naruto's memories and his ability to use chakra."

He scratched his beard and continued on to say "You know, you're the first to really say or ask rather, who or what. It's usually people begging for their lives and screaming 'Why'. I guess if I had to pick a name for myself, it would be Bijuu. I am all of the evil, hate, and negative aspects of Naruto's mind and heart. I used to live in his head, the good doctor with the size 10 char mark on his face managed to extract me from Naruto's mindscape and put me in this cloned body of Naruto."

The Newly named Bijuu smirked before turning his back to them and said "Fury needs immediate medical attention with the way that I shot through his lung, he has about 1 minute and 12 seconds left before he died. Best of luck to you guys, I'll catch yall on the flip side"

Bijuu had walked off after that moment, free of Hydra, free of SHIELD, free of the Avengers.

Bijuu was sure that he was have battles with the Avengers in the future, having clash after clash against the living titans of justice. But the only "Avenger" that he drew the attention of was Rhodes aka War Machine.

Bijuu ducked under a punch, the wild swing going right over his head as he elbowed the owner of the fist in the ribs, hard enough to hear them crack under the force of the blow.

As the man dropped to the ground, wheezing for air, Bijuu's ear twitched as his advanced hearing picked up the sound of Ironman's compulsion blasters.

Whirling around, he was a bit confused when instead of Tony Stark's red and gold suit, he was met with a blue suit with an American flag theme on it.

"This is new" commented Bijuu

"Who are you" said the man in the suit and the voice made Bijuu deep dive into his memories to remember whose voice that was.

"Rhodes?" questioned Bijuu

"That Colenial Rhodes to you" said the man in the suit "Just who the hell are you?"

"I'm one of Naruto's clones" started Bijuu but he never got to properly introduce himself as Rhodes cut him off.

"Oh, I didn't realize that you were one of Naruto's. Dude has so many of you guys running around, hard to keep track where you are all at. Sorry to bother you, I'll be on my way" said Rhodes before he blasted off into the sky.

Bijuu stood over the man that had stopped breathing and was now dead in complete disbelief. The C List heroes were too busy to give him the time of day.

It honestly hurt to be throw to the side so easily. A single mention of Naruto and he was cut loose, no follow up, no nothing.

Another thing that Bijuu learned in his travels, being a being entirely made up of negative thoughts and emotions, not really great for your mental health.

The waves of feeling empty, like physically, mentally, and spiritually incapable of feeling anything remotely positive was more painful than anything Bijuu had ever felt.

Feeling sad was definitely not great, being depressed was even worse. But empty? That was and is, just different. It would be better to feel like shit, then to feel nothing at all.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, it took Bijuu almost a full year to find something worth actually doing. It was kind of a random chance encounter, it wasn't supposed to happen like that.

Bijuu's hair had grown out, he looked more like Naruto than he ever had before. But the large scar that went across his face easily let people know that this was not the blade wielding superhero.

He raced across the roof top of the west Russian town, the closely built housing allowed him to leap from rooftop to rooftop effortlessly.

Unfortunately for him, the ice on top of the slanted roofing had other things involved, as the next step he took resulted in him sliding down the roof and into the tight little alley way that was created between the two homes.

"Ow" he complained as he struggled to find footing to climb to his feet, the ice on the ground just as bad for getting your footing as the ice on the roof.

"You luk like sh-it" said the accented english of a Russian woman from the entrance of the alley.

"I feel like it too" groaned Bijuu before he looked closely at the beautiful blonde woman before him.

"You look familiar" stammered both of them at the same time, the blonde woman pulling out a MP-443, the brown handled black pistol pointed straight at Bijuu's head.

"Just who are you?" questioned the woman

"My name is Bijuu" answered Bijuu honestly

The woman muttered "I don't believe you" in Russian

"And why is that?" answered Bijuu back in Russian

"Because the last of Hydra's people have all disappeared one by one, and yet here is their hailmary project." said the blonde woman.

Bijuu's eyes narrowed as he looked at the woman "By the heavens, you're fucking Yelena Belova, Russia's next Black Widow"

Yelena snarled and said "Never say that name to me again, that stupid bitch took everything from me. My inability to kill her resulted in my fall from grace, I was kicked out of the Black Widow project, I was kicked out of Hydra, I was banished to this cold version of hell"

Bijuu smiled sadly "We are in the same boat then, I was banished to walk the Earth. If I ever show my face, the Avengers will kill me"

Yelena Belova's arm waivered slightly as Bijuu's lie wormed its way into her mind.

"I think that two of us could work well together, take back our lives from Naruto and that red haired cunt of his" said Bijuu, knowing the right buttons to push on the blonde woman.'

Yelena Belova lowered the gun and said "Ok, but conversation must be quick. If you don't say words that I like, I shoot you and use all your money for vodka."

Bijuu threw on an innocent smile and followed the blonde woman out of the alley and into the closest pub.

If Bijuu was being honest with himself, the sales pitch that he had given was not one of his better ones. But the blonde woman had so much rage and hate in her heart that she just went with whatever she felt would result in her being able to get her revenge.

But despite both of their considerable skill, they both lacked something that would put them over the edge. That being the actual power to do something to any of the people they wanted to get revenge on.

Natasha was the most skilled fighter in the world and the super soldier serum that was used on her had simply been lost, there was no way to match her enhanced strength and speed naturally or even medically.

Bijuu lacked the physical strength and speed to take on Naruto, forget about when he summoned the power of Kurama as well.

Who was powerful enough to make a difference and had a big enough grudge on Naruto and slash or Natasha to want to harm them.

The one and only Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes.

Yelena and Bijuu walked into a pub in Germany, the two of them holding hands to give off an air of them being together, making them practically invisible to everyone.

Nobody remembers the couple when they're looking for someone single to have relations with.

They slide into a booth that was home to a single man, his long raven colored locks covered up by a baseball cap.

His hands were the only parts of his arms that were showing and the left hand was made of some kind of metal.

"Ok, you guys got me here, tell me what you need to and get out" hissed the man.

"The famous temper of the Winter Soldier, the brainwashed man who can never wash all the blood off his hands, even if he can replace one of them" taunted Bijuu

"And you're just the mistake that continued to live, a shadow of the actual man who is so great, that even a small percentage of him washing off onto and in you, makings you slightly of worth" retorted Bucky

"Ouch" muttered Yelena

"Oh, I didn't forget about you, you led the mission that awaken the beast inside of the yellow haired brat that made Hydra want him so much. You're not only responsible for the discipline that we both got for failing that mission, but also the scarred sorry sack right here" spat Bucky

"He really did a number on you" said Bijuu as he looked Bucky in the eyes, the windows to the soul, which revealed that Bucky had been broken.

Bucky didn't say anything but his hands gripped the table tightly and Bijuu had to hide the smirk of glee that threatened to show up on his face.

As much as Bucky wanted to refute the claim, everyone knew that it had been true.

Bucky took a deep breath, his voice shaky as he said "It was like nothing I had ever seen or experienced before."

"Tell us what happened" said Yelena Belova in the most smoothing voice that she could muster.

"I've learned from last time" spat Cap as he twisted around a jab and gave the WS a palm to the neck for his troubles.

The WS just hissed as he stood up and rushed forward again, this time he slipped inside Cap's guard and almost managed to get the elbow to the chest to work, but Cap blocked. But that just allowed WS to slam his foot onto Cap's before giving the WW2 legend a push that sent him to the ground, his ankle letting out a large聽POP! sound as he fell to the ground.

"Such a simple move really, a little weight and push and boom, the ankle is dislocated and you're out for 2-3 weeks. Or in your case, 2-3 minutes until I kill the lab rat over there." said the Winter Solider, his cold eyes leaving Captain America and scanning for the former Hydra project. At least he was until a Stark Industry logo that may or may not have been attached to a jet some kind blurred by and standing in front of the Winter Solider was a single man, his blond hair waving wildly in the wind. His face having a clean shave now, three whisker marks on each cheek, bright blue eyes that were narrowed in seriousness.

Sword held in his right hand, touching the ground. All in all, the Naruto Uzumaki who stood before him now was nothing like the one that he had seen in the Hydra pod. Gone was the weak body, gone was the sickly looking skin, gone was anything but the being of a in the time prime Super Human Spy.

As quickly as Naruto had appeared on the battle field, he turned his back to the WS and turned to Steve, helping up the super solider to his feet, the weight of Cap, forcing his ankle back into the proper socket,

"You're ignoring me. That is a deadly mistake. Considering that the last time that me and you were within the same mile, I put a bullet into your chest, you'd think that you would be paying better attention." taunted the Winter Solider.

Naruto rubbed his chin and said "So that was you? I didn't know that, I guess it really doesn't matter. Dead people are of no concern to me"

The metal arm of WS raised just in time for Naruto to blur into existence and slash into the arm. What the WS was not expecting was for the metal of the sword to dig into the metal of the arm, leaving a small gash in the metal limb.

Naruto chuckled and said "Wow, look at that. This arm can't even hold up, I can't wait to see what happens when I swing this sword done on your neck"

WS jumped back and Naruto let his smile drop from his face.

"Ah, it is time for me to put this dog down for good. Steve join the other and get those carriers taken care of. This is the man who put a bullet in my chest, it's only fair that I put my sword through his heart" said Naruto as he flared his chakra and the world seemed to shake and for the first time the WS felt fear creep down his spine as he struggled to remain standing as the pressure around him built up.

Steve nodded and grabbed the remain USBs and ran off, leaving the two deadly assassins alone, nothing but the empty street all around them.

WS slide into a defensive stance and Naruto responded by appearing before him in a yellow and black blur, his sword positioned to take off the Hydra weapon's head. This time WS avoided the blade and grabbed Naruto by the wrist, forcing him to drop the sword, allowing WS to kick it away.

"Now that should lev-" the Winter Solider had started to talk only for Naruto to punch him in the face, the blond not actually needing the sword to win the fight.

"You talk to much" muttered Naruto before he slammed his fist into the pale assassin's face again, breaking his nose in a flood of blood, before twin finger jab to the throat caused the Winter Solider to cough as his airway suddenly clogged as the blood from the broken nose was forced to travel down the back of his throat.

A kick to the ribs bent the WS over at the waist only for Naruto grab him by the back of head and introduce him to his other knee. Grabbing the Hydra agent by the hair, Naruto jerked him backwards and sent him crashing to his back where he walked up to the beaten man and put his foot on his chest before slamming it down, causing the man to wheeze as his ribs protested the rough treatment they were receiving from Naruto.

Naruto slammed his foot on his chest once more before moving it to the man's face, a sign of disrespect and total domination of the Winter Solider before he moved it down to the man's neck. The Winter Solider managed to get his hands under the foot, but the beaten man lack the raw strength to do anything other than prevent the blond SHIELD agent from crushing his neck.

"You know for a super assassin, you sure don't seem to be that keen on dealing with death" commented Naruto as he continued to apply pressure, the man's hands slowly giving ground to the blond's super strength.

"Who ever really wants to die?" challenged the man on the ground

Naruto made a face as if he was considering it before in one fluid motion, removed his foot from the man's hands and kicked him across the face, finally sending the face mask flying from the man's face.

"So this is the face of the sorry son of a bitch who thought that he could kill me." said Naruto, his foot back in position to crush the man's neck before he continued on to say "You know, if you were going to take a shot at a king, they say you send a warrior. If you want to take a shot at a warrior, you send a prayer to your God. But your dumbass took a shot at me and guess what? I'm not listening to prayers right now"

The blond didn't speak as he let the Hydra assassin chew over his words, before he tapped his right wrist and his sword came flying back to his hand, magnetically controlled by his wrist PDA.

"I wish I could say that you are going to a better place, but I think you know that would be a lie" said Naruto as he raised his sword and made to thrust it down.

"He ripped me apart, his strength, speed, desire to harm me, it was all overwhelming." recounted Bucky

"Well, if we all join forces, we can take them down one at a time." Bijuu assured Bucky

Bucky signaled for the waitress to bring the table a round of beers and said "Ok, but we do this in the smartest way possible"

Bijuu and Yelena both raised their beers and said "Of course"

With some muscle on their side, they simply waited, their chance would come. It only took several months, the death of Peggy Carter which caused her funeral and the Sokovia Accords, the events occurring at same time.

Steve wore a nice suit, his hands crossed in front of his chest as he waited for the plane that Tony had said would pick him up and take him to Peggy's funeral and then U.N Meeting.

"Come on Tony" groaned Steve as the plane was already 15 minutes late, but then the hissing of those advanced Stark jet engines was heard and Steve looked up as a QuinJet zoomed into view and landed in front of him.

The back hatch opened and out walked the last trio that Steve thought he would ever see;Bijuu, Yelena, and Bucky.

Unsure of what was going on, Steve uncrossed his arms and said "I doubt you three are my escorts to the funeral."

Bucky rushed forward and Steve used his left forearm to block the right handed punch, his foot coming up to kick Bucky away.

The metal left arm came sliding down, sending Steve's foot rocketing back elbow of the metal arm slammed into Steve's ribs and Steve faked bending over to slam his forehead into Bucky's nose.

Bucky stumbled back and Bijuu and Yelena both shot stunning bullets at Steve, the twin dose enough to make him instantly sluggish.

Blinking tiredly, the second round of two more shots, made Steve slump over, knocked out.

Bucky pulled out a nanotech scanner and scanned Steve's face before Bijuu came out of the back of the QuinJet pulling a large chest.

Throwing Steve into the chest, Bucky used the several locks on it to secure the chest before wrapping it in steel chains before kicking off of the ramp to the QuinJet, just leaving it there.

From there, the trio of teamed up villains made their ways east, to Peggy's funeral. It had been weird to fake cry for a person that he had never known, but Bijuu thought Bucky did a decent job.

The trip to the funeral resulted in a rather forceful kiss between Bucky who played the role of Steve.

Lucifer hung up the phone and turned back to Natasha, her face giving away none of her emotion.

"Does something feel wrong to you?" asked Natasha

"I don't know, yeah Steve just kissed you" answered Luci.

"But does that sound like Steve?" asked Nat

"Not really but you were there and I saw it" said Luci before his brain started working "Someone wanted me to see "Steve" kiss you, report it back to Naruto and cause some kind of splittering of our group."

"Oh you are good, they undersold how brillant you truly are" said a voice said in fluent Russian from the entrance to the alleyway.

He a skinny white male, his brown hair slicked back, a pair of black box glasses sat on the end of his nose. He wore a buttoned up black trench coat.

"Russian?" questioned Natasha as she and Lucifer understood the man clearly.

"Ah, you both speak Russian. Good, now I do no have to repeat myself. Winter Solider get them" commanded the man and both Natasha and Lucifer watched as "Steve" dropped down from one of the building surrounding them, his landing caused his entire body to waver as the holographic technology was unable to hold up to the vibrations that rocked it.

"Project Intel, we meet again. I told you that I would see you again" said the Winter Solider as his disguse as Steve Rogers was released.

"You would have to go through me if you want to get to him" said Natasha as she stepped in front of the one time Hydra project. A gun shot was heard and Nat dropped to the ground holding her leg, a second later a crushing pressure from the boot of the Winter Solider came crushing down the wounded leg.

"Bag them, we still need to get to Austria for the UN meeting" was the last thing Nat heard before everything went dark.

Bijuu had managed to find enough images of the man who was in charge of the red room during the time that she had been there. The captured Natasha was sent off to their lab back in Russia, the remaining shambles of Hydra more than willing to bleed her to death to get the information out of her body to recreate the super soldier serum that made her the most dangerous female spy in the world.

Their final stop in Austria involved both Bijuu and Bucky to play their part, Bucky got to be himself this time and Bijuu acted like Steve.

As Naruto finished, there was empty silence and Naruto felt strange sense of danger and whipped around to see a massive ball of flames coming right towards their location.

He didn't have much time to do anything other make clones that covered the elderly members of the UN meeting before he was engulfed in blistering heat.

Tony was sent flying off his feet and Peter webbed up the ceiling to prevent the debris from falling on anyone.

Naruto head slammed into the stone base of the seats and everything went black.

Yelena had managed to hook them up with bombs and they had shot them out of the back of a van, destroying the van and the U.N meeting at the same time.

The results of their combined efforts were simple, Natasha was already on a lab table, being explored until they got what they needed from her and then she would die. Naruto was in a coma from the brain damage, but Bijuu knew that wouldn't last long being the monster that he was but the man was closer to death than the living world. Steve was locked up back in New York in a chest with no way out. Lucifer and Wade had been put back into pods like the failed experiments that they were.

All that was left was Tony Stark and their mission would be complete, they would take down the Avengers and they would have done it their way. They had barely managed factored in Clint, Banner, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, or Rhody. All of the Avengers who were still at large, but none of them even thought about Peter and all of the students at Xavier's school for the Gifted.

At Tartu University Hospital in Estonia: 3 days after the U.N Attack.

Tony had puffy red eyes, his face was sticky with dried tears as he watched the beeping of the machine that was keeping Naruto alive. It was a miracle that Naruto was even alive, the damage that he had taken was beyond anything had ever seen.

Naruto had basically been burned down to the bone, his skin had boiled under the blast, his organs mostly fried, his eyes popped by the force of the explosion. Even his healing wasn't enough to prevent him from the coma when he hit his head.

Tony was impressed that he managed to save everyone in the meeting, besides himself of course.

The doctors had told Tony that Naruto could hear him, but Tony had doubts about that as the normally blond young man was wrapped in so much bandages and casts, he was basically a mummy.

"You know kid, I hate you so much right. You weren't be the hero this time, you were supposed to give a speech and go home." said Tony, his voice shaky as his emotions got the best of him.

Naruto, of course, did not answer him.

"Why? Why did you let this happen to yourself?" questioned Tony "I don't know if I could have made the same sacrifice as you kid."

The was silence as Tony words hung in the air.

"Steve once told me that I was the kind of guy who would throw himself on to the wire to let everyone else be okay. I told would simply cut the wire and he said I always had a way out" said Tony as tears welled up in his eyes "You were taking a nap when this argument happened. I didn't even know that I would lose you in a couple of minutes"

The tears started falling again and Tony felt the nasty bile of vomit flood his mouth as he vurped a bit (a vomit filled burp).

Taking a sip of water, Tony shook a bit.

"They aren't gonna get a way with this, Steve and Bucky. They did this, to you of all people." stammered Tony.

"That is a very nice speech, almost fit for a king's speech" said an accented english voice from the doorway.

Tony looked and saw T'Chaka at the door, the elderly king had his right arm in a sling, but otherwise looked okay.

Tony went to bow but T'Chaka stopped him by waving his left arm motioning him to stop.

"No need for that my child, I have just come to pray my respects to the man who saved my life" said the King as he walked to the base of Naruto's bed

"Of course" said Tony respectfully

T'Chaka muttered a soft prayer in his native tongue and kissed his hand before placing it onto Naruto's foot.

"Thank you" said Tony as he wiped away his tears "It's nice someone else cared about him in what could be his final moments"

T'Chaka dipped his head slightly and said "A king knows when to pay respect to a warrior. But do not fear, his heart beats with anger that can only unleashed by life. His time is not now, take care Mr. Stark, our paths will cross again."

Tony watched him leave but couldn't get a read on what the man really meant, whether it was his belief system or if he really knew something that he didn't.

Back in Russia:

Natasha felt warm and feverish, her body weak and unmovable.

'You can't take her, I need her' hissed a voice that sounded a lot like Naruto's in the back of her head.

'I have to, it's her time. If I take her, you'll never succeed' said another voice, this one sounding timeless and female

'Please don't do this, you said I could defeat him. I can't do it without her. Tell me who did this, let me avenge her' pleaded Naruto, but even Natasha as faint as she was could tell it fell on Death's ears.

'This is goodbye Naruto, I was nice enough to give you a moment, and remember a tail of anger and vengeful spit will get you nowhere' said the female voice with a tone of finality.

'Naruto, I love you and I will never stop, but I feel like this is it. I have nothing left' thought Natasha

'I will find a way to bring you back' promised Naruto

Natasha smiled as her chest spasmed'I know'

She took her last breath and her chest never rose again, her eyes staring emptily at the ceiling as her last view of this world was Yelena's cold eyes staring back at her. Her smile being the last action of her life, defying her situation with a moment of happiness one last time.

'Come on Natasha, the universe awaits nobody' said the female voice and Natasha felt her get gently scooped up in arms that held unbelievable power.

'Now what?' asked Natasha as she realized the female was Death

'We watch Naruto' answered Death

Natasha didn't have to wonder what that meant as Death showed her what would come in the future, a soft smile gracing her face reflecting the one that was still on her face in death.

Natasha nodded as she was lifted into the Cosmos.

At Tartu University Hospital in Estonia:

Tony had been dozing off slightly, it had been a long day and there wasn't any new Naruto updates.

Or rather there hadn't been, but Naruto started thrashing violently, rocking the bed back and force. Terrible noises started ripping through his covered up mouth and Tony hit the button for the nurse's assistance as he struggled to contain the bedridden young man.

Naruto's bandage started to stain red as his body's various wound reopened. Tony felt helpless as Naruto suffered before his eyes, there was nothing that he could do for his blond friend.

The sky split with lightning and Tony shivered as the room cooled, there was a fluttering sound of a cape and Tony whirled around to see Thor standing behind him.

"Thor" gasped Tony, "what are you doing here?"

"Our friend Naruto, he calls up on the hammer. He summoned me here" answered Thor as he held onto the hammer that was trying to pull away from him.

"Give it to him" said Tony, knowing that the hammer could heal Naruto, it had gone the job last time.

"In a minute, I sense great loss in our bedridden friend. He is grieving something ... someone. It is strange because Rogers is feeling the same level of loss back in New York." said Thor as he slowly brought the Hammer towards Naruto

Placing the Hammer on Naruto's chest, Lightning exploded out of the hammer, wrapping around Naruto's damaged body and the bandages were shredded as Naruto's body was healed.

Naruto stopped moving and for a moment, Tony wasn't sure to make of the situation.

"Did it work?" asked Tony

Thor just nodded and Naruto's eyes flickered open, but they weren't blue like Tony remembered them to be, no they were an angry orange-red color with slits for pupils.

A/N: Okay guys, this is it, the new chapter. I already gonna hate me for doing what I did. Do I regret it? Absolutely not, I did what I had to do. It is called character progression and showing that the events of my stories have consequences. Also, to whoever asked if the chapters used to be longer, they did. But I chop up the movies into smaller 2.5-3k sections while counting it all as a single chapter, which is why the count if off on the labels.

Naruto had to suffer this loss, because when that purple dude shows up in a couple of chapters, we are there people. My boy Naruto about to give this man the Beats by Dre, all action and zero filler.

Also I am on Patr-eon, i don't really care if anyone signs up but it is only 1 dollar a month and I was told that I need to advertise it on my fanfics by my girl. It's the same user name as on here, HighKey_Mars, I have 4 stories on there. One is a superhero story, I have a mafia murder mystery story, I have a story where we hunt down sex offenders and kill them and an erotica series that could basically be summed up as 50 shades of Grey but with hillbillies.

Follow me on Twitter, ya boy's at is HKM_FF

Ok, HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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