
Chapter 17: Civil war - 3

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



The two of them were in a small alley way not that far from the church where shit had gotten weird.

Lucifer hung up the phone and turned back to Natasha, her face giving away none of her emotion.

"Does something feel wrong to you?" asked Natasha

"I don't know, yeah Steve just kissed you" answered Luci.

"But does that sound like Steve?" asked Nat

"Not really but you were there and I saw it" said Luci before his brain started working "Someone wanted me to see "Steve" kiss you, report it back to Naruto and cause some kind of splittering of our group."

"Oh you are good, they undersold how brillant you truly are" said a voice said in fluent Russian from the entrance to the alleyway.

He a skinny white male, his brown hair slicked back, a pair of black box glasses sat on the end of his nose. He wore a buttoned up black trench coat.

"Russian?" questioned Natasha as she and Lucifer understood the man clearly.

"Ah, you both speak Russian. Good, now I do no have to repeat myself. Winter Solider get them" commanded the man and both Natasha and Lucifer watched as "Steve" dropped down from one of the building surrounding them, his landing caused his entire body to waver as the holographic technology was unable to hold up to the vibrations that rocked it.

"Project Intel, we meet again. I told you that I would see you again" said the Winter Solider as his disguse as Steve Rogers was released.

"You would have to go through me if you want to get to him" said Natasha as she stepped in front of the one time Hydra project. A gun shot was heard and Nat dropped to the ground holding her leg, a second later a crushing pressure from the boot of the Winter Solider came crushing down the wounded leg.

"Bag them, we still need to get to Austria for the UN meeting" was the last thing Nat heard before everything went dark.

With Naruto and Co:

The rest of the plane trip to the UN went without issue, as Naruto had mostly calmed down by the time the plane landed, different things required his attention at the moment.

"So, Nat is supposed to be meeting already but I can't seem to get ahold of her, calls are going straight to voice mail" said Naruto as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

Tony bit his lip and said "That's strange. Trouble in paradise?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and said "Tony, life is good right now. More so than probably any other point in my life. Nat and I have a great thing going, I don't see much that could ruin that."

Tony shrugged "Well don't give her the most profitable company in the world, that makes them withhold sex."

Naruto chuckled "Yeah, we don't have that problem. Shit, if Nat could have children, we would have to name him Anthony after you because we have done it basically everywhere in Stark Tower"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that" muttered Tony before he stepped closer to Naruto and helped the blond super spy fix his tie.

"Got any idea of what you are going to say to the UN?" asked Tony after finished.

"I have a very general outline of my speech, I got a couple of answers to questions in my head. I feel good" answered Naruto as he smoothed down his suit and walked to the door.

Tony followed him and the two of them walked out the Stark owned hotel and into the waiting Limo, where Peter was already there waiting for them.

"Mr. Stark, I am still confused as to what I'm doing here" said Peter as he sat there in his own suit.

"Doing you're job as a Stark Intern" chuckled Tony before he tapped his watch and every microphone or listening device in a 300 meter circle was disabled.

"You got the suit that I gave you under what your normal right?" asked Tony now that he knew nobody was listening.

"Yeah, it's way more advanced than anything that I've managed to design" said Peter referring to the Tony Stark made Spider-Man suit tucked under his normal black tie suit.

"Well I feel that it's pretty self explanatory, if things go south. I need you to slip away and grab us." said Tony.

Peter nodded and Naruto popped a piece of gum into his mouth and the rest of the ride to the UN building.

As soon as the car stopped, Naruto opened the door and stepped out, his vision immediately filled with flashes from camera and a thousand microphones in his face.

"Mr. Uzumaki, what do you plan to say to the UN?"

"How do you plan on acting if they fail to meet your demands?"

"Will we see you unleash your powers against the UN if they say no to your proposal?"

"Is it true you said that you have a pupil who could kick his classmates' ass?"

The questions rained down hard and fast, but Naruto was saved by Tony Stark stepping out of the other side of the limo and throwing up piece signs with both hands. The media forgot about Naruto and rushed over to the other side to talk to Tony.

This allowed Peter to get out of the limo and say "Wow, they really love "

"Yeah, Tony was born to bask in the flashing lights of the media, let's head inside" responded Naruto before he turned and led Peter into the building.

They were immediately scanned for any weapons, put through a metal detector, and ID'd.

Upon being given the go ahead to enter the rest of the building, they were gestured to an elevator that sent them straight up to the top floor where the UN meeting would be held.

When the doors opened, they were greeted with the sight of a large circular room that was filled with easily 125 desks, all of them connected to make half circle.

"This many people are voting against us?" asked Peter, slightly overwhelmed.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it. We have the trust and justice on our side kid" said Naruto as he plastered on a charming smile to his face, greeting the ambassador to Greece with a basic Greek greeting.

As Naruto made his way around the room, kissing the ass of every male ambassador and charming all of the female ones, his eyes never stopped scanning the room for any sign of Natasha or Lucifer.

He hadn't made contact with either of them since he landed and that kind of worried him. He also hadn't seen Sam or Steve for some reason either, Steve should have been calling him to try and clear up the misunderstanding if there was one.

Finally, making his way to the last ambassador that he had yet to speak to, he was greeted by an elderly African man with grey hair, a pair of thin reading glasses and a sharp black suit.

"You must be the ambassador from Wakanda" said Naruto as he extended his hand.

The old man shook his head, but never raised his hand. "Your eyes are searching for the one you love, you care little of showing me any respect."

Naruto frowned and said "I did not wish to show you any disrespect, Mister ..."

"My name is T'Chaka" said the elderly man "And I do not find it disrespectful for you to seek your loved one rather than talk to these phony people. It is a welcome change for someone to be honest with me in this type of setting, even if it was only in your eyes"

Naruto laughed lightly and said "You sound like you don't want to do this anymore"

"I am an old man, I want to simply watch the sun rise and fall on my family, hoping my son blesses my wife and I with a grandchild sooner or later" chuckled T'Chaka.

"That sounds like what I could only hope for, but I know that is not how it ends for me. I will either save this world or die trying, it's the way it has to end for me" countered Naruto

"My boy, you have the eyes of a warrior, the heart of a king. You'll find that your destiny is only decided when you give up on making it" said T'Chaka before his eyes glanced over Naruto's shoulder and he said "Here comes my son now"

Naruto turned around and was face to face with another African man, this one equally as well groomed as his father.

"Papa - er I mean King T'Chaka, it is best that we make our way to our seats" said the son.

"Naruto my boy. This is my son T'Challa. He could use a bit more experience in the world, shake off some of stiffness before he takes over for myself" commented T'Chaka

Naruto extended his hand to T'Challa and when he grasped it, he was met with a surge of strength nearly meeting his own.

T'Challa made a face showing his shock at being the weaker of the two and T'Chaka let a soft smile grace his face.

"T'Challa, this is Naruto Uzumaki, the world's best spy. We only know of who he is due to Ms. Romanoff releasing all of SHIELD's record onto the internet. He is the main speaker here today."

T'Challa released his hand and started to bow his head to Naruto "My apologizes"

"None of that" said Naruto placing his hand on the prince's shoulder "There is never a reason to bow your head to me. I am a simple guy, I like being free and the only reason that I'm here is to make sure that my friends and I can continue to have that allowance." said Naruto

T'Chaka and his son both nodded and made their ways up to their seats while Naruto took a deep breath and made his way to the main podium.

The host ambassador from Austria tapped the mic and said "Now that everyone has taken their seats, we can begin. This meeting is now in session, the case of The UN vs The Avengers is the official title. Without further ado, Naruto Uzumaki is here to speak on behalf of the Avengers."

There was a couple pockets of soft claps, but Naruto took it in stride, walking up and shaking the man's hand before standing up there alone, the world seeming looking down on him.

Naruto pulled the microphone up and for the first time, the entire world heard him speak.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, as he just introduced me as. I go by other names depending who you are. Some people call me The World's Greatest Assassin, other the World's Deadliest, some call me Agent Whiskers, but everyone important to me calls me, Naruto.

You're probably thinking 'Why is he telling us this? This isn't why we're here'. And you would be correct, we're here to talk about how a man named Thunderbolt Ross thought that the Avengers were better suited to be under his thumb more than a self governing body agent of Justice.

I don't lie, I'm believe that people deserve to know the truth, even if it will hurt them. I am not perfect, far from it actually. I have hurt a lot of people, i have killed a lot of people, I have spared who I felt bad for and killed those I maybe shouldn't have. The Avengers are not perfect, we have failed time and time again, due to human error, due to not being strong enough, and due to our egos being as large as skyscrapers.

But every situation we go into, is one that the local police, government, their forces can't handle. As much as we fail, we give it our all. Our own men lay down their lives to protect everyone on this world. I lay down my life for the people in this room, and everyone outside of it.

The risk we take, the danger we put ourselves in, is not one that just anyone in this room would willing take. We do it for free, we ask for nothing other than for you guys to leave us be. Ross demanded to know where Thor is, like the man doesn't have his own family. He demanded to know where Dr. Banner is, like the man doesn't deserve a break.

We will never turn down your request for aid, but there are people out there who need the help, but don't have the same voice as you. The Avengers program is protect the world, you putting a lease on us will prevent us from doing that. You may see us as this mythical figures but we are people too.

I have to take a stand today, because I simply roll over and allow you to make UN assets, I will have failed the next generation of heroes. How could I raise my child to fight for people who don't see him as a person. How can I train future heroes and tell them to go fight for people who see them only as a grenade to throw in the direction of danger.

If you decide that what I say here doesn't matter, you're going to have to label me as an international criminal. We help people because we can, not because you say so."

As Naruto finished, there was empty silence and Naruto felt strange sense of danger and whipped around to see a massive ball of flames coming right towards their location.

He didn't have much time to do anything other make clones that covered the elderly members of the UN meeting before he was engulfed in blistering heat.

Tony was sent flying off his feet and Peter webbed up the ceiling to prevent the debris from falling on anyone.

Naruto head slammed into the stone base of the seats and everything went black.

"In a strange turn of events, the UN meeting to see if the Avengers would remain independently ran was ended by an attack on the meeting. The reason this is strange, is that the assailants were one Steve Rogers aka Captain American and the infamous Winter Solider who is being identified as James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes." said a news reporter on the small radio to the side of Natasha, the report being what made her wake up.

Natasha tried to move but found that she was strapped down to some kind of medical table.

"The famous Black Widow, a welcomed sight on my table" said a man in Russian before he injected something into the line running into her IV causing her to lose consciousness again.

A/N: So many reviews with the same comment, did y'all even watch Civil War? The entire thing is about misdirection and brainwashed induced events. Come on guys, let the story develop.

Anyway that is chapter 3 of Civil War, should be like 2 more parts to come. Only reason I dropped this chapter, is because yall was bitching in my comment section.

As always, feel free to leave a comment, review, PM me, hit me up on twitter. If you gonna do some massive leaps, make sure to stretch first, don't want you to cramp up.

Twitter Handle is HKM_FF, you should follow me.

HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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