
Chapter 17: Civil war - 2

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: Short chapter, I actually wasn't even planning on dropping a chapter for this story again this year, but the comment by "itzgatt" was all I needed to bang this one out in 2 hours. Enjoy and stay safe out there, Happy New Year's eve yall.

Naruto was unable to make the trip to Europe with Steve for the funeral of one, Peggy Carter. He wanted to be there but with the skittish way that Tony was acting, he thought it would be unwise to leave him alone at this particular moment. So, in his place by Steve's side was Nat, she was as much as he was if not more. With Luci and Nat with Steve dealing with that personal matter, Naruto along with Wade accompanied Tony to deliver the news of their united front of "NO" to General Ross.

"Ah General Shit stain, you wore the brown pants today I see" commented Wade as he gave the old man a quick once over.

"I guess by the tone and comment of your little experiment friend here, that you dumbasses aren't here to surrender control of the Avengers over to the UN" said Ross as he rolled his eyes at Wade's remark.

Naruto stepped forward, his large frame towering over the old warhead, his eyes narrowed in disgust as he looked at the smaller man.

"No, we are not here to "surrender" as you call it. We are here to tell you that you can go fuck yourself. Nothing you or anyone else in this world can say or do to us, that will make us change our minds." snarled Naruto, his pupils becoming slits as his anger grew, bubbling in his chest.

"And what if I decide that I don't care for your words or even a battle of words and decided to take all of you by force?" challenged Ross

"You're not actually stupid enough to threaten me, are you Thunderbolt?" hissed Naruto before he turned his back on the general.

"You turn your back on me here, Uzumaki and I will take it as you turning your back on America. You walk out that door and I will put a hit on you. On all of you, the freakish twins put in a cage for us to experiment on. Stark here put in prison to pump out advanced tech after advanced tech. The rest of you will either be hunted and killed or turn yourself over. As for that hot little red haired slut that you are so fond of, I'll keep her as a toy for my own personal use!" screamed Ross

Naruto glanced at Tony who nodded and suddenly Naruto was covered head to toe in a bright red burning shroud of energy and Ross gulped nervously as he realized for the first time that Naruto has been humoring him. This was not a man who stood before him, no this was a literal fucking legend, a being capable of being able to defeat the Hulk, an unstoppable killing machine who could steam roll this entire building full of people and never even break a sweat.

Naruto smirked and said "It's too easy. I have no idea how you managed to become a General with your terrible tactics. You see, Stark's glasses just recorded and uploaded your threats to us on every news station all over the world. You just fucked up, you know that right?"

The shroud dropped from around Naruto and the trio of Avengers, fully turned their back and left, Ross left in shambles, his entire world destroyed by his very own hands.

London, England:

Steve sat alone in the church, the light shining through the colored panels of glass. The Funeral had finished over an hour ago, but Steve couldn't bring himself to leave.

"You can't believe it either huh?" said a female voice, causing Steve to look back and see Sharon Carter, the niece of the late great Peggy.

"When I went into the ice, I gave up my entire life. Finding her again all these years later, it was like getting a small piece of 1945 in the modern life." said Steve, his tone full of fondness.

Sharon smiled weakly, her eyes watering as she looked at Steve.

"Aunt Peggy would always bring up some of the most impressive men that she had ever met. Martin Luther King Jr, JFK, Howard Stark, Nick Fury. She loved to brag about knowing them, but whenever she talked about you. Her face would light up, her tone would shift as if you were a guilty pleasure, she talked about you as if you were a mythical figure." Sharon said

Steve felt the tears well up and he couldn't do anything to stop them from falling, the pain in his chest was so great that if he wasn't in perfect health, Steve was sure this would have been a heart attack.

Steve didn't see or hear Sharon leave, he hung his head as he muttered an old prayer that his mom had taught him when they used to go to church back in Brooklyn.

Steve felt a hand land on his shoulder and he looked up to see Natasha looking down on him.

"How you feeling big guy? And don't you dare say "Ok" or "Fine". I can and will beat you up" joked Nat.

Steve didn't say anything, but Nat could visibly see the tension leave his shoulders.

"I feel empty, like something has been ripped out of my chest and thrown in the trash." answered Steve honestly

"It gets better, the world is chaotic and anything can happen. You might think that you missed out on the love of your life, but you can't say that for sure. Life is funny like that, I thought that my love life was over, but along came Naruto. You'll find what you're looking for on the very road you took to avoid it" said Nat, her hand rubbing on Steve's back in a trained manner designed to relax him.

Steve stood up suddenly and looked at Nat in the face, his eyes seeing the concern in her eyes and his mind suddenly was filled with a different emotion.

Steve slammed his mouth to Nat's causing her to gasp, his inhuman strength holding her in place and it was only the sound of breaking glass that caused Steve's brain to reset.

Steve looked at the source of the broken glass sound and saw Lucifer was standing in the entrance way of the Church, a shattered bowl that had once held what looked like soup at his feet.

Steve turned back to Nat only for a fist to slam into his face, causing him to drop to the floor on his backside.

Lucifer ran up the walkway and stood beside Natasha and said to Steve "What the fuck is going on here?"

Natasha glared at Steve and said "I would also like to know what is going on here Steve"

Steve couldn't say anything as he slowly climbed to his feet and held his hands up trying to calm Nat and Luci down.

"When Naruto hears about this, he's going to literally kill you" commented Lucifer.

Steve's eyes widen and he stammered " Hey hey hey, there is no reason to tell Naruto about this. It was a mistake"

"No, I'm with Luci on this one, I have to tell Naruto about this. We don't keep secrets from each other. I'm sure that hearing one of his two best friends in the world forcibly kissed his girlfriend isn't going to build any good will" countered Nat

Steve reached out to grab Nat's arm, but Lucifer jabbed a finger into the elbow area of Steve and Steve could only watch in horror as his arm went limp.

"REAL MEN DON'T LAY THIER HANDS ON WOMEN!" screamed Lucifer before another jab to the neck left Steve wheezing on the ground.

By the time that Steve could breath again, the two of them were gone and he could only groan in frustration.

Queens, New York:

Peter was sitting in math class, most of the class laughing as Flash Thompson made joke after joke at his expense.

"Penis Parker over here, says he is in the process of getting an internship with Stark but the only thing he's getting is another dick in his mouth" taunted Flash causing Peter to groan.

"What a shitty ass joke" said a familiar voice from the doorway.

The class all looked in that direction and saw Naruto standing in the doorway, Tony only a couple of feet behind him.

" O o oh my God, do y you know w who you r are?" stammered Flash

"Uh yeah, the most dangerous man in the world." said Naruto proudly

"Come hurry up and get the kid, we have important work to do and if we don't stick to the schedule, the one you created, you're going to be cranky on the flight to Germany." said Tony in a complaining tone, he was already going with Naruto's plan,

"It Austria and yeah Peter hurry up, we don't have all day. Time travel doesn't exist, so get a move on it" said Naruto

"Austria? Where did i get Germany from?" muttered Tony to himself

"Um, am I allowed to ditch school to go to Austria?" asked Peter more to himself than anyone in particular.

Sighing, Naruto walked into the class room and picked up Peter, tucking him under his shoulder like a man would a book.

"Also, you" said Naruto pointing at Flash "Keep on bagging on my boy and find out how much I've trained Peter here."

Tony smirked and said "Bye" before closing the door to the class and MJ was the only one who had their mind working enough to say "What the fuck just happened"

On the plane to Austria:

"Ok, so we are to Austria fooooorrrrrrr?" asked Peter

"To talk to the UN, tell them to mind their own fucking business and make a pit stop in Germany for chocolate for Pepper, if we have time" answered Naruto as he leaned back in his chair, kicking his feet up in the recliner and relaxed.

"You sound so sure that everything is going to work out" said Peter

"Kid, I'm the strongest thing on the planet, there is nothing these guys can do to me that would make me reconsider my stance on telling them to fuck off." replied Naruto

"Then why didn't you bring Wade?" asked Tony

Naruto winced and said "Wade is mentally challenged in that he's going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and make us all international criminals."

Peter nodded and Tony replied and said "fair enough"

Naruto closed his eyes for a single moment before his phone started buzzing, causing him to groan.

"When I answer this phone, the person on the other end better be fucking dying." said Naruto as he fished the ring block out of his pocket.

The caller ID said "Luci" and that made all of the anger drain out of Naruto, the highly intelligent boy wouldn't call him unless it was actually important. So, without another thought about it, Naruto answered the phone and was prepared for an emergency of some kind.

"Talk to me L" said Naruto, his tone in serious business mode.

"Are you sitting down?" asked Lucifer from the other end of the phone

"Yeah, now talk" demanded Naruto

"There was a situation of sorts over here."

"And?" rushed Naruto

"Um, it involved Steve and Natasha" whispered Lucifer

"Holy shit, they were attacked" asked Naruto "who would even be able to get the drop on either of them, let alone both of them?"

Lucifer gulped and Naruto asked him "Did you see what happened?"

"yes" replied the scared and nervous teenager.

"Ok good, tell me everything" said Naruto

"Steve kissed Nat" blurted out Lucifer

"Excuse me?" said Naruto "Steve kissed Nat"

"Steve kissed Nat" repeated Luci

"Steve kissed Nat?" asked Naruto

"Steve kissed Nat" confirmed Lucifer

"I'm going to fucking him" hissed Naruto before he hung up the phone.

Tony looked at Naruto and said "I heard everything, they're never going to find the body"

Peter chuckled nervously and Naruto walked over to the armory and pulled out his sword and started sharpening it.

"Hey, you're not going to actually kill Captain America are you?" asked Peter

"Unless he can convince me that he tripped and fell lip first into the love of my life's lips, probably" answered Naruto

"After the UN meeting though, we can't reschedule" added Tony

"I'm not in a rush, the delay in his murder is just going to give me more ideas" said Naruto

A/N: Okay part two of Civil War is complete, I tried to think of a conflict that would actually cause them to break up in to two factions and this is what I came up with.

As always, feel free to leave a comment, review, PM me, hit me up on twitter.

Another chapter should be out around the first week of February, happy holidays yall.

Twitter Handle is HKM_FF

HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


SDIVADcreators' thoughts