
Chapter 17: Civil war - 1

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: It seems like I spend all of my free time watching and rewatching Marvel movies at this point. Also Supernatural just ended and I am dying to watch the last couple of episodes of that. I am not emotionally ready for this, but yall know the deal. Probably one of like maybe 2 or 3 updates that I will make during this holiday season. This is the Captain American: Civil War movie, so this is probably like part 1 of 3 or 4.


"Laker's Legend Kobe Bryant has announced that this season, will be his last"


"Big Ben pump fakes, moving to his left, is on the run aaannd throws the football. TOUCHDOWN ANTONIO BROWNNN!"


"Today in Nigeria, a team of foreign representatives from the reclusive Wakanda were greeted with great honor as doctors and teachers from the normally isolated country were allowed to enter Nigeria for the first time since 1955."

Naruto sighed and turned off the TV, turning to look at the other people in the room, the people that he had been ignoring.

"Mr. Uzumaki, you along with Mr. Stark here, are seen as the face of the Avengers. It is only due to the amount of good will that I come to the two of you and not the U.N with this proposal." said Secretary of State Ross.

Tony rolled his eyes behind the elder man's back and Naruto yawned again, right in the man's face.

"How about you spit it out before I punt your annoying ass back to the Senate building in D.C across the river" demanded Naruto

"Ok, let's skip the manners, I want you to stop running the Avengers like a private group and turn over power to a panel run by the United Nations." replied Ross

"And why would I do that?" asked Naruto, his eyes narrowed at the former military general.

"Because for far too long, you've been allowed to do whatever you want, going wherever you, inflicting your will however you want. At what point do we hold you accountable for your actions?" questioned Ross

"When I feel like it" retorted Naruto

Ross opened his mouth to say something but Naruto interrupted him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" snarled Naruto as he slammed his fist through the metal desk in the room "Do you think that we're idiots Ross?"

Ross could only stutter, his eyes trained on the metal table with the fist sized hole through it now.

"Tell me Thunderbolt Ross, how would the world feel knowing that you chased the Hulk around the world trying to make him lose control?" asked Naruto as he pulled his arm out of the table and stood tall, towering over Ross.

Ross looked up at Naruto "I did what I had to do":

Naruto growled and grabbed Ross by his neck and lifted him despite Ross scratching at the hand grasping his neck.

"I could snap your neck like a twig and simply say "I did what I had to do", but the difference is that the world would be a better place after I say it."

Naruto tossed Ross down and the government official dropped to his knees wheezing as he tried to pull air into his lungs.

"General Ross, get the fuck out of my home before I kill you for being the shit stain that you are" warned Naruto

Ross glanced at Tony who shrugged before scrambling out of the room.

"You know that was a mistake Naruto, Ross is a powerful man" said Stark once he was sure it was just the two of them alone.

"Everyone seems to forget that so am I. I am the most powerful person on the planet, why should I listen to some old geezers in suits?" asked Naruto

"Because there is no point in making things harder than they need to be." answered Tony

"They want to put us on leashes and only take them off to attack who they want." countered Naruto

"And how is that worse than being muzzled for the rest of your life?" asked Tony "Or do you not remember being put in a pod and used as a human battery? They already have issues with us Naruto, why be hostile and create more?"

Naruto glared at Tony "How about this Tony? No matter what happens, we stick on the same side. Because us arguing about this, is already playing into their hands. We cannot allow them to divide us or we will not win."

Tony nodded "Okay, in for a inch, in for a mile"

Naruto smirked "exactly"

"So, you going on that Mission with the team in NIgeria?"

"No, I got to take a trip to NYC to pick up Wade and then the two of us have been invited to some school for the gifted"

"That works, you can fly into the city with me on the Jet and from there we can go our separate ways."

And so they, Tony and Naruto, made their up from the Avenger's building in D.C to the chilly New York City.

Naruto was dropped off in the city and Tony made his way to MIT for a presentation.

"So tell me Wade, who is this guy again?" asked Naruto as he pulled onto the highway, the car that Tony gave him hitting 3 digits as they sped past all the other cars.

"I dunno know, i think he's some kind of professor, because he said his name was Professor Q or something." answered Wade

Naruto rolled his eyes at his mentally challenged clone.

"Um. Mr. Uzumaki sir, why am I here again?" asked a timid Peter Parker from the back seat.

"Because this 'Spider-Man' thing interests me and I want to here more about it" said Naruto as he continued to drive.

"Well, i got bit by a spider and I guess it mutated me because it gave me the attributes of a spider. I can climb walls, I have enhanced strength, speed, relaxes." answered Peter

"That sounds all very cute and all, but I kind of want to see it in action." said Naruto.

"Yeah sure, um does this mean I am going to be an Avenger?" asked Peter

"Shit maybe" mused Naruto.

The rest of the drive was made in next to near silence, only the out loud thinking of Wade.

"We have arrived" said Naruto as he pulled into the long driveway leading up to a large stone manor.

As they parked, they were greeted with the sight of a man in a wheelchair, his head completely bald.

Stepping out of the car, Naruto nodded to Wade and Peter to get out as well. The three superheroes walked up to the man in the wheelchair and Naruto extended his hand.

"Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you ..." started Naruto, once again unsure of the man's name.

The man in the wheelchair smiled "Charles, Charles Xavier. And the pleasure is all mine, Mr. Uzumaki. Welcome to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, you are a bit of a legend around here"

Naruto raised an eyebrow "I am?"

"Oh yes, the first high ranking government official mutant is quite the example of the students that we've managed to pick up in the last couple of years." answered Charles

"Students? I ... er ... Wade isn't exactly suitable for children" warned Naruto as he tried to wrap his head around this sudden 'Mutant' label given to him.

"Hey" cried out Wade

"Don't worry about it" said Charles before he turned and started rolling towards the school, his chair floated up the stairs "Please come in, let me show you around"

Naruto shrugged and gestured for Peter and Wade to follow the man.

"So this is a school?" asked Naruto

"Yes, a very unique school" answered Charles

"Ok, that doesn't sound creepy at all" commented Wade

Charles laughed and said "Tell me, what do you know about Mutatis Mutandis?"

Naruto and Wade blinked at the older man in the wheelchair, completely lost by the question.

Peter on the other hand was no lost "The genetic mutation that provides abilities due to extreme stress forcing the advancement of the cell's evolution"

"You're a smart young man ." complimented Charles

"So this is a school that studies my genetic advancement?" asked Naruto

"No, this is a school that studies the abilities of those with genetic advancements, all of the students here have abilities." answered Charles

Naruto's eyes lit up and he realized the sudden interest in meeting him, he was the most famous person with abilities in the world at the moment.

"I see that you have realized the reason it was of the upmost importance for us to meet. I was hoping you could talk to some of my older students, kind of let them know that the world will accept them" said Charles

"I would love to" said Naruto, his heart thundering in his chest as he realized for the first time, there were other people like him in this world.

Charles nodded as he lead Naruto and his two followers to a large lecture room, one similar to the one you'd find in a college. Inside of the room, there was 7 teenagers in the room.

Naruto smiled at them "Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am what you could be"

As Naruto spoke, he started to glow red and sprouted a trio of red chakra tails, making the teens' faces lit up with awe.

"Any questions?" asked Naruto as he had their attention

2 Days Laters: Avenger's Headquarters:

Naruto looked at the team, almost all of them hanging their heads. But he couldn't blame them, their failure had made international news.

"Listen Wanda, you can't listen to the news, it's not your fault" whispered Steve from her side

"Have you heard the news? They are being very specific about how it is my fault" countered Wanda

"How cares?" spat Naruto, tired of the pity party "You saved countless lives from the toxin that was going to be made airborne. If you weren't there, so many more people would have died. You're a hero Wanda"

Wanda sniffed and wiped her away her unspilled tears away.

"What is they come for me?" she asked

Steve stiffed as he realized what she meant and Naruto growled

"Then they'll have to go through us as well Wanda" answered Naruto heatedly.

Vision morphed up through the floor into the living room and said "Mr. Stark has returned and he brought with him a guest."

Naruto groaned as he could already see the writing on the wall, this was what was needed for the people with their agendas to try and take control of the Avengers.

The whole team gathered in the main conference room and General Ross stood before them.

"Let me just say, the world owes the Avengers, an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, all while risking your lives" Started Ross "But for all those who see you as heroes, there is an equal amount of people who would say vigilante"

Naruto scoffed and Natasha tilted her head "And what would you say?"

"Dangerous" answered Ross "What else do you call a group of powerful people who go where they want ignoring country borders, do what they want while being unconcerned with what they leave behind"

Ross pointed at the screen and said "New York City" showing a video from the invasion in New York.

"That's bullshit and you know it. You guys were going to nuke the city and kill 10 million people, we did our best" pointed out Naruto

"Sure, but what about D.C? Sokovia? Lagos? Whatever the hell Thor did to London?" questioned Ross

"And what if we weren't there General Ross? How would you have handled the situation any better?" challenged Steve

"I would have done it the way that the world wanted it to be done. For the past 3 years, you have operated with unlimited power and no supervision. There is a solution that was approved by 117 countries in the UN, the Sokovia Accords. We will be placing the Avengers under the control of an UN Panel" said Ross as he pulled out a series of large packets, each member of the Avengers being handed one.

"This goes against everything that we stand for" said Naruto as he looked at the Sokovia Accords in disgust.

"Naruto is right, the Avengers were made to make the world a safer place, which is what we have done." said Steve

"Tell me Rogers, Uzumaki. Where is Thor? Where is Banner? You lost a twin pairing of supermegaton nukes. If I did that, they would have my ass" said Ross

"Thor is in Asgard, he doesn't live here. As for Banner, he is home, in NYC. Not everyone is government property" retorted Naruto

"You have such a smart mouth, it is only an added perk of this job to shut it." said Ross "In 3 days, these accords will be ratified in Germany. You have until then to make a decision"

"And if we make a decision that you don't like?" asked Nat

"Then you retire or get put down for good. I already told Stark and smartass over there about this a couple days ago, you guys blew your last strike in Lagos." said Ross before he turned and left

"The fucking balls on that guy, I say we kill him" commented Wade.

Naruto sighed and said "There is no way that they can force us to do anything, if we stand united, they will be forced to play ball with us."

Rhodes looked at Tony and then at Naruto "You want us to go up against the entire world's government"

Tony looked at Naruto who was staring at him "I don't know what we are doing. We got 3 days to look over this and see what they are actually talking about. How much power are they taking from us and how much power do will we have at the end of the day?"

"No no no no no Tony, you can't tell me that you actually considering giving in to this. The best people to be in charge of the power are the people who actually have the power." pleaded Naruto

"But what about when we do the wrong thing with that power? Our actions have consequences that we don't always see." countered Tony

"We said we were in this together Tony, that was 2 days ago. What changed?" asked Naruto

Tony dropped a small disk on the table and up shot a projection of a young African American man, no older than 21.

"Meet Charlie Spencer, a kid who just graduated college with a 3.6 GPA." started Tony "He had a sweet gig set for this fall, but before he parked himself behind a desk for the rest of his life, he decided he wanted to put a few miles on his soul. Do you know where he went this past summer?"

Nobody answered the question and the silence spoke more about how bad they all felt than any verbal answer could have.

Tony didn't let up though "He didn't go to some tropical island like I would have at that age, no he didn't go to Amsterdam, or Paris, or Italy, or Greece. He went to Sokovia and tried to build affortable housing for the poor. And what was his reward for being a good person? Was it a lifetime of happiness? No. Was it even a long life? No. Instead, we dropped a literal building on him and ended his life"

Naruto glanced at the image of the young man and said "I'm probably going to rot in hell for saying this, but I don't care. We went out there to clean up a mess that we started, that you started Tony. If we didn't go out there, the entire planet would be dead."

Tony groaned and asked "So what would you have use do with all the blood on our hands, all the lives on them? Simply ignore that we've dropped the ball so many times?"

Steve answered before Naruto could "We can't just wash our hands of our mistakes Tony, but even if our hands are covered in blood, they're still the safest hands in the world."

Naruto "Tony, if we fail, we fail together. We succeed as a group, we fail as a group. It literally doesn't matter what we do, as we do it together. We aren't just doing this for us and our group, but what about future generations. You think we are going to be the only group of heroes in the world? Newsflash, they next group of heroes is already coming and if we don't take a stand now, they'll never have a chance."

Tony nodded and Steve smirked before he looked down at his phone and frowned.

"Something wrong Steve?" asked Naruto, his concern for his friend shown on his face.

Steve rubbed his eyes and looked up at the sky "Peggy died"

Naruto didn't even say anything, he pulled Steve into a tight was joined by Tony, then Nat, then Wanda, then Clint, then Wade who for once didn't manage to say the wrong thing.

The last thing on anyone's mind was signing the Accords, not when one of their own needed them.

A/N: Okay part one of Civil War is complete, feel free to leave a comment, review, PM me, hit me up on twitter.

Another chapter should be out around the first week of December, happy holidays yall.

Twitter Handle is HKM_FF

HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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