
Chapter 16 part 3

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: This is the shit y'all have been waiting for, LET'S GET TO IT:

Naruto could hear the roar in the distance, the loud echoing roar of the Hulk. It was also getting closer with every second that past, Naruto racing towards it.

Finally climbing over the hill, Naruto blurred down into developing city, eyes locked on the building that was collapsing near the center of it.

Stopping in front of the building, Naruto ducked under the stone pillar thrown in his direction.

"HEY UGLY, GET DOWN HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!" shouted our dimension traveling blond.

"RAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH" screamed Hulk as he heard Naruto and started sprinting towards the sword wielding blond.

Naruto rushed forward, his body taking on a blue outline right before the Hulk tried to punch him.


"Huh" said the Hulk when he fist was met by Naruto and refused to move forward.

Naruto smirked as his right hand held back the massive left hand of the Hulk

"Sorry big guy, but i remember our fight back in Colorado" stated Naruto before he pushed upwards, causing the Hulk to stagger.

Seeing the wide opening, Naruto slammed his knee into the Hulk's solar plexus, causing the green giant to wheeze as his powerful lungs tried to pull in air.

Jumping into the air, Naruto twisted and hammered the Hulk's face with a roundhouse kick.

As the Hulk was sent flying backwards, Naruto landed and couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"This is going much better than last time" said Naruto as he watched the HUlk stop skidding.

Preparing himself for another exchange with the Hulk, Naruto eyed the Hulk, noticing that he was slightly more green than before.

ignoring it, Naruto once again met the Hulk's punch, only this time, the punch tore through his guard like rice paper and blasted him right in the face.

'Shit he's gotten stronger in the last couple of seconds since our last bout' thought Naruto as he flipped in the air and landed on his feet in a crouch, facing the floor.

He looked up as the floor rumbled and was greeted by the Hulk's foot punting him into the air, sending Naruto out of the city and into a nearby field.

Growing enraged, Naruto let out an angry snarl as his body steamed before a bubbly but angry red energy covered his body.

Landing on all fours like a cat or a fox, Naruto bulleted forward, slamming his shoulder into the stomach of the Hulk, the two of t'hem sent tumbling on the ground.

Naruto was breathing a little heavy but was overall in perfect condition.

'Aye Fox, this is so much easier than before' thought Naruto as he looked at the downed Green Giant.

'You are stronger than before, you body was releasing more of my energy than it was using last time you fought him. You weren't able to handle the power and even though I amplify the natural strength of your body, you were so weak it hardly mattered"responded Kurama

"YOU HURT HULK" screamed the massive green man.

"What the literal fuck does it take to put this man down" whined Narto as he prepared himself for another round with the Hulk.

Instead of running forward, Naruto tried to analyze the roaring being in front of him.

As the Hulk threw his head back in another roar, Naruto'e eyes widen as he realized what was going on.

'I need more power' thought Naruto

'Done' answered back Kurama

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he felt his body flood with more of the angry energy flooded his body.

Hissing as the energy exploded out of his body, taking the form of a skin tight cloak of energy as well as twin swishing tails coming out of his tailbone, Naruto hunched over and let loose a roar on par with any of the Hulk ones.

As his head lowered, Naruto was forced to throw up both of his arms in front of his face as the Hulk's fist crushed his last second guard and continued onto to dent in his face.

Rolling with the blow, Naruto turned the force of the punch into a clean backflip before rushing forward and slugging the Hulk in the face in response.

The Hulk was carried off of his feet and sent skidding on his backside, Naruto glared at the green monster, the skin of the transformed doctor steaming,

Naruto ducked under a wide swipe and machine gun punched the green brute in thre stomach before bending over backwards to avoid the follow up swing at his head.

Speeding around, Naruto climbed onto the green being's back and started trying to choke him.

"Come on big guy, I need you to go to sleep" hissed Naruto as he struggled to maintain his arm around the Hulk's massive neck,

Things got worse when the Hulk grabbed him off of his back and punted him into the air, the snapping of the bones filled the otherwise quiet air.

.Naruto's vision swam and the two tailed cloak that was covering his body disbursed as he came in and out of consciousness as the pain in his back rocked his world

As the bones in his back healed, Naruto felt the Hulk meet him in the air, grabbing him and slamming him head first into the ground.


Naruto's body slummed over lifelessly, head planted firmly into the ground as his body was unable to hold itself up, bending to gravity.

The Hulk pounded on his chest and let out another roar, this one a call for more challengers.

Steve could hear a massive roar in the distance but he was still looking at the World War 2 celebration party.

"Steve, you made it for our dance" called out a familiar voice

Steve turned and saw Peggy.

"Peggy?" he questioned

"Who else Steve?" she challenged.

"This is wrong, I've seen you, you're supposed to be much older" said Steve, his eyes unable to leave her form.

"Where have your manners gone? you should never comment on a woman's age." huffed Peggy

Steve could feel a headache coming on.

Thor rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the headache currently thundering around in his head.

He couldn't tell if his head was throbbing due to the headache or the nonstop roars in the distance rattling his brain in his skull.

The loud cheers of the party were not helping.

Thor stumbled and bumped into someone.

"Thor Odinson, just the person i wanted to see" said the man

"Heimdall, it is great to see ... you. What has happened to your eyes" ended Thor in concern, referring to the man's milk white eyes.

"You, my lord. You and your leadership will bring about this among other things" answered Heimdall with a creepy smile on his face as he reached forward and grasped Thor's head with both hands.


"You do more than just take my vision from me, you bring about the end of our people. You are a curse on our people. You will doom us all" said Heimdall as the scenery around them started to fade away.

"No, i would never"

"But you will as you already have" countered Heimdall as the party finished melting away to reveal a burning Asgard.

"NOOOOOOOO!" shouted Thor as his eyes filled with lighting and the world around him returned back to normal, showing Thor that he was still on that boat.

Looking around, Thor heard an array of beeping coming from around him. Following the closest of the trio sets of sound, Thor was lead to Natasha, who was sitting on the ground, knees to her chest, arms around her knees and rocking back and forth.

"Natasha, the beeping. What does it mean?" asked Thor as he gently pried her arm away from her knee and looked at the high tech watch that was letting off the beeping.

The watch had a message running across the screen, it simply read "Naruto injured"

Thor shook the red haired woman, trying to force her back into the real world.

"Cap is in the same shape" said Clint from behind, carrying the mentally defeated Steve Rogers.

"So what do we do Barton?" asked Thor

"I guess i can go baby sit them while you go help Naruto out" suggested Clint "I doubt there is much that i can do in a fight between Naruto and Banner in his transformed state"

"You're right, i will go aid Naruto" said Thor before the beeping of the watchs stopped and Thor and Clint both shivered as they felt the powerful energy pass over them.

There was a pillar of blue energy flaring up into the sky and Thor chuckled.

"What's so funny?" asked Clint

"The Hulk is in so much trouble now" replied Thor

"Did Naruto just power up or something?" asked Barton

"Or Something indeed" said Thor

Back with Naruto:


He felt that more than he heard it.

"FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC" Roared Naruto in anger as he looked around and realized that he was inside of his mindscape, a place he was not keen on spending more time in.

"Way to fuck it up for all of us, brat" spat Kurama from his corner

"I will fight you too, you oversized cat" retorted Naruto


"Is this a bad time" asked a slightly timid voice

Both Naruto and Kurama head jerked into the direction of the voice, each with different reactions.

"Hey, you're the guy who taught me how to us Chakra in my visions/What the fuck are you doing here?" said Naruto/Kurama

"Um, i live here. I always have," replied the blond haired man "And yeah I couldn't let my son not know how to do anything with chakra."

"You're my dad, thought you would be taller" mused Naruto

"Naruto, say the and I bijuu bomb this man back to our home world" added Kurama with a hopeful tone

"Let's hear him out first" replied Naruto as he looked at his father, motioning for him to speak.

"I know what is going on outside, your fight with the hulk, I can help you with that." said Naruto's dad

"Hmm, how can you help me when I am almost certain that i am stronger than you?" questioned Naruto

Kurama let out a chuckle and Naruto's dad said "You'll see" before placing his hand on Naruto's forehead and glowing blue.

Naruto tried to move but was unable to. He was blinded by the bright flash that went off before he looked around and his dad was gone.

Just as he was about to speak, he dropped to his knees clutching his head.

Screaming in pain, he started to take on a similar blue glow as this dad had.

This time when there was a blind flash of light, Naruto opened his eyes and found himself back in the real world.

Shaking the cobwebs out of his brain, Naruto gave himself a once over as he climbed to his feet.

The only difference was that on his left arm from his elbow down, there was a yellow lightning bolt like tattoo that stretched down until the back of his palm.

Feeling the marking pulse slightly, Naruto channelled chakra into the marking and suddenly he understood everything.

Minato, his father was a fucking God among men.

Ignoring the massive pillar of chakra surrounding his body, Naruto realized that his father had unlocked the rest of his chakra, the rest of his strength while also giving him the knowledge to make good on it.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto closed his eyes as he simply felt the world around him.

There is energy all around you Naruto, you simply have to let it in

Naruto mentally nodded as he felt his body surrounded by foreign energy.

It was peaceful, but the real surprise was the sense of awareness that came with it.

Naruto could feel the Hulk looking at him, but there was no sense of danger, Naruto had never felt more at ease.

Openning his eyes, Naruto found the Hulk rushing towards him.

Rather than try and duck under the swipe, Naruto simply put his left arm up in the air and stopped the blow.

Naruto glared at the giant being before blurring out view and planting his foot into the cheek of the Hulk, sending the monster flying away.

Naruto watched him sail away and couldn't help the smirk that graced his face.

Careful Son, this power has a time limit, i can pull it in, but I can't hold more than 7 minutes of it

Naruto nodded his head as he watched the Hulk come sprinting back.

Feeling the punch coming, Naruto twisted his torso to let it pass before using the motion of his twist to slam his elbow into the stomach of the Hulk.

As the Hulk groaned, Naruto jumped in the air and used a two footed drop kick to the back of the Hulk's head to send the beast crashing into the ground.

A kick to the Hulk's chest sent him spiralling away on the ground.

Another roar, another Hulk growth spurt, another Hulk charge.

But Naruto was ready for it and met the punch head on, the twin fists slamming into each other, the force sending shockwaves throughout the field.

The next Hulk was caught and Naruto knee'd the hulk in the dick, bringing the taller male to his knees in pain.

Channeling all of his power into his right fist, Naruto punched the hulk with all of his might, sending the green beast onto his backside before the green started to fade into pale white skin as he reverted back to Bruce Banner.

Huffing, Naruto felt the energy that he used to combat the Hulk leave his body and he collasped onto the ground, his final images seen was Thor landing in front of him.

The Farm: Location Secret:

Naruto woke up to the feeling of someone trying to climb onto his bed.

His eyes snapped opened and he looked at the tiny child who had awoken him.

"Uncle Naruto" cried out the small child.

"Natheniel?" asked Naruto in a slightly raspy voice

"Yes" said the child gleefully as used Naruto's arm to finish climbing into the bed.

"What are you doing little buddy?" asked Naruto as the tiny boy sat criss crossed next to him.

"Watching you for daddy" answered the young boy

"Ok, that answers my question." replied Naruto as he tried to sit up, feeling his body protest as he did so.

Your body still isn't ready for a power such as the fabled Sage Mode, even the fusing of the two of us didn't stop your body from damaging itself.

'How do i counter it? If i can barely use that form without defeating myself, how will i ever get to use Kurama's power?'

We must tear down your body and rebuild it.

"-cle Naruto, what are you doing?" asked Nathienal, pulling our blond hero from his thoughts.

"Just thinking" answered Naruto

"Well, that is never a good thing" said Natasha from the doorway

"Nathienal why don't you go tell your dad that i'm up while i talk to your titi Nat?" asked Naruto as he lowered the small boy onto the ground who nodded and took off running.

"So how are you holding up?" asked Natasha as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Like i got my ass handed to me despite the win" answered Naruto as he cracked his neck.

Natasha rolled her eyes before she grabbed Naruto by the chin and pulled his head to force him to look at her.

"Good, remember that feeling because if you don't come back to me, i will make you feel ten times worse" she whispered

"Death couldn't keep us apart" whispered back Naruto before he leaned in and kissed her lightly.

Pulling apart, Natasha smiled brightly before she stood up and started tugging on Naruto's hand forcing him to stand as well.

"Come on, the others are waiting for us" she said as she led him through the house.

"Clint really has it made with this type of get away. Makes you wonder when we are going to get something like this" muttered Naruto as Nat continued to pull him through the house.

"You want a small farm land house in the middle of nowhere?" asked Nat

"I would live in a shoe box if you were there" replied Naruto as they descended the stairs.

"You too make me want to smile and vomit at the same time" said Clint from his spot at the kitchen table in the dining room.

"i thought your eyes didn't miss anything but here we are wiith your ears being the most annoying thing about you" sassed Naruto as Natasha went over to help Laura finish whatever was happening in the kitchen.

"Guess again whiskers" taunted Clint

Naruto gave Clint the bird and looked around.

"Where's banner?" asked Naruto as he took a seat across from the sharpshooter.

"Washing up, whatever you did to combat him laid him out for over 12 hours." answered Clint

"Good, and that is just the beginning, my body isn't even strong enough to handle all of the power yet." stated Naruto, both proud and disappointed.

Clint let out a huff as he looked at the blond young man before him.

The back door leading to the dining room opened up and in walked Steve and Tony.

"And the sleeping beauty is awake once more" said Tony upon seeing Naruto, joinng them at the table.

Naruto yawned and said "Great to see you too, Tony. Create anything else that wants to murder us while i was sleeping?"

Tony frowned and sent Steve a glare when he let out a chuckle.

"Where's Thor?" asked Naruto as he realized he was the lone unaccounted for main Avenger.

"He's off trying to see if he can recreate the magic that led to some kind of vision for his home world" answered Steve from his spot leaning against the doorframe.

Naruto wasn't sure how to answer or respond to that, so he didn't.

Footsteps coming down the stairs revealed that Banner had joined them in the dining room.

"You're looking well Banner, no hard feelings here" said Naruto upon seeing Bruce Banner, the right side of his face showing the start of a big bruise.

"No, not from me. I'm actually happy that there is someone who can stop me if I ever lose control" responded Banner

The door opened and the voice said "Good, glad that you all finished your pity party because besides Thor, i need all hands on deck."

Naruto dipped his head and said "Director Fury"

"Agent Asshole" replied the tired looking "Dead" director.

Naruto couldn't sstop[ the large smile that split his face, even as Fury started to lay down the plan.

'Just like old times' thought Naruto

A/N: And another chapter is done, part 3 of 4 to be exact. Now there has been a lot of comments/PMs asking questions about the OG Naruto V Hulk fight.

The simplest way to explain it would be that Naruto even with Kurama's chakra just wasn't very strong.

The way i have always written the use of Kurama's chakra in all of my stories, is that it is an enhancer. It will amplify what you already have but it isn't going to make Naruto equal to a being like Thor, Hulk, or Thanos.

In this chapter, you'll find a similar answer in the writing, Naruto is NOT as strong as he is in Canon Naruto.

I'm not talking physical strength, he doesn't have as much chakra, his body isn't as durable.

Using things like Tailed Chakra Cloaks and Sage Mode strain the body, Canon Naruto using them so often, he's used to it. While i am not saying that this Naruto will never get used to it, he is not there at this point.

As always, feel free to message me on here or on my twitter page, HKM_FF.

Anyway, HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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