
Chapter 16 part 2

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: Before i get into this chapter, i want to give a shout out to Fanboy2000 who wrote a very nice comment that is the reason that i am writing this chapter. So, feel free to thank him.

"Tony, you know i love you, but i fucking hate your goddamn robots" said Naruto as he sliced through another robot.

"Kind of hate them myself right now kid" replied Tony as he blasted one out the air.

Steve was tossed across the room by a suit but he rolled with it before throwing a serving tray through a robot's chest.

Naruto glowed blue before he blurred cutting through several robots.

Banner was blasted onto Natasha who asked him not to turn green.

Clint tossed Steve his shield but it didn't matter as Thor grew angry after being smacked in the face.

"Enough" roared Thor as he spun his hammer and unleashed a tornado of lightning that took out the remaining robots.

Looking around, the limpy one that had announced itself was nowhere to be seen. There was nothing but the shredded up bodies of the robots that they had been battling.

"Tony, we need to figure out who he killed. We were all here. You, Me, Nat and Naruto, Thor, Steve, Hill,Wade, and Clint. We were all here" said Bruce Banner, his eyes wide with a puzzling feature to them.

"The lab, we have security camera up there. He came from that direction." responded Tony.

Banner nodded and the two of them ran off trying to race up the stairs to the lab.

"You ok"? asked Natasha

"This whole Avenger thing sucks" complained Naruto "Why is it that whenever we are together, the world is always in danger. It's never the Avengers: Go to the Movies"

Nat smiled lightly and kissed the grumbling blond.

"Ah true love, can't wait for this to get non-PG13." said Wade off from the side.

Naruto gave Wade a thumbs up as Natasha buried her face into her hands.

Everyone followed the two geniuses into the lab.

"His name is Ultron and he is an advanced AI that Tony and I tried to create." said Banner to the room.

"All of our work is gone and Ultron escaped through the internet, all while taking a copy of everything i had in my system" added Tony.

Rhody groaned and said "What if he wants to look up something more exciting like nuclear codes"

"I'm already on that" said Tony

"Yeah but he's be in your files Tony, he's an advanced AI. He probably knows more about us than we do. He can crack your protections" countered Nat as she went over the digital records.

"I fucking hate computers, this is why i like to just have someone point me in the right direction and just fight" complained Wade

"WADE SHUT UP" said everyone

"So what? He cracks the codes and sends a missile at us to kill us? Sounds like a plan that we can easily defeat" said Naruto

"He didn't say that he wanted to kill us, he said he wanted us Extinct. Capital E for dramatic effect" supplied Wade

Tony rubbed his face before saying "I figured out who he killed"

He pressed a button and up popped the display of Jarvis, but instead of the mighty orange orb, it was a collasped bundle of orange light.

"He took out Jarvis because he's the first line of defense. Not just for you and your stuff, but Jarvis is smart enough to protect the rest of the world from him" realized Steve

"Ultron didn't need to do this. Jarvis was not capable of shutting him down. Ultron did this because of rage, he was angry that Jarvis would stand in his way" added Banner

thud thud thud

Thor came storming, in full battle gear, his eyes narrowed with anger but there was a hint of something else in there. Lightning sparked behind his eye, showing why he was the God of Lightning.

Thor pointed his hammer at Tony and growled.

Clint tried to step between them but Naruto pulled him out of the way.

Tony looked at him and said "Use your words buddy"

"I have no words for you Stark. I thought we were friends, brothers on the battlefield. But you disappoint me, you betray my trust." spat Thor before he threw his hammer at Tony.

Naruto stepped in between the hammer and Tony and caught it.

"Listen big guy, I get it. We get the scepter, Tony hear fucks up. We can move past this" said Naruto holding the hammer.

"For your sake Naruto, i will not be creating a puddle of Stark's head today" said Thor summoning Mjolnir back.

"So where do we go from here?" asked Clint

"We start by tracking down Ultron" answered Steve

"What I don't understand is how something that you, Tony and Bruce, built could be terrible. If you built it. why is it trying to kill us." questioned Naruto

Tony chuckled lightly but it grew stronger and stronger until it was full blown laughter.

"You better have a good reason to be laughing or I will let Thor slap you" warned Naruto.

"I'm laughing because Banner and I weren't even close. You think that we did this? That's laughable. We never even got past the starting guide lines. The scepter mutated what work we did have."

"I told you this would happen, you humans are always touching things that you don't understand. None of you are ready for cosmic power beside Naruto and Rogers." said a somber Thor

Naruto groaned before stomping his foot, causing the floor to crack. Which had the desired effect of grabbing everyone's attention.

"i will make this straight and to the point, I don't give a fuck who did what. Stark and Banner, find the robot. Clint and Natasha, start reaching out to military allies and associates. We need to lock up the codes to anything worthwhile. Steve, you and Hill need to go through the paper documents, see if you can spot anything abnormal in the normal world compared to the one with this thing out there. Thor, you fly around and let us know if you see anything different or weird outside. Wade, you get to roll with me. Oh and Lou because i think you're weird you get to stay with Tony and Banner." commanded Naruto

On the other side of the world: A rundown church.

"You called us here" asked a woman with a heavy accent on her English. She was accompanied by her brother as well.

"indeed, I did" said a figure cloaked under an actual cloak and the shadows of the room.

"Well then talk" demanded the woman

"Did you know that this church was build in the exact center of the city. It was made so that everyone could be equally close to God. I like that" said the figure before he continued "i idea that we all have the same opportunity. By the way, you can stop trying to look into my mind."

"Every man lets my sister inside of their mind sooner or later" spat the brother.

"But i am not a man" said the figure standing up revealing to be inhumanely tall, ripping off the cloak to reveal it's robot body.

"My name is Ultron and I want your help" said Ultron

"I do not think we can help you" stated the brother

"Oh but you can. You see i am more than a man, which is what you need to get your revenge on Stark. Which is why you let him take the scepter. Well, he tried to understand it but, your anger was so connected to it, that it twisted his work with your rage and created me. I am the universe's gift to you" ranted Ultron.

"I did let him take it, because i saw his fear. I knew Stark would let his fears control him, force him to do something that would destroy him." confirmed the woman.

"People create the very thing that they dread. Men of peace make the weapons that start the war. Invaders create avengers, avengers create revengers. It is just one big circle of hate. I am trying to take that circle and crush it under my foot. I want to end Stark and his friends." replied Ultron

"And how are you going to do that?" questioned the brother

"By doing what humans always do when something doesn't work, replace it. Stark thinks he can protect the world, i am going to show him that he can't even protect himself before I make sure the world is safe." answered Ultron

He turned and gestured for them to follow him, which they did. Going through a hallway, they turned and entered a workshop. But it was different, it was full of Ultrons making other Ultrons.

"All of these -" started the woman

"Yes, they are all of me. You see, this is the key to my victory. An army of myself is better than the Avengers. Because i have harmony, they all know what I know. Stark already has the Avengers fighting, but the key will be Naruto Uzumaki." cut in Ulton

"The blond with the sword?" questioned the man

"Yes, Naruto Uzumaki is powerful beyond any of our imaginations. And that sword of his, can cut through anything as it is made with an energy that Naruto has filling his body. Stark is merely the gas added to the fire, if we want to crush the Avengers, we need Uzumaki." responded Ultron

"Why not just kill them all, why do we need this Naruto guy?" asked the sister

"Because he gives them strength, as long as he is leading them. They cannot fall" answered Ultron

"So what do we need to get this plan of your's to work?" asked the brother

"well Pietro and Wanda, we need to find a man who bares the mark of a thief." said Ultron with glee.

"Why do we need a thief ?" asked Wanda

"Because this thief in particular has the one thing that Uzumaki can't cut through, a Wakandian treasure" answered Ultron

Back with The Avengers:

"So Ultron has killed only a single person, the scientist we picked up from the stronghold that had the scepter" said Naruto

"Ok so he killed a scientist, what does that have to do with his mission or whatever?" asked Wade

"Ultron is an advanced A.I, that means that he killed him to hide something. Something that he doesn't want other people to put together." pieced together Tony

"Ok, Hill and I went through the paper files, I think we have a decent list of known associates." added Steve

They started to go through the files when Tony's eyes widen and he smirked.

"Him, i know him. he is a black market sellsman who works off the coast of Africa." recalled Tony

"Ok ignoring the shady shit that Tony did, he has a Wakanda brand for a very nasty word for Thief on his neck." pointed out Nat

Naruto made a face at the same time as Tony and Steve.

"You think he got out of Wakanda with I'm thinking?" questioned Naruto

"Maybe, if he tried to leave or go caught leaving with something of theirs, it would explain the brand" reasoned Tony

"But i thought your father got the last of it" added Steve

"I don't get it, what comes out of Wakanda?" asked Bruce

"Vibranium, the strongest metal on Earth" answered Steve. looking at his shield

Naruto groaned followed by Tony upon realzing what the purpose of Ultron's interest in this guy could be, while Steve pieced it together a moment after them.

"We got to find this guy, now" said Steve

Savage Yard: Off the Coast of Africa:

"Listen here bud, i sent you 6 missiles, you did not pay me. If you don't soon, you will find next missile will come much faster" said Ulysses Klaue to the man on speaker phone before hanging up the phone.

"Hey Bub, there are to people here to see you" shouted one of the workers

"I no take person to person meeting now, Logan" shouted back Ulysses

The boat shook and Wanda ripped the door off and dropped it onto the metal grated walkway.

"We were not asking" she said as her brother raced into the room and removed all of the bullets from the gun in Ulysses' hand, placing them on desk nect to the black market dealer.

"Oh, it is you too" said Klaue, "I was worried about a real threat coming to see me in person"

"You should be afraid of us" warned Wanda

"This must be your first shakedown, because I ain't buying y'all. I once watched a blond kid with a sword cut a boat in half because someone took too long to give him directions. You'll have to do a bit better." scoffed Klaue

Wanda glared, her hands glowing red,

"Go ahead, try and mess with my mind. if you do, that means you aren't hear to do business. Which means i can have Logan down there rip you to shreds. I only do business with the man in charge, and neither of you are that person." mused Klaue, his tone growing bored.

The glass wall behind Klaue shattered as Ultron said "There is no man in charge, but I am sure you will talk business with me."

"i feel like you ain't gonna let me say no, so what can i do for ya" asked Klaue

"You stole something from the people of Wakanda, something that hold sacred. Something so important they branded you with that mark on your neck." said Ultron

Klaue chuckled "You think you have enough money in the world? It nearly cost me my life and you think I would just hand it over?"

Ultron closed his eyes and upon opening them said "why don't you check your bank account"

Klaue pulled out his phone and nearly choked when he saw the sheer amount of money in his account.

"It is hidden behind the shelve behind you brother." said Klaue gleefully as he opened the hidden vault.

"Vibranium, it is worth billions in the right hands." added Klaue as he handed over the tube of the premium metal.

"It is with billions and so are you" said Ultron before he chuckled.

"You know i used to say, keep your friends rich and your enemy rich, and wait to find out which is which" crackled Ultron

Klaue tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't say that, the only one who has ever said that to me is Tony Stark. Are you one of his?" asked Klaue

Ultron's red eyes flared and he snarled before ripping Klaue's right arm off "NEVER COMPARE ME TO STARK. HE IS A SICKNESS ON THIS WORLD AND I WILL BE THE CURE!"

"Aw Junior, you really know how to worm your way into your old man's heart." said Tony as he and the rest of the Avengers arrived on the other side of the walkway.

"Only if i want to, and i do so i can break it" retorted Ultron

"You don't have to break anything" warned Thor, his eyes flashing with lightning again

"Clearly, you've never made an omelette" said Ultron and Tony at the sane time.

Pietro's face twisted in an anger filled scowl and gestured to the numerous weapons below them.

"This must bring back memories Stark, you standing over weapons of mass destruction" said the man in his accented English.

"I never sold weapons, i only created them" replied Tony

"Is the maker of the gun not just as responsible as the man who pulls the trigger?" questioned Ultron

"I don't know and I do not care, my sword is going to cut your body in half and then i want to use my other to try and cut -" started Naruto as he drew is sword off his lower back, the sharp blade dancing with blue energy.

He was cut off by Tony saying "what do you need the vibranium for?"

"Why would I tell you my plan, the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I'm not going to explain my plan to you, figure it out" spat Ultron before his hand glowed orange and he pulled Tony towards him.

Naruto raced forward and slashed at Ultron who flew up to avoid him, Pietro tried to run away but Naruto tripped him.

Static came over the ear piece and Naruto tried to make out who was talking.

Steve threw his shield, knocking down all the gun toting henchmen on the boat. But one of them grew bone like claws out of the back of his palm.

Klaue growled "Logan rip them to pieces" as he clutched his severed arm with his good arm.

Ultron appeared next to Wanda and said "Send them on a trip down nightmare lane"

Wanda nodded and Thor who overheard the conversation said "Guys, they have someone who can mess with our minds. Don't worry about it because I am not just anyone, i am the Mighty ..."

Thor had trailed off because by the end of his sentence, he was in the dining hall of his home world's palace. Surrounded by friends and comrades, Thor looked around, trying to understand what was going on.

"This can't be Asgard, i am on Earth"

Steve blocked a punch by Pietro and a used his shield to deflect a slash from the claw of this Logan fellow. Kicking Pietro in the stomach, Steve warned him to stay down before slamming his shield into the head of Logan.

Satified with the knock blow, Steve turned and found himself back in the year 1945, back in his dress greens, his clothes fitting slightly snugger than he could remember. The party around him was one that was celebrating the end of the Second World War.

"I shouldn't be here, i was on ice" said Steve confused

Natasha ducked under a punch before hammering her elbow into the man's stomach before flipping him over her should, making sure to slam the man down on his head.

"All clear over here, how are you guys doing?" asked Natasha as she blinked and wass surrounded by faces from the past.

Naruto slammed the hilt of his sword into the back of Pietro's head and looked up to see Clint slam an elecuting arrow onto the forehead of Wanda.

Clint looked down at Naruto and said "I don't do the mind controlling shit anymore"

Naruto nodded and looked to see Pietro gone.

"He's gone" said Naruto

"So is she" added Clint

"Guys, i think i know where they went, we got a code Green. I can't follow Ultron and stop the Hulk."

"You follow Ultron, i will deal with the jolly green giant" said Naruto before he took on a glowing blue outline and zipped away, leaving Clint to gather the rest of the Avengers.

A/N: Wassup guys, i am back on this story again. I was kind of a eh piece, but i needed to set things up for the final piece of the Age of Ultron movie.

Also, Older more "Naruto" Naruto against the Hulk, this is the type of shit yall have been asking for.

If you have any questions feel free to drop it in a review, a PM, or my Twitter DMs.

My Twitter is HKM_FF

HighKey_Mars out

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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