
Chapter 16 (final part of AOU)

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: Before we start, I did delay this chapter slightly because there was an issue with the last chapter of Stuck On Red that I uploaded. So, I waited until it seemed like the issue was resolved to finished this chapter. Now onto the story:

"I can't believe that Thor still isn't back" complained Tony

"We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him, she got into all of our minds" responded Steve

"You seemed to walk off just fine" noted Tony

"And that's a problem?"

"I think so, who doesn't have a dark side?"

"Maybe you just haven't seen it yet" warned Steve

Naruto looked out the window at Tony and Steve arguing in the yard out back, resulting in Steve ripping a piece of chopped firewood in half before walking off. Shaking his head, ruffling his blond locks, Naruto withdrew from the window.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asked Natasha for the table behind him.

"Steve and Stark are being extra moody today" answered Naruto

Natasha rolled her eyes and said "I wish Fury had stuck around to simply keep these two in check."

Naruto nodded, the one eyed superspy would be really useful for this particular moment. But our sword wielding blond had bigger issues to deal with the egos of two of his best friends.

"Banner still upstairs?" asked Naruto

"Yeah i think so" replied Nat

"Good" muttered Naruto as he left the room and climbed upstairs and walked into the door frame of Banner's room, finding the doctor sitting on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands.

"You still down on yourself?" asked Naruto from the doorway.

"No, I'm disgusted with myself. Down on myself means that I'm sad or something, I'm more than sad, I'm a monster" said Banner

"I don't see that Bruce, I see a man who is struggling to control an exploding volcano instead of simply exploding with it. You have anger issues because you try not to get angry." said Naruto as he got closer to the scientist.

"And if I lose control?" asked Banner

"Then I will stop you" answered Naruto

"I doubt you came up here to just give me a pep talk" started Banner

"I need to know what you were trying to do, what you didn't want the team to know about" asked Naruto, cutting off the part time scientist part time Hulk.

"We were trying to end the team, create something that would send us home for good. Instead we created a monster, something that wouldn't replace us but kill us."

"Replace us? Like some kind of advanced superhero? You were trying to build something more advanced than all of us, like an evolved being?" asked Naruto, his mind starting to put the pieces together.

"Evolved, that is a good way to put it, Ultron thinks he is better than us, he wants to evolve himself and then all of us." realized Banner.

"Where can he do that?" asked Naruto

"Doctor Cho, her cocoon can make a bio-metal that could create a body that combined with the powers of Ultron would be indestructible." answered Banner as he jumped to his feet before running out the room, Naruto on his heels.

Once downstairs, they saw Tony and Steve on opposite sides of the table, glaring at one another with Natasha sipping coffee in the middle of them. Both of the men had matching red hand prints on their faces and Nat looked beyond pleased with herself.

"Guys, Naruto and I have figured it out. Ultron is building a new body for himself, he wants to be better. He has only able to use the many suits that Tony had at the tower and then the basic design we created for him. But he wants to be better than us, he wants to show that he is superior than us and the best way to do that would be to create something of his own design. For that, he would need Helen Cho and her ability to make bio-organic tissues and her experimental bio-organic metal." explained Banner.

"So what do we do?" asked Tony

"We split up, Tony. You and Banner can head to that Nexus place, find out what is changing the missile codes. Barton, Steve, Nat, and I will go and make sure that he doesn't get what he wants from Helen Cho." stated Naruto

"But can we do this?" asked Steve

"Yes, we may not work for SHIELD anymore Steve. We don't have unlimited money, cars, planes, guns and bullets along with dope ass swords. But what we do have is pride in our abilities, strength in numbers, and the heart to carry on until we know that we have given it all for the mission. And our mission right now is make sure that the world is safe from the killer robot that Stark and Banner built" stated Naruto, his eyes cold with confidence.

"Ok, I'm in" said Steve, a smile gracing his face.

"By the way babe, Steve doesn't like bad words like ass" teased Natasha

"Again with this" whined Steve.

"Let's fucking go, and someone go get Barton. He missed my cool ass speech" complained Naruto.

In Korea: QuinJet

Naruto double checked that his sword was fastened correctly across his lower back, Steve already having been dropped off at Dr. Cho's building.

"It's fine, we've been on 100's of missions." said Natasha from her co-pilot seat, without looking back.

"Yeah well we never have to fight killer robots" retorted Naruto as he sat down on the bench in the back of the jet, waiting for them to hit the drop zone.

"One of your first solo missions was for you to fight Stark's old business partner in a giant robot suit" clapped back Natasha.

"Oh yeah. I shot that guy in the head" remembered Naruto

"Guys, Ultron has already left the building, he's in a truck. Inside is a cradle that houses his new body and a gem of incredible power." came in Steve over their ear coms.

"Go it, scanning for anything different now Steve. Don't do anything dumb, you aren't really a match for him" replied Clint as he started scanning for any power anomalies.

"Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence" sassed Steve from his end.

Naruto chuckled and opened the hangar's door before jumping out of the place.

"He didn't take a parachute did he?" asked Nat

"Nope" replied Clint

"I hate him" pouted Nat

"No you don't" replied Clint

With Naruto:

"FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHG" screamed Naruto as he fell through the air, the wind scraping his skin as he fell.

Pulling out his sword, Naruto spun until the sword was pointed straight down at the ground and his body was a single line behind it.


The sword scraped the metal as Naruto slammed his sword through the engine of the truck that housed Ultron and the new body he was trying to build.

"Looks like I hit the emergency break, now come out here for your emergency ass whupping" taunted Naruto, his body dancing with hints of blue as his chakra started flooding his limbs. Naruto must have hit a nerve as Ultron popped out of the top of the truck's container and glared at the blond hero.

"Ah, the blond gnat who thinks he's better than the humans he hides among." snarled the android.

Naruto chuckled "Bitch you just jealous that I have a dick and you don't. I also have a smoking hot girlfriend and the closest to that you'll get is gobbling these nuts"

Ultron glared even harder if possible "You meatbags are so funny with your meaningless taunts"

"Meaningless taunt" repeated Naruto "I will put my foot up your ass right now"

"Another series of words that will never happen" sighed Ultron before Naruto blurred forward and slashed at the man's face with his sword.

"Woah woah woah" said Ultron as he jumped back to avoid the slash "We're fighting?"

"Uh yeah, we just had banter. That is what happens before a fight" answered Naruto

"Oh, i thought we exchanged words for a little bit longer, my allies come, your allies come. We kind of duke it out for a bit before one of us is forced to retreat." said Ultron

"This isn't a movie, I plan on killing you right here and now" said Naruto before his lighting tattoo on his arm flashed a bright yellow and Naruto raced forward, his sword armed at the head of Ultron once more.

Ultron raced his arm to block the blade, only for the metal to sink into the metal limb.

"Shit it's stuck" whined Naruto before he pulled himself up from his hanging position and put both of his feet on Ultron's face pushed.

"What do you think you are doing" growled Ultron, his irritation from the blatant disrespect growing.

"Um, getting my property back" said Naruto as he pushed harder on Ultron's face. He was grabbed by the ankle and tossed in the air where he exploded into a cloud of smoke.

"What type of trick is this" asked Ultron before he was slammed into from behind sending him crashing to the ground.

"Naruto and I call that the 'American Special', I kind of like it" said Steve as he lowered his arm, fresh from using it to bash Ultron from behind.

Naruto blurred into existence next to Captain America with a smirk gracing his face.

"For such an 'Advanced Being' you're so easily fooled." said Naruto, his voice no longer taunting, but rather serious. "Normally I would play around with an opponent, but you don't deserve the extra time on this earth"

Ultron floated up from the ground, a scowl on his face. He shot an energy beam at Naruto who sliced through it effortlessly with his sword.


Naruto and Steve glanced back and saw that some of the Ultron Bots had grabbed the container off the back of the truck while the truck exploded.

"Nat and I are on it, following it now" said Clint

"Come and get Steve, I've got Ultron here" commanded Naruto, his eyes trained on the monster robot threatening the entire world.

A hook dropped from the sky and Steve grabbed it and was pulled off with Nat and Clint in the QuinJet chasing after the container.

"You know I've always been puzzled why a person such as yourself has such great attachment to these people, all they do is use you. You're either an atomic bomb to simply throw in the direction of the enemy and a shield to stand behind in times of danger. YOU are the most advanced being on this planet" said Ultron

Naruto shrugged "Things aren't so black and white Ultron, you see people trying to use me, I see people who have cared about me when nobody else has."

"Stark is the key to everything that goes wrong in your life, everything the man touches dies. You are going to be the next casualty because of that foolish humanity that you cling to. You aren't even human and yet you're more human than all of them." spat Ultron

"Listen, I don't stay behind to talk, I'm here to see if you, a robot, can feel fear" said Naruto

"Hahaha, i see why stark keeps you around, humorous" replied Ultron.

Naruto didn't say anything but as he flared his chakra, the sky darkened and Naruto face tightened into a grim serious look.

Lightning flashed above and Naruto's lightning tattoo glowed a bright yellow before Naruto was covered in a light blue glow.

He didn't say anything as he launched himself forward, content with letting his actions speak for itself.

Sword in hand, Naruto slashed at Ultron's face, only this time when Ultron tried to block it, the sword sliced through his metal arm like a hot knife through butter.

Jumping back Ultron looked at his destroyed limb in awe and horror, this wasn't supposed to be something that could happen to him.

"What ... what have y-" started Ultron, but Naruto was going to let him finish as he immediately blitzed him again.

Being forced to dodge instead of block the ever increasing speeding swings of the sword, Ultron was struggling to maintain the calm mind that allowed him to get the best of the Avengers last time.

Ultron was on his heels trying to avoid being shredded by Naruto's glowing sword that he never even realized that he could simply fly up.

Gritting his teeth, Naruto sped up and finally landed a blow that he could be proud of, slicing the one armed robot in half.

"So you think this is it? I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time. This is nothing to me, this is merely a set back. If you destroy this body, I simply transfer my consciousness to another one of my many bodies." said Ultron from his position on the ground.

"I mean sure, but that didn't stop you from being diced up by yours truly and left here on the ground, looking like a bitch" taunted Naruto as he raised his sword to drive it through Ultron's head.

Ultron snarled and blasted Naruto point blank in the head sending the blond sword wielder flying back, his head hitting the wall and making the whole world turn black.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you're quite the interesting being" said a voice in the darkness

"I try, sometimes more than others." replied Naruto calmly, his life was full of weird things happening

"Tell me Naruto, would you rather know how you die or die without knowing what is to come?"

"I would rather not know, it would leave some mystery to my life" joked Naruto, but the chilling coldness that he felt was making it so that Naruto felt closer to death than ever before.

"That's a good answer young man, because what people don't understand is that you will find your destiny on the very road you took to avoid it." replied the voice, it was fading from an old faded echo to a more female-ish voice.

"I kind of need to get out of here, back to Earth so that I can kill Ultron." said Naruto, growing fed up with being here in the place.

"YOU SHOULD MIND YOUR TEMPER WITH ME BOY!" boomed the voice, Naruto's head exploding with pain.

"I'm sorry" pleaded Naruto, his head getting light as the pain started to transcend his ability to comprehend.

"You should learn to respect those who are in your corner, the entire fate of the universe is going to hinge on a dumbass being able to control his emotions. We already know that he will fail, but you have a change to be better. The first of many tests are coming, in fact when you wake up expect bad news."

"Why tell me this, I thought that it was better not to know?" asked Naruto

"Because you'll know within a couple months that there is a threat to earth coming, whether it be in 6 months or 2 years, he is coming. His name is Thanos, one of the most powerful beings in existence." warned the voice

"Thanos?" repeated Naruto

"Yes, you'd do well to remember his name. Because he seeks to wipe out half of life in all of the universe" said the voice

Naruto's eye widen "Half of the universe? There is billions of people here on Earth alone. In the entire universe there is probably beyond trillions."

"It is a number so large, I do not believe you Earthlings have number for it yet." commented the cold female voice

"He can't be that strong, I can handle the Hulk, I can handle him" said Naruto, confident in his strength

"That temper tantrum throwing toddler you call the Hulk is merely a piece of paper in front of storm compared to Thanos. You'll learn of his endgame soon enough, it is time for you to return to your world and how is it that you put it 'Kick Ultron's shiny metal ass', truly a most noble of endeavors."

"Wait, i never got your name, who are you?" asked Naruto as the pitch black surrounds started to lighten up as he returned back to Earth.

"My name is Death"

Naruto sat upright, his body tense as he started looking around his surroundings. He was on the Quinjet, which meant that Ultron was not doing weird things to his body.

"Naruto, you're up, that's good" said Clint from his pilot seat.

"My fucking head hurts man" complained Naruto as he looked around, the cocoon housing Ultron's new body mere feet away from him.

"Where are we?" asked Naruto as he stretched, his body popping as he forced his body to unstiffen.

"We are about to arrive at Stark Tower" answered Clint

"Ok, that's not bad. I thought that I was going to get some bad news when I woke thankfully Ultron isn't trying to anally probe me or whatever." mused Naruto as he looked around.

The co-pilot seat was empty, which was strange as besides Clint, Nat was their second best pilot. As long as you didn't count Stark who made the jet.

"Hey Clint, is Nat with Steve or something?" asked Naruto, his stomach getting really tight.

Clint winced and Naruto already knew what the answer was going to be, but at the same time he still needed to hear it from Clint.

"Natasha is not with us at this moment, she was grabbed by some of Ultron's robot goons" answered Clint

And just like Naruto wasn't some super powered Demi-God hero who was capable of saving the world, he was a heart broken 21 year old. His stomach continued to get tighter and tighter until the point that it felt like it popped and suddenly his body was filled with burning hot liquid lead.

Naruto lost the ability to stand and dropped back onto the bench that he had been laying on.

"Naruto man, listen we are going to get her back" Clint tried to assure him.

"YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LET THEM TAKE HER IN THE FIRST PLACE" Roared Naruto, the chakra of the nine tailed fox casually flowing through his body as his anger grew.

"You should learn to respect those who are in your corner, the entire fate of the universe is going to hinge on a dumbass being able to control his emotions. We already know that he will fail, but you have a change to be better. The first of many tests are coming, in fact when you wake up expect bad news."

Naruto remembered the words of the lady who claimed to be Death and took a deep breath. The burning red chakra that surrounded him started sinking back into his body and Naruto had only just realized that he had slipped up and allowed 3 tails of chakra develop.

"Clint, if we don't I will unleash all of my anger and I doubt any of you could stop me." said Naruto as they landed and they started pushing the cradle into Stark's lab.

"So tell me, did you nerds manage to find who was stopping Ultron from unleashing hell on Earth with the nuclear codes?" asked Naruto as they parked the cradle in the lab.

"Yeah we did, it was actually a superb find for us" answered Tony as he held up his remote and tapped a button to reveal a perfectly fine Jarvis matrix.

"Jarvis?" asked Clint

"Indeed it is me, Mr. Barton" replied the advanced AI

"I thought he was ripped apart by Ultron" said Naruto "How is he okay now?"

"Simple, Ultron didn't attack him out of rage or anger, he did it because he was afraid that Jarvis would be able to shut him down. But even when Ultron thought he had killed Jarvis, Jarvis was able to send his consciousness out into the internet. When we went to Nexus, i tried to hack the codes and Jarvis stopped me. " said Tony "Even without his mind being together, scattered across the internet, Jarvis remembered his protocols and protected the world from Ultron."

"That's pretty amazing" commented Naruto

"Oh stop it Master Uzumaki, you'll make this AI program blush" said Jarvis

"Hey Clint, don't you and Nat have an off brand method of communicating?" asked Naruto

"You're right, I'll go check it and see if I can get get a ping on her location" said Clint before he ran out the room.

Naruto turned to Tony and Bruce and asked "Which one of you 'geniuses' is going to make the same mistake that you made like less than 3 days ago?"

"Naruto, it's different this time" started Tony

"No it isn't, you are going to try and put an AI program into a bio-organic body but this time it is going to have the gem from Loki's Specter in it's forehead." retorted Naruto

"No it is different this time Naruto" said Banner "Before we were basing the AI program off of the matrix we could pull out of the gem. This time we are going to be putting Jarvis into the body, someone we know that can control the gem's power and not be warped by it"

Naruto sighed and said "If either one of you fuck this up and I have to fight a second killer robot this week, I am going to power up all the way and one of you is going to have to go about 10 rounds with me. I will not hold back and will probably kill you with ease. So don't fuck this up, because in case you didn't notice, your last little project stole my girlfriend."

Naruto slapped the pair of scientist on the face, hard enough to leave matching hand prints on their faces.

"Time to get to work" said Tony as he rubbed his face, a gestured copied by Banner.

And get to work they did, it took them a while, nearly 2 hours but they were in the final stretch when they were interrupted by Steve along with the Maximoff twins.

"Really Tony? We leave you alone for 1 second and you turn around and try to do the same thing behind our backs?" asked Steve

"No, you don't understand" said Tony as he stopped working to approach Steve

"I understand perfectly, you would rather make the same mistake over and over again instead of admitting that you are wrong" responded Steve

"Ultron was a mistake, I know what to do this time" Tony tried to reason.

"You are a monster Stark, you will bring about nothing but destruction with this newest monster of yours" added Wanda

"Shut it down" demanded Steve

"No, we are too close to the end to stop now" countered Tony

Pietro scoffed and said "Why do we need to listen to him, I say we just shut it down ourselves."

"I don't think so" said Naruto as he dropped down from the ceiling "Stark says he knows what he is doing this time and I believe him."

"You're just going to take Tony at his word Naruto? He just built the robot that is trying to end the world, what makes you think he isn't going to do it again." challenged Steve

"I don't know, but I do know that he didn't let my girlfriend get grabbed by Ultron and then bring the two dumb asses working with Ultron back to our hideout" spat Naruto

Pietro went to take a step forward but the glass panel he was standing on broke as an arrow flew past his face before he went crashing to the floor below. Which is where Clint was ready for him, stomping on his leg, leaving the speedster unable to run.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you not see that coming?" taunted Clint

Back above them, Steve made to take a step forward before Naruto stepped in his way, allowing Tony and Banner to continue working as fast as they could.

"You don't want to do this Naruto" warned

"Steve if we were to come to blows, I have zero doubt that I could and would win" Naruto retorted, his body glowing a light blue as his chakra was flaring.

"Enough" said Wanda before her hands took on a red glow and she used her abilities to pull all of the cables out of the cradle, causing the uploading of Jarvis into the body to stop.

Clank! Clank!

Wanda, Steve, and Naruto turned around as they heard something heavy walking towards them on the metal railing side, it turned out to be Thor.

"I have reentered the vision, you have me you witch. Your magic, it felt familiar to me. It was not of this world, and my trip into the void had provided me the answer. The gem, it is the mind stone. One of the six Infinity Stones, your powers come from it." Thor said before he pointed his hammer at the cradle and let loose a blast of lightning that blinded everyone in the room.

As the light show died down, Naruto and Thor were the first to recover. The cradle opened with a hiss along with a blast of smoke, but even through the hazy smoke, you could see the figure float up and out of the cradle.

"Who are you?" asked Thor

"A curious question, one that I do not have an answer to at this moment. Who am I? I am a version of your hopes and dreams. The answer to the question that you did not ask. I am Stark's vision of the future, a man who fights for the people." replied the android.

"My vision for the future?" asked Tony

"Yes, I have all of the abilities of your suits plus those of the mind stone planted in my forehead. I could in theory replace you and your place in the Avengers. Allow you to go home and stay there." said the Android "Hmm, I think I do like the name Vision. It has a certain ring to it, very poetic."

"Are you on our side?" asked Steve

"I am on the side of the people Mr. Rogers, in this case Ultron wants to wipe out all of the people. I want to save them, the only way that I would ever be against you or any of the Avengers is if you try and hurt people." answered Vision.

"How can you prove this? We can't just take your word for it. We let you follow up into battle and all of a sudden, you attack us and we got enemies on both sides." said Steve, clearly not trusting the newly named Vision

"Perfectly understandable Captain, I would not expect anything else from THE Steve Rogers" said Vision "Perhaps I can show my worth in a manner of speaking. You do trust Thor correct?"

"Yes, I trust Thor with my life" answered Steve

"Good, then this should prove my worth" said Vision before he walked up to Thor, a yellow cape appearing behind him and he asked "May I?" gesturing to the hammer, Mjolnir.

Thor extended the Hammer to Vision who grasped it and lifted it easily, flipping it twice just to show that it was indeed all him lifting the mystical weapon.

"No impressed, I can do that too" called out Naruto as he watched Vision give Mjolnir back to Thor.

"Well shit, if he's a good enough person for Thor, then he's okay in my book until proven otherwise." said Steve

"Language Steve" warned Tony causing Steve to groan.

"OK, let's go get my girlfriend" said Naruto

"What about saving the world?" asked Banner

"If we have the time, we can do that too" said Naruto as he strapped his sword onto his back and started walking towards the QuinJet.

Sovokia, Europe:

The QuinJet was flying over the capital city of Sovokia, it was where they had felt the most Ultron activity.

"So Naruto, are you prepared to deal with whatever it is that you find down there" asked Clint

"If I find something I don't like, don't worry about Ultron. You'll just need to point and get out of my way" responded Naruto.

"Being an inperfect clone of you, I feel that I should tell you not to rashly but at the same time I say fuck em up" added Wade.

Naruto nodded at his clone and jumped out the plane.

"So does he not need a parachute?" asked Wade

"I think he thinks it makes him look cool" answered Steve

"That's because it does" said Wade.

With Naruto:

Naruto wasted little time, his sword swung early and often, leaving behind scraps of metal as he laid waste to the Ultron prison.

Kicking in the door, Naruto sliced a robot in half vertically before looking at the large gate to the left.

Inside was Natasha, knocked out but ultimately still alive if the rising and falling of her chest was an indicator.

"Uzumaki, i knew that you would come" said Ultron from the side, this body of his was already destroyed by Naruto.

"I told you that I wasn't playing with you Ultron." replied Naruto

"Well, you don't have to play with me, Ms. Romanoff on the other hand. You might want to check on that tummy of hears" snickered the robot before it went limp as Ultron released it from his control.

Naruto didn't waste any more time, sprinting over to the large gate, he sliced an opening for him to slip into and rushed to Nat's side.

"Hey hey, it's me Nat. I got you" said Naruto as he grabbed Natasha up off the ground into his arms.

"Naruto, we don't have much time. He ... Ultron put something inside of me" whispered Natasha.

"He said something about your tummy" muttered Naruto as he pulled up the hem of her shirt, stitches coming into view on her once flawless naval.

"Fuck" let out Naruto, his eyes trained on results of whatever surgical nightmare that Ultron had just pulled.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Naruto's eye widen as he saw the numbers that started flashing through Nat's skin, 33 seconds remaining.

Naruto reached for his sword only for the entire world to seemingly lurch as the ground shifted and rose. The floor cracked as not all of the makeshift prison was lifted into the air and Naruto managed to grab ahold of Natasha as his sword skid across the uneven ground and back towards Earth and not the ascending chunk of land that they were on.

27 seconds remaining according to the clock and Natasha turned to Naruto "This is it, bomb is going to tick down and then boom."

Naruto frowned and then gasped in pain as she kneed him in the groin and Naruto let go only to watch her jump off the edge of floating boulder.

Naruto raced to the edge as well and looked over the edge as his mind raced for an answer.

With Tony and the others:


Tony felt the explosion that rocked the floating chunk of rock that they were on, even all the way up here.

"What was that Friday?" Tony asked his new AI program.

"It seems like a high level explosive device went off halfway between us and the ground sir" replied the AI Assistant.

"Any word from Naruto or Nat?" asked Steve as they started to make their way through the town, making their way to the church that Ultron was using as his lair.

"No" answered Tony

Banner sighed and said "They're big kids, they can take care of themselves"

Tony nodded before he grabbed Banner and threw him in the air, the Hulk landing in his place.

"OK guys, I have several floating life rafts coming to help us evacuate the people, but they can only hold about 500 people each and I only have 8 of them. We have about 250 thousand people to get off this rock before it goes boom or crashing back into the ground." said Tony as they started trying to get people to the edges, away from the Ultron robot army.

"Maybe I can help you with that" said Nick Fury over the coms as he rose up with the chunk of ascending rock with a large ring of helicarriers, 10 of them surrounding the ripped up city.

"I fucking love you Fury" said Tony as he regrouped the team efforts to just get people to the helicarrier instead of the ground.

"Wade, I need you to take Barton and Pietro and clear out the south end of town. Tony, you and your bots take the north end. Hulk just smash every Ultron bot you see. I will take the East side with Wanda. Thor and Vision, you can just fly around destroying bots in the air, I would start on the west side." ordered Steve

There was no fighting his orders, and everyone split up to do as they were told. Thor was blasting ultron bots with lightning, Steve bashed bots as Wanda held them in place. Pietro was rounding up any left over survivors as he zoomed around going from building to building. Wade did his best Naruto impersonation as he allowed the boiling hot chakra of Kurama to flow through his dual swords to slice and dice any boy that he came across.

Thor was flying around, only to come across a pair of downed people, one burnt beyond being identifiable and the other was holding their stomach. Landing Thor looked at the duo only to see what he thought was Natasha and a burnt corpse.

"Romanoff?" asked Thor

"Yeah" she weakly answered.

"Is that Naruto?" he asked

She nodded weakly, her eyes glazing over as she continued to bleed from her stomach wound.

Vision landed next to Thor and looked at Natasha before his forehead gem glowed and it blasted Nat in the stomach, closing her stomach wound.

Natasha gasped in pain before she felt a lot better as her body leveled out her blood pressure and she was no longer losing blood.

"What happened to Naruto?" asked Thor

27 seconds remaining according to the clock and Natasha turned to Naruto "This is it, bomb is going to tick down and then boom."

Naruto frowned and then gasped in pain as she kneed him in the groin and Naruto let go only to watch her jump off the edge of floating boulder.

Naruto raced to the edge as well and looked over the edge as his mind raced for an answer.

The answer that he came to was a difficult one, in for an inch, in for a mile. Naruto jumped over the edge and used his chakra to push himself forward allowing him to catch up to Natasha.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" asked Natasha.

Naruto didn't say anything, instead opting to kiss her heavily, crush his lips to hers before he put his plan into action.

His body started to glow red and Natasha hissed in pain as his hand burned her stomach as he used his Kurama chakra covered body to shoot hands upwards, grabbing a hold of the rock that was flying upwards bringing their fall to a halt.

"Naruto?" Nat asked as they were sling shot upwards, rushing towards the rock.

Naruto smiled lightly before he used his hand to tear through the stitches on her stomach and pull the planted bomb device out. She hissed in pain and watched as the clock read 5 seconds left.

Naruto wrapped his body around the bomb and Nat could only watch in horror as the bomb exploded, pushing her and Naruto back onto the edge of the rock. The thick chakra cloak resided back into Naruto, revealing a burnt body that wasn't moving.

Natasha leaned back as tears fell from her eyes, the body next to her not moving, her stomach leaking blood.

Thor snarled loudly, his eyes flashed with lightning before he dropped his hammer and looked at the sky.

"Oden, forgive me for giving into my rage" prayed Thor as his body became covered in lightning, the bolts dancing from one part of his body to another.

"BRING ME ULTRON" roared Thor as he took off into the sky, his lightning covered body tearing through every bot that came near him as he pushed his way to the main robot body.

Vision looked at Natasha and then back at the burnt body of Naruto, then at Mjolnir.

"My dear Ms. Romanoff, you have nothing to worry about because Naruto is alive. I would say well, but you can see his current state." said Vision as he moved and picked up Mjolnir, bringing it to Naruto's body before dropping it into his hand.

Lightning started to strike around his body before finally striking Naruto's body. Instead of burning his body, when the lightning disappeared, it revealed that it had healed the part of Naruto that it had struck.

The lightning continued to strike Naruto's body, healing him piece by piece until the last bolt, more massive than any of the others struck him in the center of the chest and Naruto's eyes opened, electric blue this time.

Naruto turned and slammed his lips on Natasha, before he pulled back and shot off in to the air, Mjolnir in hand and Vision closely following behind.

Pausing in the air, Naruto threw the hammer, raining down lightning on all over the army of bots before catching Mjolnir again and continuing his way to the church in the middle of the floating town.

Landing Naruto spun Mjolnir and blasted the remaining amount of bots with lightning, finishing off the army of robots.

Thor was picking apart Ultron in a fist to fist fight as the Vision used the Mind Stone to trap Ultron in that body.

"Uz uzumaki, you should be dead" mumbled Ultron

"You see Ultron, I die not when you want me to, but when I feel good and ready. And the only think I feel like doing now, is destroying you, going home and cuddling with my hot girlfriend." said Naruto

Tony dropped down next to Naruto and raised his hands, unleashing a blast of energy, followed by Naruto with Mjolnir, Thor from his hands, and finally Vision with a beam from the Mind Stone.

There was a blinding light as all four beams collapsed on Ultron's position and when it past, there was only scraps of Ultron.

Naruto dropped to his knees and smiled lightly "I am tired"

"I'm with you kid" said Tony as he too dropped to the ground before flipping over to lie on his back.

There was no time to rest as the floating city was no longer going up and started flying back down at speeds that made it hard to stand on the rock without being sent flying off.

Naruto tossed Mjolnir back to Thor before making a single shadow clone and said "Tony, grab my clone and get us under the center this giant rock. Thor, grab me and pull me above the center of this shit. I'm going to finish this right now"

Tony grabbed the clone and Thor grabbed the original and both flew off to where Naruto asked them too.

"Steve and the others, get the fuck off the rock" warned Naruto as he nodded at Thor to drop him. Immediately, there was 3 swishing red chakra tails behind him and Naruto felt the lightning tattoo on his arm pulse before the entire charka cloak started to travel across his body and pull around his right arm.

Takinga deep breath, Naruto started spinning the angry red chakra in a giant ball, the red chakra spinning as Naruto forced it into a tighter and tighter orb before it became the Jutsu that his father made famous.

Feeling the same technique from his clone, Naruto made a clone and had is disburse letting his other clone know that it was time. Propelling himself downwards, Naruto pushed his attack downwards at the same time that his clone was thrown at the bottom of the rock with his attack.

"Rasengan" yelled the Naruto as they both smashed their Jutsu into the rock and the attacks started grinding into the ground before exploding.

The clone got popped by the force of the attack, but as Naruto was blasted backward by the explosion, he saw that the once large town sized rock was nothing more than a fine dust being scattered by the wind.

He was grabbed by Tony and Thor before he could start falling forever and he sighed.`

"We're done now right" asked Naruto

"Yeah buddy" answered Tony

"Good" said Naruto as he drifted off to sleep.

A/N: And that was the Age of Ultron movie. Hopefully you like the chapter, it was like 7400 words on Microsoft Office, which is like 6700 on FFN. I just finished this shit at 3:33 Am on November 4, 2020. So i am the tired, this man Naruto stole my ending.

Lots happened in this chapter, so if you have any questions feel free to hit me up on here via review or PM or on Twitter in a DM.

My Twitter is HKM_FF

Take care y'all


I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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