
Chapter 15

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: Bruh yall are so needy. I got a job, I got mandatory meetings, I got girls I got to shoot my shot at and all my emails ask is various versions of "did you abandon this story?". Like damn, let a man breath, it hasn't even been a month yet. As for the only other thing of notice before I start this story, there will be a lemon in this chapter, you have been warned.


Naruto wheeled himself into the room. He was surrounded by so many familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"You sure that you have everything that you need?" the chair bound Naruto, his hair shaggy and long *Think Super Saiyan 4 Goku*.

"Father, you worry too much" complained the white haired cyborg

"Cable, a father will never not worry about his son. I want to warn you, this was pretty much the beginning of the end for me" warned Naruto

"You have already stated that you were captured and wasting away" replied Cable with an eye roll

"Your father is telling you something that I don't think that he has ever said to anyone other than myself" stated a stern female voice

This caught Cable's attention, his father tended to be a bit of an over sharer.

"I lost more than just my ability to walk in the hydra uprising battle. I lost Kurama as well, the bloody fox ripped right out of stomach and used by Hydra as a weapon to simply point in a single direction and then wipe it off the face of the planet. I was too weak to stop him, Kurama had already been drained from keeping me alive for a couple years and restoring months and months of my health in an instance."

"Kurama? Isn't that the name of the energy that you have me?" asked Cable, his computer enhanced mind putting pieces together

"In my travels of the universe, I found many things, traveled many places. I have even ventured into the land of Souls, Kurama was split into 2 equal halves. When I was younger, I met Death, the woman who travels across the universe reaping souls. She showed me the afterlife for my home world, helped me retrieve the other part of Kurama sealed inside of my father."

Cable frowned as he grabbed the glowing red box and felt the energy lurch inside the box towards his father.

"Why not put it in yourself now?"

"It would be wasted on me, I am in no condition to do anything of sort. I can't survive the toxic chakra after all this time. But if you put it back inside my younger self, Kurama will take care of the rest"

Back in 2014:

"Wait … Bucky?"

Naruto turned and glared at Steve Rogers.

"You know him?" growled Naruto

"Maybe" answered Steve honestly

"Well Cap, this man once shot me in the chest, give me one good reason that I shouldn't just slice through his neck and let you visit him every year at his grave" snarled Naruto, his normally blue eyes morphing into red with slits for pupils.

"Because he's my best friend" state Steve, his voice pleading for Naruto to not kill his friend.

"Steve, this man is a cancer on the planet, he has been Hydra's attack dog since the 40's. 7 decades of death and destruction on this man's hands. I can not let this one man simply walk away, not when he's the biggest threat in all of history." roared Naruto, his body glowing red as Kurama's chakra flowed through his body, triggered by his ever-growing anger.

"Okay, how about we make a deal?" Suggested Steve "You let him go and if he ever steps over the line, so much as jay walks, I will handle him"

Naruto's eyes narrowed, the red orbs piercing into Steve's mind.

Naruto unleashed a massive shockwave as the angry chakra was sucked back into his body.

"1 chance Steve, a single chance. Bucky here, so much as looks at a fly the wrong way, I hang his head on a plaque in my living quarters" Naruto said, holding up his hand, a single finger pointed up indicating the single change that Naruto was offering Bucky.

Steve sighed in relief before Naruto's sword glowed a flaming blue before he swung it down as Steve closed his eyes, fearing the most.


"Open your eyes Steve, I didn't hurt your precious boy toy. I simply took his arm" said Naruto, reaching down to grab the metal limb

Steve ran over as Naruto walked away, and dropped to his knees looking down at his childhood friend.

Steve glanced upwards as Naruto jumped up to a short building's rooftop before blurring out of sight.

"Steve, is that you?" asked Bucky from the ground, his voice weak from the ass whipping that he had received.

"It is. Everything is going to be alright" answered Steve

With Naruto:

While Naruto did have issues tearing through these helicarriers back in New York City. But now, full strength, Kurama practically purring with excitement inside of his body. Naruto wasn't having issues, he was getting in and out withing seconds.

It was the last system that his holograph based wrist computer/PDA said still had weapons still on board.

This one was the same as all the others, the generic Hydra henchmen would run at him, he would slice and dice them before destroying some part of the weapons system to neutralize the threat of the helicarrier.

There was one minor difference with this ship, there was already someone taking it down. Her hair had grown down past her shoulder blades since the last time he had seen her. Her hair also a slightly lighter shade of red, but there was no hiding it. Natasha looked as good as always, she wasn't even using a gun. She was using a sword identical to Naruto's own sword to make her way through the guards.

"Kid, did she just choke that man to death with a lemon" asked Kurama

'Looks like she did' answered Naruto, his thoughts relying the message to the energized nine tailed fox. *Get it, a lemon is in this chapter*

Natasha had just finished typing into the main computer on the ship when she turned around, her eyes locking onto Naruto's figure.

She dropped the sword that she was holding and Naruto could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

She made a gasping mixed with a choking sound, she couldn't find the words to speak. She stepped closer to Naruto, his taller adult body making her look up at him.

Her hand felt great on his cheek, Naruto leaned into the soft hand of the woman he loved.

She drew her hand back and Naruto opened his eyes to be met with a slug hammer of a right haymaker to the face, sending him crashing onto his wallet.

"Natasha, it's me" groaned Naruto

"I know" muttered Natasha before she grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

Naruto opened his mouth to say something, but that ended when Natasha slammed her mouth over his opened mouth.

The kiss was aggressive, the kiss was hungry, the kiss was making Naruto Jr rise to attention. Her tongue marched right into his mouth to meet his own, Her's twirled around his, but Naruto never put up a fight, allowing the red haired super spy to have her way with his mouth.

Naruto was further surprised when after having every inch of his mouth explored by Natasha, he was thrown back to the ground and was greeted by the sight of her boot slamming into his head.

Later that night: Natasha's secret apartment.

Naruto's eyes fluttered opened to a pitch black view. A quick wiggle of his nose told him that, he was wearing a blind fold and had not been placed back in a pod by Hydra. A follow up tug on his limbs revealed that they were all bound, each stretched out, forcing his body into a X shape.

"So, you're awake" stated the voice of Natasha

"Nat, you knocked me out, any particular reason for why?" asked Naruto in a calm manner, he was humoring her, he could easily free himself with a chakra enhanced tug on his binds.

"I had to make sure that you were the real Naruto"

Naruto nodded but then coughed and asked "Then why did you kiss me?"

"I was checking for this auto suicide pills that Hydra was famous for putting into their teeth." answered Nat

"Okay, so did you run your tests? I'm positive that they all tell you that I am who I say I am"

"They did, but I want to hear where you've been"

"Well Nat, I thought Steve would have told you. I have been used as a genetic source of material for Hydra, they've been trying to clone me for the past couple years."

"So Steve knew?"

"Yeah, it was him, Tony, Fury, that weird mask wearing guy. They sprung me like 2 days ago."

"Two days? That's a long time to not tell someone that you're alive"

"I was basically dead for 18 hours, there was some traveling that took up some other amount of time, Tony had to help heal me and stuff as well. He built me an exoskeleton to help with body movements, but some guy named Cable ejected me with some kind of life energy, it felt like chakra only it was filled to the brim with pure life energy. It fixed me up without issue, then we came to DC to help you guys out"

"Ok, I believe you"

"You do? Does that mean that you're going to untie me and take off this blind fold?"

"And ruin the surprise? I think not"

"Did you throw me a surprise party? Because it kind of feels like I'm not ready to deal with actual people"

"No, this is something I wanted to do for a couple of years now. I thought that I had lost my chance to do so, but here life is, giving me a second chance to do what I want."

Naruto didn't respond, but mentally tried to think of what could Natasha mean.

His answer arrived a moment later when Natasha's hand landed on the zipper of his pants, tugging it down.

"Um Nat, what are you doing?"

"Shhh, sit back and enjoy this Naruto, this isn't for you, this is for me"

*Actual Lemon Scene, if you want to skip, you can go directly to the author's note at the end fo the chapter, there isn't any more story after this*

Natasha pulled Naruto's pants all the way down to just under his knees, as far as the pants could be lowered with his stretched out legs. His baby blue boxer briefs with orange lining were all that separated his member from her eyes. She could see an outline of the member in the underwear.

Placing her hand on the soft fabric of his underwear, Nat could feel the heated member through the cloth. She applied a bit of pressure, trying to gauge the size of Naruto. She couldn't get an overly accurate read, what with it all confined by the cotton restrictions. Nat rubbed on it for a second, feeling it strain the underwear.

The friction made Naruto jerk his hips, creating a real grinding sensation for him. Natasha smirked as she made Naruto react without even pealing his underwear down. That didn't take long, removing her hand from his clothed package, she allowed his boxer briefs to suffer the same fate as his pants, they were pulled down to his knees.

Natasha caught her first look at Naruto's member, and found that it looked almost exactly the same as any penis from her planet. She hadn't been sure about what it would look like with Naruto being from a different dimension.

It was the regular tan at the base, but the skin got slightly darker the closer you got to the head. The head was a soft pink but was thicker than the shaft, like a pink 2.5 inch diameter fleshy light bulb. He had a short bit of matted down blond hair around his groin, the hair less than a full inch long.

Natasha bit her lip as she reached out and wrapped her hand around it, causing Naruto to once again groan in pleasure, her penis in her hand to jerk upwards, and for it to start growing to it's full mass.

Nat squeezed lightly, her hand growing less and less able to fully circle the throbbing penis. Smirking at the control that she had over the superhuman blond, Nat started moving her hand up and down, jerking the blond spy off.

Tugging away, Natasha watched as the member grew and grew, until the foreskin was completely pulled back, the penis being so thick that Nat could only barely wrap her hand around it. It throbbed in her hand, the pink tip growing a bright head as Naruto felt more and more pleasure from Natasha's jerking motion.

Stopping after it finished growing to it's final form, Natasha stopped and placed her palm at the base of the dick and used her hand as a measuring stick. Naruto was just under 8 inches, coming out slightly past her palm to middle finger 7.5 inch hand.

Wrapping both hands around the member, Natasha started jerking off the blond at a fast pace. Something Naruto agreed with, trying to thrust his hip upwards as she brought her tight gripped hands downwards.

Seeing some precum start to dribble down from the slit at the top, Nat felt and saw her hands get covered in the sticky mess. But it just allowed her to speed up, acting like a natural lube, On a particularly big dollop, Natasha leaned in as her hands slide downwards and gave the head of Naruto's penis,a soft kiss.

The slightly salty treat stuck to her lips, but she licked it up with her tongue, still jerking off the blond with power and speed given to her by her secret agent training.

Despite that kiss really being the barest touching of skin, Naruto's dick continued to produce more and more precum, allowing it to flow freely from his slit. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the sticky liquid that was dripping down onto her hands.

Natasha lowered her head and as she placed her hands at the base of Naruto's member, licked from right above her hands all the way up to the tip, before placing another kiss on the leaking slit. This time a solid kiss, sucking lightly to pull the salty liquid into her mouth.

"Shit Nat, you're killing me" moaned Naruto, unable to focus his chakra to break free and take control of the situation.

Natasha smiled to herself, while she knew she had skills, it was always nice to hear the reviews in person.

Only jerking the bottom half of Naruto's penis, Natasha kept her mouth on the heated member and sucked lightly on tip that she had placed in her mouth.

Continuing her rubbing on the bottom half, Natasha left her tongue swirl around the pinky spongy tip in her mouth. Sliding her tongue under the foreskin, she was greeted by a slightly saltier bit of precum that had pooled there from earlier.

Upon doing so, she was glad she had her hands on his lower half as Naruto's dick shot a bigger splatter of precum onto the back of her tongue and his hips thrusted up, trying to force his dick into her hot mouth.

Natasha slurped up all the precum in her mouth, allowing her tongue to continue to clean out the sticky mess under the foreskin, before she removed her higher up right hand placed it on the hip of Naruto.

It was much needed as she left him straight up with her left hand and lowered her mouth further down. Naruto threw his head back as he moaned in pleasure.

Natasha bobbed her head up and down several inches, a little more than half of Naruto dick in her mouth. Every upward motion accompanied by a strong slurping of saliva and precum left by the downward motion.

Natasha was barely able to hold Naruto's hips down as she continued to suck his dick. Realizing that she didn't want to be forced to deepthroat Naruto, she placed both hands on his hips, his dick help straight up by the steady slurping of her mouth on him.

Eventually Natasha found herself going deeper and deeper, filling the room with the "Gluck Gluck" sound of her mouth being repeatedly filled.

It was only when she felt his tip poke the back of her mouth and the entrance to her throat that Natasha realized just how far she had gone down.

Opening her mouth as wide as she could, Natasha stopped holding Naruto's hips down and started holding on for leverage.

On the first thrust that Naruto managed, he punched right past the previous depth mark, his head clearly past her gag reflex.

The second had his entire dick in her mouth, his small amount of pubic hair tickling her nose. Natasha groaned at the rough treatment, sending vibrations up and down Naruto's member. All this did was push Naruto to be rougher, his core strength allowing him to endlessly push himself up into her mouth.

But all good things must come to an end, on an extra strong thrust that Nat was sure would bruise her lips, she felt Naruto's member heat up more. The member jerked lightly inside of her airtight mouth and the tip that was already in the shallow part of her throat expanded, growing slightly longer before she felt a thick sludge slide down the back of her throat.

"Ah fuck Nat" groaned Naruto as his orgasm made his head swim in pleasure.

She felt her throat flutter, asking for air that she couldn't get in with her airway blocked, this causing the sludge to slide down at a faster rate. Finally it stopped and Natasha sucked as hard as she could on the way back up, removing all the saliva, precum, and actual cum from Naruto's penis, swallowing it all.

Coughing lightly as she greedily gulped up some air, she looked down and saw that Naruto's dick was still hard and pointed up at her.

"How was that Naruto?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Best experience of my life" answered Naruto truthfully

"Best experience of your life so far, give it a few minutes" retorted Natasha as she rose from the bed, stripping herself of her clothes, along with her bra and panties.

Climbing back onto the bed, she straddled Naruto's hips, rubbing her slightly wet pussy on his still hard member. Reaching up and pulling the blind fold off, Naruto and Natasha's eyes met and Nat leaned down and kissed the blond, it was softer than the one that they had shared earlier, this one more sensual.

Rocking her hips, Nat felt Naruto nip at her bottom lip with his teeth, getting the message, she opened her mouth, her tongue meeting Naruto and started the slow wrestle for dominance. Feeling Naruto's hard member rubbing against her, was working, she was getting more and more excited by the second.

Breaking the kiss, she reached down and grabbed Naruto by the manhood before lifting herself and positioning him at her entrance.

"I'm about to rock your world" whispered Natasha

"That's my line" replied Naruto

Natasha didn't say anything as she started the slide down Naruto. It was the first time in almost 6 years since she had last gotten laid, her walls gripping him as if they would have to go another 6 years until they would be filled again.

Naruto let his head drop back as Natasha sank all the way down. The grip she had on him was mind blowing, it was too good. All of that changed when she felt their skin touch at the base of him and slid right back up. The drop down had felt like she had been made to fit him exactly, but the ride up had felt like she gripped him even tighter, she hadn't wanted to rise up from him.

Natasha slammed her ass down, riding Naruto for all that he was worth. She had years of pent up aggression to take out. Pulling on Naruto's hair, she guided him to her chest where he immediately start licking any flesh that he could reach with his tongue.

Leaning forward more, Nat growled as he started sucking on her right nipple a little too hard, she paid him back by slamming her ass down harder than before, causing both of them groan in pleasure. The only sound in the room was now the "thap thap thap" sound made the slapping of skin.

Naruto's eyes flashed red before he ripped himself free of the chain bounding him before he flipped Natasha onto her back and started fucking her with all of his strength,

She clawed at his back, rolls of skin being pulled from his back as she felt Naruto drive himself as deep as he could with every thrust, the speed and power of Naruto causing her to tighten up as she felt a bubble of pleasure grow in her core.

Naruto once again nipped her nipple, this time the left one, causing both of them to have little teeth marks, but Naruto never stopped his power fucking of the red haired beauty under him, both of them racing towards a climax.

"I'm getting close, I'm getting close" moaned Natasha in naruto's ear.

"No, you don't get to cum, a filthy whore like you can only cum after I have" growled Naruto back into her ear, the dirty talk working as he felt her pussy flutter around his member that was still being driven into her body.

"Together?" asked Nat as she was reaching her end

"Together" answered Naruto, his eyes red with slits for pupils, the unstable Yang half of Kurama being released.

"OMG NARUTO/ AH FUCK NAT"screamed Natasha and Naruto as they both came, both groaning in pleasure, Natasha missing the stinging feeling of Naruto biting down on her neck, missing the flowing of chakra into her body as she felt herself get filled.

Naruto barely registered his actions, biting down on Natasha's shoulder next to her neck. He was more focused on the feeling of blasting what felt like all of his cum into Natasha. It was unlike any other orgasm he had ever had.

As the two of them came down from their highs, Natasha wiggled her nose at the smell that filled them room.

"Shower?" offered the red head as Naruto rolled onto his side looking at her

"Only if you show me how to work it" replied Naruto, knowing that using other people's showers was a nightmare

"Oh, I'll show you alright" said Natasha as she slipped from the bed and walked to the door naked, turning back to look at Naruto before slapping her behind "Coming?"

"Give me 30 mins and I asking you the same experience" said Naruto as he lept from the bed following Natasha.

A/N: Ok so what did you think, I tried to keep from getting too weird. But Natasha and Naruto have had sexual tension for years, I once smashed an old girlfriend in the 3rd row of her mom's minivan while her mom was napping.

Only weird part is that now all of you know an exact description of my penis, maybe you'll never know, but I will. Also, nothing is abandoned unless I say so, so stop asking

Yeah that's all I have for yall today, comment review, hmu on twitter HKM_FF, bye bye

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


SDIVADcreators' thoughts