
Chapter 14

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: This chapter is 100 percent dedicated to the users who aren't whiny little bitches, y'all the real ones. Now onto the chapter:

A green vested teen looked at the struggling young blond boy and with a slurred voice said "What do you think that you are doing brat? You bump into me, and then try to run off before saying sorry or begging for forgiveness. Who do you think you are? I am a Chunin of the Hidden Leaf Village, and you should show me some respect."

Naruto's head snapped up and his eyes narrowed in anger and looked at the drunk teen and calmly said "I barely touched you, I brushed against your legs. If you want me to say sorry, I will do so when you put me down." The drunk teen was seemingly enraged by this and having seen enough, Naruto did something that he once saw a drunk do to another drunk, that had frozen the second one. Cocking his head back, Naruto gathered as much spit as he could and spat right into the drunk teens eyes.

Naruto's eyes shot open, his hand moving with an invisible weapon slashing at an invisible enemy. Groaning, he rubbed his head, this was a side effect of his massive amount of time under in the Hydra pod. They had all of SHIELD's notes on him, things about him that he was sure he didn't even know.

'Clearly that was me, I wonder if that is one of my memories from my home world? It would fit the timeline and the name Hidden Leaf Village does sounds familiar, like it was in one of my books' thought Naruto

The blond recovering spy was so lost in thought that he missed the opening on his room door, the person carrying the tray coming in and placing the tray on his nightstand before coughing to get his attention. His mind was still sluggish and he lacked the ability to reaction like he would in his normal 100 percent state.

"Ms. Potts … er I mean Pepper" he greeted switching to the more familiar name as she gave him a pointed look, his teeth still a bright white that gleamed in the late morning sun light that filled the room.

The redhead CEO smiled lightly in return, but Naruto could tell that she was measuring him up and finding him slightly lacking from his usual standards.

"Its good to see you Naruto. We were so heart broken when we first heard the news, but Tony …. Tony never gave up on you, on finding you. He hired private investigators, foreign military personal, bounty hunters. All while looking himself, with the goal of even if you weren't alive, to bring your body back home." Pepper's words were spoken above a normal volume, the same level as any other word would have been spoken in any other conversation. But they were deafening loud to Naruto and his head split with a massive headache.

Blinking, Naruto realized that he wasn't in some office space or anything like that really, he was in a bed room.

Gulping to try and get some air down his suddenly dry throat, Naruto stopped his eyes from scanning the room and looked Pepper in the eye. Her eyes were slightly red, tears on the verge of escaping.

"I'm happy that Tony didn't give up on me, I would never give up on him." said Naruto to Pepper, and the tears in her eyes spilled out freely now.

"Naruto, you have no idea how happy I was to see him fly in, you being carried in his suit's arms. He's been broken these last couple of years, when everyone thought that you died, it was like a piece of them died with you. Cap became a bit more forceful in his missions but more carefree in his normal life. Tony put parachutes built into the lining of every SHIELD agent's uniform, so what happened to you could never happen again.

Bruce had a long period after that day where he couldn't turn back into Bruce. He was the Hulk for a while, but eventually he went back to being Bruce. Thor took it hard as well, a large chunk of Alaska took the brunt of his anger before he left back to Asgard. Clint is still Clint, but Natasha. She took it harder than anyone but maybe Tony. I think … no I know that she loved you Naruto."

Naruto looked down at his lap, his eyes welling up with tears, his long untamed bangs casting a shadow over his face.

"Does she even know that I'm alive now?"asked Naruto

"I believe that Steve was going to tell her" answered Pepper before she sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around Naruto, pulling the young man into a tight hug. She rubbed Naruto's head as she let him unload, his body shaking as he cried from sadness or frustration, she knew not. What she did know was that, Naruto was lost. He was displaced, his mind and body weren't in sync.

"It's ok" Pepper muttered as she rocked Naruto back and forth, his tears making her shoulder wet, but she didn't care. It didn't matter, clothes didn't matter. Not when such a good person like Naruto was this conflicted, it was the least that she could do for the blond SHIELD agent. He had given her back Tony when she thought that she had lost him. Naruto wasn't just a family friend or Tony's friend, Naruto was family.

This was the scene that Tony walked in on nearly 30 minutes later. Pepper rocking the slim and withered away sleeping Naruto back and forth, a cold bowl of oatmeal and a warm cup of water on a bed in breakfast tray on the nightstand. Tony walked over and kissed Pepper on the top of her head before he gestured to her for her to let go.

Naruto's eyes snapped open as he felt the warm arms around him let go, and he looked up to see the smiling face of Tony Stark.

"Tony" he croaked, his throat dry

"It's okay kid, I found you. You're safe here, nothing to worry about" said Tony with gentle tone

"Where are we?" asked Naruto, his voice breaking from disuse and the crying he had done earlier.

"My house outside of the city. I didn't want you to have to deal with the rush of the city for a moment, figured you can use some peace and quiet." answered the billionaire.

Naruto nodded before a flash of Kurama's chakra shot through his body for the first time since he unleashed it on his army of clones made by Hydra and the effects were instant. His skin regained a slight bronzing, his eyes didn't seem as sunken in. His hair brightened to a normal yellow instead of a pale yellow, still shades off his bright sun colored hair. His arms and legs twitched as weeks of muscle growth happened in seconds, his torso went from caved in to perfectly flat.

Pepper gasped and Tony shook his head in disbelief.

"Kid, did you just go through about 6 weeks of rehab in a split second?" asked Tony as he pulled a scanner out from his pocket. Naruto's vitals showing that he had indeed recovered roughly a month and a half in terms of health recovery in the last couple of seconds.

Just then, his phone rang and he looked down to see Steve was giving him a call from the serious phone number.

"I go to take this" said Tony as he excused himself.

In Washington D.C:

Standing on the roof top across from the SHIELD headquarters was Lou and Natasha, the pudgy teen and the red haired beauty looking at the building that should be their base of operations with the scanning devices that Tony had sent them via drone. Steve was off doing Steve things, Wade was slowly making his way here with the help of Sam, the couldn't be seen without blowing the plan.

"I'll give it to you, I would never think to look right across the bridge for the people trying to take me down." commented Natasha, her eyes never leaving the building, her scan of the building and all it's hidden layers being revealed.

"Yeah well, we are too close to the fire for anything to think we'd be here." replied Lou, his eyes closed as he listened.

His hand dashed out and his hand closed around a tiny little robot that held a pair of ear pieces for them. Taking one of them and placing it in his ear, Lou was greeted to the sound of Sam in his ear.

"Glad we got to you with the new earpieces, they're on a closed circuit frequency. The ear pieces could be hacked and let go of my drone right now"

Lou let go of the small triangular drone and nodded to Natasha that things were ok as she grabbed her own ear piece.

"Talk to me Sam" she said as her scan finished and she got prepared to go over the details.

"We figured out part of the plan, Steve managed to get a hold of a Hydra boss, they plan to use SHIELD's newest weapon to target their enemies instead of SHIELD's." said Sam

Natasha winced and replied back "I already know what it is, its the new helicarriers that Stark and Fury built, it was supposed to be an ultimate defense system. But it also had more than enough weapons to protect itself, I guess that makes sense. Hydra would just add more weapons to something that should have weapons and they can wipe out everyone that opposes them at the same time."

"This shouldn't be that hard to handle then right? What is a single helicarrier going to do to billions of people" replied Sam, a hint of relief in his voice

"One? You might want to add two zeroes to the end of that number Sammy. Stark and SHIELD built 100 of these carriers, they were motivated by the death of Naruto to make sure the world was protected" said Lou, his tone as cold as ice

Sam sighed and said "I'll tell Cap"

"No need, he's here" said Lou as Steve opened the door the roof just as there was a loud gong sound heard all over the city and the water under the bridge that separated to reveal giant metal doors that were opening, the first of the Helicarriers being set on the world.

"Please tell me that isn't just one of them that just appeared in the air" begged Sam

Nobody answered him

Back in New York:

Kurama had come through for Naruto basically his entire life. And it looked like that wasn't going to stop happening any time soon. Was Naruto his pre-capture self again? No, not yet. Naruto still looked like he could use a sandwich or two, his skin not quite the perfect tan yet, his hair a couple of shades too pale still, his eyes didn't have the spark of life in them just yet.

He was close, about 75 percent of Naruto. But for all of his healing, he wasn't used to his body. When he had been podded, he was 17 years old, a growing teenager. While Hydra hadn't been actually feeding him, Kurama and the IV he had been hooked up to had kept him healthy enough for him to grow.

He had grown to 6 feet and 1 inches tall, his body lanky and uncoordinated, his strength was exactly where it had been before he was captured, his body naturally stronger than before. Longer and stronger while Naruto wasn't used to it. He couldn't fight, Tony got the best of him in a boxing match. Naruto was sluggish, he would be of no use in a fight. Tony had already got to designing an exoskeleton to help Naruto regulate his movements.

Tony looked up from his work table as his phone went off with an alert that drew his attention. Trying to think of whatever it could be, Tony was not prepared to get a message saying that the Helicarriers he made for SHIELD had been launched, months ahead of the scheduled time.

"What the fuck" muttered Tony as he walked over to his computer and began typing, struggling to think of a reason for this premature launching.

Tony's eyes narrowed and then they widened, as he got the info he was hoping he wouldn't get. 100, all 100 of them were launched. The 50 in DC, the 25 in NYC, and the 25 in California.

"This doesn't even make sense, the ones in California aren't functional beyond scanners, the ones in NYC are purely for offensive purposes. Let me see if I can remotely shut them down, this shouldn't be happening." groaned Tony


Peter was surprised to see a massive ship of some kind come out of the Hudson River, then another one and another one. He counted about 25 of them, weapons trained on the city below them and he could only gulp nervously.

"You okay kid" asked his boss Jessica, the two of them had been carrying boxes of case files up to her office/apartment when Peter had stopped.

"I dunno know, you don't feel that?" asked Peter as his hair stood on end and felt his body fill with nervous energy.

Peter moved without thinking, tossing the box onto the stoop for the building before grabbing Jessica like a groom would grab his bride, cradling her in his arms and jumping backwards just in time for them to dodge a massive spray of bullets from one of the ships in the sky.

Peter took off running, carrying Jessica as he raced up the sidewalk. Running, Peter gulped as he was forced to run up the side and over the top of a moving van that swerved in front of him. Still running, Peter kept his eyes moving as fast as his legs until he spotted an alleyway to slip into. Panting heavily, Peter put Jessica down and much to his surprise, she looked as shocked as he did about the events that had just occurred.

"Why was that thing in the sky shooting at us?" asked Peter

"I don't know kid, that doesn't happen every week. I don't have any idea of what that was" whispered Jessica

A helicarrier passed over the alley that they were hiding in and they looked up nervously, the weapons whirled until it was pointed down at them.

"I I I don't wanna die" whimpered Peter

"I'm going to die in the hands of a virgin teen who probably has put more white in his gym socks than the cotton that makes them up" muttered Jessica much to Peter's horror

"Any last words kid?" Jessica asked Peter

"Um, I'm the Spider-Man guy that you see on Youtube" said Peter as he closed his eyes

"I got drunk and kissed your aunt last night when we went out for drinks" mumbled Jessica

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but they were both distracted by a massive explosion that went off above them.

They huddled together and got low, trying to avoid any falling debris. They both missed a single line of black smoke falling from the once flying helicarrier that landed in the same alley way as them. The smoke cleared and there stood a man with long shaggy blond hair, so long that it was weighted down on his head, coming down to his eyes with spiky bangs, his face also sporting a thick blond beard. He wore all black, a black shirt of some kind with black military style pants and boots, a sword held in his hand, the holster and holder of the sword, running across his lower back. Despite the black clothing, there was glowing white spots along his arms and limbs, connecting along his back and leading up to the base of his neck.

"You guys ok?" asked the man as he approached them

"We're just preparing for our death sir" answered Peter, his eyes still closed

"I already took care of the helicarrier that was targeting the two of you. No death coming today, although I'm told that most of the people your age don't have a strong will to live according to the me-me, I think they're called, on the internet" said the figure

Jessica opened her eyes and moved away from Peter and looked this newcomer, his bright blue eyes drawing her in.

"Wait a second, are you Naruto?" asked the private detective upon further inspection of the b

A look of interest passed on the blond's face before he nodded and tapped on his ear piece and nodding again. The blond raced towards the alley wall and ran up it and jumped into the air and was grabbed by a red and yellow blur by one of his hands before he thrown at another ship in the air and Peter and Jessica could only watch as Naruto and his sword glowed blue before they sliced straight through the metal frame of the airship.

"Wow" exclaimed Peter, his eyes wide as he instantly became a fan of the blond superhero.

"Yeah wow" muttered Jessica sarcastically before she looked at Peter and said "So Spider-Man, interesting"

With Naruto and Tony

Naruto would never understand how Tony made up all these little toys, the exoskeleton was a prototype. But it as doing its job, he was able to slice into the carriers, dice whoever was in them, crash the ship into the water and move onto the next one. But just because the machine

"I *pant* am *pant* out of *pant* *pant* gas Tony" stammered Naruto after taking down his 4th carrier

"Feel free to tap out if you need to kid, I have almost finished my hack on these carriers. We should be done in a couple of minutes" said Tony into Naruto's earpiece

Naruto shakily climbed to his feet and took a deep greedy breath before saying "Well I best get back out there and do my part"

"Not needed kid" said a rough voice and Naruto turned around to face a man who was clearly seen better days if his machine parts sticking out was any judge of how things are going. He walked up to Naruto and slammed his hand into the chest of the blond, who's mouth opened before light shot out of his eyes and mouth.

"AAARGGGGGGGGHHHHH" screamed Naruto as he was consumed by the energy that this mystery man was flooding his body.

"Cable what are you doing?" asked Tony as he landed on the rooftop, his voice equally full of concern and questioning.

"Fixing him, my father can't be allowed to suffer a crippling injury because he can't control his body" replied Cable, his red eye trained on Naruto, scanning his body before releasing the blond who dropped to the ground before his eyes snapped opened and Tony watched as a perfectly healthy Naruto stood up and flexed once, the exoskeleton covering and regulating his body shattering as Naruto regain complete control and health of his body.

In D.C:

They stood alone; Sam flying above giving them the bird eye view for their scouting report. Lucifer was on the actual ground coordinating the civilians to safety, Natasha and Steve had managed to fight their way to the main control, they had managed to offline most of the heavier weapons, destroying the systems for the helicarriers to unleash all of the damage that they can put out. Wade was buying Natasha and Steve time to get out of the snakepit that was the former SHIELD headquarters.

Lou's wrist computer lit up as Tony's hacking virus was uploaded to him. Smirking, Lou ran into the closest computer store and brought every USB they had in the store and immediately started uploading the virus to each USB.

Minutes later he was joined by Natasha, Steve, and Wade. They looked a little scuffed up, clearly having just returned from fighting.

"Okay guys, this isn't hard. The main console of each carrier has a master control system inside the mainframe, the virus inside each of these USBs needs to be plugged directly into the main computer. We have 50 of them, we have 50 USBs here. We need to hit each of them , we only have about 37 minutes before the weapons coding comes back online and they tear apart the world. Tony already put his plan into motion in New York City while his army of suits managed to subdue the ones in California." Lou informed the group

"Sounds wonderful" said an overly cheerful Wade before he took a hand full of USB's and stuffed them into this pocket and raced up a wall and launched himself at the closest helicarrier that he could reach.

Natasha rolled her eyes before she shot a grappling hook at a roof top and then at a carrier, taking with her 12 of the USBs.

Sam dropped down, grabbed his 12 and zipped back into the sky. Leaving Lou and Steve alone on the ground.

"He's here" whispered Lou

"The Winter Solider?" asked Steve, his eyes narrowing as he glanced around.

Lou nodded and Steve turned into Captain America, full shield on his left arm. With his right, he pulled down his mask/helmet and spun around to find himself facing the same man as before. Long black hair, face mask, metal arm with a red star. There was no doubt about it, this was the same man as before, the winter solider who had attacked him at Fury's fake funeral.

"I told you Project Intel, you should have run when you had the chance. After I dispose of this American fossil, I am going to gut your fat ass like the worthless pig that you are" snarled the Winter Solider

Lou's watch beeped again and he smirked, "I don't think so. We have reinforcements coming in. Moving at over 1200 MPHs, they'll be in here in a matter of minutes"

"That just means that I have to kill you faster than I would have liked so that they arrive to the sight of your corpses can be there to greet them." said the masked killer before he dashed forward, reeled his fist back and made to smash it into the face of Lou.

That was the plan, but things don't always go according to plan. Instead of the soft flesh of Lucifer's face, the Winter Solider's fist connected with the nearly unbreakable shield of Captain America

Winter Solider slide onto his back foot only for Cap to slash his shield into WS stomach. It clipped him and Cap pushed forward. Ducking under a punch, Cap slammed his elbow into the ribs of WS. WS hissed in pain and tried to swipe at Cap only for Cap to grab his wrist and slam his knee into the soft ribs of the WS.

"I've learned from last time" spat Cap as he twisted around a jab and gave the WS a palm to the neck for his troubles.

The WS just hissed as he stood up and rushed forward again, this time he slipped inside Cap's guard and almost managed to get the elbow to the chest to work, but Cap blocked. But that just allowed WS to slam his foot onto Cap's before giving the WW2 legend a push that sent him to the ground, his ankle letting out a large POP! sound as he fell to the ground.

"Such a simple move really, a little weight and push and boom, the ankle is dislocated and you're out for 2-3 weeks. Or in your case, 2-3 minutes until I kill the lab rat over there." said the Winter Solider, his cold eyes leaving Captain America and scanning for the former Hydra project. At least he was until a Stark Industry logo that may or may not have been attached to a jet some kind blurred by and standing in front of the Winter Solider was a single man, his blond hair waving wildly in the wind. His face having a clean shave now, three whisker marks on each cheek, bright blue eyes that were narrowed in seriousness.

Sword held in his right hand, touching the ground. All in all, the Naruto Uzumaki who stood before him now was nothing like the one that he had seen in the Hydra pod. Gone was the weak body, gone was the sickly looking skin, gone was anything but the being of a in the time prime Super Human Spy.

As quickly as Naruto had appeared on the battle field, he turned his back to the WS and turned to Steve, helping up the super solider to his feet, the weight of Cap, forcing his ankle back into the proper socket,

"You're ignoring me. That is a deadly mistake. Considering that the last time that me and you were within the same mile, I put a bullet into your chest, you'd think that you would be paying better attention." taunted the Winter Solider.

Naruto rubbed his chin and said "So that was you? I didn't know that, I guess it really doesn't matter. Dead people are of no concern to me"

The metal arm of WS raised just in time for Naruto to blur into existence and slash into the arm. What the WS was not expecting was for the metal of the sword to dig into the metal of the arm, leaving a small gash in the metal limb.

Naruto chuckled and said "Wow, look at that. This arm can't even hold up, I can't wait to see what happens when I swing this sword done on your neck"

WS jumped back and Naruto let his smile drop from his face.

"Ah, it is time for me to put this dog down for good. Steve join the other and get those carriers taken care of. This is the man who put a bullet in my chest, it's only fair that I put my sword through his heart" said Naruto as he flared his chakra and the world seemed to shake and for the first time the WS felt fear creep down his spine as he struggled to remain standing as the pressure around him built up.

Steve nodded and grabbed the remain USBs and ran off, leaving the two deadly assassins alone, nothing but the empty street all around them.

WS slide into a defensive stance and Naruto responded by appearing before him in a yellow and black blur, his sword positioned to take off the Hydra weapon's head. This time WS avoided the blade and grabbed Naruto by the wrist, forcing him to drop the sword, allowing WS to kick it away.

"Now that should lev-" the Winter Solider had started to talk only for Naruto to punch him in the face, the blond not actually needing the sword to win the fight.

"You talk to much" muttered Naruto before he slammed his fist into the pale assassin's face again, breaking his nose in a flood of blood, before twin finger jab to the throat caused the Winter Solider to cough as his airway suddenly clogged as the blood from the broken nose was forced to travel down the back of his throat.

A kick to the ribs bent the WS over at the waist only for Naruto grab him by the back of head and introduce him to his other knee. Grabbing the Hydra agent by the hair, Naruto jerked him backwards and sent him crashing to his back where he walked up to the beaten man and put his foot on his chest before slamming it down, causing the man to wheeze as his ribs protested the rough treatment they were receiving from Naruto.

Naruto slammed his foot on his chest once more before moving it to the man's face, a sign of disrespect and total domination of the Winter Solider before he moved it down to the man's neck. The Winter Solider managed to get his hands under the foot, but the beaten man lack the raw strength to do anything other than prevent the blond SHIELD agent from crushing his neck.

"You know for a super assassin, you sure don't seem to be that keen on dealing with death" commented Naruto as he continued to apply pressure, the man's hands slowly giving ground to the blond's super strength.

"Who ever really wants to die?" challenged the man on the ground

Naruto made a face as if he was considering it before in one fluid motion, removed his foot from the man's hands and kicked him across the face, finally sending the face mask flying from the man's face.

"So this is the face of the sorry son of a bitch who thought that he could kill me." said Naruto, his foot back in position to crush the man's neck before he continued on to say "You know, if you were going to take a shot at a king, they say you send a warrior. If you want to take a shot at a warrior, you send a prayer to your God."

The blond didn't speak as he let the Hydra assassin chew over his words, before he tapped his right wrist and his sword came flying back to his hand, magnetically controlled by his wrist PDA.

"I wish I could say that you are going to a better place, but I think you know that would be a lie" said Naruto as he raised his sword and made to thrust it down.

He was stopped by the sound of his friend Steve saying "Wait … Bucky?"

A/N: And boom goes the dynamite. Now this chapter was about 5300 words before I wrote this Author's note or uploaded it to FFN. Hopefully it stays in that ballpark.

I really don't have much to say here, I'm sure I can just talk to y'all about it when you review and I respond. BTW if you complain, just know that you're going to get a message that reads "If you don't like it, don't read it. Nobody is forcing you to"

So yeah, that's all I got for y'all today. There is a poll on my twitter who which story will update next, you can vote on that on my profile at HKM_FF

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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