
Chapter 13

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: So the 3 guest reviews that I saw when writing this chapter is Shadow who just showed support by saying that they loved it, the same with the guest who went by guest and said super. Last was Guesto who wanted to know why Deadpool broke the 4th wall and was "cringe". All I have to say is that you must not be reading the comics, because Deadpool is a mentally insane 4th wall breaker who references comics that he wasn't even in and can see the panels of the comic. He's literally made to break the 4th wall and give voice to the people's comments on the comic. Almost all of what Deadpool has said is what people have PMed me.

The 250th review on this story was this one: Jebest4781 -"this was quite fun and enjoyed what you did here. can't wait to see what you'll do with Jessica and Trish with them now introduced in your story" Thank you Jebest4781 for your support, the next review shoutout will be number 300 if we get there.

If you are wondering why this chapter is out so fast, blame the Pittsburgh Steelers who lost 20 to 24 to the 49ers on September 22, 2019. My heart can't take my team being so ass and that allows me to power through with my writing. So you might be getting a shit ton of chapters from me during football season this year.

So enough of that, let's get into this chapter:

It was nothing like a movie, there was no rain. In fact the sun was brighter than normal, there was no a crazy sombre mood over the people attending. They all looked like they knew they would be here one day or another.

Soon the crowd slowly left, leaving Steve alone with the grave stone of Nick Fury. While he knew that the master spy was alive, it was a gut punch to see his name on a grave stone. Because that made life seem shorter than it really was.

A hand dropped onto his shoulder and Steve turned around to see Natasha there, hand on his shoulder and he gave her a small smile.

"What are you doing here red?" questioned Steve quietly

"How could I not show up to Fury's funeral, I'm not a monster Steve" she whispered back

"I take it you got what we sent you on the way here?" asked Steve as the two of them turned from the fake grave and started walking.

"Oh course, so this Wade fellow took him to Sam's?"

Steve nodded yes to her question and asked in return "Whose the chubby teen following us about 13 meters back on the left hand side of me"

"That is what I found in Hydra's base, his name is Project Intel. He doesn't know his first name, but he thinks his last name might have been Camacho. It is hard to say what isn't wrong with him mentally, his socially awkward but he's smart. Unnaturally smart, he said he doesn't remember being any less intelligent in his life."

Steve raised an eyebrow at hearing that and said "That's unusual"

"Very, I was testing him on things that he knew on the way back to America, he knows something on just about everything. There is no holes in his education, he's the single most well rounded person that I know. He even knows the angles you use for your shield throws."

Steve whistled and the teen came jogging over and said in an accent that gave Steve flashbacks with how much it was old school Brooklyn.

"You brought up the shield throw angles and he whistled, I told ya" said the green eyed teen.

Natasha groaned and she pulled out 20 bucks and handed it to the teen who pocketed it before turning to Steve and extending his hand.

Steve shook the extended hand, the hand much colder than any other human that he had ever met.

"Sorry, i can't change that." muttered the teen seeing how uncomfortable Steve was with the temperature of the hand.

"Eh, don't worry about it. My name is Steve. Natasha was just telling me that you don't really have a name" responded Steve, as the group of now 3 continued to walk out of the cemetery.

"I know who you are, I was taught all of your weakness from how to disrupt your shield throw to trigger words to mess with your mind" state the teen, his eyes as cold as his skin had been and for the first time in the few moments that Steve had met the teen, he was reminded that this wasn't a normal kid. This was a hydra project, a being forced to do things against their will.

"Well don't worry about it kid, as long as you don't steal my post workout snacks, you wouldn't have to put any of that knowledge to use." waved off Steve as they rounded the corner and Natasha elbowed Steve before coughing.

"You need a name, we can't call you Project Intel nor is Camacho a full name." said Steve while rubbing his ribs

"Hmm, yes I have given it thought as to what I would like to be called. Spending all that time under the church, I have heard all the stories in the world. I am quite fond of the name Lucifer"said the teen

Natasha slapped the back of the teen's head and said "How about you pick something that wouldn't make the average person faint"

"I don't know Nat, I like it. It feels unique, it will stand out. Let's call the kid Lucifer" said Steve drawing looks of shock from both Natasha and the newly name Lucifer

The chubby teen smiled brightly, showing a set of perfect white teeth. The smile looked about as fake and forced as it could be, but Steve ignored that. He also ignored that the teen's eyes never once defrosted and continued to hold a icy gleam to them.

"I am sure that your catholic mother would absolutely love to hear you agree to that name Steve" hissed Natasha

"Who cares, she's dead. This isn't 1945 anymore, the world is a lot more free. If this kid wants to be called Lucifer, why not let it happen. All that means is we are going to call him Lou or Lucy. He did it to himself" said Steve before he pulled out a key and clipped a button causing his car to pull up next to him.

Tossing the keys to Natasha, Steve said "take Lucy to Stark, let him get settled there. If anyone can make use of his intelligence, it will be Tony. Besides, I left a something with Stark that I need you to go pick up, can't fight without it."

Natasha rolled her eyes and muttered "These boys can't keep track of their toys" before she moved around the black sports Stark Industry car to open the drivers door only for Lou to push her down just in time for something to fly under the car and cause it to explode.

"Son of a bitch, Stark is gonna be pissed. That was a prototype car" groaned Steve as he tapped his watch.

Natasha looked at the flaming car and back at Lucifer who was looking off to the side, his eyes fixed on something that she couldn't see.

"We have to get out of here" Lou screamed as he pulled her to her feet and started pulling her away from Steve and whatever was attacking them

Steve looked at the flaming car and sighed before he angrily pull his suit jacket off his body, ripping the white dress shirt to reveal his blue Captain America suit underneath, the single white star standing proudly on his chest. The back side was slightly different seeing as how there was a white star on the back end, surrounded by a red circle.

Tapping the star on his chest, the white start and red circle popped off his back and in one fluid motion he caught it and slid it onto his arm, revealing it to be a smaller version of his normal shield.

Feeling how solid the shield was, Steve couldn't help but think Tony really outdid himself. Despite the fact that his mind was wondering, his body was not, his eyes picking up the bullets before his mind could focus back on the fight. His army training snapping back into place as he raised his shield blocked the bullets without thinking to make that move. The grenade that was thrown his way was batted right back where it came from, exploding into a ball of fire and smoke.

Throwing the shield at the individual who was making the assault, Steve gasped a metal hand reached out through the smoke and ripped the shield out the air. With a flick of assailant's wrist, the metal shield was sent flying right back at Steve. Steve rolled out of the way, as the ripped right through the stone ground without issue, leaving zero doubt as to what it would do to him if it had made contact with him.

Steve made to rise from his roll when a heavy military boot slammed into his side and sent him skidding on his side across the rough stone floor. Steve used the sliding to spin back onto his feet and he caught eyes on the person launching the attack.

It was a single man, his skin pale and clearly lacking any time in the sun. His eyes were haughty and tired, the heavy bags under them doing him no favors. He had long black hair, it was just above reaching his shoulders. He wore a black soviet union combat suit. His face was covered by some kind of breathing mask that was also black over most of his face. The only thing that really stood out was his metal arm with a red star on the shoulder blade.

"Listen buddy, I don't want to hurt you. But if you don't leave now, I will be forced to" stated Captain America.

The figure said nothing as the strange man just stared at Steve before racing forward in a burst of speed that Cap was barely able to track.

Using his right forearm to push aside a sharp left hook, Steve stepped inside and through a left uppercut that the figure leaned back to avoid. Lashing out with his right arm in a side hook, Cap was surprised when man simply caught his fist.

A quick headbutt left Steve dazed as his head was hit by a mach truck amount of force that left his mind swimming. A punch to the solar plexus left Steve wheezing, a follow up chop the throat left him unable do even that. A palm to the face sent the American War Hero stumbling backwards only for a kick to the chest to send him crashing on to his backside. That brutal assault was followed up by a trio of stomps to the chest and Steve felt his ribs groaning in protest of the beating inside his chest. A massively powerful kick to his right side left him with a cracked ribs and he coughed up blood as the force of the kick did serious damage.

A bang! went off and Steve watched as the figure leaned to the side to avoid the bullet shot as him only for his world to shake as he was kicked across the face, making his nose displace itself with a soft crunch!

Holding his bloody nose on the the ground, Steve made to roll away but a foot on his back stopped him.

"(Stop right there)" said the calm voice of Lou in fluent German

The strange man stopped his foot still pinning Steve to the ground, the man's eyes narrowed and he spoke for the first time in a raspy voice that screamed disuse, also in the German language "(You should not be here, they will not be happy that you have turned traitor)"

"(They have little say in what I do from here on out, I am free. You could be free too, should you choose to be)" explained Lucifer, his eyes as cold as the other man's

The man shook his head, "(You know that I can never be free, they hold my mind in their hands. I will leave you alive this one time. Now the next time that I see you Project Intel, I will put a bullet in your head, right between the eyes before I step over your corpse as I would any other)"

The conversation in German ended and the man pulled his foot off of Steve, leaving the super solider as nothing more than a bruised mess on the ground before he disappeared in a blur.

Natasha emerged from the trees, gun in hand. Her eyes trained on Steve on the ground and upon giving the area quick scan for any danger with her eyes. She put her gun back on her hip and pulled Steve back up to his feet.

"So, mind telling me who just handed my ass to me on a silver platter since you seem to know him" Steve said to Lou, his face swelling up.

Natasha beat Lou to the punch "That was the myth, the Winter Solider. He's got what? 1200? 1300? confirmed kills since the 1950's. He's killed everyone from Presidents to Dictators to Popes to CIA directors to anyone who's name was given to him."

"The Winter Solider? I thought he was a myth, a boogeyman of sorts for the spy world?" questioned Steve

Lou did answer this time, "No, he is Hydra's go to weapon. He does not fail his missions, 1272 targets, 1270 confirmed kills. The reason he still out in the field is because he has yet to kill Captain Steve Rogers or SHIELD Agent Natasha Romanoff, both are top Hydra priorities."

It was like Lucifer was able to read the info directly from the Hydra database with how textbook his answer was.

"But how? 1950 was a long time ago. Unless I just got my ass handed to me by a 80 plus years old man."

Lou rubbed his chin, his mind racing before his eyes widen and he said "You're plus years old right?"

"Um, yeah guess technically I am." answered Steve before he spit out some blood that had pooled in his mouth.

"Now, I've met the Winter Solider about 10 times in my life, it never occurred to me that he was that old, I never focused on the myth because I assumed it was a family line of individuals carrying the same title, year after year, son after son. But if it has been the same person, he might be similar to Steve, he's lived this long because he's been frozen for periods of time, put on ice until he was needed." explain Lou

"That would make sense how he has a legend that has stretched across 7 and a half decades but is still around" realized Natasha.

"But I thought that it was the super solider serum inside of me that allowed me to survive being frozen?" questioned Steve

"That is the theory, but let's say that there was more than just you who was injected with the super solider serum Steve. There would have been trials before your own testing, as you got the finished product but the scientist who made it was from Germany and was working on it before hand." supplied Natasha as the 3 of them slowly put together the pieces to the puzzle.

"I don't think that was an incomplete formula running through his veins, we know that the serum was brought to the United States, but that doesn't mean that the entire project left Hydra in Europe. Even if they had the version that was perfected yet, they had decades to work on it and make it perfect like Steve's and then try to improve on it. Whose to say that altered in some way to give them different results. His metal arm was able to damage you Steve, but other than that he was just so much faster than any of us had prepared for."

As the words left Lou's mouth, Steve was already gritting his teeth. The serum was not what made him special, the late doctor had said that it was his heart that made him special, the serum only made him more of who he is.

"Super Solider Serum or not, that guy doesn't have the right amount of heart. I need to prepare for him a little differently than anyone else but the next time that we fight, I will be ready for him. I am going to put him down, the serum was to help and protect people, not murder" said Steve with a resolve that made Lou smile and for the first time, Steve saw the teen's eyes defrost as well.

Groaning as he stretched before he walked over to the ground and pulled the Stark Shield from the stone that it was buried into, Steve pushed it back into its place on his back, the shield melting back into the lining of his suit.

"Stark is a genus" muttered Lou as he tried to analyze the method of which the shield could rise and sink into the very fabric of the cloth suit.

"Kid, no one on this planet knows how Tony does anything, we just thank him and keep it moving." said Steve before he turned to Natasha

"Um, my car kind of exploded, we are going to have to take your car" Steve said as he pointed towards the flaming destroyed car

In New York City:

Peter looked both ways and upon seeing no cars, crossed the street. Opening the building door, Peter climbed the stairs up to the roof. Placing his backpack to hold the door open, he glanced around the roof top before making sure no one was around before pulling off his clothes to reveal that he was wearing a skin tight red compression shirt and pants combo. He reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of red converses and a mask, also red with round white circles where the eyes were located.

Getting dressed as quickly as he could, he hid his back on top of the little door way hut that led to and from the roof before running as fast as he could before he jumped off the edge of the building and into the fading afternoon into evening sky. Falling towards the ground, he enjoyed the slow motion feeling of the wind blowing by him as his spidy sense kicked as the closer he got to the ground. Smirking, he snapped his right wrist and his build in web shooter launched a web that struck the 7 train's overpass and he tugged and launched himself up into the air before shooting another web and beginning his nightly patrol of his neighborhood in Queens.

It wasn't long before he dropped onto a building overlooking an alley way. He looked as he saw a set of masked robbers beating up a teenager, a young boy by the looks of it.

Gritting his teeth, Peter dropped down from the building silently. He didn't make a sound as he landed on the ground, just like a spider wouldn't have. He didn't show mercy when he walked up in one swift motion bashed their heads together, knocking them out for the count.

"Hey, you alright?" asked Peter as he lifted the teen to his feet

"Yeah I guess, thanks for that."

"No problem, you head out, imma go rope these guys up so the police can take them in" said Peter dismissing the teen

"Ok thanks again … what did you say your name is?" asked the teen?

"Spider-Man" said Peter from inside the suit

"Thanks Spider-Man" said the teen before he grabbed his bag and ran off.

"Spider-Man huh? Is that what you call yourself?" said a tiny robot controlled by someone who was watching Peter Parker and now Spider-Man"

With Sam and Wade:

It had been decided that Fury had to leave, and that decision had been made by Fury. We know this because Fury left Sam's house without telling anyone, but did leave a note saying he had better things to do.

So when Steve, Natasha, and a slightly fat teen named after the modern name for the Devil showed up, they were let down by the fact that they wouldn't be able to regroup with the help of Fury. They had hit a wall, something that they needed to overcome if they wanted to figure out Hydra's next step.

Clearly they were close enough for an assassin to come after them, that meant they were onto something. You don't try and kill anyone who is headed in the wrong direction.

"Ok, so we have nothing on what they could possibly be up to?" asked Sam, his arms folded over his chest.

"Not that I can think of" answered Steve

"We need to try and attack this from a different method, what did they want to accomplish back in your time Steve?" asked Wade

Lou nodded and said "That is a good place to start, I believe that their original plan was to harness the power of the tesseract as a weapon source. So we need to find some kind of energy source that they could use to create a new weapon perhaps."

"That sounds like something they could do, but Stark literally makes SHIELD the best energy sources and weapons available to mankind. They have to be after something else" replied Natasha

"What if it isn't an energy source that they are looking to take over and use, but the weapon itself. I mean wouldn't it be less trouble to go after a finished product and use that instead of trying to develop something yourself?" suggested Sam

"That's not a bad idea" admitted Lou before Natasha hissed.

"A new weapon? Like the new threat protector Helicarriers that are about to launch in 2 days? The are state of the art weapons of mass destruction, they fly, they have tracking, they have long range pin point accuracy." said Natasha

"Ok, that might be it but there could be something we are missing." said Lou

"Yeah that they are pre-loaded with every criminals DNA and have their weapons locked onto to every know terrorist in the world. They are the ultimate defense system" explained Natasha

"Hmm, and I imagine that if you changed the targeting system from the SHIELD approved one to the Hydra one, it goes from targeting the criminals to whoever they see as a threat" realized Lou

"Shit, how do we stop this?" asked Steve

"Stark could help us override their controls, if we get close he can remotely hack the system" said Natasha

Steve frowned and said "We got less than 48 hours, imma make a call to Tony. Nat, you and Lou start the planning, Wade and Sam, go gather up all the gear we might need. We have to stop Hydra" exclaimed Steve.

A/N: and that is it for this chapter. We need to get the winter solider shit rolling, so here we go. Also, I can make the characters whatever age I want and if I give you a link, that's it. I don't care anymore.

No Naruto this chapter, but we are getting him back into the story soon.

Follow me on Twitter at HKM_FF, HighKey_Mars out.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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