
Chapter 12

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: Okay, just a quick little note before we jump into this chapter, I will address all questions from guest reviews in the beginning part before the story starts from now on. Okay, not all but the first 3 that I see when the chapter is being written. Also we are 4 reviews away from 250 reviews which means I should probably do something special or something. Let me know what you think it should be. I might post the 250th review for this story as the first lines of the next chapter. OK, now back to your regularly scheduled chapter:

Agents around the world looked down at there main method of communication, all of them saying the same thing; "Nick Fury was killed". Something that many of them thought was impossible for their super spy leader. So, they did what any other agent would do, finish their current mission and set to return home. Their leader was no longer of this world and without his hidden hand stretched out around the world, the world would slowly drop off into a chaotic mess.

Some agents were in remote places like Haiti and North Korea and others were as close as NYC and Orlando. Natasha was in Rome, Naruto was a stick figure with no hair, Clint was recovering from back surgery. The main chess pieces were as scattered as they moved in with their key plans to take over the world.

In Washington D.C:

Stark had taken Naruto back to New York City with him, as a quick scan by Jarvis revealed that Naruto was basically skin and bones. His chakra was keeping him alive, but that was just barely. All that running around and other red energy that he used has basically shredded every muscle in his body. Even if he managed to continue his current rate of healing, it was going to be weeks before he was fit for full time combat.

So Steve was walking through the sewers, the strange Wade Wilson on his right, giving a piggy back ride to a very much alive Nick Fury. In front of them both was Cable, shining a light forward so that they could see where they were going.

"You know this writer guy is a bit of an asshole, he said this would be his main story. But since he has said that, he posted a version of a rewrite to his Path to Greatness story under the stupid title of Path to be a Hero or some dumb shit like that, started another story and posted 2 chapters for about 10,000 words on that. We have totally gotten the shaft" muttered Wade under his breath.

Steve just chuckled at the utter nonsense that came from Wade's mouth. It was funny because while it never seemed to apply to what they were doing nor did it have any context to it, it was almost like it was a direct message from somewhere.

"Ease up Wade, I am sure that the writer just has a lot on his mind" said Cable, humoring Wade for further entertainment.

"Eh, maybe. I just think that he's a lonely loser who is swiping through tinder on Friday nights, hoping and praying to get his dick wet" clapped back Wade

Another nonsense comment, another chuckled from Steve, who just continued to go with the flow, no matter what.

"Ok, we are on the edge of D.C's town, a couple hundred feet south of Maryland. This marks the end of where we remain together. Steve, you will know when to get out as you'll hear the water. Wade, for the love of god, shut the fuck up. Fury, eat a dick" said Cable before his form shimmered and he disappeared.

Wade rolled his eyes and the unconscious Fury said nothing but Steve smirked and said "I like that man, he's an interesting man. He fits right in with the pure insanity that I find myself in."

Wade snorted and said "it's only insane because the author has no idea what he is doing for these middle chapter, he's just trying to get to A.o.U as quickly as possible"

"A.o.U?" questioned Steve

"Tsk tsk, Cap. Why would I give away spoilers? People who spoil things are the worst" replied Wade, his masked face not showing his face but Steve could feel that Wade was being 100 percent serious about his claim of spoilers.

"Whatever, we need to keep moving, Fury probably still needs real medical attention" said Steve as he pulled a small flashlight from his waist and shine the light forward.

In New York City:

A figure had opened their eyes for the first time in a while, the bright day sun still shining brightly through the window, causing a hiss to level their mouth.

Raising a hand to cover their green colored eyes and that coverage of their eyes went further up to their head as they felt their brain revolt for a moment and the throb that passed through their skull. This made it very easy for them to close their eyes, put their head back on their soft pillow, and go back to bed. Which is exactly what they did.

Rolling over, they were treated to the warm breath of another person tickling their nose and those green eyes shot open in panic.

The first thought was 'How much did I drink last night'.

That was until they recognized the person in bed and let out a deep sigh of relief. Because it was not a strange man that was lying in bed next to her. No it was the sleeping blonde face of her best friend Patricia "Trish" Walker, the blonde beauty was sleeping in her bed as well, the small smell of Jäger and redbull still tainting her breath.

A quick peek under the blanket that covered them both showed that both of them were almost naked. Jessica herself wore a big white T-Shirt that read "City College of New York" across the front in soft purple letters while Trish looked like she had tired to take her clothes off and had been a little too drunk to do so. Jessica thought that because while Trish had managed to pull her skirt down, she had also pulled her panties down half way. Her skirt around her heel wearing feet and her panties around her knees, her bra half way out her long sleeved white button down business shirt's right sleeve cuff. Said shirt was also almost unbuttoned all the way down, the bottom 2 buttons were still down preventing the shirt from flying open and off her slim torso.

A quick glance at the alarm clock on her nightstand showed her that it was 2 in the afternoon. Groaning lightly, she reached over to her best friends shoulder and shook her as gently as her super strength would allow her to.

"Ngghh, Mr. Stark, if you're going to go down on me again, go ahead" muttered Trish, refusing to wake up

"Trish" hissed Jessica

Trish blinked her eyes opened as she heard her best friend instead of the sexy voice of Tony Stark from her dreams.

"Jess?" she asked despite seeing her BF in front of her

"Yes" replied Jessica

"Tony Stark isn't going to town on my clam is he?"

Jessica shook her head to show a negative answer and Trish pouted and rolled on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

"You plan on getting out of bed? Or do you want to lay in bed all day?" asked Jessica as she actually slide out of bed, forgoing any time of pants at the moment she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and answer nature's morning call.

"Bitch I might be" muttered Trish as she slowly put her self back together. The panties pulled up to cover her clam. The skirt dropped the the ground as she finally kicked her legs out from under blanket onto the somewhat cold tile floor. Shaking her head, she walked over to her emergency clothing bag and started getting things ready for her shower, grabbing more casual clothes.

A knock at the door drew her attention and she looked at Jessica who was busy getting dressed and motioned for her to open the door. Quickly discarding her shirt, she pulled a hoodie on with a pair booty shorts that were on the floor, not her greatest choice.

"Coming" she said as she raced over to the door, she couldn't see whoever was on the other side because of the frosted glassed but when she did she barely opened it and stuck part of her head out of it to see who was on the other side of it. She was greeted with the sight of a super young boy, maybe 13 or 14 years old, he was really white with fine brown hair that was messy but slicked back in effort to put some style to it. He had brown eyes but they were circled in bags. It was sad to see a kid so tired, as he had clearly been burning the candle from both ends.

The older lady who had accompanied him was what Trish would describe as a MILF. She was fine, light caramel skinned, with flowing brown hair and a beautiful face. She was clearly a woman, older than 30, if she was the other of the young teen she was standing beside, she must be at least 40. She wore high waisted blue jeans with black flats, her top was a simple white blouse with black lines going down the sleeves. She was dressed very nice even if it was casually. The teen next to her was hearing an all black hoodied with a tiny white frown face in the middle of the chest, tan slacks and a pair of black uptowns.

"Um, hi" muttered Trish after an awkward moment of silence. She had been taking them in for a moment longer than was comfortable, she was sure.

"Hi, My name is May and this is my nephew Peter. We were hoping to talk to the bounty hunter Jessica Jones, is that you?" asked the newly named beauty, May.

"Me? No … um, she's in the bathroom. I can go check on that, give me one second to see if it is okay to let you in" stammered Trish, slightly caught off guard by the question if she was Jessica, usually people didn't assume that she was Jessica, she wasn't ultra famous but enough people listened to her radio show that she was kind of recognizable.

She left the door cracked as she raced back toward Jessica's room in the back, as she turned to close the door, she noticed that the young teen, Peter's eyes had been fixed on her perky backside in the tight booty shorts, something his aunt had been spared of seeing by looking down at her phone, typing something. He blushed as he realized that he had been caught by the owner of the booty, but instead of being angry, Trish decided to have some fun at his expense.

She slapped her butt lightly letting it jiggle before she caught his eyes with her own, throwing him a wink and blowing him a kiss before closing the door completely. Turning back to her friend who completely dressed in a black t shirt, a black windbreaker jacket zipped halfway up, jeans, and black boots that went up to her mid calf.

"Who was it?" asked Jessica as she saw Trish enter the room.

"It was some hot chick named May and her nephew named Peter who has good taste in woman" answered Trish as she stripped her clothes and headed for the shower.

Jessica rolled her eyes and said "He checked you out? Do you want me to punt his head to New Jersey"

Trish smiled and shook her head no, "Relax he's like 13 or 14 years old, it was my fault for wearing booty shorts in front of a kid who probably has to jerk off 3 times in the morning to avoid sexually assaulting someone on the way to school. Anyway, cut the kid some slack, he looks like he hasn't slept in a week, he was probably just happy to see something worth keeping his eyes open for."

Jessica laughed and said "Go shower, I got business to take care of" gesturing for the blonde to use the now empty bathroom.

She slipped out of her room and walked to the frosted glass door and upon pulling it all the way open was indeed faces with a very attractive looking woman and a teenaged boy who looked like shit, the bags under his eyes clearly a sign of his sleepless nights.

"Hello, my name is Jessica Jones, how can I help ya?" asked the raven haired Private Investigator/ Bounty Hunter in her slightly nicer "I could use some money so let me not run off this potential client" voice.

"Hi, nice to meet you as well, my name is May Parker, this is my nephew Peter" said the tanned beauty placing a hand on the tired looking.

Jessica extended her hand to shake May's hand before saying "Please, come on in. It would be rude to make you talk business in the hallway"

May returned the gesture and shook Jessica's hand before entering, leaving Jessica to extend her hand to Peter who looked down at it briefly before taking a shallow gasp and grasping her hand as well.

His touch alone set her off, his grip basically nonexistent but carried strength that was no fitting of a 13/14 year old brat. Smirking at the young boy, Jessica tightened her grip and squeezed lightly, flashing a bit of her own strength.

The power of their handshake would have cracked concrete, but Peter seemed to liven up at the feeling of the wave of strength that they both exchanged in their handshake.

Jessica dropped his hand and motioned for him to follow his aunt into her office … which was actually supposed to be her living room … not that she would ever actually admit that.

"So, Mrs. Parker. Tell me, what brings you here to my office." asked Jessica as she sat behind her desk with the Parker duo sitting on the chairs in front of said desk.

"Well, several days ago, I ran into a former client of yours, Cindy Richards." said May

"Oh, Ms. Richards sent you? How is she finding her new divorced single life treating her?" asked Jessica with fake interest

"She's loving it, she said that you went uptown to Yonkers and found her now ex-husband and brought him back down here and forced him to sigh the divorce papers. She said that you could find anyone" exclaimed May

"Well, I don't know about finding anyone, there is one person that I have failed to find. It has actually become like a game to me" said Jessica before she pointed to a picture of a young man with spiky blond hair and whisker like marks on his face in a picture frame on her desk, facing whoever sat in front of them.

She continued on to say "His name is Naruto, he's special forces. Very rich and powerful men asked me to find him but there hasn't been so much of a whisper of his name in years. You haven't seen him have you?"

May and Peter shook their heads no and Jessica chuckled "I would hope so, he's dead. Died in action when the 2010 New York crisis happened. They never found his body, so they had hoped that he was alive, it honestly is sad that we lost a hero like that"

May frowned and said "Well, you can never give up hope. After all hope is all you have sometimes at the end of the day."

Jessica gave a small smile and said "wise words, so tell May, what can I do for you?"

"I am looking for a man" said May

Jessica let a sly smirk and said "Aren't we both girl"

May blushed before she chuckled and said "I don't have any issues with that, if you know what I mean."

Jessica gasped and said "I have to get your number, I know this one spot on 145th street and Broadway in Harlem, the Grand Slam Banquet Hall. It's a male stripper club and I swear they are all like 9 or better"

Peter buried his face into his hands and May made a embarrassed face and coughed before she mouth 'I will give you my number before we leave'

"Um … as much fun as that sounds, I will take a slight rain check for the moment. I am actually here because I need you to hunt someone down for us." said May

Jessica nodded, grabbing a note pad and pen ready to take notes before firing off questions at May "The kid's parents? Your husband? The man you want to be your husband?"

Peter sniffed and mumbled without lifting his head to speak, "The person who killed my uncle"

Jessica's eyes narrowed, before she looked at May and Peter and asked "You know for certain that this is the person who did it? Then why come to me? Why not go to the police? I can't arrest anyone"

"The police have tried, but the man is a slippery son of a bitch, the police can't keep their eyes on him for more than a couple of hours before he slips away from them and the search starts all over again." said May in a tone that said that she was tired of the constant let downs.

"A runaway murderer, hmm, this is no simple task." muttered Jessica before she looked May in the face and then reached over the desk and grabbed Peter by the chin and raised his eyes to meet her's.

"This is not the same as going after a deadbeat dad or a runaway spouse. This isn't even finding out who is bringing drugs into the city. This is something serious, this will not happen overnight. I will need all info that you have, I will need to know everything that you know. And at the end of the year, I will have him. Because my family was torn apart, and I will not allow someone to tear apart another family. You have my word, this scumbag will be in police custody in the next 236 days." said Jessica

Peter's eyes were leaking tears, guilt filling them and May's eyes were gleaming with sadness as well, but they lacked the look of horror that Peter's had. Jessica let go of his chin and sat back in her chair, her mind looking at the two of them in different ways, she needed Peter alone for a second.

"Did you have a photo and any info that you can provide right now, ?" asked Jessica as she quickly thought of something to get the younger man alone.

"Oh yes, I have a folder in the car, I will be right back" said May before she got up and left the apartment/office, the door closed behind her.

"Ok Peter, I'm going to give you one chance to explain why you looked like you were going to shit yourself when I mentioned that I would find our who did it" said Jessica with an edge to her voice that made the young man gulp.

"I … um … eh. I … I could have stopped the guy who did it, but I choose to be selfish and ignore the person shouting to stop the guy and next thing I know, gun shot goes off and my uncle is there lying dead." stammered Peter

Jessica's eyes softened and she got up and walked around the desk, sitting on the edge of the desk, looking the young man in the eyes.

"That's not your fault Peter. You are young teenager, of what? 14?" asked Jessica

"I turn 15 in 6 months exactly" said Peter

"That makes you 14 bud. Listen, I know exactly what you are going through kid. I have made my fair share of mistakes. But guess what? Life is long and full of bullshit, you've made mistakes and unleash you can suddenly become a robot and not human, you're going to continue to make mistakes. I don't care how good of a person you are, as long as you're human, you will continue to fuck up in some shape or form." mentored Jessica

"That's actually quite sad to hear" Peter whispered

"You in high school yet kid?" asked Jessica randomly

"Um, yeah. I go to Mid Town" answered Peter

"Plan on going to college?"


"Good, that means you need to start working on your community service hours and resume for college, how would you like a job here. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 PM to 7 PM." offered Jessica

"I think you would have to clear that with my aunt" suggested Peter

"Don't worry about that, I am going to give your aunt my number and we will work out all of that. Be prepared to be here at 4 PM this Thursday" said Jessica

"Ok" mumbled Peter unsure of what he could say in this particular situation.

A situation that was made slightly more nerve wrecking for him when Jessica leaned forward so that her lips were right next to Peter's eyes and single handedly destroyed his mind with what she said next.

"So, what did you think of my friend's ass? Because I will have you know that she is currently naked in my shower, soaking wet and in need of someone to wash her back"

Peter blushed as red as humanly possible and May walked back into the apartment office and found Jessica laughing in Peter's face while Peter coughed violently.

A/N: Wassup guys. I have completed this chapter at 5:50 AM on September 17, 2019, because I started this at around 12 AM, this morning with about 500 words. I just powered through for this chapter to get done because in case you have not noticed, I need filler because there is no way that I can jump straight from movie to movie.

So, in the comics, it has always been around Peter's 15th birthday that he becomes Spider-Man. However in the last spider-man reboot, he was 13. Here is the link to read about it .com-old-is-peter-parker-spider-man&usg=AOvVaw1zwov-ZhIJ5MdPwb4Ayl1u

So Peter is exactly 14.5 in my story with his MCU birthday being August 10th, which is actually the date of the first ever appearance of Spider-Man as Spider-Man in the comics.

Yes, Jessica Jones is in the story, as asked by someone who commented like 7 chapters ago. I said maybe and well the Be has been May'd because here she is. Um, let's see what else. I am going to start the rest of Winter Solider in the next chapter, Aunt May is really hot in the MCU and as seen in Far From Home, very much capable of deciding to go get some dick whenever she wants. Jessica Jones is also very much that person as well, she goes through quite the amount of partners. I actually have a pairing for her in this story already and no it is not Naruto, my homie is loyal or whatever generic guy stuff you are supposed to say about your boys never cheating.

I am back on Twitter full time again, you can find me at HKM_FF. You know so when you tell me to go kill myself, your review or PM doesn't get censored or taken down for graphic language. I want you to be able to go into details, let me know where I can the rope, you know the good stuff.

So that is it for this chapter, HighKey_Mars out.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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