
Chapter 11

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: So I am not sure which of y'all are DC comic book fans as much as Marvel comic fans, but I have recovered my old story Path to Greatness and uploaded a new potential chapter 1 rewrite for the entire story. This is a proper chapter one, one that sets up a story more than jumps into a story. It was originally a Naruto/ Young Justice story, but the rewrite is going to probably make it a DC Comics/Naruto story. Now onto this story, let's get it:

Natasha and Bob walked through the dark tunnel under the Vatican, the same tunnel that Natasha hoped proved that there was a second group hidden within SHIELD as Fury had said there was.

Bob seemed to know where he was going, making turn after turn through the dark halls. Never once did he ever stop to question himself if he was going the right way. Bob seemed to pick up on Natasha's doubt and answered the unasked question "The first week down here is spent learning how to get in and out, it is so that we could have the advantage over any invaders."

Natasha nodded it was close enough to what they had to do with their basic SHIELD training, they had to prove themselves by any means possible.


A clearly younger teenaged Natasha was tied to a chair, not half naked like she was when she was called into the Avengers initiative program. No, this time she was wearing a sports bra with a baggy gray sweatshirt over it, her bottoms consisted of a pair of black form fitting joggers and the classic black uptowns.

She took a deep breathe, and the door opened to reveal a Colonel Fury who looked slightly younger and less stressed out.

The African American leader of SHIELD smirked and said, "I wish I could say that it is nice to meet you, Ms. Natasha Romanoff, but it isn't. I sent Agent Hawkeye to kill you in Budapest and instead he brings back you to our main headquarters. Imagine my surprise when the APB is put on out on you, a kill on sight reward that would make Stark blush with envy."

"What can I say, I bring alot of value to whatever and wherever I decide to go and do." replied Natasha calmly from her tied up position in the chair

"Well, I would be a shitty spy if I simply let a person of your caliber walk into my base and I welcome you with open arms. So, I am going to give you a simple test, this one will break you. Which is good because I like to build my own agents." stated Fury before a SHIELD agent walked over and whispered something in her ear.

"That Ms. Romanoff is your password, you tell it to anyone in the world, you will suffer. Your rest is to keep that to yourself for 1 week straight." said Fury as he turned and walked out the room but not before giving the order of "Hit her with everything" to his loyal SHIELD agents.

Natasha gasped as she felt a long needle slide into her back, between the collar bones and almost directly on her spine.

At first she thought that they were paralyzing her, something that she was sure that SHIELD agents had wanted to do for a long time. However, she took quick and shallow breathes as she felt a warm sensation fill her body slowly. It started with a warm tingling at the site of the injection before it slowly dripped down her back. It slid down the back of her calves and pooled in the bottom of her feet before she felt it grow hotter and rise up the front half of her body.

Natasha started to pant as heavily as the warmth lapped its way around her body before she closed her eyes and when she opened them she couldn't see anything, everything was pitch black. She blinked and the endless darkness continued to overload her line of vision. The endless scene of black stretching on in every direction that she was able to turn to.

Another needle slide into her body, this time from the lower back and she hissed as she felt a coldness so icy cold that it burned her as it raced through her body. She went to lean back as her back went into a mode of itching beyond anything she had ever felt before.

However upon her back touching the chair with any firmness, her ability to feel touch went on mute, it felt like her entire body had fallen asleep. She could clearly still feel herself internally sitting down and she could also feel the spinning waves of ice and heat inside.

Then she heard it "What is the password?" asked a rough voice

She couldn't find it in herself to answer, she was injected with another needle that she didn't feel but she did feel the heat overcome the ice that flowed through her. However she slowly felt the heat grow unbearable and she tried to take a deep breathe but she couldn't feel the rush of air pass over her tongue as the air entered her mouth.

What she did notice was that she didn't taste the stale tasting air that had filled the room. She struggled to overcome the less of 3 sense and she hear the same rough voice ask her again "What is the password?"

Natasha smirked but didn't say anything because she knew that there was no point in talking to these SHIELD agent unless she was going to tell them the password. Upon another microwaving blast of heat inside her, she didn't notice that she lost her sense of smell until she sneezed.

There it was another blast of ice flowing through her veins, but she barely could feel it as all of her senses faded from her body. Her mind wondered and suddenly the same rough voice came back, whispering "What is the password"

She shivered but refused to say anything as her body went completely senseless. Her mind swam and she lost count of how long she was mentally lost until in the blink of an eye, her mind and body slammed back into place and she gasped as her vision returned and the clock in front of her revealed that the decades spent lost in her mind was actually only a couple of minutes.

Panting heavily, Natasha coughed harshly as her body tried to readjust to the fact that she could feel, see, taste, smell, and hear again.

"Its crazy right, what we can do to the human body to make you spill" said a faceless Agent of SHIELD

Natasha spit on the ground and said "Do your worst" which was greeted with a chuckle and the feeling of needles sliding into her back again.

However this time she was slightly more ready and started counting.

1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 11357 … 13620

It took 13620 seconds or 227 minutes or 3.8 hours for her to come back to the real world.

"The rumor is that Soviet Superspy code name Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff is unbreakable. Well, let us put that to the test" said the rough voice before he paused and said "You could always make this easy on yourself and tell us the password"

Natasha said nothing and showed no emotion as she mentally prepared herself and started counting again. 1 … 2 … 3.

Back to the present day:

Natasha mentally shrugged off her memories of her first day at SHIELD as she and Bob stopped at a door.

Bob made an obvious shh gestured as he used his hydra pass to open the door and both of them slipped in. Natasha tapped her glasses into thermal mode and noticed the multiple heat signatures that filled the room. She nodded at Bob and quietly turned left and went behind what looked to be a column of files and she snuck up on a unsuspecting Hydra agent and with a quick jerk of her hand, she snapped his neck and moved onto the to next.

Jumping on top of a shelf, she pulled out her sword … Naruto's sword from across her lower back and slashed it through one guys head before she pulled back and flipped to the top and drove her blade through the top of this one's head. Hearing steps rushing towards the alarm, Natasha threw the sword to her left and her aim was true. The sword sliced the man's head clear from his shoulders and Natasha walked over and pulled her sword out of the wall before turning back to Bob who was holding Hydra name tag for her.

"You really didn't need to do that, I was prepared for us to get in and out" stated Bob with a dry tone, his mask not allowing the redhead spy to see his no doubt less than impressed look that he had aimed at her.

She shrugged and ignored her guide's pointed tone, she was here for bigger and more important things.

"So, any other methods of avoiding conflict hidden up your sleeve or is that pass all you have?" she asked as she fell in line with him and they exited the storage room.

Bob hummed for a second and said "Yes, I also have an guns function disrupter", his tone carrying a "matter a fact" type tone that made her roll her eyes.

"So what is Hydra's end goal?" asked Natasha as she and Bob continued from the upper levels towards the main server room.

"It's hard to say, their end goal isn't really all that clear tbh, I mean clearly they have members all throughout the world and did something like that on purpose, but there hasn't been any direct action in almost 70 years. My guess would be that they are waiting until they have enough of the world under their control to just flip the switch and control the rest of the world by might or some other means" replied Bob after giving it some time to think over.

"Hmm, sounds like the plan hasn't been shared out like it could have been to the rest of the troops, that means only the higher ups have an exact copy of the plans." reasoned Natasha and Bob couldn't find a flaw in her logic, it would make sense that only the people in charge would have the entire plan.

"Hey look alive, this is one of the server room workers, he has his tablet in his hand"

Bob nodded to this specific coworker and shook his hand as he exchanged basic pleasantries before he continued on leading Natasha to the server room.

"I did that so that I can have this" said Bob as he held up his hand to show that he had stolen the other man's server room badge.

Using the higher clearance badge, they let them into the server room and Natasha pulled out a SHIELD PDA and hooked it up to the server and immediately starting hacking into their system. Luckily, Hydra was too lazy to make and/or develop their own security system or information stronghold.

Natasha quickly typed on her tiny screen of her PDA and ran through the files, taking note of anything that seemed important. A list of the most influential and powerful Hydra agents? Easy copy. A list of their finances, a must have. A list of their diets, hard pass although they all seemed to be in great shape, so she saved that one personal reasons.

"Hey Bob, what is Project Battery?" asked Natasha as she encountered a file that was so much more encrypted and secured than anything else they had on their server.

"I don't know, I've never heard of that one" replied the SHIELD Hydra sleeper agent from his post near the door as a look out.

Natasha let out a sigh but copied the file because anything that protected had to be worth while. Moving on she found another project, this one named: Project Intel. This project file was not as secure and after a minute, she found out that it was a person. An enhanced individual who's brain was genetically altered to be more intelligent. They had altered his brain so much that said individual was basically an emotionless human with a supercomputer for a brain.

"Ok, so what do you know about an individual named Camacho?" asked Natasha as she copied the rest of the files to sort through on a later date. Her ability to make her presence in their system growing weaker and weaker by the second. A rip off of SHIELD's systems they might be using, SHIELD still had one of the greatest security systems in the world.

"We got to make a stop in room 3-217" said Natasha as she finished disconnecting from the system and the two of them slipped out the room. They ran back into the same server worker from earlier and Bob said "Hey Aaron, I found your badge on the floor. That's like the 7th time this month, don't worry, I wouldn't say anything if you don't"

Aaron nodded and took the badge and speed walked away, leaving the two SHIELD agents to make their up back up stairs to the 3rd floor. The stairwell was a bland beige color and empty because most people would take the elevator.

They climb to the 3rd floor in silence and Natasha activated her goggles once more to let her see that there were plenty of Hydra agents in the hallway.

"Bob, please forgive me for this" muttered Natasha before she in a spinning motion pulled her sword off her back and lightly stabbed Bob in he side of his torso that didn't house his stomach, allowing him to survive this stabbing.

She ignored that Bob cursed under his breath but seemed to get the plan instantly much to her delight. Using her off hand, she pushed the door open and threw Bob through it drawing the attention of the rest of the Hydra agent in the hallway.

They turned and looked at Bob on the ground and Natasha pulling her sword from his stomach before stepping over him. They rushed her, the very thing that she had wanted. Racing toward them as well, Natasha jumped over the first row of Hydra foot soldiers.

Landing on one of their shoulders, Natasha twisted and used her legs to wrap around the masked individual's face before twisting further and using a powerful elbow to the stomach to slam said Hydra soldier head first into the ground, snapping their neck instantly.

Spinning on the floor, Natasha managed to trip two more before using the blade in her hand as a lever, pushed herself up to the wall and jumped off it to slice the mask off another Hydra agent's face. Ducking under a fist, she brought the sword up in a short half circle causing the man to lose his had. Ignoring the shocked looked on his face, she jabbed the sword straight through his face before spinning the dead body in front of her as the Hydra agents let loose shots at her.

Counting the bullets, she threw the body aside as their guns clicked empty before rushing forward and stabbing one of them through the hand, pinning them to the wall before she grabbed one of their arms and slammed it down on her other forearm, breaking the bone. Avoiding a swipe from the good hand, she slammed his head into the fractured bones of his broken arm, the bone sliding right through the eye.

Turning back to the man pinned she grabbed her gun from her hip and just shot him in the head, she needed to speed this up, she still needed to grab this Camacho person and get away. Pulling her sword out the wall, she wiped it on a dead body's armor and slide it back into it's place across her lower back.

Looking to see that Bob was still alive, she dropped a small first aid kit next to him and allowed him to patch himself up slowly. Turning about face, she marched down the hall, shooting any body on the ground that was still moving. She walked right up to room 3-217 and opened it. What she found inside was not what she was expecting.

She thought that she would find a field agent who was gifted with an amazing mind. Instead she found a 16 year old slightly overweight boy with nappy brown hair and piercing green eyes. There was a small zig zag scar on his forehead right next to a lump on his forehead. He had a scrappy beard, like he hadn't shaved in a week or so.

"Ah shit, have they sent you to kill me" said the teenage boy in a surprising New York City accent, although the tone of the voice lacked anything emotion of any kind.

"No, I'm not here to kill you" said Natasha as she put her gun back in its hip holster before placing both hands up in the air, palms facing him.

"OK, then what are you hear for? I told them I wouldn't have any kids. I would never curse another human being with this endless circle of feeling empty, feeling sad to feel human, and then feeling sad and empty at the same time." said Project Intel

"I am here to get you out of here and into the real world" said Natasha

The teen rubbed his still pudgy with baby fat face and his eyes ran over Natasha's body, but she could tell that he wasn't interested in what laid under her suit like most males. He was truly analyzing her for potential threats.

"I guess I can leave with you, if you hand me the knife hidden in the base of your right heel" said Camacho before he put his hand forward for her to place it in.

"I would ask how you knew that, but I guess I already know the answer" said Natasha before she dropped to her knee and pulled out the thin blade that was fitted to be a cm thick.

Camacho grasped it from Natasha and smirked before throwing it right at her head. She tilted her head and let the sharp blade fly by but to her surprise, the rubber handle hit the wall and set it flying upwards where it hit a Hydra agent that had been hiding in the ceiling.

"Jesus Christ kid, you're good" commented Natasha as she looked at the blade that was now sticking out of the neck of the Hydra agent before she pushed it all the way in killing the agent and pulling it out and handing it back to Camacho.

"So, what's your real name? Project Intel isn't that good of a name and Camacho is a last name" asked Natasha as she helped put his clothes into the backpack he had in his room.

"I don't know, they wiped a lot of my early memories out. I saw a paper that once said L. but that is the most that they revealed to me. They didn't really treat me like a person, it was mostly "solve this issue, solve this problem. How do you do this or that? Lots of math and patterns for the human populations as well" complained Camacho as they finished packing and walked out into the body filled hallway.

"Well, we can save that later" said Natasha as she pulled him along, she was pleased to see that Bob was gone and the carving of 15 letting her know that she had about 7 mins to get out of here based on the time carved below it.

However any good mood that she might have had was ruined by a simple line of text that ran across her SHIELD watch: "Priority Level Omega Nick Fury has been shot and killed"

Camacho had read it as well and he whistled before saying "We are fucked right in the down under"

A/N: So I had never noticed it but actually cuts your word count by like 2-4 hundred words, making me a liar in my word count reports.

So what did you think about this Natasha only chapter, because all this investing Hydra and she still don't know shit. Crazy right, how all this happens and at the end you realize this is probably only a minute or two past where the last chapter left us.

So the twitter plug, the blah blah I respond to comments and such plug. Yall know who I am and what im about. Oh and today is my friend Dom2k, the youtuber's birthday. So if you could please go live his videos on youtube, that could count as a birthday gift from me to him. Anyway, that's all I got for yall today. Until next time, HighKey_Mars out.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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