
Chapter 10

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on



A/N: So just a little note before this story. If I want to change the type of car used in the story, it shouldn't matter. If I want to use time travel, shouldn't matter. I have Biology-Physics degree from Syracuse University, I know more about the theory of time travel than you might think because in Physics we having a saying "It is what it is because it is what it is"meaning that if time went backwards or forwards, the same thing would happen. There would still be night and day and I wouldn't give a shit, We all good now? Yes? Cool. Now onto the story:

"So tell me Cable, what is the point of us launching this attack if the future already says that we failed?"asked Fury

"That is not the time travel works, you don't change the past. You create a branch in the timeline, everything is the same up until that point in time when the changes happens. The reason is because the past becomes your future and the future becomes your past. Those events have to happen for your time traveling to happen." explained Cable as he pulled his sword out from across his lower back.

Steve eyed that sword and commented "That is a nice SHIELD sword" It was on the he had seen in action, the hilt being flat and only slightly thicker than the actual blade made Steve certain that it was the blade of Naruto.

Cable blinked and chuckled "This was a gift from my father, he forged it himself."

"Okay, so what is our plan?" asked Tony as his helmet scanned the sword, finding trace slivers of Naruto's chakra flowing through it before he continued to ask "You mentioned clones, are these those Naruto Shadow Clones?"

Cable shook his head, "No, Naruto's DNA is so compatible with everyone that they used him as the basis of their cloning project. Nobody is really sure what Hydra wanted to do with these clones, but it seemed that they were going to clone high profile individuals to replace them while also having an army of enhanced individuals who they could call on at any time."

Fury nodded, if he was going to take over the world and build an army of super clones, that would be the way that he would do it.

Further in the sublevel:

A scientist by the name of Ramon Schultz was running through the a row of holding pods, each one holding a clone of a person.

" I need someone who can actually take on Steve Rogers. Ah I got it, Wade W. Wilson."said Ramon as he opened the pod and allowed the lone failed cloned of Naruto that they tried to make out of his pod,

Immediately the deformed face twitched as the skin bubbled from the burning energy that his human skin couldn't hope to contain. Ramon quickly have him the cooling mask that completed the suit, the red and black mask

"Ah that's that good shit Doc, so what you want me to do?" asked Wade as he rubbed his face

'Don't listen to them, tell them to suck you di-'

'Woah inner voice, this is still kind of a kid story, sure Naruto has killed a couple of people and we are dealing with real life issues like alcoholism' Thought back Wade as the scientist handed him a his duel swords that formed an "X" across his back.

'Aye, if they didn't want to be here, they wouldn't now would they? If they don't like it, they can suck my dixk'

'First, holy guacamole you got censored, this author is a mumble fumbler. Second, you can't break the fourth wall'

'Then why did you just do it?'

'This is why your mother doesn't love you. And also kiss my ass' thought Wade as he ignored the instructions that he was given by Ramon

"I got it, I got it. Go do the thing" said Wade as he mushed the man in the face before he turned the corner and thought to himself 'What am I doing again?'

'You stupid son of bitch, he just explained it'

'Well, clearly I wasn't listening'

'I fucking hate you'

Deep inside his own mind:

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one" Sang Kurama.

"You would think that over the last two years that you and I would have gotten sick of each other" commented Naruto.

"I don't know what you are going on about, I fucking hate you. You fell out of a plane carrier, got captured and have been used as a glorified battery for the past two years. I lived inside of two woman before you, but you are the biggest bitch that I've been inside." retorted Kurama

"Oh yeah" replied Naruto with a smirk

"You seem happy for a dumbass" spat Kurama before he felt what Naruto felt

"Fury is down here with Tony and Steve it feel like" guessed Naruto

"You've gotten good at sensing people" Replied Kurama

"I learned from the best" said Naruto

"Kiss my ass"

Back in the real world:

Tony had his suit keeping its eyes on Cable, while he kept his eyes on the hallway ahead. You didn't need to be a genius to know that you don't trust someone you just met. Especially if they seem to be a little too helpful in a situation.

"Tick tock, I was sent by the doc" sang a voice that clearly had a couple marbles, jumping down in front of them was a man in a red combat suit, a thick utility belt hung around his waist, his red mask had a black domino mask built into it, leaving him with every that were covered in white.

"You know HighKey_Mars, you really don't do me justice" complained the figure who I could erase from this story.

"You better watch yourself Mr. Author man, I see the line above me" said the masked individual as he pointed to the line written before this one.

Tony looked at his group and said "This guy is insane, we probably don't have to fight him"

The masked man shook his head and said "Tony, you don't want to fight me. I am a great fighter, one of the best. But you wouldn't find that out until Chapter 12 when we fight that thingy."

"You know him Stark" asked Fury

"No, none of you know me besides Cable, sorry I already read the last chapter, needed to be ready for my entrance into this series duh." explained the figure

"Ah yes, Wade Wilson, Hydra's only single attempt at clone Naruto for another Naruto. But the energy within Wade here is so hot and angry that his skin boils without that suit on it. His body never gets accustomed to that energy until he meets the real Naruto who helps him control it. We had another name for him in the future" explained Cable

You could hear the smile that Wade wore as he giggled and said "He's going to say it, he's going to say it, he's going to say it"

"We called him, Hydra's mistake. He's so much like Naruto that he betrays them and leads to their downfall. Last time it took the death of the second Captain America but I get the feeling that my being here is going to change that isn't it Wade?"

"You didn't say it" whined Wade before he turned around and waved them through.

"We have to be careful, there is so many clones running around here. I know for a fact that there is a clone of each of you; Steve, Fury, and Tony down here." said Wade as he led through the base

"Where is Naruto?" asked Tony

"Naruto? Oh the big guy is in here too, but he's not in good shape." answered Wade as he pulled one of his swords out from his back and held it in front of himself. They had stopped in front of a large metal door that was magnetically sealed to the ground.

"What are you doing?" asked Steve

"Making this look good" replied Wade before he shoved his sword through his chest and screaming "Doc, Doc, open up. They're too strong."

The door hissed as it slowly started to rise, the doctor Ramon was given a rude awakening about what he opened his door. He thought he would have to put Wade back together and instead he was met with the sight of Fury, Steve, and Tony putting their guns and hand blasters while Cable stood back with his arms crossed over his chest and Wade pulled one of his swords out of his chest.

Ramon started to backpedal and asked "Wade why?"

"What can I say Doc, the plot demanded it" clap backed Wade before he threw his sword at the scientist doctor who ducked.

"Shit, Wade you just through your sword through the clone pod containment controls panel. You unleashed them all Wade and now we don't have a control them." yelled Ramon as he looked up as the many pods around the room hissed as they were opened.

"Cable, how do we handle this in your timeline?" asked Tony

"This didn't happen in my timeline" responded Cable as he looked at the slowly waking up clones.

Fury glanced at his watch and let out a small half smile, while he didn't know all the secrets in the world, he did know most of them.

In Italy:

Natasha flipped her red hair, it was longer than just at her shoulders, it was mid way down her back. Steve and her had split up after their last mission, Fury all but ordered her to go to Italy and take a couple of days.

She lifted her drink and took a sip before a waiter came by and dropped a file holder on her table without stopping or looking her in a direction. Natasha knew this was clearly a file drop meant for her. Grabbing the plain folder, she immediately flipped it over and scanned the paper inside. The symbol was one that she knew like every other SHIELD agent, the Hydra symbol. The document also had a location that was not that far from where she was right now.

Groaning to herself, Natasha put down the glass of wine and looked at it with longing before she turned her back to the glass. Grabbing a waiter, she asked for the check as she glanced at the file in her hand. She was on a mission apparently, even on her mandatory vacation.

Paying the bill, she slipped into her candy red Audi RS 6 and drove off. Switching to auto drive, Natasha finished reading through file before taking control of the steering wheel again. Sighing to herself, she made a U-Turn as she needed to head south, not north.

Apparently the most corrupt organization in the world was more than just a shifty religion (A/N: I'm Catholic, but they're pretty damn shady). They were part of an old terrorist group, looks like she needed to go visit the Pope for a confession. His confession.

Back with the fearsome five in the SHIELD Sublevel 9:

Tony blasted a green tinted version of himself in the chest before spinning to dunk under a pitch black version of Captain America's shield.

"Look mom, all hands" yelled Wade as he wielded his twin swords spinning like a top slicing through the various clones of high ranking military personal.

"It's like an endless wave of these guys, how many of them are there?" asked Fury as he shot a clone of himself in his face. Ducking under a swipe of a purple Captain America Shield, Fury pulled out his energy dagger and stabbed into in the chest of the Steve Rogers clone.

"We had a lot of imperfect clones, we kept them on ice in case we managed to perfect the cloning process and would be able to fix them later, there was about 7 or 8 thousand clones in this facility." screamed Ramon from behind the real Steve Rogers.

"How do we kill them for good?" asked Tony as the blasted clones' skin knitted back together "Because these damn clones have Naruto's ability to regenerate. They're damn near impossible to kill unless you take their head off"

"Um, that red energy that fills Naruto, it made the clones explode. That is why we only made one clone of Naruto, Wade here. He named himself, we wanted to call him Naruto 2.0." screamed Ramon as a sword sliced through the top of the desk but the wielder of the sword was grabbed and tossed across the room.

With Naruto and Kurama

Naruto was mediating inside his mind, the sheer amount of time he spent in his own mind since he had been podded had allowed him to learn and under chakra a lot more. Kurama and him had put that extra time together to good us.

Usually as soon as his body generated the chakra, the pod he was in would drain it from his body, so the feeling of the being drained was not one that he missed when the pod suddenly released him from his prison.

"Oh yeah, that's the good stuff" roared Kurama as he felt his chakra stopped being repressed and it exploded outwards, going into the only thing that could contain or even be exposed to it, Naruto.

Naruto opened his eyes in the real wold and he tried to stand only to find that his legs weren't strong enough to lift him, hell they couldn't even move.

"Ah shit, this sucks" complained Naruto as he couldn't even use his own Chakra to strength his body, his body was sluggishly in refilling his usual ocean of chakra, he had less than one percent at the moment.

Closing his eyes he could feel the clones on the other side of his prison's walls. He grit his teeth, if he couldn't fight back, they would surely kill him.

Kurama purred inside Naruto's head and suddenly Naruto felt that explosion of demonic chakra that Kurama had let loose after they got released the pod.

"Kid if you can't stand on your own two feet with your own strength, feel free to use mine" muttered Kurama as wave after wave of his power flowed from him and into Naruto.

Naruto's eyes morphed into the angry red of Kurama's,the pupil slitted like a cat or a fox. His whisker marks grew darker, his long shaggy hair grew more wild.

The nails on his hands extended and turned into claws and for a brief moment, Naruto had a red tinge to his skin before the red bubbled over and his kyuubi cloak wrapped tightly around his body, twin tails swishing behind him.

Naruto raced forward and punched the large magnetically sealed door, the force of his fist hitting the the metal causing the metal to warp and cave in. A devilish smirk crossed his face and he slammed his fist into the door again and again, until he managed to punch it clean on its hinges.

The multitude of clones that had been attacking the only real people in the room turned to face him.

On the other side of the door 3 minutes ago:

They felt more than anything, the massive pressure that appeared on the other side of that door. It was clear to anyone in this room, Naruto had been released along with the massive clone army.

The spike in his energy signature told Tony that Naruto was still alive on the other side of that door. The morphing of that energy into a red hot version of itself, told Tony that Naruto was rightfully pissed about being put in a pod.

"Wow, way to pad that word count Author" said Wade as he made another clone headless.

Tony ignored the insane clone and focused on the energy as he blasted a gap through the charging clones, his intentions on breaking through the door and unleashing Naruto on them.

However he never needed to make it through the door as with a single pounding on the door, the door started to cave. It seven more hits before the door did what doors did, open to reveal what was on the other side. The flying door crushed a couple of clones, but the Naruto enhanced replacements were going to let that stop them.

A single pulse of his energy and Naruto drew the attention of each of his genetic offspring, they turned to face their maker of a sorts and some of them gleamed with excitement. This allowed Tony to get a good look at Naruto.

It wasn't a pretty sight, Naruto clearly hadn't been taken care of beyond simple IV that was broken off in his right arm. His skin was loose and pale, having not seen the sun in a long time. His eyes were bloodshot and had a heavy set of bags. His hair was unkempt, spiking up and down his back (Think Madara's hair).

He had lost a massive amount of weight, his ribs clearly showing despite his body suit, his arms were thin, his legs were thin. He looked like shit.

And when he spoke, his voice sounded like nails scrapping gravel, nearly unusable.

"Ah, the good doctor is here as well, great" said Naruto as he disappeared in a blur, tearing through the mass of clones, the red toxic energy that surrounded him causing many to explode on contact.

Those that didn't immediately explode were ripped to shreds, Naruto showing no mercy for those who came from his DNA.

Naruto made his way towards Steve and gestured to the man who was hiding under the desk. Steve grabbed him and threw him at the feet of Naruto.

"Doctor Ramon, it's so good to see you" spat Naruto, his kyuubi tails continuing to pierce the clones behind him

"Um *hiccup* Mr. Uzumaki *gasp of pain*" stammered Ramon Schultz as Naruto placed his demonic energy covered foot onto the man's face, burning through the man's skin.

"I would kill, but you aren't the stain on the floor that you would become" snarled Naruto before he let loose a massive roar that shook the entire building.

Pulling his foot off of Ramon's face, Naruto disappeared in a blur and finished tearing through the rest of the clones, sparing none besides Wade who didn't look like a clone.

Naruto finished and the angry red energy hissed before it collapsed back into his body and dropped to his hands and knees.

Tony rushed over to him and dropped to the ground and grabbed Naruto's head.

"I'm … I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to find you" whispered Tony panting as his emotions flared up and overtook him,

"You did your best" hissed Naruto as his throat hurt from disuse of his vocal cords.

Fury walked over and said "I had no idea Naruto, I had ideas that there was something hidden withing SHIELD, something that didn't add up. I didn't know Hydra was back and living inside us, I didn't know they had set up shop right under my nose. I had no idea that you were down here."

Naruto shrugged and gave a face that said that he understood the situation. Steve and Tony placed their arms around Naruto and as they stood up, a single gun shot was heard.


The 3 SHIELD members could only watch as Fury's back exploded outwards and blood covered the desk behind him. Turning towards the doorway that lead here, stood the sickly bald version of Naruto that they had seen on their way in.

"Such a tender moment, it almost made throw up. Glad I made Fury dead instead." said the man, his voice much softer than anyone would expect.

"Sir, if we hurry we can still save Fury, but you would have to give up the pursuit of this individual" Jarvis informed Tony before Tony received instructions on how to use use his suit to keep Fury alive

"Just who the hell are you?" questioned Steve

The Bald clone frowned and said "I am what Wade was supposed to be, a fully formed clone of Naruto. Sadly I lack the signature Bijuu energy that comes from the Kyuubi inside of Naruto. In fact, I have almost all of Naruto's memories and his ability to use chakra."

He scratched his beard and continued on to say "You know, you're the first to really say or ask rather, who or what. It's usually people begging for their lives and screaming 'Why'. I guess if I had to pick a name for myself, it would be Bijuu. I am all of the evil, hate, and negative aspects of Naruto's mind and heart. I used to live in his head, the good doctor with the size 10 char mark on his face managed to extract me from Naruto's mindscape and put me in this cloned body of Naruto."

The Newly named Bijuu smirked before turning his back to them and said "Fury needs immediate medical attention with the way that I shot through his lung, he has about 1 minute and 12 seconds left before he died. Best of luck to you guys, I'll catch yall on the flip side"

They watched his bald head turn and disappear down the dark hallway before they rushed to provide Fury medical attention.

Finally, Tony had the bright idea to take off his suit and place Fury in it to give him the best chance of living.

In the heart of the Vatican:

Natasha had completed the long drive south to the religion center of the Catholic church, hope of the Pope.

Getting in was easy, they were holding sunset mass. Slipping away from the group as also easy because she was a trained spy and everyone literally bowed their head and closed their eyes. She made her way to the basement and found a dead end with a single man dressed in an all black combat suit with pitch black goggles standing there guarding a blank wall.

"Oh hi Agent Black Widow, my name is Bob from Hydra. I'm the mole Fury had go as a sleeper agent, nice ta meet ya" said the obviously Canadian man.

"Pleasure to meet you Bob?" replied Natasha before she grew serious and said "Let's enter the hide out now, sooner we get in the sooner we can get out"

A/N: And Scene that was another 4 thousand word chapter, that seems to be the magic number for me to pump out multiple chapters in a month, any longer and my brain lags like a 1993 computer.

I didn't want a clone saga like Path to Greatness, so I made a tweak to my original plans. The Dark Naruto isn't in Naruto, it has it's own body and is called Bijuu now. Yup an original character, the plot ever thickens. Fury still got shot tho and Hydra is about to fuck shit up soon. You'll be interested to know that Cable and Deadpool are both in the story, let me know what you think about that as well.

Oh and allow me some leeway on the changes to the MCU storyline that I am following, or what is the fun in just repeating the same shit you saw on scene.

We pick up with a fan favorite next chapter.

Until next time, HighKey_Mars

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author HighKeyMars

go check out the story on


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