
Marvel: At the start, I married Aunt May and activated the System

Darius meets his demise in his original world, only to awaken in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a privileged second-generation heir. As he embarks on his journey, he awakens the "Righteous Sign-In System." "Ding! Sign-in successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Julius Novachrono template." "Did I just become a... Wizard King... hehe?" But in that moment, he realizes he can't uphold righteousness anymore, as the system rewards him only when he commits heinous good deeds. It's frustrating. Terrified about his future in Marvel, he struggles. But somehow, things worked out. Years later, celestial forces send Galactus to pick up their little kid from Earth. The Planet Eater is astonished by the abundance of female superheroes this time. Strangely, he overhears Captain Marvel saying, "Hubby, if I defeat this guy, how about spoiling me tonight... hehe? It's been too long since you've had your hands on me, darling... Ugh... And I can't wait to bring our son into the world... Look, even these metallic guys have their kids." Captain Marvel blushes like a young daughter-in-law. [Alternative Title: "In the Marvel Universe with 'Righteous System'" ] [ Warning; This story is set in an alternative universe, alternative reality, meaning I'm gonna fuck up some things regarding Marvel completely, so consider yourself warned. ] [Also...Cover Is Not Mine...]

Cruel_Death · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter (5) Invitation

In the Morning 🌄

Inferno Estate,

Inside the opulent grand hall,


Darius Inferno lounges comfortably on a big blue sofa in the grand hall. In his arms rests his petite wife, May.

Darius playfully teases her by squeezing a handful of her white flesh, wrapping his strong arms around her slender waist.

May, wearing a casual red gown that reveals her enticing curves against her fair skin, feeds him grapes with her delicate, slender fingers.

"Husband, can you not do that?" May asks, a bashful smile creeping across her face.

At the tender age of 19, she has fallen head over heels in love for the first time.

The fact that her love interest has now become her own husband brings immense joy and warmth to her heart.

At this moment, she feels safe and pleasant.

"What? Not, my love?" Darius responds mischievously, his hands continuing their audacious exploration of May's clothes.

In their current position, May's head rests gently on his shoulder, forcing her to lean slightly to the side to feed him the succulent grapes.

Not only does he savor the taste, but he also teasingly licks her fingers, sending thrilling shivers down her spine.

Meanwhile, on the television, WJBP News channel is on, the news anchor, a mature woman in her forties, captivates their attention slightly, but these lusty souls still don't stop.

Now, in the light flashing from the TV, Darius eats her lips intensely like a starving dog.

The screen flashes with updates from Times Square.

Amanda Thompson leans forward on her chair, her brow furrowed in concern, as she addresses Trish Walker, the correspondent with a reputation for uncovering the extraordinary.

"Yesterday, there were reports of a giant book covering New York City. It sounds like something out of a magical science fiction novel. Let's tune in to our correspondent Trish, live from Times Square, and hear what she has to say. But first, Trish, let me ask you: do you personally believe this to be true? I was asleep last night, so I didn't witness it myself," Amanda asks.

"So now, let's head to our correspondent on the field," the anchor announces, her voice full of curiosity.

Trish nods, on the other side.

She is a blond woman with a striking appearance, still to the point where by only looking at her Darius feels he is getting hard, so he squeezes May's plump ass firmly.

"I know, Amanda. It's certainly an unusual development. But from what I've gathered, eyewitness accounts seem to corroborate the sightings."

Amanda speaks, "Do we have any leads on what this could be? Any statements from authorities or experts?"

Trish shakes her head. "Not yet. It seems like everyone is just as perplexed as we are. But I've talked with people around here myself, and these eyewitnesses are still firm on what they've seen. Most of them are saying they have seen a gigantic book whose pages had flutter in a circle, continuously while emitting blue energy."

Amanda nods, her trust in Trish evident.

"Alright, Trish. Be careful out there. And keep me and the viewers updated on any developments."

Trish flashes a determined smile.

"Will do, Amanda. Thank you."

After that, the anchor reports casual news of everyday life, but May becomes curious as she asks Darius,

"Honey, do you really think this is possible? Why didn't I see that happen? Were there aliens involved in it?" She is not even twenty, so most of the time she is curious about things happening around like a little kitten.

"Yeah, aliens, they do exist; they eat people if they think they're yummy. But don't stress, my wife. If it ever came down to it, I'd throw myself in front of you to keep you safe. You trust me, right? I'd rather die than see anything bad happen to you."

Darius speaks casually, but his words elicit a mixture of sadness and happiness within May.

She hurriedly places a finger on his lips, her eyes on the verge of tears.

"Oh God... How could you even say that? Please, don't talk like that husband... I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you. I love you so much... I want to spend at least another 90 years by your side, honey... Without you, there's no reason for May to exist, ."

Observing her emotional state, Darius's eyes soften, devoid of any lust. He embraces her tightly, cradling her in his arms, providing comfort.

"Are you crying because of this? Do you think I am weak, let alone living for 90 years? My petite wife, we will be together for more than 1000 years,"

he whispers, gently stroking her hair as his lips land softly on her forehead, soothing her.

"I... I'm not petite wife... I'm strong... But why did you have to talk about dying? We just got married the day before yesterday... sobs sniff,"

May protests, hitting his chest with her fists.

"Ow! Ouch! It hurts! Don't you know I'm a rich second-generation? You're hurting my tender flesh, May... Ow! Stop it,"

Darius pretends to be in pain from her hits, all while a smile lingers within him.

Upon hearing Darius's words, May's tears flow even more.

"I... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry... I just don't want you to talk about such things. It scares me, honey. Wait... didn't you just say you are strong... liar... now I will have to protect you in the future,"

she says, her voice is filled with love.

Darius remains silent, holding her tightly once again, his eyes flickering with satisfaction.

He believes that grooming a wife for himself was an excellent decision.

When he came into this world, he was 19 years old, while May was just 16.

He took advantage of her vulnerability, molding her into his liking, a lovesick girl.

And now, the fruits of his persistent efforts have blossomed.

The woman he possesses is sweet to him because, as a controlling man, he desires a woman who is dependent on him, someone who speaks sweetly and obeys him.

Of course, he doesn't want every woman to be like her; that would make life boring.

After a while, May calms down and rests happily in his embrace, while Darius also summons, The system in his mind.

[Righteous Sign-in System] [ *Not Available* ]

[Host: Darius Inferno]

[Age: 22 years]

[Title: The Unworthy Wizard King]

[Magical Ability: Time Manipulation]

[Sleep Mode: Due to unethical and immoral behavior, such as killing slaves, the system is in sleep mode for 5 years. The host will not be able to claim any rewards during this time. The system suggests that the host improves his behavior and develops emotions towards his kin, as righteousness is the only way to claim the designated throne in heaven.]

Though Darius briefly questioned his rational behavior yesterday, he ultimately reaffirmed his decision, understanding the consequences if the 'nigger Restrainer' in their necks were to break.

While facing four beta level mutants might not concern him directly, he worried about potential attacks on people in his estate.

Regarding seeking forgiveness, he doubted its effectiveness given the centuries of enslavement endured by others.

He thinks it is delusional to expect good relations after such oppression, leading him to consider killing them as the safest option.

As he pondered his next steps, his secretary and personal maid approached with a red envelope.

She bows slightly before addressing him,

"Owner, an invitation has arrived from Stark Industries. Mr. Stark is hosting a success banquet in New York. Would you like to attend....sir?"