
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 99: Hammer Expo


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided.

If We reach 50 Subscribers I will upload 10 extra chapters.

We are halfway there


When it came to Iron Man's armor, the level of technology was so high that Thor and Steve Rogers couldn't really add much to the conversation, aside from Bruce Banner, the genius.

"So, the armor was really controlled by someone else?" Bruce Banner looked at Tony Stark with surprise. "Stark, did you actually allow someone to modify your armor?"

"Once I decided to give it away, there was no way around it," Tony Stark shrugged. "Rhodes represents the military. When he took the armor, he definitely wouldn't treat it like a personal possession, as I did. He would turn it over to the military. If you were in the military, would you trust the armor to be controlled by someone else?"

"I wouldn't trust it," Bruce Banner said. "I would rewrite the system to completely free the armor from your control."

"That's the problem," Tony Stark replied. "Those bunch of inept people, even if I let go, they don't have the ability to rewrite and upgrade the system on their own. They can only hire someone to do it. And then they hired someone with hidden intentions, who secretly tampered with the armor, using it to try and kill me."

"Who has the ability to rewrite the armor system and holds a grudge against you?" Steve Rogers asked. "Stark, who do you think it is?"

"Ivan Vanko!" Tony Stark spat out a name.

"In the future shown in the video, this person failed to assassinate you and was taken into custody by the police, so he must be imprisoned," Bruce Banner pondered. "So, did he escape from prison on his own, or did someone help him get out?"

"It must be Justin Hammer," Tony Stark said with certainty. "Given the relationship between Hammer Industries and the military, if the military wanted to tamper with my armor, they would definitely turn to him. But the final result was that the armor was indeed tampered with. This means that the person Justin Hammer sent to rewrite the system is Ivan Vanko. Although Justin Hammer doesn't have much ability, he can still get someone out of prison."

"Stark, even though this is the direction the events took without the intervention of the answering space, don't you think this kind of thing could actually happen?" Thor, who was ignorant about technology, also expressed his opinion. "Now that Ivan Vanko failed to assassinate you and is locked up, if Justin Hammer is really an ambitious person, he will definitely find a way to get Ivan Vanko out. Even if you have solved the palladium poisoning and won't give away the armor again, Ivan Vanko will find other ways to deal with you!"

"Although I'm not afraid of him, it's still quite annoying to have someone constantly plotting against me, not knowing when they'll strike from behind," Tony Stark was never one to show mercy. "Once I'm out, I'll inform Nick Fury and make sure Ivan Vanko never gets out again!"

As the group discussed this, the space brightened, and a video began playing.

At the beginning, there was a crowded exhibition hall, with people sitting densely below the stage. The words "Hammer" were shining brightly on the dazzling stage.

Applause and music filled the air as a middle-aged man in a suit danced on the stage. Surprisingly, he was quite good at it.

"Slick moves..." Tony Stark sneered when he saw this person. "He has no real talent but is good at these crowd-pleasing tricks."

That person dancing at the Hammer Expo was none other than Justin Hammer, who was determined to defeat Stark Industries.

"Justin Hammer?" Steve Rogers said. "It seems that this person is really involved in the plot to assassinate Stark."

"That's how it should be. Thanks for coming!" After dancing for a while and livening up the atmosphere, Justin Hammer walked to the center of the stage, in front of the lectern. "Ladies and gentlemen, for a long time, our country has put brave soldiers in harm's way. Then Iron Man appeared, and we thought we would no longer lose lives. But he refuses to openly share advanced technology. That's unfair and wrong..."

"Has this guy been struck by lightning?" Tony Stark laughed when he heard this. "Why should I share advanced technology just because I'm more advanced than them? Just because they are so far behind, they think they can demand it for free? Where's their shame? And fairness? Why should I give them fairness!"

"There are so many people like this, always enjoying the generosity of others. When it's time to donate, they don't contribute a single penny but question others who donate millions for giving too little. When it's time to go to war, they hide in their rooms and criticize the soldiers on the front lines for not being brave enough..." Bruce Banner chuckled. "They are nothing but clowns. Pay no attention to them."

"He talks so much about Stark sharing his technology. Why doesn't he share the technology of his own weapons?" Thor held a strong contempt for Justin Hammer's behavior. "His technology may not be as advanced as Stark's, but it's certainly more advanced than many others. Why doesn't he share his 'advanced technology' with those who are less advanced?"

"...But it's still a fantastic invention that will make headlines around the world." Justin Hammer seemed to have no problem with his perspective and continued talking confidently. "Today, my friends, the trouble for the major newspapers has just begun. They won't have enough ink."

At this moment, two staff members came forward and removed the lectern.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I will introduce the new face of the United States military." Justin Hammer pointed with excitement. "Hammer Iron Soldiers!"

Music and images of soldiers began playing on the stage as rows of mechanical soldiers rose up, accompanied by Justin Hammer's loud introductions.

"Army Iron Soldiers!"

"Navy Iron Soldiers!"

"Air Force Iron Soldiers!"

Justin Hammer was truly confident and introduced each row of Iron Soldiers loudly.

"Compared to Stark's armor, these Iron Soldiers of his are simply junk," Steve Rogers couldn't help but speak.

"Indeed, they are like junk," Bruce Banner added. "I really don't know where he gets the confidence to exhibit this junk."

It wasn't that Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner were intentionally belittling them, but the things that Justin Hammer showcased were truly unsightly. Even though they were complete novices in this field, the difference was too great. Anyone could tell at a glance who was good and who was bad.

To give an example, comparing Justin Hammer's Iron Soldiers to Tony Stark's armor was like comparing a worn-out second-hand bicycle to a luxury sports car. The difference was so significant that even novices could easily distinguish who was better and who was worse.

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
