
Marvel: A New Parker

Fear... Is all I Can Feel After Realizing The New World I Opened My Eyes In

Joe_TA · Movies
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I will leave the Abomination busy with hulk and try to save as many people as possible

I started carrying people out of the area with my new strength it was an easy task for me then I begin searching for any people under the debris I saved a lot of people some were injured and some were lucky enough to get out of this situation unscathed

I tried to save as many people as I could until I felt my spider-sense tingling I looked around finding a piece of concrete flying toward me

"okay you son of bitchs I'm not a real spider you trying to squash or something"

I leapt in the air shooting two webs towards the debris and then rotating it around my self after I collected some momentum I released it at the abomination who was standing on hulk beating the shit out of him

the debris blew him some meters away I jumped at him releasing my stingers while circulating my electricity in them I must be creative with my powers after all " bring it on dick face!" I shouted

he threw a punch at my face which I easily dodged by crouching I quickly plunged my stingers into his arm slashing down leaving two slashes on his right arm with green blood gushing out of them I can even smell the burnt flesh from my electricity

he became enraged and started roaring in pain he grabbed a piece of debris with his left hand and throw it at me,.. 'fast ' i exclaimed seeing the debris flying at me

I quickly jumped high in the air then shot my webs downward at it and using the momentum I changed its direction while flipping it over myself.... right at his face it hit him hard

before he recover from it I lunged at him again plunging my blades into his chest while channeling as much electricity as I can muster but before I can jump off he punched me on my left side with his already healed right hand

I flew to a building crashing some walls from the impact ' he broke my fuckin ribs' I thought

[ -90 HP ]

" Arghh Mother Fucker hits like a bull" I grunted in pain then I got out of the hole I made from the impact

hulk has already recovered and was Fighting him again I can see a helicopter flying above them

I can see Betty shouting 'bruce' with a worried look on her face while her father general Ross was holding her back

abomination grabbed a piece of concrete trying to throw it at hulk but he just deflect it with his hand and that debris was flying straight at the helicopter hitting it

I needed to save them and fast before they fall

the debris blew the tail of the helicopter away then it started falling down

I put all my electricity in my leg and just lept towards it hoping to become fast but before I even know how it happened I was already beside that helicopter door I grabbed it and stabilized myself

I began attaching my webs on all of them then I opened the pilot door and webbed him too I pulled them fast out of the helicopter

we were falling from a high ground I needed to make them land safely

so I just began sticking each one of them at the still-standing buildings and the helicopter crashed on the ground exploding

thank god I saved them or they would've gone with that helicopter

I went to them and got them out of my webs and put them all on the ground

"Please go help bruce he is gonna kill him! " shouted Betty while pointing at the abomination who was beating hulk again

"I'll see what I can do "

I jumped at one of the buildings sticking on its side while thinking of a way to kill the abomination he was a human but with crazy regenerative abilities huh who am I kidding this thing ain't human

I jumped then I took my right stinger out landing on his face planting my blade straight into his eyeball he was surprised by the sudden attack cause he didn't see me coming

then I started shocking him with my electricity he shouted in pain, grabbing my hand and throwing me over his head on the ground he tried to stomp on my face but I rolled out of the way before he can do it

[-15 HP]

I stood quickly and shot a lot of webs at his blinding him in the process

I then jumped above him and landed on Hulk's shoulder

He growled at me " Woah easy big guy I'm friendly" I said to him while

" We must find a way to kill this thing and I have a plan and you have a role in this can you understand me," I said to him then he nodded in return

" Okay the plan is pretty simple all you have to do is bind him on the ground and I will do the rest "

he nodded at me and the abomination had already managed to get rid of the webs that were blinding him and looked at us growling

he charged at us and I jumped off Hulk and landed on the ground waiting for a chance to make my move on him

'system put 5 points in strength ' I thought while looking at them

[Ding... Strength 20••••25]

I felt a warm sensation all over my body and the new strength raging inside me

They changed punches and the Hulk managed to stun him by hitting him in the face with a car

the Hulk then grabbed a big chain lying on the ground and managed to bind the abomination with it, he was struggling to hold him in place so I needed to act fast

I jumped on the abomination's face and plunged both my stingers into his eyes until I reached his then... I started channeling all the electricity my body can emit into his brain

yes I'm planning to air fry this Mfucker head mwahahah

I kept releasing as much electricity as I can muster while he roared in pain and tried to shake me off but my blades were deep inside

I could already feel his brain matter all over my hand and green blood out from his pores

after a few seconds, his eyes start coming out of their sockets and his breathing became rigid and his struggles cooled down until he eventually died in the most brutal way I came up with

suddenly I felt dizziness descending on my conscience but before I black out I felt a big hand grabbing my body and air hitting me until everything turned black


feeeeedback guys tell me your thoughts✌