
Marvel: A New Parker

Fear... Is all I Can Feel After Realizing The New World I Opened My Eyes In

Joe_TA · Movies
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12 Chs


After working for some time I understood what kind of project we were working on, it was the serum to regenerate missing limbs in other words, the serum that will turn DR.Connors into the lizard

I will make sure this doesn't happen, firstly it will ruin DR.Connors life and god knows how many people will get hurt if he turned

After a lot of testing and experimenting, we finally managed to reach a satisfactory results

DR.Connors grabbed one of the lab rats and I injected it with the green serum, then he placed it in the glass container

we noticed someone entering the lab we all looked at him

" Good afternoon DR. Curt, Did you manage to reach a breakthrough," said Norman arriving in front of us

Dr.Connors pointed at the rat that was shaking and after some time his small missing limb began growing

" Magnificent DOC, start the human experiments tomorrow our client needs the cure as soon as possible"

" But sir Osborn we still don't know if there are any downsides of the cure "

" That's why I said tomorrow, find a solution by then " he said indifferently looking at DR.Connors who sighed in defeat

" oh Peter I didn't know you become an intern here " he turned to me and said while raising an eyebrow

of course he knows me, back when I and Harry were good friends he picked him up from the school once and Harry introduced me to him

" Hello Mister Norman, I did not become one I was just helping DR.Connors in his project " I said with a polite smile on my face

" ah he must be using your genius mind " he said nodding a little

" I will go now " he said turning and leaving

" Do you need any help DR.Connors?" I said looking at him

" no Peter thanks for your help I appreciate it " he said to me with a grateful smile

" any time DOC, I will take my leave now...take care Gwen," I said and she waves at me then I left heading towards the elevator while putting the green vial I had in my inventory

I took out my phone and dialed Felicia's number




" Hey Peter, Did you miss me already?"

" yes I really missed you... so wanna go out now" I said chuckling a little

" Sure, but didn't we agree on tonight"

" I just remembered that I was busy with something tonight "

" me too actually, I was going to call you soon so we can go out now "

" aha I will meet at the mall then, bye "

" ok then, bye " she said and hung up, the elevator arrived and I went home first to put my school bag there

I greeted may and went upstairs to wear something nice, then I left and started heading toward the mall

as soon as I arrived there of all the people that were walking around my eyes landed on Felicia as if they were magnets

she was standing there wearing black boots and black leather pants that stuck to her body showcasing her glorious curves

and a leather jacket and white shirt under it and a silver small handbag, combined with her platinum hair gave her a wild look

I approached her putting her arm in mine and said

" you look really sexy you know... I don't know if can keep all of these people's eyes away from you " I said whispering to her ears she blushed and hit my side while

" well, you don't deserve a beauty like me if you didn't even know how to protect her "

I chuckled a little and we went to the cinema, we bought two tickets to a new action movie and some popcorn before going in

after we finished the movie we went to a restaurant and ate then we walked around the mall a little before sitting in the near park

we bought some ice cream then we sat there with Felicia's head leaning on my shoulder

after we finished eating I looked at Felicia and said

" Felicia " she looked upwards, two green eyes meeting

" you have something on your face let me see it " I said grabbing her neck from behind

" oh it must be some ice cream I'm really clum..."

but before she continues I sealed her lips with mine

she widened her eyes but didn't protest, I tried to push forward and use my tongue, she opened her mouse accepting willingly, and wet sounds of two clumsy tongues began fighting

It looked like none of us was experienced to take the lead, the kiss lasted for a while then we separated

with a big blush on her face she looked at me, her green eyes were hazy and her breathing was heavy

" you look really cute right now " I whispered and looked at her wet lips craving more of her sweet taste

this time she was the one who took the initiative and plunged her lips at me

we engaged in another hot session, after we finished I wrapped my arm around her waist and she put her head on my shoulder

" you really suck at kissing "

" you too" I said chuckling

we looked at each other again both gazes filled with passion but none of us admitted anything

" you wanna return now " I said breaking our silence and she nodded in return

we arrived at her house and hugged each other, then said our goodbyes