
Marvel: A New Parker

Fear... Is all I Can Feel After Realizing The New World I Opened My Eyes In

Joe_TA · Movies
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12 Chs

Black Cat

when I was looking for crimes, I heard an alarm noise coming from a famous jewelry store.in NewYork, I went there and landed in front of the store but I didn't see the culprit

I noticed a shadow looming over my head and when I looked up I saw her, wearing a tight black suit with a white fur hanging around her meck complimenting her silver hair, her green eyes met mine and they widened in response

she was hanging from the roof's edge, she quickly went up after noticing me, " what a troublesome little cat" I said chuckling while shooting a web at the roof and pulling myself up there

I saw her running swiftly with a small pouch hanging around her waist, I flashed in front of her but I didn't expect a swift punch aiming at my face

I didn't consider her a danger nor my spider-sense so I couldn't avoid the punch, the punch landed on my face followed by a low kick to my knees that made me stumble backward

she then jumped at me using my shoulders as she jumped above trying to escape again, but I quickly shot a web at her legs pulling her toward me


we rolled on the ground then we stopped with my hands pinning her down from her wrists

" stealing is a bad thing little cat," I said smirking under my mask, " it's none of your business spider-Jerk " she was trying to break free from my grip but when she failed, she raised one of her legs kicking me straight in the nuts

" ugh fuck" I cursed out loud from the sudden attack on my precious gems, she then pushed me away and ran before I could catch her

I sighed a little and decided that it will be my defeat... for now, I stood up and started swinging to my home

when I was nearing my house I activated my invisibility and went in from one of the windows, I took off my suit and went to take a shower

[ Ding... you earned 150 EXP and 1000 SP from defeating the thugs ]

[ Ding... New Mission Initiated

A king's Demise

Get evidence that will put the kingpin behind the bars once and for all

Rewards: a new system feature - 8000 SP - inst skill lvl up ticket - 500 EXP ]

I saw the mission and began planning, If I remember correctly Wilson Fisk resides in the presidential hotel so it should be really hard to do such a thing as sneaking in but it may be easier with my invisibility but I will only have 15 minutes to do it so I must be quick

I finished my shower and went to sleep thinking about my encounter with Felicia as the black cat


in an unknown location sat a bold black-skinned man with a black eye patch on his left eye, he watched the computer screen in front of him, the hulk's fight was playing and other videos that had spider-man in it

" Do we have any information on him, agent Hill?" he asked a blonde-haired woman standing behind him

" no sir, he came out of nowhere even when we try to track him to his place he suddenly disappears but he only helps people and stops small crimes around the city "

he stood up and went toward the door and said, " keep tracking him and put him as a candidate in the Avengers Initiative"

" yes sir "


a big hand slammed on a disk shattering it to pieces" HOW DID TWO CLOWNS MANAGE TO BEAT YOU!!!?" Roared the kingpin while glaring at his trembling subordinates

one of them said while stuttering" si.. sir they take us by surprise and thi... this guy called spider-man he was invisible we couldn't see him! "

the kingpin sat on his big chair while taking a heavy sigh, ' so a new fool thinks he can interrupt my business ', he waved his hand saying " Get the hell away from my face NOW!!"


I woke up and had my dinner then went to school then I met Felicia there, after school we parted going to our homes

I waited a while until it was dark, and put on my suit going toward the Presidential Hotel, I'm going to sneak in and find any files about the kingpin's crimes

I landed on top of the hotel, all I need to do is sneak into the secret penthouse Fisk built within the hotel, steal the information he has, I don't know if he keeps them in a computer or a safe but I'll find out

I have my invisibility that's why I'm confident to sneak in, but I can only keep my self invisible for 15 minutes so I need to be quick

(A/N: kingpin will look like the one from the ps4 game he will also be as powerful as him )

I looked for any vent that I can crawl through, I found it on the roof, I opened it and started crawling in trying to find Fisk's room, after some time I found a room filled with monitors and a guy watching sleeping in front of them

I opened the vent slowly not wanting to alert the guy sleeping in front of the screens

I activated my invisibility, and throw a web to the ceiling which I used to hang upside down, I slowly descended until I saw the screen

I started observing and looking for fisk's room...I found it, I quickly went back to the vent system closing the vent cover carefully

I started crawling again while deactivating my invisibility to save time, after more crawling I arrived at the hall that have the Fisk's bedroom, I opened the vent cover and jumped down not making any noise

I went to the room where Fisk sleep, I opened the door slowly thank God it was oiled or it will make the sound from snobb dog song

I saw him there sleeping on an iron bed, ' how much did this guy weigh?', anyway I started looking around the room looking behind any picture hanging on the wall...well it's a typical place to hide a safe right?

and I was right I found a safe behind one of the pictures, but I suddenly felt something moving behind me

'shit' I quickly put the picture back activating my invisibility and standing still not even breathing

"huh what the hell was that sound " I saw him waking up and looking around the room, he got up and walked around but to my bad luck he came to a halt right in front of me he leaned a little bit forward which I backed my head a little in return, he started observing the picture

'fuck me sideways'

he looked at the picture a little bit, and eventually, he didn't find anything wrong, he just sighed and went to the bed again

I waited for a little until he fell asleep, ' fuck that was close ' i cursed in my head while releasing a breath that I didn't even notice I was holding, I took the picture and put it down and observed the safe

with my senses I can hear the fluttering of a small fly so I think I can hear the tick of the safe's lock, I put my hand on the password wheel and began rotating left until I heard a tick, then began rotating right until I heard another click

I repeated the sequence and the safe opened,I found documents about all the illegal operations he did, ' bingo ' I shouted in my mind and jumped at the vent crawling back to where I came before

after some time I arrived at the roof again, and released a sigh of relief, I jumped swinging to Hell's Kitchen so I can give the files to Matt


sorry for the late chap ✌